My Sensual Lady

C222 Chen Tao Junior High School Classmate

C222 Chen Tao Junior High School Classmate

0Lee Mingxi left just like that. When she left, she seemed to have taken away my heart as well. A few days passed in a row. My heart has always been empty. I don't have the mood to do anything. I don't even have the mood to eat.    


This kind of feeling is a bit like a breakup. During those few days, I would sleep every day and dream of her.    


After that, I would accompany Grandfather, Little Xi, Tang Yuxin and Tang Yuyi to shop and buy some clothes. Then I would play with my brothers and prepare to report to the university.    


Before we go to university, we gathered together to discuss. Feiloong was in charge of the city's business, and Guang helped him. After that, we will stay at the school for a few days and wait for the school to get familiar with us. When we feel that there is nothing else, we will continue to stay in the city.    


During our meeting, an interesting little thing happened.    


Young Master Qian and Luo Yong both liked Leng Shi, but Young Master Qian was going to university. Luo Yong didn't need to go to university. Luo Yong then tried to please Leng Shi and said to her, "Leng Shi, you are going to Lin Province to go to college. It will be troublesome for a girl to carry things. Why don't I go with you and help you carry things. You need someone to take care of you when you go to other places as a girl. Just let this brother of mine take care of her. "    


Leng Shi is our group flower. Even an idiot would be able to tell what was going on even if Luo Yong was so attentive to her. If Leng Shi got sick in Lin Province or something, and Luo Yong took care of her like this, wouldn't she be moved by the two of them?    


At that time, Young Master Qian's expression changed and became very ugly. After that, he stood up and gave Luo Yong a hateful look, then pushed open the door and left.    


Seeing that Young Master Qian was angry, Luo Yong wasn't afraid of him. Chasing a girl was a fair competition. Whoever had the ability would get it. Could it be that only Young Master Qian liked Leng Shi, and no one else was allowed to like her? Furthermore, Leng Shi was very beautiful, and only Young Master Qian chased after her. It did not make sense for no one to chase after her.    


"Leng Shi, you will leave in a few days. Which train ticket did you book? I will go with you." Luo Yong thought that it would be better if Young Master Qian left because he was angry. This way, he would have one less competitor.    


"My parents drove me." Leng Shi said expressionlessly.    


"Huh? Is there any seats in the car?" Luo Yong asked.    


"Yes, but you don't need to give them to me." Leng Shi stood up and left.    


Because I am the boss, Leng Shi only listens to me. Furthermore, our two families know each other. She only has a good relationship with me. When Luo Yong was rejected by Leng Shi without any politeness, he seemed a little embarrassed. Then he thought about it and loudly said to Leng Shi's back. "Leng Shi, I like you. As long as you don't have a partner for a day. I will never give up."    


"Hehe, how shameless." Seeing Leng Shi leave, Guang said sourly.    


"Guang, what did you say?! "After hearing Guang's words, Luo Yong's face changed and he stood up.    


"Luo Yong, what do you want to do?" Seeing Luo Yong stand up, Guang also stood up.    


"Guang, what are you doing? What do you mean? Fuck, don't mess around!" Seeing Guang stand up, Luo Ying also stood up.    


"Luo Ying, Luo Yong, what do you two mean? F * ck, are you offending your superiors?" Seeing the two brothers from the Luo family stand up, Mr Haonan thought for a moment and stood up along with the barbaric bull.    


" F * ck, are you trying to bully our big brother by not sending anyone? Mr Haonan, are you trying to flatter Guang? F * ck, do you have the right to speak here? "Monkey thought for a moment and stood up with Tang Hu.    


" How is it? Are you going to bully your Big Brother Faction? The people of my brother's faction are all Mr Yue's trusted aides. If your big brother's faction dares to touch us, why don't you give it a try?" Mr Haonan said with disdain.    


"Mr Haonan, are you being too arrogant?" Feiloong stood up after hearing what Mr Haonan said.    


"Feiloong, you are bullying our people?" Seeing Feiloong stand up, Gao Dali thought for a moment and also stood up.    


