My Sensual Lady

C202 The College Entrance Exam Rankings

C202 The College Entrance Exam Rankings

0Grandpa, Uncle, Aunt, Lee Mingxi, and Ann Bei were all there. Other than Lee Mingxi and Ann Bei, there were also seven other students in the meeting room. Each of these seven students was the best student in the city, from Grade One to Grade Three. I saw them in the exam room of No.1 Middle School.    


Then, what is the meaning of the city looking for me and these nine students who are the best in their studies?    


At that time, I only felt more and more nervous, and gradually became so nervous that I couldn't breathe.    


Then, a middle-aged man with an extraordinary temperament was escorted by a group of people and walked in. His face was flushed red, and there was an unconcealable joy on his face. When he walked into the conference room, many people in the conference room immediately looked at him. Then, Secretary Liu quickly walked to the middle-aged man and said, "Mayor Lee, you're here."    


"Talents, beautiful women, these children are the pillars of our City J. Hahaha, this college entrance exam, they have won a lot of face for our City J!" The middle-aged man was in a very good mood. He looked at us with appreciation.    


He is the mayor.    


Hearing Secretary Liu's address, other than Lee Mingxi, the expressions of the students changed slightly. Many students could not help but hold their breaths as they looked at the middle-aged man with indescribable nervousness in their hearts.    


"Old Chief, hello!" Laughing loudly, Mayor Lee strode towards his grandfather and clenched his fists tightly.    


"Comrade Xiao Li, the college entrance exam scores have come down, right? How is Mingxi's results? This time, during the college entrance exam, isn't she the provincial top scorer?" Grandpa asked.    


After hearing his grandfather's words, the smile on Mayor Lee's face deepened. He gave his grandfather a big thumbs up and said with a big smile, "Old Chief, as expected, a tiger father does not have a dog daughter. I can only say that. Her academic results are very good. She has won the face of our City J!"    


"Is she really the top scholar?" Upon hearing Mayor Lee's words, his grandfather's facial expression changed dramatically. Then, his body swayed slightly, and he was so excited that he almost fainted.    


"Old Chief, please allow me to keep you in suspense." Mayor Lee smiled slightly, then looked at us with admiration. When his gaze fell upon me, I felt extremely nervous.    


I really didn't guess wrong. The results of the college entrance exam have come down.    


And the city has invited me and these nine students who are the best in their studies. They should be planning to tell us in advance about the results of their studies. If the results of those nine students were good, then my academic results...    


Thinking of this, my heart becomes even more nervous.    


As for my aunt, when she saw that I was also in the city, her expression slightly changes. Then, she secretly stared at me, and her expression gradually became a little ugly.    


"Children, for this college entrance exam, what do you think of your results?" Mayor Lee's gaze fixed on me, and he smiled as he asked us.    


"It's almost certain." After hearing Mayor Lee's words, Lee Mingxi said expressionlessly.    


After hearing Lee Mingxi's words, Ann Bei and the other seven students couldn't help but look at Lee Mingxi. Because she was too confident, but she indeed had the capital to be confident.    


It was said that Lee Mingxi's IQ was 180. Since young, she was an invincible existence.    


Seeing the confidence on Lee Mingxi's face, Ann Bei thought for a while and said, "For this exam, I feel that I did not perform well and did not have much confidence..."    


"I did not do well either..."    


"Mayor Lee, did the score come down? Can I know my grades?"    


Beside Lee Mingxi, many students seemed to be eclipsed. And they were all very modest. None of them were as confident as Lee Mingxi.    


"Haha, children, you all shouldn't be so modest. I can only say this. You all did well in the college entrance exam this time. And everyone was very good. Not only did you win honor for your school, you also won honor for our City J. Wang Yue, what do you think of your grades?" Mayor Lee's gaze has always been on me. He smiled at me and asked.    


Mayor Lee actually spoke to me?    


After hearing Mayor Lee's words, I saw that everyone in the meeting room was looking at me.    


Grandpa, uncle, aunt, Lee Mingxi and Ann Bei were all looking at me. When they saw Mayor Lee taking the initiative to speak to me, their expressions were indescribably complicated.    


