Tomin in The Alien World



0After lunch, the four of them sat in the front hall and chatted.    


Tang Yin asked Qiu Zhen: "Have you heard about the situation with the Tong Gate?"    


Qiu Zhen said: The Ning Army is stationed outside the city, Liang Qi commands twenty groups to guard inside the city, the Ning Army does not dare to rashly attack, and Liang Qi does not launch any counterattacks, both sides are in a deadlock, but, it is definite that the Ning Army is the first one to be unable to hold on.    


"It's very strange!" Gu Yue interrupted: "I heard that back then when Liang Qi entered the Tong Gate, he had an imposing manner and wanted to rush out of the city in one go. Now that his forces have increased, he is trying to defend the Tong Gate even more."    


"There's nothing strange about that." Qiu Zhen smiled as he understood, and said: "To retaliate to the Ning Army, no matter if we can win or not, there will always be casualties, and it will definitely cause losses to the directly subordinate armies of the Liang Family. How comfortable is it for Liang Qi to defend Tong Gate, that is, without any danger, and also be able to request reinforcements from Wang Ting from time to time. "Originally, Liang Family controlled only ten divisions, but now, with twenty of them in control, it can be said that you have reaped both benefits and fame. It can be said that you have reaped both rewards!"    


"So that's how it is!" Gu Yue nodded in realization and exclaimed: "What a cunning Liang Qi!"    


Qiu Zhen waved his hand and said: "This may not be Liang Qi's intention. In my opinion, it more likely is the idea of the Minister of the Left, Liang Xing. Liang Qi can be considered a genius at leading troops, but he is not an expert in wielding power, and Liang Xing is the cunning one in this area!    


"Looks like, in the future, my Liang Family will be unique!" Gu Yue muttered.    


"Who knows!" While he was speaking, