My Sensual Lady

C216 The Eldest Brother of Jincheng City

C216 The Eldest Brother of Jincheng City

0This morning, a bunch of us brothers went straight to sleep at the Crown Prince's company. The Crown Prince's company is very big, it's a nine-story building. He was beaten away by us, we were trying to secure his seat. I've decided, from now on, I'll use the Crown Prince's company as my office building.    


Because the Crown Prince's influence in the City J was huge, no one would dare to rob him of anything that he took a fancy to. And this company of his was seized by him by force. The Feng Shui of the company is very good, it is located in a bustling area, making his company our office building. It is very convenient for us to eat, shop, or play wherever we go.    


Since he was chased away by us, he will definitely not dare to come back for a short period of time. We have captured nineteen experts from the four families. Even if Ye Shuang comes back, he won't dare to do anything to us.    


In addition, the Crown Prince's company is decorated luxuriously, and we don't even need to pay rent to use his company as an office building for a few years. He had already paid the rent previously, and had paid it for a total of ten years. Now that we robbed his company to be our company, it can be considered as him blowing up our Oil Refinery. We have taken over his company as compensation for our own losses.    


I have heard that businessmen are petty, but I still don't believe it. Now that it's my turn to be a businessman, I realize how petty I am. I couldn't bear to buy the car, so I directly asked Lee Mingxi for it. The company's office building was also unwilling to rent, so it directly snatched the Crown Prince's company to be our office building. As long as it's a place that doesn't require money, I don't want to use it at all. Just like how it's better to do it for free, the more money I save, the more comfortable I feel.    


And before that, when I bought that piece of land from the city, I've already set up my own company. Setting up a company does not cost much money. All I need to do is to take out a sum of registration funds and let the City check it out. Then I will spend money to carve a few legal people's official stamp and go to the Industrial and Commerce Bureau to set up the license. He only spent less than 2,000 yuan in total.    


When our brothers woke up, we gathered together for a meeting. Lee Mingxi had already gone home to sleep. She was not a hoodlum, so she naturally could not just randomly find a place to sleep like us.    


I felt that my eyes were a little red and swollen, so I lit a cigarette and said, " After looking for the Crown Prince for a night yesterday, I reckon that the Crown Prince has already been beaten away by us. As for the experts of the four major families, they have all been captured by us. Even if Ye Shuang returns, he won't be able to do anything to us. From today onwards, our position is basically stable. We can just treat this Crown Prince's company as our own home from now on."    


" Guang, Hongshan, Young Master Qian, you three... We'll ask for 20 million from the Leng family. The brother who was injured last night will pay 100,000 yuan. The injured brother will pay two hundred thousand. We will cover all the medical expenses. Then, each of the remaining brothers will get 50,000 yuan. Let them all disperse. We can't afford to take care of too many hatchet men. We can only choose some brothers like Huo Haier and Third Brother to stay by our side. Don't leave too many people behind, as long as there are about a hundred of them. Later, when all our businesses are done, just let them work like before. "    


" Mr Yue, the Crown Prince isn't dead. He will definitely take revenge on us. " Hongshan thought for a while and said.    


"En, that's for sure. But after the battle last night, all the forces in the city will definitely take the initiative to lower their heads to us. Submit to us. As long as we guard this City J like an iron bucket, no matter how capable the Crown Prince is, he won't be able to cause any waves. Everything was settled. We have to sit firmly on this land. We have to sit firmly on this land." I say.    


"Mr Yue is right. Yesterday, all of the Crown Prince's subordinates were scattered by us. Last night, we almost fell face to face, with the exception of a few dozen of our brothers who suffered some minor injuries. A few of our brothers were seriously injured, so we didn't suffer any losses. As for our brothers, as long as we have something to do, they will come back. Also, our city's big brother's reputation has stabilized. Within a few days, more and more brothers will join us. When the Crown Prince returns, I'm afraid that the entire City J will be our brothers." Feiloong said.    


"En. Brother Feiloong, find a shop later and ask him to put out our company's brand. After that, you can change the Crown Prince's company's brand." I said.    


"Alright." Feiloong nodded slightly.    


Just like that, we have taken over the Crown Prince's company. It seems like we are trying to take over the crown prince's company. As for the employees of the subsidiary company, when they heard that we took over the Crown Prince's company, they didn't dare to come to work the next day. The property manager still had some money from the Crown Prince, so he directly ran away with the money from the Crown Prince. The remaining people with diplomas also submitted their resumes to other companies. They went to work at other companies.    


With my current status, as long as I don't fight, I'm no different from a proper businessman. It's also because I learned a lot about repairing the road for Zhang Yuhui that he let me know. So it turns out that one doesn't have to walk down this road forever. In the process of his plan to wash himself clean, I washed myself clean in advance. As long as I bring my brothers to do legitimate business, then I don't have to be afraid of being scolded by their family.    


Everyone trusts me, I should bring them along on a good path. Just like the Song Jiang in the Water Margin, when he killed his brothers one by one, it made many people hate him and scold him. I understand his feelings. He doesn't want his brothers to be bandits. He wants his brothers to be officials. However, his academic qualifications aren't enough and he can't fight against those top students in the imperial court who hold power. That was why his brothers were killed. It was those treacherous officials who killed his brothers, not him who killed his brothers.    


And now the world is bright, we don't have treacherous officials here. As long as I want to be a good person, I believe this world will definitely give me a chance.    


As for us, we already have such a big office building, I think I should be able to do something big. In the future, I hope this company will be full of employees. Each of them is very busy. Everyone is busy working together on how to make our business flourishing.    


However, I don't have any experience in doing business, nor do I have the experience of being the boss of a company. Then, what should I do?    


In the afternoon, I took a shower at the bath center not far from the company. Then, I drove to Leng's father's company. In the company, Leng's father and Mama Leng were discussing something in the office. They had a good relationship, and the Leng family's foundation was built by them. Whether it was Leng's father or Mama Leng, they were both very capable people.    


Leng Shi's parents were a little surprised when they saw me. "Wang Yue, why are you here?"    


"Father Leng, Mother Leng, I want to learn from you." She respectfully took out a cigarette and handed it to Father Leng. I carefully lit it for him.    


We are business partners with Leng Shi's parents. There is no need to say much about our relationship. After taking a puff of the cigarette, Leng's father smiled, "Wang Yue, you are already the top scholar of the three provinces. Is there anything else you need to learn from us?"    


"You have robbed the Crown Prince's company. There are a total of nine floors. But the company is now empty. There are only a few of us. Such a large office building, if we don't do some big business... I feel like it's going to be a waste. That's why I want to learn from you how to make the company as lively as your company. " I said.    


After hearing what I said, Leng's father spat out a cigarette and smiled. When he smiled, I felt that his expression was very strange. The way he looked at me was even stranger. Then, Leng's father took another deep breath and slowly spat out the cigarette. He said, "Wang Yue, I liked you from the first time I saw you. Do you know why?"    


"Am I handsome?" I shamelessly said.    


"Hehe, I am indeed handsome, but you have other merits. It is that you have your own ideals, and your eyes are filled with ambition. I know that you will definitely work very hard to chase after your dreams... And complete it. As long as a person has a heart of determination, I believe that he will do everything. Just like what I told Leng Shi's mother back then, I said that we will definitely be very rich." Leng's father said.    


"So you guys are very rich now." I took out a cigarette and lit it up, then smiled.    


"Increase the registration funds, change your Ming-Yue Real Estate Company to Ming-Yue Group. Now that the Crown Prince and his gang have been beaten away by you, before you beat him up, all of the big brothers in the city have been destroyed by you. Right now, all the entertainment industry in the city is in shambles, so you can take advantage of this opportunity to swallow up all of his business. Money, we still have quite a lot of money with us. You can use this money to invest. Everyone needs entertainment. If you take advantage of this opportunity to expand the entertainment industry, you will definitely get a lot of funds for our activities. It just so happens that we also need money to inject into real estate projects. We can't borrow money from the bank anymore. The money you earn can help us delay our urgent needs." Leng's father said.    


