My Sensual Lady

C207 Those Who Submit to Me will Prosper and Those Who Resist Me will Die

C207 Those Who Submit to Me will Prosper and Those Who Resist Me will Die

0When they walked out of the Lee family with Tang Yuxin, the people of the Lee family had already taken an afternoon nap. After that, we drove to the hospital. When we reached the hospital, we saw the doctor looking at me with that kind of expression.    


"Do you have any bad habits?" Looking at the beautiful Tang Yuxin by my side, the doctor seemed to dislike me.    


"Yes... but not many times..." I know what he means. What he means is to use his hands to solve it.    


"En, quit it. Then, exercise more, run in the morning, and drink more water. After a long period of time, it will be fine. Remember, I can't sleep during this period of time." The doctor said.    


"Doctor, that's not how my illness comes about. Someone wanted to rape me, and that's why I became like this. It was a man, and he almost scared me to death. I suspect that it was because of him that I became useless." I'm getting anxious.    


" Is there such a thing? " The doctor was shocked.    


"Yes!" I nodded vigorously.    


"Then, I can't say for sure. If you can't do it, I'll prescribe you some medicine first. Try it for a while, then come back if you can't do it." The doctor said.    


"Okay, prescribe me some medicine." I said.    


However, after we received the medicine, I realized that the medicine the doctor gave me was vitamin C. Holding the medicine, I felt an indescribable helplessness. I thought, can this medicine treat illnesses?    


Then Tang Yuxin smiled and hugged my arm as she laughed. After laughing for a while, she simply let go of me and laughed without any image.    


Seeing a devastatingly beautiful woman standing in the corridor of the hospital and laughing, the patients in the hospital and the family members accompanying her were all dumbfounded.    


She used her slender index finger to wipe away a tear at the corner of her eye. She even specially took a look at me, and then she continued to laugh without any image.    


"Is it that funny?" I looked at her helplessly. I felt that I couldn't take it anymore. My Big Brother's halo had dimmed quite a bit.    


"Haha... Mr Yue... you're laughing me to death... I can't take it anymore... Sister, I can't take it anymore...! " Tang Yuxin was laughing so hard that her entire body was shaking. She used her snow white slender hand to support me as she laughed. After laughing for a while, Tang Yuxin withdrew her arms and said, "Baby, don't be afraid. Mommy won't dislike you. Don't be afraid. Mommy will treat your illness with you."    


"Get lost. I'm so depressed that I'm about to die. You're actually laughing at me!" I helplessly looked at her and said.    


"Ah, don't tease me!" Hearing my words, she hugged my arm and laughed again. Then, she smiled again and tears streamed down her face. Only then did the smile on her face gradually disappear.    


This was the first time Tang Yuxin smiled like this. Although my heart is in pain when I can't bear it anymore, seeing her smile so happily, I am also quite happy in my heart.    


It is just that I suddenly can't hold it anymore. This makes me very afraid in my heart. I am very afraid that it will be like this in the future. If it is like this, how am I going to give birth to a child with her?    


"This is also good. It saves you from going out and messing around like a little stallion all day long. Stay by my side forever. Mommy doesn't dislike you." Tang Yuxin said happily as she walked out of the hospital with me.    


"Hehe, if I really can't take it anymore, I will see what you will do." I said.    


"Cold sauce. Anyway, I'm not too interested in that kind of thing." Tang Yuxin said proudly.    


... "" After hearing Tang Yuxin's words, I secretly glanced at her without saying anything.    


After that, the two of us found a taxi and went to the commercial street in the city to stroll around. In the commercial street of our city, there are many stores and department stores. It is the most prosperous place in our city. Although I am very depressed, I feel much better after strolling with Tang Yuxin for a while. She even bought me a dress and told me that it was a gift for me. She told me not to worry. She said that it would be better in the future. It wouldn't always be like this.    


My illness, the doctor did not treat it as an illness at all. He gave me a few bottles of vitamin to get rid of it. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Maybe I'll get better in a few days. I'm still a martial artist, even though my body isn't very good. But I can still do that. Then, he gradually forgot about it. He stared at the stores on the left and right. He wanted to give Tang Yuxin something.    


"Sister doesn't want to buy clothes today. You don't need to give me anything." Tang Yuxin immediately guessed my thoughts.    


Even though I am rich now, Tang Yuxin still did not spend much money on me. On the contrary, I always take advantage of her and spend her salary. This makes me feel guilty in my heart. I wanted to buy something to be nicer to her, so I said to Tang Yuxin, " Wife, didn't you say last time that you wanted me to support you? Take a look at what you like. I'll give it to you. "    


" There's nothing I like. Besides, the last time I asked you to raise me, I said if I lost my job, I would let you raise me. I'm fine now. Why don't you be my gigolo? Big Sister will take care of you." Tang Yuxin hugged my arm and smiled.    


