My Sensual Lady

C197 The Big Fight in the Chicken Farm

C197 The Big Fight in the Chicken Farm

0Gradually the chicken farm became quiet. Although Xu Chang's hobby almost scared me to death, he was still a capable big brother. He was afraid that the Crown Prince would deal with him because he wanted money from the Crown Prince. He had his underlings hide in every corner of the chicken farm with guns, and then only brought three to four lackeys with him. He stood at the entrance of the chicken farm and waited for Gao Guili to come and find him.    


And we were hidden in a chicken house in the chicken farm. In that chicken house, Tang Yuxin and I quietly looked at each other.    


My hands and feet were tied and my mouth was blocked. There was a thick straw on top of my head. The way I looked at Tang Yuxin's eyes made me feel indescribably depressed.    


Because in her eyes, I saw deep resentment and sympathy. Obviously, she must have thought that I was insulted by Xu Chang. And I wanted to explain to her, but my mouth was blocked and I couldn't say anything. Then, she looked at Zhao Xier and told her in her heart, I was not insulted and I was still clean.    


However, Zhao Xier misunderstood my thoughts. It was because she was too smart. On the contrary, it was her intelligence that sometimes delayed her.    


She felt that this was an idea that I deliberately came up with. Because I was insulted by men, I was afraid of being embarrassed, afraid that they would look down on me, so I deliberately came up with this idea and explained it to her.    


She gently shook her head and looked at me with a sympathetic gaze. Her big eyes blinked twice. After mixing around for so long, my observation expression isn't bad either. Who is the real good person, who is the fake good person, who is the real good person? I can tell at a glance.    


Seeing Zhao Xier looking at me with this kind of expression, I feel very awkward in my heart. I almost wanted to cry. I tried to use my eyes to tell her that I really wasn't being played.    


Seeing my expression, Zhao Xier looked at me with even more sympathy. She said to me with her eyes, Wang Yue, it's fine. We won't look down on you.    


Damn it. At this moment, I almost broke down.    


At this moment, I heard the sound of a car driving. Then, Xu Chang's voice came from outside the chicken farm, "Brother Guili, you're finally here. You've made my brother wait for you. The Crown Prince's Five Tigers is something that my brother doesn't want, but only you!"    


"Hehe, you are thinking of the fifty million I brought with me, right?" Gao Guili sneered.    


"Where's the money?" Seeing Gao Guili getting straight to the point, Xu Chang did not stand on ceremony.    


"Count it well. Fifty million yuan per cent is not a small amount." Gao Guili said coldly.    


"Haha, I, Xu Chang, still believe in the reputation of the Crown Prince. What are you counting for? Just count it." Xu Chang said.    


"Hehe, Xu Chang, your luck is pretty good. You actually caught this big fish, Wang Yue. However, can you really swallow the fifty million that the Crown Prince has given you?" Gao Guili asked.    


"Then what's there that you can't swallow? The more money you have, the better." Xu Chang said a few more words intermittently and then said, "Brothers, start counting the money!"    


Soon, the chicken farm became quiet. As I silently calculated the time in my heart, I estimate that it is already 7: 50.    


There is only one day left. There is only one last day left. The biggest matter in my life is about to be resolved. However, I did not expect that something would happen at this time.    


It's my aunt. She caused me to lose the protection of the Lee family. It was her who caused me to be unable to protect myself. I fell into Xu Chang's hands.    


Aunt, she has already destroyed my home. Now, she wants to destroy my life again.    


Thinking of this, my heart starts to feel uncomfortable.    


Actually, my performance in this exam is very good. I have a very strong feeling that if the entire college entrance exam goes smoothly, I might really be the top scorer in the college entrance exam.    


But now, the time is getting lesser and lesser. Even if I could escape, I might not be able to make it back to the city to participate in the college entrance exam.    


We're in the suburbs now, and the exam time is 9 o'clock. Even if I drive back to the city, it will still take me half an hour. It's really too late.    


Sigh, perhaps this is fate. I am destined to be unable to obtain the respect of the Lee family and Zhao Laohu.    


Just as I was thinking about this, I suddenly heard Gao Guili and Xu Chang quarreling. Xu Chang stood in the courtyard of the chicken farm and shouted, "Gao Guili, I knew you would deal with me. You are courting death!"    


"Xu Chang, it's fine if you want to monopolize Wang Yue's reward, but you still dare to bargain with the Crown Prince. The Crown Prince has already said that as long as I can get rid of you, this fifty million reward will belong to me, Gao Guili! "    


"Hehe. Is that so?! "    


Then, sounds of fighting came from the courtyard of the chicken farm. After a while, gunshots came from outside.    


