My Sensual Lady

C301 Nalan Yi Cured Me

C301 Nalan Yi Cured Me

0During the few days that I went to Lin Province, Young Master Qian returned. He wasn't the only one who came back. Leng Shi also came back. The barbaric bull had recovered a lot. Hei had also brought it back from the hospital to treat its injuries. Besides the brothers from the Luo family that I sent to City J, all of us brothers have basically reunited.    


Actually, I am quite happy about Young Master Qian's return. His loyalty to me doesn't need to be doubted. No matter what happens, he will always be the first person to stand in front of me. It was the matter of him suspecting me earlier that made me a little angry. Although I am very happy to see him return, I will definitely put on a stern face and pretend to scare him. Otherwise, I would laugh the moment I saw him return. This boss of mine is too insignificant.    


Then, thinking about the treatment, I found a video on the computer and started watching it. When I looked at it, I tried to touch myself, but I didn't feel anything at all.    


Then, I placed my hand there, wondering if I should find something to assist me with. For example, I wanted a pair of Little Xi's undergarments, or a pair of cotton socks that she wore to see if I could feel anything.    


Suddenly, the door to my study was pushed open. It was Leng Shi who came in. When she saw me like this, she was so angry that her pretty face turned red. "Wang Yue, it has been a long time since we last met. You are still so wretched!"    


After saying that, Leng Shi closed the door and left.    


F * ck, when I saw Leng Shi open the door and leave again, my face instantly turned red.    


You can't blame me for being vulgar. It is a normal need of men. I don't believe that other than me, everyone else is serious. He has never seen a blockbuster before, and he has never solved it himself. When he sees a beauty, he won't be moved, so he doesn't want to be with her. And I didn't solve it myself, either. I just wanted to see if I could do it myself. It's just a matter of a few minutes, if I can't, then forget it. Who would have thought that Leng Shi would suddenly come in and see me like this?    


Calculating, Leng Shi has already looked at me twice.    


After that, I packed up and Hongshan, Mr Gao and Guang all came in. They didn't know what I just did, so they sat in my study and said to me, " Mr Yue, Young Master Qian, who you went to Lin Province for a few days, has returned. Leng Shi has also returned. It's rare for us to be reunited. Why don't we just forget about the matter between you and Young Master Qian? You should know what he treats you. Even if there is something between you and Leng Shi... He will not be angry. At that time, he did not want to open it. His stubborn habit suddenly happened. Give him a chance. Who hasn't matured yet?"    


Hongshan and the others were right. We are still young. We all have immaturity. Take me for example. Sometimes, when I pass by the toy store, I will look at the toys inside for a while more. I like remote control models and so on. But when I see adults holding the child's hand and walking in, I feel embarrassed to buy them. I feel that it's a bit embarrassing for a big brother like me to buy toys. At this moment, Feiloong, Tang Hu, and Monkey came in as well. Mr Haonan, barbaric bull, and Hei also came in. Young Master Qian stood at the door and didn't dare to come in with a low face.    


I looked at Young Master Qian angrily and said to him, "Give me your sister's phone number and I'll forgive you."    


"Mr Yue, you really like my sister?" Young Master Qian looked at me with grievance and said.    


"Yeah, I just like your sister. Give me your sister's phone number, and I'll forgive you." I said with a smile.    


"I'll give it to you, I'll count you in" Young Master Qian said.    


Then, when Young Master Qian wanted to call me, I smiled and punched him. He also smiled, and his eyes turned red. He punched me hard. Then, we all laughed. The matter between me and Young Master Qian is over. Luo Yong also called me a few times to stay with us. However, my City J really needs someone to guard it, so I kept his brother with him.    


In the afternoon, we had a meal together. I saw Leng Shi staring at me, so I didn't feel embarrassed. So I curled my lips and smiled at her, then she turned her head and ignored me.    


