Tomin in The Alien World



0Hearing the big man's words, the surrounding people burst into laughter again.    


Li Wei could not hold back his anger and shouted: "Fuck, Liang Yuan, don't go too far!"    


"Kid, do you know who you're talking to? "You dare to scold our Regiment Commander, I, your father, will kill you!" Following the voice, a sturdy man left his seat and walked towards Li Wei aggressively.    


When he walked past Tang Yin, the latter extended his hand out to stop him, and laughed: "Friend, we are all on the same side, not enemies, there is no need to go to the extent of using force and knife, if there is any misunderstanding, I hope everyone can sit down and discuss it, and settle it peacefully!"    


Li Wei and the rest sighed inwardly, it was obvious that the Eighth and Ninth Regiment were looking for trouble, there was nothing to say to them. But Tang Yin was the leader of the troop, even if he was not tough, they would not be strong.    


"Who the f * * k is on the same side as you?!" The sturdy man suddenly swung his palm, opening up Tang Yin's arm that was in front of him. Then, he looked at him with the corner of his eyes and sneered: "Don't put so much gold on your own face, someone who relies on women to climb up, what right do you have to call us brothers? What are you talking about, my ass! "    


Tang Yin laughed and looked at him, then asked: "You are ?."    


"I am the Second Regiment Captain of the Eighth Regiment, Zhao Meng!"    


"Captain?" Is this how you, a mere Captain, talk to the Regiment Commander? " Tang Yin put his hands behind his back and asked with a smile.    


"You're a f * cking shitty Regiment Commander ?" As the sturdy man spoke, he extended his broad palm and fiercely grabbed towards Tang Yin's neck.    


Tang Yin was not short anymore, but he was still a far cry from the strong man. The two of them had a huge difference in appearance, and he felt that even if he grabbed Tang Yin's neck, he could still snap Tang Yin's neck.    


Just as Li Wei, Deng Mingyang and the rest were about to rush forward to protect Tang Yin, the latter suddenly moved.    


He slightly leaned to the side, and just as the man's hand was about to reach his neck, he moved as fast as lightning and gripped the man's wrist with a bang. He didn't even use much strength before the big man's wrist snapped with a crack.    


Broken bones pierced through the skin and exposed the skin. The ghastly white bone stubble was really terrifying.    


Before the surrounding people could react, Tang Yin took the opportunity to kick the sturdy man right in the chest.    


Like a kite with its string cut, the two hundred jin body bounced off the ground and flew backwards.    


The brawny man fell onto the table. How could the wooden table withstand such a huge pressure? It was immediately shattered. Wine cups and chopsticks were scattered all over the floor. The brawny man was lying on his back on the ground. His face was red, and he was gasping for breath. Then, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes turned white. He fainted on the spot.    


With one kick, the muscular man fainted. Seeing this, everyone present turned pale with fright, as if they were looking at a monster. They looked at Tang Yin, including his own captains and captains.    


This was also the first time they had seen Tang Yin's true strength.    


From start to finish, Tang Yin had a smile on his face, as though the one who had made a move was not him.    


He looked at the man on the left of Ai Jia and laughed: "I assume you are General Liang Liang Yuan, your subordinate is too insolent and rude. If I helped you teach him a little, General Liang would not take offense, right?!"    


"Tang Yin, my f * cking ancestor!" Before Liang Yuan could say anything, a few Captains from the Eighth Regiment rushed towards him. The man with the fastest speed was holding a chair high above his head, he walked towards Tang Yin, aimed at his head, and smashed it down with all his might.    


Tang Yin did not put this kind of character in his eyes at all. He slightly gathered his strength, then lifted his right leg, and fiercely kicked upwards.    


Ka-cha! *    


He kicked the chair to pieces. He didn't pause at all as he moved forward and grabbed a piece of wood with lightning speed. He held it in his hand and stabbed horizontally.    


"Pu!" The ordinary piece of wood in his hand became a deadly weapon. The wooden piece pierced the left side of the man's neck and came out from the right side of his neck, piercing through his entire neck.    


The big sized man froze, his eyes stared straight at Tang Yin who was just inches away from him like a bronze bell. His body swayed a few times, and he couldn't help but kneel on the ground.    


He covered his neck with both hands and opened his mouth to scream, but he could not utter a single word. However, blood bubbled and bubbled from his mouth.    


"Ah ? ?" The several Captains of the Eighth Regiment were all shocked as they watched this scene. They never would have thought that Tang Yin was so skilled, and even more so, that he would be so vicious that he didn't intend to keep him alive.    


"Hehe ?"    