As for me, seeing that the group of brothers are getting ready to fight, I lit a cigarette and quietly took out my phone to play. After that, I allowed them to quarrel. I sat in the meeting room without making a sound.    


Everyone is still young, even though our relationship is already very good. However, there will always be times when our brothers will stutter and argue. As for the brothers beside me, they are silently divided into two factions. One faction is led by Feiloong, followed by Leng Shi, Monkey, Tang Hu and the Luo family brothers. The other faction is led by Young Master Qian, followed by Guang, Gao Dali, and Hei. Because they were the first ones to follow me. After that, Mr Haonan felt that following the brother sect would give him a brighter future, so he led the barbaric bull to stand on Young Master Qian's side.    


However, I know that even if they split up, no matter how fierce the quarrels between the two sides are, they won't really fight. After all, we've been through a lot together, and we've all fought for each other. Even if Luo Yong really caught up to the person Young Master Qian liked, Young Master Qian wouldn't say anything. He had already said before that if he could not, he would give Leng Shi to Luo Yong. But when he saw how good Luo Yong was to Leng Shi, he still couldn't accept it in his heart.    


"All of you stop quarreling. We are brothers. Why are you quarreling?" Hongshan advised them for a while and saw that they were ignoring him. He thought for a moment and said to me, "Mr Yue, you will report to the university in a few days. I'll go and arrange the business in the city. I'll be leaving first."    


"En." I nodded lightly.    


"Hongshan, what is the meaning of this Red Man Faction? Are you deliberately showing off in front of us?" Seeing how close Hongshan and I are, Guang, Luo Yong and the others suddenly pointed their spearheads at Hongshan.    


"Childish!" Seeing that everyone started to target him again, Hongshan's expression changed and he left.    


As for Leng Shi, Luo Yong and Young Master Qian did not have a good impression of her. Young Master Qian was embarrassed to talk to Leng Shi. The relationship between the two had not been very close. Luo Yong was too warm to Leng Shi, which made Leng Shi dislike him. The reason why she was so cold to people was that there were too many people chasing her in the school. In her eyes, Luo Yong was no different from those suitors in the school. He was too ordinary and a little annoying.    


Time passed very quickly, and it was over in the midst of all these small matters. On the day of university, I went to the school by myself. Grandpa meant to accompany me to school, and then let Liu drive. Uncle and Aunt will also accompany me. But Grandpa's military uniform was too flashy. A big shot like him would be so conspicuous wherever he went. If he goes to school with me, then I won't be able to go to school properly.    


Then I rejected Grandpa's good intentions and drove to school alone. Uncle also thought of this and felt that with Grandpa's status, he wouldn't be able to take good care of me, so he helped me persuade Grandpa.    


The journey from City J to the provincial capital was not far, about an hour and a half. Then from the provincial capital to the university, it would be a waste of time. It would take them half an hour to travel around the outer circle. Another 20 minutes to the urban area. Because the provincial capital was very big, there were a lot of cars and traffic lights. Driving in the urban area was a bit of a waste of time.    


When I went to college this time, the car I drove was a Mercedes-Benz given to me by Lee Mingxi. At that time, my thoughts were that if I didn't show off, I wouldn't be too low-profile either. I would live the same life as what I had. I wouldn't deliberately pretend to be a loser and let others suppress me. I also wouldn't flaunt my wealth to others to annoy them. After experiencing university life for a few days, I familiarized myself with the environment of the school. I'll say hello to the counselor, either sign up or take a sick leave. I will continue to return to City J to be my boss.    


There were a lot of people in the school the day I went to school. They were all freshmen, and the school was filled with all kinds of cars. I saw a Rolls-Royce in the most high-end car. My car isn't very conspicuous. Everyone's hearts were filled with the joy of getting into university. No one noticed what car I was driving.    


