Tomin in The Alien World



0A loud cracking sound could be heard as the transformed scythe smashed into the center of the car. In the deafening sound, the car was torn apart from the center, forcibly splitting into two. One half smashed into the cliff while the other half flew off the cliff.    




A single slash split the car into two, drawing cries of alarm from both sides.    


The screams at the front naturally came from the bandits, and the exclamations of surprise at the back were from Gu Yue, Le Tian and the others.    


Not giving the bandits the chance to put down the second car, Tang Yin sprinted up the mountain with his sickle.    


There were bandits, fugitives, wanted criminals, homeless people, bankrupt farmers, merchants, and so on. The weapons in their hands were also very messy, there were sabres, swords, spears, guns, and even a hoe and script.    


Seeing Tang Yin rushing over while shouting and pouncing towards him, how could Tang Yin take them seriously? He waved the sickle in his hand horizontally, and the Spirit Wave spread out, with a series of muffled sounds. In an instant, more than ten people were slashed, and their blood, and their intestines flowed out onto the ground.    


bandit Kou were usually good at robbing homes, but when he met Spiritual Martial Expert like Tang Yin, he immediately turned into a soft leg.    


Being intimidated by the Spirit Wave, the bandits turned pale with fright, and started to retreat.    


Tang Yin chuckled, he did not make a move, but turned his body to the side, and handed the enemies over to the soldiers behind him.    


He shouted, "Kill! "Leave no one alive!"    


Since the bandits were not strong, they would not pose much of a threat to their own side. In Tang Yin's opinion, this was a rare opportunity for the soldiers below to fight in actual combat.    


Gu Yue and Le Tian led their subordinates and charged up the mountain, starting a war with the bandits.    


There were only a hundred bandits, and they were a motley crowd without any formal training. How could they be two thousand well-prepared opponents for the regular army? The battle didn't last long, and the hundred bandits were either killed or captured.    


When the battle came to an end, there were shouts of battle from the distance, followed by almost a thousand bandits rushing down from the mountains.    


Tang Yin looked at them for a while, then turned and shouted: "Qiu Zhen!"    


"Here!" Qiu Zhen came out from nowhere and ran to Tang Yin's side while panting heavily.    


"Didn't you say that the bandits only have around 500 people? Why did so many people appear all of a sudden? " With over a thousand enemies rushing out, Tang Yin could no longer treat his opponent as his training target, and wanted to fight a real battle instead.    


Qiu Zhen grinned as he wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead, then said in a baffled manner: "I received news from the Cong City Mayor that there are only about five hundred bandits here, why would there suddenly be so many of them?"    


Tang Yin rolled his eyes, maybe even the Cong City Mayor himself did not know how many bandits there were, luckily the other side did not have sufficient preparations, and only had a few thousand people, if by any chance they met a bandit camp with more than ten thousand people and set up an ambush, she would be fine, but she did not know how many soldiers were killed or injured.    


He did not learn his lesson, but at this moment, Tang Yin had already realized the importance of information. In his heart, he had secretly decided that if there was a chance in the future, he would establish an elite unit that would be specifically responsible for intelligence.    


Seeing the bandits and the Kou Clan rushing down from the mountain, Tang Yin took a deep breath, and said: "Raise the bow, set up the arrow formation!"    


Following his command, the two thousand soldiers immediately formed a phalanx, and then, each of them retrieved a Longbow on their shoulders, drew out an arrow, and nocked it onto their bow.    


The bandits got closer and closer. They were so close that they could clearly see the faces of the bandits at the front.    


Tang Yin squinted his eyes, waved his hand and shouted: "Release the arrows!"    


Two thousand Eagle Feather Arrow soared into the sky, drawing a perfect arc in the sky. Then, they fell down from above.    


Pu, Pu, Pu!    


The two thousand arrows sank into the group of bandits. The bone-piercing sounds of the arrows piercing through flesh could be heard as a large portion of the bandits fell to the ground in an instant.    


The next moment, the second volley came again. Hundreds of bandits were covered in arrows, and they fell to the ground like hedgehogs.    


When they were a bit closer to each other, the bandit gang started to shoot, but their bows were weaker, and their archery skills were much weaker. The sparse sounds of the arrows hitting could not deter the soldiers on Tang Yin's side.    


"Put away the arrows, raise the spear, charge!" After Tang Yin finished giving orders, he had already taken the lead to face the enemy.    


The difference in numbers between the two sides was only double, but the difference in strength was too great. The fighting strength of the bandits, as well as their weapons and equipment, were all incomparable to that of the regular army.    


These Feng Soldier s who had just joined the army and had not trained for too long truly responded to the words of a newborn calf that was not afraid of a tiger.    


"I hope everyone supports the genuine version!" The first issue of the book was Waves upon Waves! Even though they signed the exclusive contract with Chasing Haze, the fastest they could do was also to set up Chasing Haze! The rest of the country is illegally reprinted!    


In the battle, Tang Yin's requirement of comprehensive training was demonstrated. When they first came into contact with each other, they used lance stabs to inflict a great deal of damage on the bandits. When the two sides engaged in a chaotic battle, they immediately abandoned their lances and switched to sabers.    


This was a battle without any suspense.    


Tang Yin fought from the bandit's front all the way to the end of the formation. When he turned around, he saw that the bandit groups had been killed to the point of crying for their mothers and fathers.    