After hearing Leng's father's words, I thought about it and stood in front of the French window in his office to look outside. Looking at the great empire of City J, I felt as if I was looking at a vault waving at me.    


I thought of what Hongshan had said to me before, and he said to me... "If the Crown Prince is not eliminated, we will never be able to earn money in City J. If we can get rid of the Crown Prince, the money in City J will flow into our pockets like water. "    


As I thought of this, a smile gradually appeared on my face. Then, I turned around and looked gratefully at Leng's father. " Father Leng, Mother Leng, thank you for being so good to me. If there comes a day when I, Wang Yue, am able to make a name for myself, I will never forget all of you. "    


" Hehe, why are you so polite to your father and mother? We will be happy when you remove the word 'Leng' from your addressing. " Mama Leng said with a smile.    


"Of course I will. You're so good to me. I wish I could remove the word 'Leng' immediately." I said with a smile.    


"Wang Yue, you said it yourself. We are waiting for you!" Mama Leng said with a smile.    


"Haha..." I smiled at Mama Leng. Then, I waited for them to sign and take the money. Then, I went to the Finance Department to get the money and left.    


Then, when I got into the car, I felt that something was wrong with what I just said. I was also in a good mood. Mama Leng's tongue twister just now made me a little confused. I casually agreed. Then, I didn't think too much about it. I drove straight back to the company to get my business license. I went to the city to inject more funds and directly changed our Ming-Yue Company to Ming-Yue Group.    


At 5 PM in the afternoon, I finished the first step of registering the company. Then, I took out the quiet phone on my body and looked at it. After thinking for a while, I called Ye Shuang. "Brother Ye, what are you doing?"    


When I was calling Ye Shuang, I was a little nervous.    


"Accompanying my mom." Ye Shuang's voice was calm.    


"When will you be back?" I frowned and asked.    


"Hehe, when do you want me to come back?" Ye Shuang laughed.    


"I hope you will never come back." I said.    


"In a month, I'll be back in a month. When I return, I hope that you can take control of the City J and not be taken back by us so easily. Otherwise, this game will be meaningless. " Ye Shuang said.    


" Oh... " I said.    


"Thank you." Ye Shuang suddenly said to me.    


"Hm?" I asked.    


"Thank you for giving me such a good opportunity. To be able to keep my mother company. When I received Zhao Xier's call, I realized that my mother was more important than anything else. You will take care of the nineteen experts of our four great families for me. Hehe, you can take care of these idiots however you want. I will give you a month's time, and a chance to stabilize the City J. When I return, you will return them to me, right?" Ye Shuang asked.    


"Give me two months. I will return them to you." I said.    


"Okay, I promise you. I'm sorry, the soup that my mom made for me is ready. I'm going to drink the soup." Ye Shuang hung up the phone.    



When Ye Shuang hung up the phone, I felt relieved in my heart. This Ye Shuang is a man who abides by the rules of the martial arts world. It seems like I was right to talk to him about this matter. It's just that he is so confident in allowing me to develop freely. His confidence makes me feel a little worried. Will I be a match for this person?    


Gradually, I suddenly feel a trace of loneliness in my heart. I envied him in my heart. I envied him for having the chance to drink my mother's soup. As for my mother, she was already gone. My father, where is he now?    


Does he know that I am now the big brother of a city?    


I felt a little empty and uncomfortable in my heart. Holding the document bag in my hand, I walked out of the Industrial and Commerce Bureau. Then, I walked towards the car and opened the door.    


Just as I was about to enter the car, I saw a girl walking towards me and was stunned.    


It's her, we haven't contacted each other for a long time. Looking at her, my expression instantly changed. Then, my entire body gradually turned cold...    


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