Now, we are all the same as before. We should joke and joke with Leng Shi. We should take advantage of her and not delay. It is also not to take advantage of her too much. Young Master Qian is not jealous anymore. He hugged my Little Xi quite angrily and said to me, " The next time you take advantage of my wife, I will take advantage of her."    


"Whatever. I'll give it to you." I said.    


Then I saw Leng Shi's face turn red. I realized that Young Master Qian had actually become bolder after going to university for a period of time. In the past, he didn't dare to speak to Leng Shi like this. Now, he even dared to call Leng Shi his wife. Sometimes, men are a little flirty. Actually, it is very easy to pick up girls. It was just that he did not need to be too flirtatious. He was a little perverted like a pervert. That would be too disgusting, and it would be easy for girls to look down on him. I'm even a bit afraid of you.    


After returning home, I put Tiger Zhao's gift to Tang Yuxin in the basement. Zhang Yuhui gave me the basement of this hilltop villa. It is very big, and there are three rooms in the basement. One wine cellar, one billiard entertainment room, and one shabby room.    


The dilapidated room is in the innermost room, and I cleaned it up. Other than Tiger Zhao's gift to Tang Yuxin, the sword that Nalan Wangfei gave me was also stored inside. It is a sword that can cut through iron like mud. That sword can really cut through iron like mud. The iron was broken with a light cut, as if it was cut through tofu. After that, I placed the sword inside and said in a low voice, "This room will be my treasure vault from now on."    


With this treasure vault and the addition of the art exhibition I participated in at Han Xiyin's school, I started to be like many rich people who liked to appease others and collect treasures.    


After thinking for a while, I put my photo album into it. There were photos of me and many other people there, as well as photos with my brothers. Some with Tang Yuxin. I took a selfie on my phone before, and then I washed it out. To me, that album is my most precious treasure.    


At night, I'll go back to school by myself. During the evening self-study, I saw Nalan Yi sitting quietly in the corner. She walked to her side and sat down. She placed her hand on her thin legs and gently touched them. "You little princess, I am about to be played to death by you. What can you do to make me more handsome? I don't care if I don't raise my head or not. Get rid of my muscles."    


"Isn't it beautiful? "Nalan Yi grabbed my hand and smiled evilly.    


"A little bit is good. The key is that there are too many of them. You made me look like a green giant. Think of a way. Otherwise, how am I going to pick up girls like this?" I said.    


"I'll pick them up for you." Nalan Yi said.    


"I still want to do it with a new girl." I said.    


"There's no other way to pick up a new girl. Only an old girl like me can pick up a new girl for you." Nalan Yi smiled.    


"Damn it, you don't want me to be so ugly all the time, do you? And then I can't get a girl, so I can only get one for you?" I asked.    


"Yeah, you don't like it?" Nalan Yi asked me.    


"I like it." As I spoke, my hand touched her waist.    


When my hand lightly touched her waist twice, I saw her blush. I wanted to put my hand into her clothes. But after thinking about it, I didn't stretch my hand in, because I couldn't. It was meaningless to play like this. Then, I gently hugged her and sighed as I said, " Stop messing around, think of a way to cure me. I really want to fuck you, but I can't do it like this. "    


" I've asked around for you. This is a mental illness. The medicine can't cure it at all. " Nalan Yi said.    


"Yes." I lightly nodded my head.    


"Have you seen a psychiatrist?" She asked me.    


"I have. It's useless. It's quite expensive." I said.    


"Then what should we do?" Nalan Yi asked me.    


"How would I know?" I said.    


"Looking for Miss?" Nalan Yi thought for a moment and said.    


"Looking for Miss?" I was shocked.    


"Right, why don't we find a place for entertainment together? Find more girls and let them continuously seduce you, perhaps you can cure them." Nalan Yi said.    


Hearing Nalan Yi's words, I couldn't help but look at her. I only saw that her eyes were bright and her pretty face was filled with seriousness. This was a girl who had a dignified appearance and gave off a very quiet feeling. But in reality, she is the most mischievous, even more naughty than all the girls around me. She is very eccentric and has all kinds of thoughts in her heart. After that, I pinched her snow-white hand and softly asked her. " Aren't you jealous?"    