After that, I took my luggage and met a senior from the student union. She was in charge of registering us freshmen. She took care of me very much, and as she brought me to register, she introduced me to the school. The weather in August was very hot, and her face was covered in sweat. It made me feel quite touched. I didn't want her to be too tired, so I said to her, "Senior, why don't I go to the dormitory by myself? Don't follow me. The weather is too hot, and you're sweating. Have a good rest. "    


" Haha, you're still talking about me. Didn't you also sweat a lot? The weather is so hot, why are you wearing a long-sleeved shirt?" The senior looked at the long-sleeved shirt on me and asked.    


On the day of registration, I was wearing a long-sleeved shirt. The reason why I was wearing it was because I had a lot of scars on my body. I want to wear a long-sleeved shirt to cover my scars. I'm a big brother, but this is not a place for me to show off. This is a peaceful and beautiful campus, I don't want my arrival to affect the atmosphere here.    


Then, I smiled and said, "For the sake of being handsome?"    


"Hehe, I really don't understand the taste of young people like you." Senior sister gently stroked her long hair and smiled. Then, she sent me to the dormitory and left.    


As for my major, I applied for the Foreign Language Department. I have money now, and I have my own business. It doesn't matter to me what major I choose. And why would I study the Foreign Language Department? It's because I heard that there are many beauties in the Foreign Language Department. Although I can't lift my head now, I can't pick up girls anymore. But to be able to see more beautiful girls is still quite pleasing to the eye.    


After that, I took my luggage and went upstairs. Our freshman floors are on the fifth and sixth floor. My dormitory is on the sixth floor. When I entered the dormitory, there were already six boys in the dormitory. I am the seventh. At that time, they were already very familiar with a few boys from other places who came last night. They drank together in the dormitory and slept the whole night.    


Just as I entered, I saw a short and fat boy wearing a gold chain. He said, "Our seventh brother from our dormitory is here. Welcome, everyone!"    


"Hello, seventh brother!" He smiled and looked at me. Everyone immediately applauded and welcomed me.    


Being so warmly welcomed by everyone, my face instantly turns red. I thought that the atmosphere in university is really good. When I go to university, everyone is already sensible, unlike the guys in high school who bully others like the boss.    


After that, they briefly introduced the short and fat boy to Mr Zhu. He was the local and the boss of our dormitory. The order of the brothers in our dormitory is decided sooner or later. He was the first one to come to our dormitory. The reason why he came so early is because he wants to be our boss. He likes this reputation, so as a local, he is the first to come and report.    


The other few boys, two of them were from the city, one from the province, one from the south, and one from the borderland. Everyone speaks to me quite politely, and even takes out a cigarette and invites me to smoke.    


When I saw their cigarettes, I thought that they were all rich people, and the cigarettes they smoked were either from China or Su Yan. Mr Zhu's cigarettes were the best, and were the most respected.    


As for my cigarettes, they were from Yuxi. I didn't buy too many cigarettes to support the scene, nor did I buy two or three cigarettes to pretend to be a loser.    


After that, I smoke their cigarettes and casually chat with them. They said that our school is very good, especially our Foreign Language Department. Every year, they organize everyone to go out of the country. Of course, the best is that our Foreign Language Department has a lot of beautiful girls. Mr Zhu told us, "I am the boss of this dormitory. When the time comes, if I take a fancy to any beautiful girl... You are not allowed to snatch from me!"    



"Mr Zhu, since we have already entered university, we must relax properly. But I think, although we have changed our environment and arrived at an extremely relaxed university. However, we still cannot lower our requirements for ourselves. We still have to prioritize our studies. Love, I think it's secondary. The main thing is to work hard for the postgraduate entrance exam. Strive to have a good job after graduation. I heard that the students of Tsinghua University and Peking University have to finish one subject in three days. Their lives are more stressful than in high school." Song Wenming, the second son of the dormitory, pushed his glasses and said.    


"Bro Wenming, do you mean you won't fight with me for women?" Mr Zhu asked.    


"Hehe, there is a book about beauty in it." Song Wen said with a smile.    


"Alright then. I'll go with Old Third, Old Fifth and Old Seventh to pick up girls. You sour literature people, continue to study your knowledge." Mr Zhu said while hugging a handsome boy.    


