My Sensual Lady

C262 An Opportunity to Show off

C262 An Opportunity to Show off

0Outside the school building, Shaoya's Mercedes-Benz S400 was parked. The car wasn't as good as Lee Mingxi's, but it was also very pretentious. Then, I deliberately slowed down and got into the car. I realized that there was no one outside the school building. No one came out of the school building either. I sighed and left in Shaoya's car.    


Zhang Yuhui's company is in our city. It's a very small six-story building. When Shaoya brought me into the meeting room on the sixth floor, I saw one of his right-hand men, Waner. There were also some civil servants under him. As for Zhang Yuhui, he wore a suit and had a tall back. He held a glass of red wine in his hand and was quietly looking out the window.    


"Yue, do you know why I like red wine? "Zhang Yuhui's smiling face appeared on the reflection on the glass. He looked out the window with his back facing me and said.    


"The taste of red wine is sour, sweet, and bitter. There is astringency. When you drink it in your mouth, it is as if you have tasted a part of your life. Brother Hui, you're a mature person. It's probably because you like to taste this complicated life." I lit up a cigarette and smiled. Then, I took out a chair from the conference room and sat on it.    


"Hehe, I do like to taste life, but not completely." Brother Hui smiled and turned around.    


" Oh?" I looked at him with a smile.    


"The red wine was created by the western barbarians. In the past, in the west, a lot of drinking water was unhygienic. Alcohol can be used to kill poisons and reduce the number of times you get sick. It could also relieve fatigue, so they made wine and drank. And the reason why they preferred red wine was that red wine was like blood. It could increase one's courage, and also increase one's ferocity. Even if they wear suits to become gentlemen, their bones are still filled with wildness. "    


" I like western culture, I like western women. I prefer western red wine. Because I like their well-mannered background, full of wildness and ambition. " Zhang Yuhui smiled and walked to Waner's side and gently placed his hand on her shoulder.    


"Mr Yue, Brother Hui came to you this time because he has a good business to work with you. Regarding the southern region of this province, Brother Hui is confident that in the next six months, he will build it into the most prosperous city in the entire province."    


Waner's petite body is wearing a pure white shirt. She places a strand of her hair behind her ears and stands up to push up her large black-rimmed glasses. She looks at me seriously and at the same time opens up a map of the south city.    


"Here, in the next half a year, a huge entertainment city will be built. At the same time, in every corner of the entire city, there will be twenty large and small high class night clubs and KTV. In addition, a shopping mall, a commercial street, will also be built. And a food city. Currently, we have six investors worth more than a billion. Including you and Brother Hui, we have eight." Waner said.    


Hearing Waner's words, my expression changed and I couldn't help but look at the map. On the map, Waner had already marked the location of the investment building.    


As for me, I stared at the twenty plus red dots on the map for a long time. Gradually, I seemed to see a huge word of money.    


Then, I couldn't help but raise my head to look at Zhang Yuhui, who was looking at me with a smile on his face.    


I know, Zhang Yuhui is picking up money for me!    


With Zhang Yuhui's ability and connections, I think he has already prepared everything related to him. Now, as long as we invest money, the entertainment city, nightclubs, and shopping mall that Zhang Yuhui mentioned will stand on this map as soon as possible.    


He has never mistreated me.    


The investors he found are all big bosses with a net worth of more than one billion. And what do I have? Just a bunch of loaning punks. No matter how much money I make in my hands, today I'll return some loans. I'll split the money with my brothers tomorrow, or invest it into the real estate projects of Leng family and I. As long as the real estate project is not completed, we will never be able to see the real money.    


Staring blankly at the huge map of the city, my heart gradually becomes moved. After thinking for a while, I raise my head to look at Zhang Yuhui and say, "Brother Hui, what do I want to do?"    


"Invest. Invest as much as you can. As much as you invest now, this money will become ten times, or even dozens of times, and it will roll into your pocket in the future. " Zhang Yuhui smiled as he looked at me and said.    


"This map, do you have more?" I asked.    


"I've already saved one for you." Waner said to me.    


"Give it to me. I will return to City J now. I will discuss with my brothers." I said.    


"Alright, give me the answer tomorrow." Zhang Yuhui smiled.    


When I left, I saw Shaoya looking at me with an envious expression. He whispered to me, "Mr Yue, Brother Hui is not so good to anyone. You are really like his own brother. This time, you are really going to be rich. "    


"Haha..." Hearing Shaoya's words, I laughed embarrassedly.    


