My Sensual Lady

C70 I Was Forgotten

C70 I Was Forgotten

0Looking at Guang's secretive expression, Gao Dali and I couldn't help but glance at each other. Both of their expressions were very serious, and they nearly burst out laughing.    


That Bai Zhuang had gone back on his word in our casino, and I don't know how badly he had been taught a lesson by Huang Mao. He was even taken a photo when he left, and now he still owes Huang Mao a huge debt.    


If we want to hit Bai Zhuang, I don't think we need to do anything at all. That Bai Zhuang will be scared to death when he sees us.    


As for that Guang, he still doesn't know that we already know Bai Zhuang. His face changed. He immediately pushed the boy who wanted to fight with us and said. "Damn it, do you think we're ignorant? We've never seen money before? "    


"Bai Zhuang, he is the boss of No. 3 High School, and he has a lot of followers in No. 3 High School. Is he that easy to fight? He wants to fight Bai Zhuang with just two hundred yuan? "    


"Then what do you want?" The boy frowned and said after thinking for a while.    


"At least one thousand. After the fight, he will treat us to a meal. Each of us will have a box of Yuxi!" Guang said through gritted teeth.    


"What? So expensive?" The boy was stunned.    


"F * ck off if you don't have money!" Guang cursed.    


Although it was easy for me to hit Bai Zhuang, Bai Zhuang had already learned enough lessons from the casino that day. I don't really want to hit him. Guang's words made me think that boys can back off and leave.    


But I didn't expect that after listening to Guang's words, the boy immediately scolded, "Damn it, why are you scolding me? Isn't it just a thousand dollars? After you finish beating him up, you can have a meal. Can't I afford it? As long as you guys help me fight Bai Zhuang tonight, I, Young Master Qian, will not give you a single cent less!"    


" Young Master Qian, you have to think it through. We don't eat cheap food. " Guang laughed strangely.    


"One thousand yuan is not enough!" Young Master Qian took out a bulging wallet from his pocket.    


Guang's eyes turned red when he saw Young Master Qian's bulging wallet. Then he greedily looked at ___'s wallet and whispered to me. "Mr Yue, this kid is quite strong. If you think it's possible, I'm willing to help you. You don't have to do anything. You and Mr Gao just watch from the side. If you make money, we'll split it by half."    


Five hundred dollars was already quite a lot from just one fight. Five hundred dollars could be spent a little. However, I'm not very interested. I don't want to earn money to fight people.    


But thinking about it, Lin Yuner is also in Third High School. Huang Mao had already given her phone to me yesterday. When I go to Third High School, I can return her phone, so I nodded and agreed.    


When I went back to class, I sat down and played with Lin Yuner's phone for a while. Lin Yuner's phone was kept very new. It could be seen that the girl used the phone very cleanly.    


In her phone, all sorts of apps were basically in baseball. However, there were a lot of messages that she sent, all in Mandarin.    


The people who sent messages to her were mostly girls and her family members. After looking at her phone for a while, I can tell that this girl treats her friends very well and cares about her family members.    


If I am not wrong, Lin Yuner should be a very loyal and kind girl.    


After looking at Lin Yuner's selfie for a while, her selfie is even more beautiful than her real person. If I don't have a partner, I think I might like this girl.    


After school at night, Guang brought people over to look for me. He didn't find many people, about a dozen or so. After that, we went to find Young Master Qian, and we set off.    


Our city has nine schools, three general schools, two county high schools, one technical school, and one key high school. There are also two complete schools, which are the ones that go to junior high school and high school together.    


The key high school is No.1 High School, and Lee Mingxi goes to that school. That school is filled with good students. As for our No.2 High School, most of them were students with average scores.    


As for No. 3 Secondary School, it is slightly more complicated than our school. That school belongs to a semi-private school and its teaching standard is not bad. Most of the students in the school are top middle school students. And the students with good family conditions. It was said that entering No.1 Middle School was equivalent to stepping into a university. If he entered No. 3 High School, it would be the same as having half a foot in a university.    


No. 2 High School, No. 3 High School, No. 4 High School. The distance between our three Universal High School is very close. After walking for five to six minutes with Gao Dali, Guang, and Young Master Qian, we arrived outside Third High School.    


Then, he looked at Third Senior High's tightly locked school gate. It was already time for school to end, but he still didn't let the students out. It is stricter than our school. Gao Dali asked me, "Mr Yue, it seems like their school won't let them out at night. They will only let them out after evening self-study. What should we do? Do we still want to fight? "    


"I have been to their school and know that there is a place where we can climb over the wall. We can flip into their school and run after we're done fighting. " Guang remembered Young Master Qian's one thousand yuan and whispered to us.    