"Why are you jealous?" She asked.    


"Why aren't you jealous?" I asked.    


"Why should I be jealous? According to our Qing Dynasty rules, a man can have three wives and four concubines. Besides, I can't possibly marry you. I have a husband. We are fooling around now. I just want to have a taste of the feeling of being in love with you, okay? "Nalan Yi said.    


"F * ck, then I have to quickly cure it and take away your first time." Thinking about how she will get married in the future, my heart felt a little sour.    


"Alright, I support you." Nalan Yi said.    


After that, the two of us went to look for Miss, to a place that specialized in playing. Nalan Yi was dressed like a girl and sat in the private room, watching me play.    


After that, I took off my suit. The expressions of those young ladies were not good. She looked at Nalan Yi, who was quietly sitting at the side with a smile, and then looked at the rock-like muscles all over my body. Their eyes revealed a look of disgust as they said, "Are the two of you perverts? The two of you play one by one. And you even found such a strong muscular man. Who do you think we are? We will not accept your business! "    



After saying that, the group of beauties we found all left.    


F * ck...    


When they saw the ugly muscles on my body, coupled with the fact that my hair and eyebrows haven't grown much, those beauties who collect money to do business don't even accept my business.    


Damn it, this is too hurtful.    


Then Nalan Yi laughed, covering her stomach in the private room and laughing all the time. She laughed until tears came out. I saw that she kept laughing and my heart was filled with hatred. After thinking for a while, I gently kissed her on the lips. She was stunned by my kiss. Then, she lowered her long eyelashes and blushed.    


After a while, she thought about it and quickly kissed me on the lips. Then, she looked at me with a naughty smile.    


"Let's go. I'll think of a way to help you become handsome first." She said to me.    


"How do I become handsome?" I asked.    


"Go to my other garden." She said.    


Nalan Yi's other courtyard is outside, in another city in our province. When I went, Nalan Yi drove me there in my car. At that time, I was already asleep. She told me that I was there and then I got out of the car with her in a daze. After getting out of the car, I followed her into a very big house. There were only a few people in her house, a cooking auntie. A little girl cleaning up the house and an uncle who was guarding the house.    


I was surprised to find that the uncle was the one I caught the last time. He was sent here by Ma Chao. As for the auntie who was cooking and the little girl who was cleaning up the house, both of them were Grandmaster Level warriors.    


"Nalan Yi, how many grandmasters do you have in your family?" I turned around to look at her in surprise.    


When I turned around, I felt my chest tighten and I was sent flying by her. Just as I fell to the ground, I saw her smile and say, "Do you know why your muscles are so strong?"    


"I don't know." I lightly shook my head.    


"That's because of the medicine. That medicine can increase your strength. Increase your constitution. But your body was too weak before, so you couldn't absorb that huge amount of medicinal strength. It was like a sponge that was full of water. will become heavy and clumsy." Nalan Yi said.    


" And then? " I frowned slightly as I looked at her and said.    


"My Nalan family is an immediate race. Whether it is a boy or a girl, they are born with a better body than ordinary people. As for you, you are a Han with a weak body, and you are still unable to absorb the enormous medicinal strength of the Qi Replenishing Pill. That is why I will beat you up. During the period of time you are staying in my family's courtyard, I will beat you up. I'll beat you up every day. Until I've dispersed the medicinal power in your body and dried you up like a sponge. " As he spoke, Nalan Yi lifted a sofa and smashed it at me.    


Out of instinct, I quickly dodge the huge sofa. Then he looked at Nalan Yi with fear in his eyes and asked, " You also know martial arts. What level of expert are you? Why do I feel that your martial arts are unfathomable? "    


" I won't tell you. " Nalan Yi's face revealed an evil smile. She raised a sofa and smashed it at me once again...    


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