The outcome had been decided! He smiled faintly. Bandits could not be compared to Ning Jun. The battle was much simpler than he had imagined.    


At that moment, someone from the crowd of bandits suddenly shouted, "Dogman of the soldiers, I'll kill you!"    


Following the voice, a shadow sprang out, and at the same time swept Tang Yin's neck with a cold light.    


That person was fast, and his movements were fast as well. It was a pity that to Tang Yin, this kind of speed didn't pose any threat.    


However, what made him curious was that the opponent was a Spiritual Martial Force Warrior, and the weapon he used was a Spirit Transformation Saber.    


He raised the sickle in his hand, easily blocking the opponent's deathblow, and sneered: "I didn't expect that there's a Spirit Cultivator among the bandits!"    


"Go to hell!" The man seemed to have fallen into a half-crazed state, the Spiritual Knife in his hands struck after another, all aiming for Tang Yin's vitals.    


He was courting death, it was no wonder that others were courting death! His eyes narrowed and the corner of his mouth lifted into a smile. Like a phantom, his body lightly swayed, and like a ghost, he flashed behind the bandit, and before the bandit could react, the sickle in one of his hands, and the palm of the blazing Fire of Darkness had already covered the back of his head.    




The black flames instantly turned into countless small black fire snakes, scurrying around the man's body, enveloping him within the Black Fire.    


Being burned by the Fire of Darkness was even more painful than being burnt by normal flames, it was even a hundred times, a thousand times more painful. The big sized man opened his mouth wide, releasing a ghastly blood-curdling scream, but very quickly, the scream disappeared, and even his entire body had disappeared.    


All that was left on the ground was a pile of clothes and a steel knife that had been restored to its original state.    


Hiss hiss! Tang Yin breathed in and absorbed the spirit energy floating in the air into his body. Then he stretched his arms and comfortably sighed.    


That big guy seemed to be the leader of this group of bandits. He had been completely burnt to ashes, and not even a single strand of hair was left. This made the surrounding bandits completely lose their will to fight.    



There was no need for Tang Yin to say anything, the soldiers who were killing to the point where their eyes were bloodshot would not give them the chance to escape.    


Tang Yin wanted to see what the bandit's nest looked like.    


This place was even wider than the open area halfway up the mountain. There was even a simple and crude mountain stronghold built here.    


Tang Yin passed the bandits around and took the lead to rush into the mountain stronghold.    


Just as he approached, he could still see clearly if there were any enemies inside, and more than ten sharp arrows flew towards him.    


He brandished the scythe in his hands left and right, easily knocking out the arrows, and then moved towards the place where the Eagle Feather Arrow was shot from.    


Who would have thought that his speed would be so fast? The dozen or so bandits hidden behind the rocks cried out in fear, jumped out, threw away their bows and arrows, and ran away.    


In Tang Yin's eyes, their speed was like a turtle's crawl. With a few strides, they caught up to the bandits and Kou Yi.    


A dozen or so bandits who were secretly shooting arrows fell to the ground miserably, leaving behind only one person alive. Tang Yin knocked him down to the ground and used the tip of his sickle to cover his throat as he asked sternly, "Who is your leader? Where is it now? "    


That bandit was very young, perhaps not even twenty years old. His lips were covered with green fur, and his young face was filled with fear.    


He looked at Tang Yin who was covered in Black Spirit Armor s and stammered, "Don't ? Don't kill me... Zang... "The chief is inside ?"    


"Bring me there!" Tang Yin retracted his blade, and grabbed onto the back of the bandit's neck with one hand, and carried him forward.    


In the center of the village, there were a few large thatched cottages. The young bandit pointed shakily and said, "It's ?" "It's right there ?"    


Tang Yin didn't say anything, he only silently increased his pace. When he arrived in front of the biggest straw hut in the center, he threw out the bandit in his hands with all his might.    


Ka-cha! *    


The bandit's body heavily collided with the door. How could the simple and crude door withstand such a powerful impact? It immediately shattered and he and the bandit flew into the hut.    


"Ah ?"    


The bandit was shocked and in pain. Before he could even cry out from the ground, several sabers fell from all directions, slashing at his body.    


Only when the young robber's body was split into several sections did the people inside realize that they had killed the wrong person. With a few angry shouts, several figures rushed out from the thatched cottage.    


Tang Yin stood in front of the door of the thatched cottage and sized up the few burly men in front of him with an indifferent expression.    


The enemies had a total of five people, two of them used their spirit weapons, and the other three, although they were also Spirit Cultivator, had insufficient cultivation to complete Spirit Materialization of Weapon, and only had half a Spirit Armored Materialization on them.    


There were actually so many Spirit Cultivator s! It was no wonder that the officers and soldiers of Cong City could not destroy this bandit's nest.    


"Who are you?" Why did you suddenly attack our village? " Amongst the five of them, the one in the middle, who looked to be the fiercest looking man in his forties, was the first to ask a question. From the looks of the other people who treated him with respect, he should be the leader of the bandits' lair.    


Tang Yin looked at him coldly, and did not say a word.    


"I know you are not an army of Cong City, you are just passing by. We have no enmity with you, why did you muster up such a large force to attack? "If you are doing this for money, brother, you can take all the gold and silver that I have here!"    


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