"Then go in!" Young Master Qian immediately gritted his teeth.    


After listening to Young Master Qian's words, I didn't think that he would be so bold. I also wanted to return the phone to Lin Yuner, so I climbed over the wall with them and entered the school.    


When we entered the school, we saw that many students had already entered the canteen to eat. Young Master Qian looked coldly at the canteen and said to us, "Let's go to the canteen to look. That Bai Zhuang must be eating inside."    


"Okay." I nodded and followed Young Master Qian into the canteen.    


This is the first time I've entered another school to beat someone up, so I'm a little nervous. When we walked into the canteen of Third High School, we noticed that quite a number of students were looking at us. They were staring at the group of students from Second High School who had entered the canteen.    


The reason why they were able to recognize us was because our school uniforms were different. This is not our territory. At this time, Guang was also a little nervous. "Mr Yue, Mr Gao, Young Master Qian, let's hurry and find someone. If we find him, beat him up and run away."    


"Alright." I nodded, feeling a little uncomfortable being stared at by the students of Third High School.    


After looking at them for a while, I saw Lin Yuner and a few girls. Because Lin Yuner was too beautiful, even though she was wearing a school uniform, she still stood out like a crane among chickens.    


My eyes lit up. I lightly patted Dali's hand and let them go and find someone first. Then, I walked towards Lin Yuner and sat in the empty seat beside them. I said, "Lin Yuner, what a coincidence."    


"It's you?" A glint flashed across Lin Yuner's big eyes. She seemed to be pleasantly surprised to see me.    


"Yes, I came to find you. This is your and your friend's phone. Huang Mao forgot to give it to you that day. I brought it to you." I took out Lin Yuner and Piao Shalang's phones and said.    


Although the mortgage that Huang Mao gave them was five hundred, buying a new cell phone like this would cost five to six thousand. Seeing that I actually sent the phones back, Lin Yuner and Piao Shalang's faces immediately revealed a surprised smile.    


"Thank you. I'll treat you to a meal." Lin Yuner lightly touched the phone and put away the phone and looked at me seriously.    


"No need. I have other things to do here. Actually, sending the phone is on the way. That is the real thing." I said to Lin Yuner.    


However, just as I was saying this to Lin Yuner, I heard a scolding from a corner of the canteen. Then, there was a crackling sound.    


It was Young Master Qian, Guang, and Gao Dali. They had already found Bai Zhuang and started fighting with him. At this moment, a dozen of them had already knocked Bai Zhuang to the ground. A large group of people surrounded him and continuously kicked him.    


In terms of one-on-one combat, Guang was just a piece of trash. But with the help of his brothers, Guang's combat strength would definitely increase exponentially.    


At this moment, I heard someone shout, "Second Senior High School's kid, you actually dare to come to our school and beat people up?"    


"They hit Brother Zhuang, kill them!" With a crashing sound, a large black sea of people rushed towards them.    


When they rushed in from all directions, the entire canteen was in chaos. In an instant, plates flew everywhere, and the entire canteen was filled with fierce beatings and curses.    


Although I'm doing pretty well in my own school, Guang is also a veteran hooligan in the school. But this is someone else's school, how can we possibly beat up a boy in a school?    


Before I could react to help, I saw Young Master Qian, Guang, and Gao Dali running out. That Young Master Qian was actually very good at fighting. When a large group of people chased after them and beat them up, Young Master Qian turned around and kicked a person to the ground. Then Guang took out a machete from his body and waved it. He then turned around and continued running while yelling.    


When they caught up to the entrance of the canteen, Gao Dali turned around and closed the door of the canteen. He then used his body to block the door, allowing the large group of people to push open the door and buy time for Guang and Young Master Qian to escape.    



Finally, Gao Dali could not hold on any longer. He let go of the door and turned around to run. When he ran out, the students in the canteen all fell out due to inertia.    


From the time they attacked Bai Zhuang to the time they ran, all of this happened in less than two minutes. After they escaped, Lin Yuner also saw the school uniform of Second Senior High School on them.    


Lin Yuner couldn't help but look at me. She stared into my eyes and her tender lips parted slightly.    


At this moment, I suddenly saw a student not far away pointing at me and saying, "You are wearing the Second Senior High School uniform. You are also one of them!"    


"What's wrong?" I felt that something was wrong.    


"There's still a student from Second Senior High here. Let's kill him!" The student roared loudly and rushed over with the students in the school.    


F * ck, I was forgotten by Gao Dali and Guang here!    


When I saw the black mass of students charging towards me, my expression instantly changed...    


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