Especially Aunt, her eyes had an indescribable shock.    


She felt even more nervous in her heart. She looked at the big shot in front of her, so nervous that she almost couldn't breathe. It was obvious that we were able to gain the favor of the mayor. It was because we had won glory for the city during the college entrance exam. As for the mayor, he not only asked Secretary Liu to bring me here. He actually remembered my name.    


Damn it, how did I do in the exam this time? Why is he so good to me?    


I felt extremely nervous. I looked at Mayor Lee and forced a smile. "Li, Brother Li... No, no, no!"    


F * ck, what am I shouting for? F * ck, I feel so nervous that I'm about to faint. Then he said to Li, "Li, Mayor Lee, I feel pretty good about this exam, right? Not bad. He had answered all the questions he knew, and he had answered all the questions he didn't know. In any case, the paper had been filled to the brim, and there wasn't a single empty space. Mm, that's it, I feel like the exam is alright..."    


" Oh, Yue Di, so it's just that it's alright. " Mayor Lee revealed a strange smile.    


This Mayor Lee did not put on airs at all. He actually had a sense of humor. At that time, everyone was amused. Then Ann Bei looked at me with a red face and smiled. She felt helpless in her heart. She thought to herself, I actually called Mayor Lee Brother Li.    


"This ugly thing!" Grandpa also couldn't do anything to me.    


"Dad, Wang Yue is like this. He doesn't have a tutor." Aunt saw that I actually came to the city with nine well-educated students. She seemed very unhappy.    


"Old Chief, do you know Wang Yue?" After hearing what his grandfather and aunt said, Mayor Lee couldn't help but turn around to look at them in surprise.    


"Comrade Xiao Li, of course we know this Wang Yue, because he is from the Lee family..." His grandfather said.    


"He is the child of a friend of the Lee family. We don't know him very well." Aunt quickly interrupted Grandpa.    


"Huh?" Mayor Lee was shocked.    


"Dad, Mingxi's results have been decided. She will be the top scorer in the college entrance exam. Other than Mingxi, I know all the children here. Their grades are all very good. This time, they will definitely be the ones who will be able to see the flowers or the results. Wang Yue, at most, was ranked tenth among them. What our Lee family wants is the top scholar. If he isn't the top scholar, why would he admit that he is a member of our Lee family? If he contradicts his elders and doesn't have any family teachings, it will only bring shame to Lee family." After whispering to the public, his aunt immediately shouted. "Mayor Lee, we don't really know this Wang Yue."    


"Oh..." After listening to his aunt, Mayor Lee nodded slightly.    


As for me, when I saw that my aunt was making a fuss, my grandfather actually didn't recognize me. This made me feel indescribably uncomfortable in my heart. Grandpa was getting old, and he was starting to become a little muddle-headed. The power in the family is controlled by his aunt, and there are many things that can't be allowed to be decided by Grandpa.    




When my eyes turn gloomy, Lee Mingxi cannot help but frown slightly. Ann Bei saw all of this as well. She knew the relationship between me and the Lee family. Seeing that her grandfather didn't recognize her, she couldn't help but gently bite her lips.    


"Alright, let's cut to the chase. Today, I brought everyone here because the college entrance examination results were indeed out. Furthermore, each of your college entrance examination results are very good. Director Chen, you are the Director of Education. These children have won glory for our City J, and you have contributed a lot. You can announce their results." Mayor Lee said.    


"Alright, then I will announce their results." Director Chen nodded slightly.    


Education was a big matter. Whether it was parents or the city, everyone attached great importance to the education of the next generation. And even if a person did not learn well, as long as he had the ability, he would also succeed. As for his academic results, it could be considered as a temporary measure of each student's standards. Currently, the City has announced our academic results. In the future, how far will each of us go? It all depends on our abilities.    


As for me, I watched as Director Chen picked up a piece of paper and looked at it seriously. My heart gradually rose to my throat and my eyes. Actually, I'm just a hooligan. I don't really care about my academic results. But after all, I've worked hard for a year. I still hope to see my own academic results. Furthermore, with such a good teacher like Tang Yuxin teaching me, I still have a chance to get good results. Lee Mingxi had basically already decided that the top scholar would definitely be her. I am not the top scholar and am a little disappointed in my heart. But I still want to see how my exam is going.    