"That won't do. You have to let me do something, right?" I said.    


"Didn't you want to invite me to a movie? You can invite me to a movie." Tang Yuxin said.    


"Okay." She pulled Tang Yuxin along and the two of us went to the top floor of a shopping mall to watch a movie.    


This was the first time the two of us were watching a movie, and it was also the first time the two of us came to a movie theater to watch a movie. I have never been to a movie theater before. It is a movie that is released by the school auditorium itself. Then, they organized us to watch it together. Because it was her first time watching a movie, Tang Yuxin seemed a little nervous. In our impression, tickets to the movie theater are quite expensive. It seems to be 81 tickets. And now, we have a group purchase of phones. Thirty-one tickets are quite cheap.    


However, Tang Yuxin was only a teacher. Her salary had to support her and her parents. When she was waiting for me to watch the movie, Tang Yuxin thought for a while and said, "Mr Yue, do you think we will become good actors in the movie? It feels like we are fascinated by the movie. If we get addicted to it, we will have to spend more money every month in the future. "    


Hearing her words, I was stunned when I saw her serious expression. Then, I stuffed the gun in my shirt and suddenly laughed.    


This time, I laughed like Tang Yuxin was laughing at me. I gradually laughed until tears streamed down my face.    


Although she was older than me, she was sometimes as pure as a child. Then, I grabbed her hand and looked at her seriously. " When I have money in the future, I will build a movie theater for you. I will build a very, very large movie theater for you. It'll let you watch movies every day."    


"Keep a low profile" After hearing my words, Tang Yuxin's face turns red. Around us, there are many people secretly looking at us.    


Then the movie starts and the two of us watch the movie. It's a 3D movie, when there are bullets shooting at us while watching the movie, I always hide. He said to Tang Yuxin, "Wife, did you see that? The bullets in the movie are really the same. It made me really scared. I was really scared that they would hit me."    


"Haha, me too." Tang Yuxin said.    


The two of us were very happy watching this movie because it was our first time watching a movie and we felt that it was very fresh. We said quite a few childish words and made the people around us laugh at us.    


Then, when we came out, the sky gradually darkened. Looking at the western restaurant not far away, Tang Yuxin invited me to the western restaurant for a meal. She said that she was celebrating my enrollment into university. Grandfather has already treated me to a meal and she has yet to treat me to a meal. Now that I've finally gotten into university, I didn't let down her expectations. She wants to reward me properly.    


The western restaurant is very expensive, I don't want her to treat me. But she said nothing. I have no choice, I can only accept her good intentions. She is such a person, she treats me well without asking for anything in return. Once you fall in love with me, you will treat me well for the rest of your life.    


Then, when we were eating, we actually met Ann Bei's family. When she saw Tang Yuxin and I, Ann Bei excitedly covered her small mouth and ran over to pull Tang Yuxin's hand to chat with her.    


Ann Bei's family knew about the matter of me getting into the top scholar of the three provinces. While they were chatting, Ann Bei's parents kept praising me. When they heard the words top scholar, the entire western restaurant was looking at us.    


"F * ck him!" On the other side, when the Crown Prince saw the news on the television with a gloomy expression, he was so angry that he smashed an urn onto the television.    


When the television was smashed to the point that the screen was gone, Gao Guili, who was standing beside him, frowned. After thinking for a while, he said to the Crown Prince, "Brother Crown Prince, I really didn't expect Wang Yue to be so good at learning. He had actually become the top scholar of the three provinces this year, and had even gotten the attention of the mayor. If we touch him again, I'm afraid we won't be able to. The mayor had been paying close attention to him these few days. Not only the mayor, even the province was inquiring about Wang Yue. If we make a move on him in this particular period of time, I'm afraid we won't be able to stay in City J any longer."    


"Brother Crown Prince, why don't we just forget about it? This kid's status has already been decided. Not only were there people in the city who thought highly of him, but his subordinates were also quite powerful. If they attacked him now, it would not be a chase, but a fight. If we continue to fight, it will not do us any good. Furthermore, Xu Chang and Liu Du, those two brats, betrayed us for money, and each of them took away a portion of our business to establish their own. If we want to get rid of these two traitors, we will have to waste a lot of our energy. Why don't we make peace with Wang Yue for now, as long as the business of City J is still in our hands. So what if we give him the title of number two in the city?" Chen Haodu said.    


"After Zhang Yuhui left, our strength doubled. Half of our territory belongs to him now." The Crown Prince said.    


