Tomin in The Alien World



0Tang Yin looked at Liang Xing and said: "What happened next, General Wu and I also saw it. General Liang and General Wu kidnapped a female Captain under my command and forced her to drink with us and then made a move. I went to rescue them and the Captain under General Liang came forward to stop them, then moved his hand. They have a lot of people, and even used his weapon first, but in order to protect myself, I helplessly struck a few blows, but out of a desire to save others, I did not think of hurting them at all.    


Even though Tang Yin was stubborn, but he still spoke lies that sounded similar, his face was not red, and his breathing was not shallow. The other party had made a move on him first, but that was all f * cking happening, as the other party had used their Spirit Force first, and had been forced to do the same thing.    


In the end, Tang Yin said: "In the process of the battle, four thousand captains died, I am responsible, but these people all deserve to die. According to the military law, it is a capital offense to bully women, not to mention that they even dared to bully their own people in the army, so they deserve to die a thousand deaths.    


His words were very clever, and at first he mentioned Liang Yuan, but after that, he only mentioned the mistakes of the Captains, purposely putting on airs, and making the Captains shoulder their responsibilities to justify Liang Yuan. However, if Liang Xing were to bite on this, and refused to let him go, then he would definitely pull Liang Yuan into the water as well.    


It was as if Wu Mei and Qiu Zhen had just met each other. They couldn't help but to look at him with eyes, and at the same time secretly cheer in their hearts.    


What a cunning young man! Liang Xing had a calm smile on his face, but his eyes flashed with a cold light.    


After a moment of silence, he said in a flat tone, "In any case, General Tang is not a law enforcement official, so you have no right to judge who is guilty and who is not. You have even less right to decide who should die and who should live.    


Moreover, Liang Xing was the Minister of the Left. If he were to forcefully punish Tang Yin's crimes, no one would be able to do anything about it.    


Without waiting for Tang Yin to speak, Wu Yu put down the teacup and spoke: "Brother Liang is right, General Tang is indeed wrong, and indeed, we should be convicted. But this matter still involves Nephew Liang, General Wu and the Captains below, it's too wide in scope, if it gets out of hand, not only will it be difficult to stop, it would also affect the image of my Great Feng Army Army too. Furthermore, now is the time of crisis for our country. It is also the time to punish so many generals and captains at once, which is not good for our army, not to mention that Eldest Young Master Liang is at the front fighting with the Ning Army, while our Young Nephew Liang is doing such a thing. If things go wrong, His Majesty will probably vent his anger on the soldiers in front of us and affect our morale.    


If Liang Xing was not let go of Tang Yin, he would uncover the truth and make a big deal out of this matter. He was guilty, so people would not only focus their eyes on him, they would also focus on the entire Liang Family. Now that the Liang Family was being used up by the Feng King, if Liang Yuan was in trouble, the impression the Liang Family had in the Feng King would be greatly reduced.    


Liang Xing and Wu Yu had worked together for tens of years, they had fought openly and fought secretly countless of times, so how could they not understand the hidden meaning behind his words?    


He was wary of this old cunning fox, Wu Yu, who seemed gentle on the surface but was secretly sinister and cunning. Since Wu Yu was willing to personally step in, it showed that he was confident.    


He laughed and nodded his head, following Wu Yu's words, he went along with the flow and said: "Brother Wu, you have a clear understanding of the situation, and have considered everything thoroughly, how this matter should be handled, will be handled according to Brother Wu's wishes!"    


Wu Yu chuckled, and sighed: "Aiya, Brother Liang is too modest. "Nephew Liang is young and vigorous, and impulsive in his actions. It's enough for you to just take a lesson from him. Regarding this matter, don't bring it up again in the future."    


"Yes!" Liang Xing replied and did not take any action.    


Wu Yu continued: "As for General Tang, I think we should still punish them. In my opinion, how about we heavily punish them with twenty military sticks?"    


"Huh?" Liang Xing waved his hand, pretended to be generous, and retorted: "General Tang is also very young, how can a young person not make mistakes?! Forget about the military club! "    


"Hehe, Brother Liang is indeed broad-minded ?"    


Next, the two of them began to talk nonchalantly again, admiring each other and speaking in an official tone. This matter was immediately replaced by a wave of laughter and conversation between the two of them.    


Liang Xing was angry at him, but in his heart, he also hated him to the point that the roots of his teeth were itchy. As the saying goes, even if you hit a dog you still have to look at your master.    


Liang Xing did not severely punish Tang Yin, but he engraved his name deeply in his mind.    


On the way back to the right Palace after leaving the Left Prime Minister Mansion, Wu Mei exhaled a long breath of foul air. When they came here, she was still a little worried that Liang Xing would not let this matter go, but things went smoothly.    