"Lee Mingxi, first place in the whole province. She is this year's top scorer in the college entrance examination!" Director Chen smiled and looked at Lee Mingxi, his eyes filled with indescribable excitement.    


"Mingxi, it really is Mingxi!"    


Even though she was mentally prepared, her aunt still couldn't help but cry out in excitement. At this moment, Grandfather and Uncle were also extremely excited. Grandfather was so excited that he almost fainted.    


As for Liu, he saw Lee Mingxi take the top scorer position in the college entrance examination. He seemed to be happier than anyone else. "It really is Mingxi. It really is Mingxi. I knew it. Mingxi has been smart since she was young. She would definitely be the top scorer in the college entrance examination. Hahaha, this is great! "    


When the faces of grandfather and uncle turn red from excitement, all of us students look at Lee Mingxi. They only saw that Lee Mingxi was expressionless and did not have any feelings for this matter.    


As for us students, some of our eyes were filled with envy, while some of our eyes were dim. Because Lee Mingxi had become the top scorer of the college entrance examination. This meant that there was no hope for us.    


"Ann Bei, third place in the entire province. She is this year's flower visit!" When the meeting room gradually quietened down, Director Chen smiled and looked at Ann Bei.    


"I, I am the third in this year's province?" After hearing Director Chen's words, Ann Bei's face instantly turned pale.    


At this moment, everyone in the meeting room could not help but look at her. Ann Bei's big eyes kept blinking and she suddenly covered her mouth and cried.    


"Third in the province, awesome!" When he looked at Ann Bei, his grandfather, uncle, and aunt's eyes were full of praise.    


Then, the entire conference room started to discuss quietly. Many people couldn't help looking at Mayor Lee. No wonder Mayor Lee was so happy today.    


Top scholar, flower seeker, the City J actually managed to get two of the top three positions. What did this mean? This meant that there were geniuses in the City J. Ever since Mayor Lee took up the position, whether it was the economy or the construction of the City J, they're all number one in the province. Now, even education was number one. Mayor Lee went to the province for a meeting. I'm sure I can't bring myself to say that.    


"Child, you didn't work for nothing. You finally succeeded!" Ann Bei's parents ran over and hugged her tightly. They cried together with her.    


"Father, mother... I..." Ann Bei became even more agitated, hugging them and crying together.    


When Ann Bei cried, she couldn't help but look at me. In one of our school's monthly exams, I surpassed her. She became the school's number one. And now, she has become a flower scout in the province, but I still haven't read her name. These top three positions are basically not fated with me.    


Perhaps it is because I didn't perform well this time, or else I might be able to surpass her and become the top scorer. This makes her feel that it is a bit of a pity.    


"Wang Yunke, number six in the entire province!" Soon, Bureau Chief Chen read out another name.    


"I, am actually sixth in the entire province?" Hearing Bureau Chief Chen's words, a girl immediately covered her mouth in shock. Then, like Ann Bei, she cried.    


"Chai Ming, ninth in the whole province." Director Chen read out another name.    


"Ninth in the province, hahaha! I, am actually the ninth in the province!" A male student was instantly overjoyed.    


"Gao Lu, eleventh in the entire province." Director Chen read again.    


"What? I'm actually the 11th in the whole province?" A girl was slightly surprised.    


Then, Director Chen quickly read out the names one after another. Then, when he read out the ninth student's name, my name still didn't appear.    


At this moment, Lee Mingxi, Ann Bei, and the rest all looked at me. If there is no suspense, I am basically around thirty in the entire province.    


Tenth place in the city, this ranking is also not bad.    


Looking at their concerned eyes, I cannot help but smile bitterly.    


However, if it's only tenth place in the city, I'm afraid that I won't be able to enter the eyes of the Lee family. Because what grandfather wants is the top scorer, the top scorer or the flower scout.    