Then, that night, I rushed back to City J as fast as I could. When I returned to the office of the Bright Moon Group, I sat on a huge office chair in my office. I asked Hei to open the map in front of my brothers. When Feiloong, Tang Hu, and Gao Dali looked at my map, they heard me tell them about Zhang Yuhui's plan. All of them widened their eyes and looked at me in horror. “ Mr Yue, Brother Hui is simply picking up money for us!"    


"That's right, the business will be run by Brother Hui. We just need to invest. The more we invest, the more we will earn in the future. This is picking up money for us. " I said.    


Gao Dali seemed to have just returned from Oil Refinery and was wearing tattered clothes. There were a few pieces of black crude oil stuck to his body. After thinking for a while, he lit a cigarette and said: "Mr Yue, Brother Hui treats us very well. Although we are now independent, we have always followed him. He is still our big brother. After he came back from the south, he used to be in the City J. Logically speaking, we should return it to him. The profits from Oil Refinery is the greatest, so we should give him a piece here. However, he didn't ask for anything, and only wanted to take his own road. And after he wants to take his road, he actually gave us such a big business. Brother Hui, he really thinks of you as his own brother."    


" Mr Yue, your luck is really good. You actually found such a good big brother. Really, other than Zhang Yuhui, there shouldn't be any other big brother who is more forthright than him. " Tang Hu said loudly.    


"Then what should we do? Do we invest?" I asked.    


"Of course I want to invest, and I want to invest at all costs. Because no matter how much we invest now, in the future, we will get the same amount of returns. Brother Hui has given us a chance to pick up money, we have to pick it up properly." Feiloong immediately said.    


" How much do we have left on our account? " I asked.    


"Less than 50 million." Feiloong said.    


"En." After hearing Feiloong's words, I lightly nodded my head.    


"After the last payment, we took back 50 million from the bank to repay the loan. We lost a lot in the war with the four great families. The brothers who were killed or injured, as well as the burned cars. In that war, we lost 20 million." Feiloong said.    


"En." Recalling the deaths of my brothers, my heart aches.    


"And during this period of time, it has been off-season. Over ten of our city's businesses have been losing money. The tide in Oil Refinery has risen, and Mr Gao just came back from there. Bring some important equipment out. We have spent quite a lot during this period of time. We have spent more than ten million in a month." Feiloong said.    


"I want to invest 200 million on Brother Hui's side." I thought about it and lit a cigarette.    


"200 million?" Hearing my words, Feiloong and the others were shocked.    


"Fifty million, think of a way to help me gather it. As for the remaining one hundred and fifty million, I plan to borrow it from the Leng family." I said.    


" Will the Leng family lend it to us? "Tang Hu thought for a while and asked.    


"I will lend it to us. Give me one of the treasures you obtained recently. I will go to Leng family to give you gifts." I said.    


After hearing my words, the brothers thought for a while. Tang Hu thought for a while and reluctantly took a jade pendant from his neck. " I just bought this jade a few days ago. The boxes are all here, so it's new. It's worth 300,000. Give it to Leng family as a gift... "    


" Go and get the boxes for me. " I said.    


"Oh..." Tang Hu's heart ached a little. Then, he prepared to go home and get the box. Then, he turned his head and said to me after thinking for a while, "Mr Yue, why don't you stay with Leng Shi. What are you borrowing from me for? If you become a family member... I'll give you whatever you want."    


"Leng Shi belongs to Young Master Qian." I said.    


After hearing what I said, the brothers looked at me blankly for a while. Only at this moment did they realize how much I thought of Young Master Qian. No matter how good Leng Shi is, how much benefits will it bring me if I stay with her? I still did not snatch Leng Shi from him. After that, Tang Hu nodded at me and went home to bring me a box to give me a gift.    


After everything was settled, it was already 12 o'clock at night. Leng family and I aren't outsiders, so we directly live in Leng family. Leng's father will give me this sum of money the next morning. After that, I went back to the company to get money from Feiloong. After gathering 200 million, it was already past 5 PM.    


After thinking about it, I asked Feiloong to accompany me to the shopping mall to buy a diamond necklace. After buying some tonics, the two of them went to Tang Yuxin's house together.    


When we arrived at Tang Yuxin's house, when I gave her the necklace, she really didn't want it. After that, I kept begging her, and only then did she agree to help me put it on.    