"Dad, it's all thanks to you stepping forward this time. Old Liang couldn't do anything about our arrogance!" She held Wu Yu's arm and said happily.    


Wu Yu only laughed, turned and looked at Tang Yin, and said with a smile: "If I knew General Tang would be so good at talking, I might as well sit at home and drink tea, hehe ?"    


Tang Yin cupped his hands and said: "Prime Minister Wu is too kind."    


"Young people are smart, but when doing things, they should know how to restrain themselves. Don't show off too much."    


Wu Yu truly somewhat liked and admired this young man Tang Yin. The words he spoke were a reminder out of goodwill, but in Tang Yin's ears, they weren't that nice to listen to.    


He hated being controlled, and even more so, hated people pointing fingers and pointing fingers at his head. Wu Yu was originally someone who had nothing to do with him, but now, he was scolding him like an elder.    


Tang Yin, who had a cold and detached personality, had long ago become accustomed to not revealing his true feelings, and his anger and joy had also disappeared without a trace. He said with a smile: "Thank you Prime Minister Wu for the reminder, this subordinate will take it to heart."    


The matter of Tang Yin killing the four Captains of the Eighth Army in anger was passed like this, but the disturbance did not stop there.    


However, there was another benefit to the rumors. From now onwards, no one dared to say that Tang Yin became the commander of the Second Regiment because of an ambiguous relationship with Wu Mei, and no one dared to look down on and despise people of the Second Regiment. Subconsciously, Tang Yin and his Second Regiment had spread far and wide, and his status within the army had increased by a large amount.    


Without those ambiguous words, Tang Yin felt much more at ease. The improvement of his position caused every soldier in the Second Regiment to feel very proud, and a sense of pride arose from it.    


Although the regiment's training was getting more and more difficult, the number of soldiers who chose to transfer to regiment became fewer and fewer. At this point, the Second Regiment's manpower structure could be considered to be completely set in stone.    


Tang Yin had not expected that this matter would have such a series of effects.    


A few days later.    


Tang Yin headed to the Dance Mansion for a meeting.    


The main organizers of this meeting were Wu Mei and Wu Ying. The participants were the four Regiment Commanders and the Vice Regiment Commander of the Reconstruction Regiment.    


When Tang Yin arrived, the leaders of the other three divisions and their assistant had already arrived.    


These three legions were respectively the Third, Eleventh and Twelfth Infantry Regiment. Wu Mei and Wu Ying were in charge of two Regiments, the former being the Second and Third Regiments, while the latter being the Eleventh and Twelfth Regiments.    


Tang Yin was naturally very familiar with him, and as for the other two legion leaders, they were new, called Wu Zhong and Zi Shang. Tang Yin had met them before, but they were not in contact, they were just acquaintances.    


The meeting was not a matter of great importance. He just needed to know the progress of the soldiers' training and compare the four legions with each other.    


Looking at the current stage, the soldiers of Second Regiment had the best physique and fighting techniques, but their discipline was the worst, and they were also the most unorganized. The arrangement, composition, and changes of the phalanx were also the worst, while the other three legions were similar.    


Every regiment had its own soul, also known as the spirit of the army. The spirit of the army was closely related to the character of the leader, and if the leader of the regiment was a strict person, then the soldiers of the regiment would also be very disciplined.    


Tang Yin was a person who did as he pleased, the soul of his Second Regiment had inherited his personality. The soldiers under his command had extremely strong individual fighting capabilities, but they were still lacking when it came to formation techniques that focused on coordination.    


After Wu Mei and Wu Ying finished evaluating the reconstruction of the various divisions, their gazes all landed on Tang Yin. The two sisters had the same thought, and spoke in unison: "General Tang, don't you think you should explain something?"    


Tang Yin's consciousness that had drifted out of the Ninth Heaven was finally pulled back. He sat upright and said seriously: "Soldiers need to have their own personality, and that's the only way to maximize their strength on the battlefield. Sometimes, it's understandable to not pay attention to discipline. As for the problem with the square formation, I will pay more attention to it in the future. However, if there is no fixed formation on the battlefield, then it will be counterproductive if it is too dogmatic. "    


Upon hearing his words, everyone was stunned.    


The room was so silent that a pin drop could be heard.    


After an unknown amount of time, Wu Mei finally reacted. Coughing lightly, she unconsciously raised her voice and asked, "Your soldiers do not abide by the rules, and are the ones who have done the worst in terms of formation, do you still have any reason?"    


Tang Yin shrugged his shoulders, this was a difference in the army's philosophy, it would be endless if they talked about it, so it was not suitable for them to argue in public.    


"I hope so!" Wu Mei extended three of her fingers, and reminded: "Don't forget your promise to me back then, three months, three months, passed by in a flash!"    



Tang Yin smiled, nodded and said: "Thank you General Wu for your reminder, I have a sense of discretion in my heart."    


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