My Sensual Lady

C327 Zhang Yuhui's Small Task

C327 Zhang Yuhui's Small Task

0It was Ma Chao, an elite disciple of the Nalan family, the eldest senior brother of the Nalan family. Standing beside him were all Grandmaster Level and above experts. There were a total of eleven of them.    


I was thinking of finding an opportunity to tell Nalan Yi about the Imperial Ruler's Seal, but I didn't expect that... Ye Shuang and Young Master Loong had already spread the news. Damn it, if I told Nalan Yi about the Imperial Ruler's Seal, I will discuss with Nalan Yi how to make up an excuse to get the Imperial Ruler's Seal. On the side of Nalan Wangfei, perhaps everything would be fine. But now, they took the initiative to look for me. If they took the initiative to ask for the Imperial Jade Seal from me, then the nature is different.    


I have secretly hidden the treasures of the Nalan family. I can't admit such a thing. Thinking of this, I blinked my eyes and said, "What treasure? Eldest senior brother, what treasure are you talking about?"    


"Don't play dumb. Do you know what you have come to our Nalan family?" Ma Chao asked.    


After hearing what Ma Chao said, I immediately revealed an exaggerated expression and said, "Eldest senior brother, what are you talking about? I really don't know."    


"Wang Yue, you still dare to play dumb!?" Ma Chao's expression changed, and he sent a fierce palm strike towards me.    


When Ma Chao's palm strike hit me, my expression instantly changed. I never thought that this Ma Chao would be so unreasonable. He attacked me just like that.    


When he attacked, his entire body emitted a powerful Qi. His speed was so fast that I couldn't dodge in time. And the aura he gave off made me not dare to dodge.    


Like a wooden puppet, I couldn't help but be dumbfounded. I could only see a huge azure dragon formed from his aura. The azure dragon roared at me and charged towards me.    


And at this moment, that azure dragon was suddenly smashed to the side by a huge golden dragon roaring and roaring. The illusion in front of my eyes disappeared and I saw Nalan Yi blocking in front of me. "Ma Chao, why did you hurt him?"    


"Young master, this brat actually hid the treasures of our Nalan family!" Ma Chao said.    


"Emperor's Sword?" Nalan Yi slightly raised her eyebrows.    


"No, it is the Imperial Ruler's Seal!" Ma Chao said.    


"What?" After hearing what Ma Chao said, Nalan Yi couldn't help but turn around and look at me in shock.    


Nalan Yi's heart was pure and pure. Although she was approachable, she had an extraordinary intelligence in her heart. At this moment, such a scene suddenly appeared in her mind.    


When she walked into my home with her phone, she saw that all of my brothers were looking at her nervously. When she put down the phone and was about to walk into my basement to find me, she saw me running out in a hurry.    


Then, she hurriedly picked her up and ran to the bedroom, showing an indescribable warmth to her.    


He smiled. Nalan Yi gave me a strange look, then turned to Ma Chao and said, "Ma Chao, you might have misunderstood me. Wang Yue didn't get the treasures of our Nalan family."    


"What!?" Ma Chao frowned when he heard Nalan Yi's words.    


"It's a rumor. Before you got this rumor, I already got this rumor. After some investigation, I found out that Wang Yue didn't get any treasures from the Nalan family." Nalan Yi said.    


"Yi, how could this be a rumor? This news is from Ye Shuang... "Ma Chao looked at me fiercely and said.    


"Hm?" Nalan Yi smiled.    


She gritted her teeth and stared at me. Ma Chao thought for a while and said, "Wang Yue, do you dare swear to the heavens that you didn't obtain the treasures of Nalan family?"    


"Damn! What are you talking about? I have no idea what treasures are." I watched Ma Chao play dumb.    


"Do you dare swear?" Ma Chao asked me.    


"Alright, swear it then. I don't know anything. I don't know what you are talking about. " Feeling extremely nervous, I immediately raised my finger and said, " I, Wang Yue, swear a small oath. I don't know if I have obtained all the treasures of your Nalan family. If I really obtain all the treasures of your Nalan family, I, Wang Yue, will be rich. May the heavens bless me to be rich. I still owe others billions of yuan in debt."    