For Grandpa, this kind of ranking is only enough for him to see, and not enough for him to feel any pleasant surprise.    


"Number ten, not bad, right?" Look at me. Grandpa couldn't help but sigh.    


"Hehe, it's indeed alright. It's just that this kind of result is meaningless when compared to my Mingxi." Aunt's face revealed an evil smile.    


"Sister Lan, I'm afraid she's not even tenth place." Suddenly, Liu said.    


"Hm?" Aunt looked at him.    


"Sister Lan, did you not see it? Chief Chen had already put down the piece of paper in his hand. It was possible that Wang Yue's name was not on that piece of paper. Perhaps, Wang Yue wasn't called here because he was good at studying. It was because there was something else in the city that I looked for him." Liu had been driving the Lee family for almost twenty years. He was very good at observing people's expressions and expressions.    


" That's true. " After hearing Liu's words, his aunt looked at the paper Director Chen put down and smiled.    


As for me, Ann Bei and Lee Mingxi, after hearing Liu's words, they couldn't help but look at Director Chen. They saw that the paper in Director Chen's hand had indeed been put down.    


Could it be that I'm not even tenth in the city?    


At this moment, I only felt an indescribable sense of loss in my heart.    


"Hahaha, the old man really fostered Wang Yue for nothing. I thought that he would get some outstanding results. It turns out that he didn't even get tenth in the city." Liu instantly started laughing.    


"What a disgrace! His existence will only bring shame to our Lee family." Aunt sneered.    


"Dad, let's go." Uncle said expressionlessly.    


... "" After hearing what his uncle, aunt, and Liu said, his grandfather couldn't help but look at me. At this moment, he saw the disappointment on my face and couldn't bear it.    


Although he was only a grandson and didn't have the bloodline of a granddaughter like Lee Mingxi, when he thought of his grandson kneeling in front of the school gate and crying with blood all over his body, his heart softened.    


"Tell Wang Yue to come to the house for dinner tomorrow." Grandfather said to Liu.    


"What? Ask him to come and eat at home?" Liu was shocked.    


"Dad, why did you invite him to eat at home? Could it be that he has embarrassed our Lee family enough? We, Mingxi, got first place in the province, but he didn't even get into the top ten in the city. Moreover, he was called to the city for something else. I heard that he is now in the society and is being hunted by the Crown Prince every day. Being chased and killed by the Crown Prince's people. He might have committed a crime, so why should I bother with him? Let's hurry up and leave. An uncultured person like him would have to go in sooner or later. We have to get rid of our relationship with him as soon as possible, so as to avoid implicating our Lee family." Aunt pulled her grandfather's arm and walked outside.    


"That's right. This kind of hooligan will have to go in sooner or later. Old man, let's hurry up and leave." Liu followed closely behind.    


"Mingxi, we're going home." His uncle said to Lee Mingxi.    


Seeing that the city did not say our names, Lee Mingxi's title of top scholar had already been decided. The Lee family no longer wanted to stay here. When they walked past me, my aunt deliberately told me. " Wang Yue, if you want face, don't admit that you are a member of Lee family!"    


Aunt's voice was neither loud nor soft. Mayor Lee and many people couldn't hear it, but the people of the Lee family and I could hear it clearly. At this moment, my heart was filled with disappointment. After hearing Aunt's words, my heart felt like it was being stabbed by a knife.    


"Wang Yue, his name is on another piece of paper." Suddenly, a student says in shock.    


"Hm?" After hearing the student's words, the people from the Lee family also turned around to look.    



At this moment, I saw Bureau Chief Chen holding another piece of paper and said with a smile, "Mayor Lee, you will be the one who will rank Wang Yue."    


"Alright." Mayor Lee smiled.    


"What!?" Seeing Mayor Lee holding a piece of paper in his hand, his aunt's expression changed.    


She came from a family with a deep background. She knew what it meant for a big shot like the mayor to read a person's name.    


As for that Mayor Lee, he stood not far away and looked at me. His eyes were filled with admiration. Then, he held the paper in his hand and smiled at me, "Top scholar of the three provinces, Wang Yue!"    


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