Looking at their shocked and dumbstruck expressions, the smile on Tang Yin's face grew even wider, he tilted his head, let out an ear-piercing laugh, and slowly walked towards the Captains, saying: "If the few of you want to spar, fine, I'm right here, are you going to do so one by one, or do you want to do it together? However, I suggest that you all fight together. Since the result is the same, we can save some time. "    


The Eighth Regiment could also be considered a powerful Regiment, and Regiment Leader Liang Yuan was from the Liang Family, so he had a very strong background. Usually, no matter where they went, they would be respected and pampered by others, so when could they be insulted like this?    


A few Captains suppressed the fear in their hearts, and started shouting out at the same time. Accompanied by a 'clank clank' sound, they all pulled out their swords at the same time, and pounced towards Tang Yin.    


Six people, six swords, stabbed at Tang Yin's neck and chest.    


The few of them attacked at the same time, thinking that if they couldn't hurt Tang Yin, they would still force him to retreat. But unexpectedly, Tang Yin's figure was as slippery as a loach, and actually slipped through the gap between the six, with a lightning fast speed and a ghost-like movement technique, no one could clearly see how he did it.    


Sneaking behind the six of them, Tang Yin kicked them three times as he shouted, "Get out!"    


Bang, bang, bang!    


These three kicks landed on the hearts of the three people in the middle.    


The back of their hearts was the vital point of the human body, coupled with the fact that Tang Yin's legs were too strong, the three Captains who were hit screamed out in succession, and with their bodies moving forward several meters, they fell down as dogs and ate their feces. After landing, the three of them vomited blood and their four limbs spasmed violently for a few moments, before they ceased to move, not knowing if they were dead or alive.    


The other three Captains were frightened to the point that their faces changed. They anxiously turned their heads to look for Tang Yin.    


They had seen Tang Yin, but had also seen Tang Yin's incoming fist.    


One of them covered his face with his hands, and then, he knelt on the ground and couldn't even stand up. He tore at his own neck and howled for his life, but the other two could still be considered tough, holding back the pain, they pounced towards Tang Yin once again as if they had gone mad.    


Their faces were covered in blood, and their facial features were distorted. Their faces were ferocious in a non-adult fashion, as if they were evil ghosts that had crawled out from hell.    


When both of them were still conscious, they were not Tang Yin's match. Now that they were in a half-crazy state, they lost even faster.    


Tang Yin squatted down, and with a sweep of his leg, he knocked two people down. Without waiting for the two to get up from the ground, he strode forward and kicked each of their stomachs.    


Two thousand-man commanders, like two giant bowling balls, slid across the ground, knocking over several tables and chairs along with them. Only when their bodies heavily collided against the wall did they come to a stop.    


The six Captains, in addition to the two in front, were a total of eight Captains. None of them were able to withstand a single move from Tang Yin, and everyone looked at the scene in front of them without blinking, almost to the point of forgetting to breathe.    


No one said a word. The tavern was in chaos, and the atmosphere was strange. Numerous shocked and shocked gazes fell on Tang Yin alone.    


Tang Yin had never been a soft-hearted person, nor was he someone who would hold feelings or pity towards others.    


His gaze swept the area, finally landing on the Captain who was kneeling beside him, still holding his nose and howling.    


What an annoying scream!    



His eyes were smiling very much, his mouth was grinning, revealing two rows of white teeth, his feet casually hooked the ground, raising a handful of Steel Sword, taking a look at it in his hand, following that, he placed the Steel Sword's sword tip against the Captain's back.    


He bent down and whispered into the Captain's ear, "Friend, if you want to blame something, blame it on your Regiment Commander for not teaching you well, not me for being ruthless!" As he spoke, the sword in his hand slowly stabbed down.    


The speed of the sword was very slow, and the Captain could feel the cold of the sword stabbing into his body bit by bit. The cold, was the cold before death, was the cold that pierced the heart.    


"Crack ?" "Crack ?"    


The Steel Sword pierced through the Captain's vocal cords, causing him to be unable to make a sound. Only the sound of bubbles could be heard amidst the fresh blood.    


They had killed so many people, yet none of them felt any fear in their hearts. But now, seeing Tang Yin use such a masochistic method to kill the Captain, a chill arose in the depths of their hearts. They forgot to go forward and stop him, and forgot to make a sound, or even forgot to breathe.    




The corpse of the Steel Sword that was stuck in his neck fell to the ground, releasing a dull sound, the sound was also like a huge hammer, shocking everyone present awake.    




Instantly, the tavern was in an uproar.    


On the other hand, Liang Yuan, Wu Lixiong and their subordinates couldn't help but shiver. The Tang Yin in front of them caused them to feel a deep fear, and the scene before their eyes made them want to vomit.    


Tang Yin squatted on the ground and wiped the blood off his hands with the clothes of the corpse beneath his feet. Then, he stood up and walked towards Liang Yuan with a smile.    


He tilted his head and said softly: "General Liang, can you return my men back to me now?" Saying that, his gaze turned to Wu Li Xiong on the other side of Ai Jia, and laughed: "Or perhaps, General Wu would like to have a competition with me too!"    


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