"Wang Yue, what kind of bullsh * t vow are you making?!" Ma Chao was furious.    


This oath of mine must be a bullsh * t oath, because we are just a bunch of pugilists. We all have our heads on our belts. I don't know what will happen tomorrow if today comes. Today, I am still an awe-inspiring big brother. Tomorrow, I might be hacked to death. As for us, who are in the martial arts world, we all think very highly of superstitious things. Usually, we would say some auspicious words to ensure peace and whatnot.    


If I swear randomly, what if it really comes true? Just like the two brothers, the former Crown Prince and Hou Shaowen, the brothers would swear at any time. In the end... Hou Shaowen was dead, and the Crown Prince was crippled by Zhang Yuhui. He really didn't dare to swear.    


When Nalan Yi saw Ma Chao's furious expression, she couldn't help but burst into laughter. Then, she helplessly shook her head and said, "Ma Chao, you can leave. If I knew that Wang Yue had obtained the treasures of our Nalan family and didn't report it secretly, then... I will deal with him."    


"Yi, that Zhang Yuhui isn't a good person either. He was the one who dared to buy and sell the treasures of our Nalan family. In the end, Wang Yue accidentally got the treasures of our Nalan family." Ma Chao said.    


"Zhang Yuhui, how dare he!" Nalan Yi sneered when she heard Ma Chao's words.    


I thought to myself, of course Zhang Yuhui has a lot of guts. Even bigger than the sky. Otherwise, why would he be the eldest brother of the province at such a young age? At the same time, I felt that Nalan Yi guessed that I really got her treasure. She was protecting me. Fortunately, I took her treasure. If it was Zhang Yuhui who took it... It's really useless.    


"Yi, this brat doesn't dare to swear. I think the treasure is in his hands." Ma Chao said.    


"No, you won't. You can leave. I will investigate this matter carefully." Nalan Yi said.    


"Yi, don't be biased towards him!" Ma Chao said.    


"No." Nalan Yi said.    


After hearing what I said, Ma Chao gave me a deep look. After that, he looked at me coldly and led the experts of the Nalan family away.    


After he left, Nalan Yi smiled and said to me, "Wang Yue, you better not let me know that you have the treasures of our family. Otherwise, we won't even have friends. "    


Nalan Yi, her words seem to be reminding me. She wanted me to hide her treasures well. After that, I gave her a strange look. After thinking for a while, I asked, "Don't worry, I won't let you find where I hid the treasure."    


"That's good." Nalan Yi smiled and walked towards the girls' dormitory.    


She treats me so well?    


After Nalan Yi left, I couldn't help but stare blankly for a while. Then I understood what Nalan Yi meant. She didn't care about where her treasures were. Just like the Emperor's Sword, she wasn't in a hurry to find them. She just wanted to play and just wanted to be with me. To be with me and enjoy the life of that ordinary girl.    


However, through this matter, I can already tell. The Imperial Ruler's Seal is very dangerous. It has already put me in danger. Because of the Imperial Ruler's Seal, it is very likely that I will offend the Nalan family at the same time. However, the Imperial Ruler's Seal is very precious. I want to take it for myself.    


Let's do it this way. I'll keep the Imperial Ruler's Seal for now. I'll keep it for one day. However, if I sell the Imperial Ruler's Seal, I'll probably be able to pay off all the debts I owe.    


Damn it, everyone has their own selfish motives after obtaining the treasure. Not to mention Zhang Yuhui has his own selfish motives, I have my own selfish motives as well.    


I want all the treasures and Nalan Yi. The three treasures in my heart are Nalan Yi, the Imperial Ruler's Seal, and the Emperor's Sword. Now, I have already obtained the two treasures of the Nalan family. I only need one more treasure.    


After returning to my dormitory, I thought about it and called Mr Haonan, "The Imperial Ruler's Seal of the Nalan family, find a way to hide it for me."    


"Alright, Mr Yue. I will definitely help you hide it well." Mr Haonan said.    