At this moment, I heard Xu Chang's underlings who were lying in ambush at the chicken farm rushing out. Then, the entire chicken farm was filled with gunshots. When the gunshots rang out, all the dogs in the chicken farm started barking as well.    


Then, I heard someone jump into the chicken farm and rush towards the chicken farm's courtyard to shoot at Xu Chang.    


It was Gao Guili who wasn't easy to get along with. That Xu Chang was smart, and Gao Guili wasn't bad either. Xu Chang hid many of his underlings in the chicken farm, while Gao Guili hid his underlings outside the chicken farm.    


When the gunshot rang, Gao Guili's underlings jumped into the chicken farm and rushed to help.    


Following that, the gunshots in the chicken farm became even more chaotic, as if many hoodlums had fallen to the ground after being shot. At the same time, there were also quite a number of people who got close to each other and started chopping at each other. The entire chicken farm was filled with people, and some of the hoodlums even ran over to our chicken house and started fighting.    


As for us, we just sat quietly in the chicken house. Seeing Gao Guili and Xu Chang fighting over money, I saw Tang Yuxin and Zhao Xier's eyes brighten up.    


I know what they are thinking. I also think the same in my heart.    


I never dreamed that the Crown Prince's men would have internal conflict because of money. And if we can escape, now is the best time!    


Thinking of this, I immediately stood up from the chicken house. Looking at the surrounding hoodlums who were chopping at each other with machetes, I directly hung the cloth from my mouth onto an iron wire from the chicken house. Then, I took the cloth from my mouth. Then, I quickly squatted down and tried my best to bite the rope tied to the back of the barbaric bull.    


Why did I bite the rope tied to the barbaric bull's back? It was because the barbaric bull was strong. When I bit off half of the rope tied to him, the barbaric bull immediately broke the rope in its hand.    


Then, it quickly untied the rope in my hand.    


This is a kind of trust and tacit understanding. I believe that after I bite off the rope in his hand, he will definitely release me first. Because other than him, I am the strongest here.    


And just as we are about to escape, the hoodlums fighting around us all see us. It was this tacit understanding that allowed us to win the best opportunity to escape in the shortest amount of time possible.    


"Damn, it's Wang Yue!" When Gao Guili's men saw me, they immediately ran towards us with machetes in their hands.    


"Not good, Wang Yue wants to run!" Xu Chang's men also rushed over with machetes.    


"F * ck you, all of you go to hell!" He jumped out of the chicken house, and with one kick, I directly whipped a hoodlum. Following which, I pointed a finger at the acupoint on the chest of another hoodlum and seized the opportunity to snatch the blade in his hand to block a few blades that were coming at him.    


"Scram!" With a wave of their blades, I knocked down two of the hoodlums with two consecutive kicks. After that, I turned around and inserted the blade into the rope in Zhao Xier's hand and lightly cut it. Zhao Xier's hands instantly became able to move freely.    


Then, they untied the rope on the other party's feet. Seeing that another few hoodlums were running towards us, the barbaric bull rushed forward and hit them hard, sending the hoodlums flying.    


"Not good, Wang Yue is going to run away!" Seeing that we have knocked down more than a dozen hoodlums in an instant, one of the hoodlums shouted.    


"What? Wang Yue is going to run?!" Gao Guili and Xu Chang stopped fighting after hearing what the bastard said. They quickly ran towards us.    


At this time, we have already run to the wall. Seeing the two large groups of people running towards us, I grabbed Tang Yuxin's waist with both hands and forcefully sent her out of the wall. "Wife, you go first!"    



"Wang Yue, come out quickly!" In the Zhao Xier Martial Meeting, the wall that was as tall as a person was flipped over.    


"Mr Yue, hurry up!" The barbaric bull and Mr Haonan also climbed over the spear.    


"Damn it, you want to run?!" Seeing the four of us running away, Gao Guili raised his gun and shot at me.    


Seeing Gao Guili shoot at me, I instinctively raised my knife. This knife actually blocked a bullet for me. Then, I gave Gao Guili a fierce look, threw down the saber, and flipped to the outside of the wall. When I flipped over to the outside of the wall, I saw a group of people standing outside the wall, stunned.    


"It's you?" I felt my heart beating extremely fast. Looking at the young man in the lead, I couldn't help but deeply frown.    


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