At that time, the two of us were in her bedroom, and the door was always closed. She sat on the bed with her back facing me. Her hair was tied up high, and her slender, snow-white neck made her seem very noble. Her back was graceful, and she wore a snow-white hanging shirt, drawing an alluring arc.    


Then I couldn't help it. After helping her put on the necklace, I hugged her from behind. Then I put my hand into her belt and gently touched it for a while. Then he pressed her down and carefully lingered for a while. After a while, I held her in my arms.    


Leaning against my shoulder, her body was as hot as fire. Then, with a flushed face, she pinched me and looked at me reproachfully. " Mr Yue, I'll ask you to hurry up. If this continues, I won't be able to take it anymore. "    


She wasn't the only one who couldn't take it. I can't take it either. She was the same as Han Xiyin, both tall and slender girls. But they were different. Tang Yuxin was occasionally cold and aloof. Occasionally, she would emit a charming aura. Han Xiyin's body was very thin and her long legs did not have any fat. Tang Yuxin's body was very soft and her thighs were slightly round and her calves were smooth and full. Her pair of legs were like carved jade, like a piece of art.    


In the past, when I was with Tang Yuxin, I would feel it whenever I saw her. I was... She made me feel very uncomfortable. And now, her body was very uncomfortable, but there was nothing she could do. She could only take advantage of it to quench her thirst, and then she became more and more thirsty.    


After that, I comforted her for a while, and the two of them chatted for a while. At that time, I was about to return to the province, but I was especially reluctant to leave.    


When I was scheduled to return to the provincial capital at half past six, I stayed in my room with her until nine o'clock. Feiloong, who was waiting outside, was anxious. Then, I said to Tang Yuxin, "Why don't you follow me back to the provincial capital? I'll take care of you. "    


Her eyes were clear and bright. Her pair of light and slender eyebrows were like a treasure under the brush of a top painter. In her eyes, I saw the same reluctance as mine.    


Then, she looked at me for a long time. After thinking for a while, she kissed me lightly on the lips. "When your eyebrows grow out and you become handsome, I'll wait for you to come back and pick me up."    


"Really?" I asked.    


"Really." She smiled.    


"Tang Yuxin, if you continue to be perfunctory with me this time, I will forever ignore you!" I said.    


"I am not perfunctory with you. I will definitely go with you." She said with a smile.    


"Alright, if you don't follow me to enjoy life, you will soon become a yellow-faced woman from my hometown." I said.    


"Haha, your metaphor is very good. Sister is the yellow-faced woman of your hometown, a person you owe your whole life." Tang Yuxin raises her cold brows and looks at me with a wicked smile.    


"I love you to death." After kissing her for a while, I reluctantly leave.    


When Feiloong and I rushed back to the province, Feiloong sat in my car and thought for a while before saying, "Mr Yue, your illness hasn't recovered yet. Aren't you uncomfortable staying with a beauty like Tang Yuxin for so long?"    


"It's uncomfortable. What can I do if it's uncomfortable? Bear with it." I said helplessly.    


After that, Feiloong and I returned to the province and slept at the villa on the mountaintop. The next day, I directly took the money to Zhang Yuhui's company to pay. When we were settling the accounts, Waner was shocked by the 200 million I brought over. Then she looked up at me and smiled charmingly, "Wang Yue, you really want to snatch money from your brother's company?"    


"Why not? If you have money, then rob." I said.    


"When did your eyebrows grow out? Come and look for Waner. Waner will teach you more ways to snatch money." Seeing that there was no one around, Waner thought about it and touched my place.    


Looking at Waner's ambiguous expression, I thought that she was too cheap, but I like it. Previously, she did not get angry when she thought that I was ugly and ignored my matters. She took the shares she gave me and left.    


I have been too busy these two days. After I am done with my work, I will go back to school and sleep. When I was halfway through my sleep, I got Mr Zhu to wake me up. While weighing his feet, Mr Zhu stood in front of my bed and said: " Mr Yue, we have a chance to show off."    


"What chance?" I asked.    


"Han Xiyin's school organized an auction for paintings. The money for the paintings will be donated. We can take this opportunity to buy the paintings and act cool." Mr Zhu looked at me with a smile as he held his foot.    


After hearing Mr Zhu's words, I slightly frowned and was lost for a moment. Then, my brows gradually relaxed, and a smile gradually appeared on my face.    


What Mr Zhu said was right. This is indeed a chance to show off. Furthermore, if I show off properly, I can show off a lot!    


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