Mr Haonan may not be reliable sometimes, but he is the weakest among us brothers after Guang and Hei. However, he is still reliable sometimes, especially when it comes to matters like the Imperial Jade Seal. As for my brothers, I trust them all. I believe that no matter what happens, they will definitely not betray me.    


I slept in the dormitory for the whole night. The next day, I went to school to memorize books. Ma Chao's matter was temporarily over. Nalan Yi was there. He won't make things difficult for me. Ever since he left, I felt that there were always eyes staring at me from the shadows. I know that Nalan family has started to send spies to keep an eye on me.    



After school, I returned to Hilltop Villa. Lin Yuner was taken care of by Guang and Young Master Qian for two days. When they saw me, Lin Yuner thought for a while and said to me, "Wang Yue, I want to see Han Xiyin and then return to the country. Can you help me?"    


Hearing Lin Yuner's words, a complicated look appeared in my eyes. How should I put it? Actually, I don't want Lin Yuner to leave. I want her to stay behind and accompany me.    


But I also took advantage of her. She looks quite pitiful. I thought about it and agreed to not lie to her. Zhang Yuhui had already sent someone to pass her passport and documents to me. Her financial company, Zhang Yuhui, had given me a huge sum of money to terminate the contract. Now, she is free.    


After that, I took her to see Han Xiyin. When she saw Han Xiyin at the art school, she hugged Han Xiyin and cried. The two girls had not seen each other for a year and a half. Han Xiyin also cried. Seeing the two girls cry, I felt a little uncomfortable in my heart. Then how did Lin Yuner come back and how did she see me? She didn't even tell Han Xiyin. When Han Xiyin saw her, she only wanted to cry and did not ask about these details.    


Then we went to eat together. Tingting and Chen Yuanyuan were also there when we ate. Lin Yuner and Han Xiyin chatted a lot. After that, I let them live in my Hilltop Villa. I pinched Tingting's face and said, "Tingting, did you see that this Hilltop Villa is mine? It's mine!"    


... "" After hearing what I said, Tingting looked at my gigantic Hilltop Villa with a pale face. After a long time, she thought for a while and said, " So what if you let us live here? Does that mean it's yours? Maybe you borrowed it from someone else "    


Hearing Tingting's words, I felt a lump in my chest that stopped me from speaking. I already know her. Actually, she might have already known that this villa is mine. She just stubbornly refused to admit it.    


That night, the few girls stayed at my house. Han Xiyin and Lin Yuner stayed in the same room and the two girls chatted for a long time. It was almost the end of the semester. Lin Yuner also had to go back to school to take the exam. The next afternoon, we sent her to the airport.    


When Lin Yuner was about to board the plane, she thought for a moment and suddenly ran in front of me to hug me. Then she gently bit her lips and looked at me seriously. " Wang Yue, thank you. Wait till I become a big star. I will come back to find you."    


" Alright, I will wait for you to come back. You must become a superstar. You must come back and find me. " Stunned, I hugged her gently and looked at her sincerely.    


"Hm, Qing Qing, you've taken care of me" Lin Yuner bowed deeply to me and then left.    


After Lin Yuner left, I stood there blankly for a long time. When I returned, Han Xiyin, Tingting and I didn't speak. I felt a little sad in my heart.    


Lin Yuner's matter was temporarily over. In the next few days, I officially entered the revision state. My daily life is very dull. Other than memorizing books, I also memorized books. Mr Zhu and Kang Shuai did not want to fail the course, so there was no more idle chatter in the dormitory. Then, on Nalan Yi's side, we were together every day. She never asked me about the Imperial Jade Seal.    


Very soon, my exams at the school ended. On Zhang Yuhui's side, I thought about how he told me to visit him often, so I went to his company to see him. I also said goodbye to him.    


When he heard that I'm going back to City J, his eyes were a little disappointed. After chatting with me for a long time, he suddenly smiled and said to me, "Wang Yue, I will give you a task."    


"Mission?" I looked at him in surprise.    


"Yes, it's a good thing" Zhang Yuhui said.    


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