Son-in-law's Counterattack

C146 Don't Worry I Won't Do Anything

C146 Don't Worry I Won't Do Anything

0Ning Yuefeng once had a third wife?    


Heavens, didn't my Da Hua Xia stipulate clearly that we can only have one wife?    


However, when I looked at Ning Yuefeng's aged face and thought about it carefully, I immediately understood. He was talking about that year. I think that it was something that happened a long time ago.    


And for a large clan like Ning Mansion, why would it be difficult to marry more wives? Transfer to Arab nationality and you can have more than one wife!    


When Ning Yuefeng left with a chuckle, Ning Hsing's face turned as red as a peach as she stood up with a stomp. Her moving eyes were filled with intense hatred, as if she wanted to tear me into pieces on the spot!    


"Hehehe, don't take it seriously. You sleep on the bed tonight, I'll sleep on the sofa. I promise I won't do anything wrong." I secretly felt good inside but didn't dare to show it. I could only squeeze out an embarrassed smile as I thought to myself, "Ning Hsing definitely wouldn't be willing to marry a weakling like me even if I were beaten to death. Who knows how much she might hate me?"    


"Humph, that's more like it!" Ning Hsing snorted in indignation.    


"… …"    


At night.    


Ning Hsing had changed out of her black tights and put on a red nightgown. Her graceful figure and long, fair legs were faintly discernible. Her hair was draped over her shoulders. She was truly a beauty in the world!    


However, I could only sneakily glance at her a few times. If she dared to do anything rash, I was sure that she would smash it.    


When the lights went out, there was only a sliver of light left in the room. Ning Hsing was on the bed, I was on the sofa, she threw me a quilt and fell asleep.    


The weather was already cold, how could a single blanket be enough? I wrapped myself in a blanket and curled up on the sofa. After only half an hour, I was already shivering from the cold. I couldn't help but ask bitterly in the dark room, "Ning Hsing, are you asleep? Can't you just give me another quilt? "    


After a long while, Ning Hsing finally said, "It's fine if you freeze to death. There are only so many quilts. Don't tell me you're not going to the other rooms to get them?"    


"If I go out to get the quilt, someone would see the situation in the room. Isn't it obvious?" I rubbed my arms in the cold.    


Ning Hsing suddenly sat up, lifted her hair before her forehead, and glared at him. "What?" You still want to take it seriously? "    


These words rendered me speechless. I pulled at my blanket in pain and no longer spoke. Ning Hsing also laid back down.    


Half an hour passed quickly in the dark. I was so cold that I couldn't take it anymore. I peed once more before gritting my teeth and getting up. Then, I rushed to the bathroom in my room.    


I stood up, and Ning Hsing also sat up, looking at me warily. "Why aren't you asleep yet? What do you want to do in the middle of the night? "    


I stopped walking and turned my face to the side. "Aren't you still awake? I just go to the bathroom, what else do you want me to do? "    


Suddenly, Ning Hsing's face turned red for no reason. She snorted lightly and lay back down. "Lazy people have too much sh * t and urine."    


[I have to say, Ning Hsing is such a weird girl. I only went to the washroom once.] Why are you so nervous? You are Earthly List Expert, are you afraid that I will eat you?    


As I was thinking, I walked into the washroom and started to relieve myself from the toilet. Halfway through my piss, Ning Hsing's voice suddenly came from outside.    


"Lee Shaobai!" Do you have to be so loud? Are you doing this on purpose? "    


I ignored him, just made a noise with my belly, thinking I didn't mean it, I meant it, it was so loud, how? Bite me?    


When I walked out of the bathroom, Ning Hsing's face was filled with hatred as she stared straight at me. "I originally wanted to give you a blanket, but it seems that you deserve it. I'll freeze you to death."    


"Tsk, I'm not afraid at all." I forced myself to return to the sofa. Not long after I laid down, I was already f * cking regretful.    


Even though there was a heater in the room, it was unable to stop a chill that gradually seeped into my bones. I shivered from the cold, but kept on holding on with my face.    


"I must not compromise any further. I must not lower my voice or Ning Hsing will step on my head!" I thought so in my heart, but on the surface I could not help but stare at the quilt on the bed, and at the beauty in the quilt, longing for her to give me a quilt.    


As a result, I stared at Ning Hsing for a long time. She lay with her back to me in the middle of the bed, completely motionless!    


I endured the humiliation and couldn't even take a step as I silently thought in my heart, "I don't believe that you would be so heartless. Watching me being cold, you must be feeling conflicted and must not have slept at all. You must be considering whether to give me a blanket or not."    


However, after another half an hour had passed, Ning Hsing still hadn't moved. Furthermore, she seemed to have really fallen asleep and didn't move at all.    


I was so cold that I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't want to give up, so I got beaten up instead of dying from the cold. I quietly landed on the ground and carefully approached Ning Hsing.    


But at this moment, Ning Hsing's jade-like body suddenly moved. She turned around and glared at Lee Shaobai: "Lee Shaobai, what are you trying to do?"    


"Ah, you're still awake? I thought you were asleep? " I immediately stopped walking and stood still. I shifted my gaze to the cigarette by the bed and pointed. "I would like to smoke a cigarette to warm my body."    


However, as if she saw through my thoughts, Ning Hsing narrowed her beautiful eyes and said, "What do you want? "If you want to sleep on the bed, just say so. Don't give me any excuses."    


"If you want to sleep on the bed, it's not impossible, but I'll tell you this right now. The bed is split in half, you're not allowed to cross the border, I'm very pure, otherwise, I won't let you go."    


The bed was half empty, and no one was allowed to cross the border? Very pure? Why does this sound so familiar to me …    


Suddenly, I remembered, wasn't this what I told Ning Hsing before? [You did it on purpose. You must have done it on purpose. Isn't this woman holding a grudge?] She actually remembered that she was trying to take revenge on me with this kind of method, making it so that I couldn't even move away from my face. I could only return to the sofa to sleep.    


However, Ning Hsing's estimation was wrong. At a time like this, face was nothing!    


Thus, I took a deep breath and drilled my way in. Ning Hsing's expression changed drastically!    


"You! What are you doing? " Ning Hsing shouted and was about to kick me out.    


"You said it yourself. One man, half. I remember that you kept your word. Don't go back on your word." I turned my head and saw that it was less than ten centimeters away from Ning Hsing's face. I could even feel her rapid breathing.    


After half a minute, Ning Hsing gave me a hateful look and pulled at the blanket. She turned her back to me and muttered, "You … "You'd better be honest with me."    


"Don't worry, I won't do anything." I had just finished speaking, looking at Ning Hsing's back, smelling the faint fragrance, and feeling the warmth of the bed, I couldn't help but swallow my saliva.    


The beauty was right next to him. Her jade-like shoulders were slightly revealed, her long hair fell to the floor, and her fragrance assaulted his nose …    


After ten minutes of watching, my left hand reached out towards Ning Hsing's shoulder uncontrollably …    


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