"Brother Crown Prince, do you mean that Wang Yue will come and steal our business?" Soong Jun asked.    


"My brother was killed by him." The Crown Prince said.    


"This is a blood feud." Chen Haodu nodded slightly.    



"Haha, peace talks, I'll talk nonsense about peace. Even if I talk about peace with Xu Chang and Liu Du, I won't talk about peace with them. Gao Guili, take ten million with you and go talk to Xu Chang and Liu Du. Give them the money and treat their little brother to tea. After that, we won't touch Wang Yue for the time being. However, as long as he dares to do a business in City J... We will destroy his business. As long as he dares to do ten business, we will destroy ten of his business. Didn't he want to be a businessman? I will let him taste the feeling of being a businessman. The project in his city owes him a billion yuan loan. He needs to make up for that huge hole. If he does a business, I'll destroy one. I want to see how he gets up. I will f * cking make him owe the bank a few billion yuan for jumping off a building. I will make him unable to make a comeback for the rest of his life!" The Crown Prince said coldly.    


"Brother Crown Prince, using someone else to kill someone is a good plan!" Gao Guili, Chen Haodu, and Soong Jun's eyes lit up.    


On the other side, Tang Yuxin and I have finished eating. After sending Tang Yuxin back to her house, I went straight back to my own villa. Now that my injuries have recovered a little, grandfather's side's respect has also been received. After I'm done posturing, I also have to get down to business.    


In my villa, at this moment, all of my brothers are gathered. And outside the villa complex, a large number of our brothers are gathered.    


Walking into the villa, I lit a cigarette and sat on the sofa. Looking at the brothers in front of me, my eyes sparkled, "Hongshan, what do you think we should do to deal with the Crown Prince?"    


"Mr Yue, if the Crown Prince is not eliminated, we will never be able to earn money. He will definitely try to stop us, using the huge project in our city to drag us down. In other words, he will take away all the other ways to get money from us. With the debt from that project in the city, we will never be able to make a comeback. In my opinion, since the Crown Prince's group has started an internal conflict... We should make use of their internal conflict to make some articles on it. Logically speaking, our forces have already gathered, and your reputation is too great. He can't touch you, so he should make peace with you. However, he has a deep grudge with us, so he definitely won't make peace with us. He will definitely send someone to find Xu Chang and Liu Du to make peace. I think we can play a part in this. Make them unable to make peace. At the same time, create some misunderstandings and cause them to fight on both sides. When the time comes, we will just sit back and reap the benefits. " Hongshan said.    


"Your plan is not bad. It's very stable." Spitting out a mouthful of cigarette, I nodded my head lightly.    


"Hm" Hongshan lightly nodded his head.    


"But our project needs to be cut the day after tomorrow. As long as the project starts, we will borrow one billion from the bank. It will flow out like a flood. The interest at the bank is not a small amount every day. We can't afford to drag it out if we keep fighting with the Crown Prince."    


Using my fingers to extinguish the cigarette, I looked at my brothers in front of me who were as fierce as tigers and wolves and said. "Young Master Qian, bring 300 of your brothers and go smash up the two casinos in the city. When you see Chen Haodu coming over to help, kill him immediately. "    


"Alright!" After hearing what I said, the Crown Prince tilted his mouth and smiled.    


"Feiloong, bring 500 of your brothers and go bomb the Oil Refinery in the reeds. Seeing Soong Jun rushing over to provide support, we'll kill him immediately. " I'll tell you.    


"Alright.." Feiloong stood up with his strong body.    


"Leng Shi, take 200 of your brothers and destroy Gao Guili's small loan company. Burn all the things with words inside." I said.    


"Okay." Leng Shi stood up expressionlessly.    


"Gao Dali, Hongshan, the two of you each bring 500 brothers to fight Xu Chang and Liu Du. Especially this Xu Chang. Hongshan will handle it. You must catch this person for me." I said.    


"Mr Yue, do you want to deal with the two of them as well?" Hongshan looked at me in shock.    


Without responding to Hongshan's words, my eyes sparkled. He continued to look at the other brothers and said, "Guang, Hei, Monkey. Tang Hu. Luo Ying, Luo Yong. The rest of you. Take all of your brothers to the city. On the street, if you see a hooligan, you will beat him up. If you see a big brother, do it. As long as they are not our people, if they see one, beat them up. No matter which old hoodlum in the city he's from, or which family he's from, beat him until he doesn't dare to go out onto the streets "    


"I, Wang Yue, have said before that I want to be the same as everyone in City J. I want the entire City J to be ours. Those who submit to me will prosper, and those who oppose me will die! "    


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