"Mr Zhu, it's almost lunch time. Why don't we go to the canteen and chat? We can also take a look at the beauties in our school." Third brother Kang Shuai said.    


"Let's go!" After hearing Kang Shuai's words, Mr Zhu's eyes lit up.    


After that, our group of brothers went to the canteen. Mr Zhu is our focus. I'll be the air. On the way to the canteen with them, I felt that it was quite interesting. He thought to himself that Leng Shi, Hongshan, Young Master Qian, Tang Hu and Monkey were on the other side. What was the situation over there?    


There were many types of food in the school canteen, and the price was also very cheap. When our brothers find a seat and sit down, we quickly see some students coming one after another. Some of them came to the same dormitory as us, while others came alone with our parents. Some even came by themselves.    


Mr Zhu and Kang Shuai sat in the canteen, looking for beautiful women. I also secretly looked for beautiful women. Very quickly, I found a group of pretty girls with good figures and good looks. All of them dressed up like Internet celebrities. Mr Zhu and Kang Shuai poked each other and asked which girl to ask for their phone number. I just silently admired them. I don't have the slightest intention of picking up a girl.    


After that, the day passed just like that. I was completely immersed in a relaxed and happy state. I thought that my university life is also very good. If there's nothing wrong with the city, I might as well stay here for a few more days.    


At night, the eighth brother of our dormitory still didn't come. The seven of us went to the class for a meeting. From tomorrow onwards, we freshmen will have two weeks of military training. The instructors in the class also have a lot of things to tell us. When we sit in the class, Mr Zhu and Kang Shuai are sitting in front of me, extremely happy. Because there are many beautiful girls in our class, a total of eleven boys. The remaining 25 or 26 girls are all girls. The quality of the girls in the class is very high, and we don't know what the most beautiful girl in the class is called.    


I can only say that this girl is comparable to Tang Yuxin, Zhao Xier, and Lee Mingxi. This girl is definitely our class's flower, and she might even be the school's campus belle.    


"My name is Nalan Yi." She had been sitting quietly the whole time. When she introduced herself, she stood up and said.    


"Nalan Yi, this girl is pretty..." Mr Zhu and Kang Shuai looked at the girl in a daze and called out softly.    


... "" Nalan Yi, who was sitting not far away, frowned slightly.    


As for me, I could feel that the girl's body was emitting a thick noble aura. When I looked at the bloodstain earrings on her earlobe, I could not help but frown slightly.    


This girl seemed to have a very strong background.    


Looks like I'm not the only one with a strong background in this school. There are also many students with strong backgrounds hiding in this school.    


When the counselor gave us a class meeting and told us to gather for military training at 7: 30 in the morning, our group of classmates prepared to disperse.    


Just as I was about to stand up and leave with Mr Zhu, a boy walked over and patted my head, "Wang Yue, you are Wang Yue from City J, right?"    


"Who are you?" Looking at him, my eyes revealed doubt.    


"Idiot, I am the class monitor of your junior high school class, Chen Tao. We were in the same class when we were in junior high school. When I was in senior high school, my dad set up a factory in the city. I followed my dad to the city. " The boy said in a rough voice.    


"Haha, so it's you..." After hearing the boy's words, I gradually have an impression of him.    


When the boy spoke to me, I saw that many of the girls in the class were attracted by him. I couldn't help but look at him in shock. There was also Mr Zhu and Kang Shuai. When they heard that his family owned a factory, their expressions changed when they looked at him.    


As for the boy, when he saw that everyone was looking at him, he seemed even more proud. Then, he looked at my long-sleeved shirt and smiled. "Wang Yue, long time no see. My family has already started a factory and made a fortune. As for you, why are you getting poorer and poorer? Why are you wearing a long-sleeved shirt on such a hot day? Is it your father's clothes? "    


"Do you know that Wang Yue was the poorest student in our class when he was in junior high school?" Chen Tao suddenly shouted.    


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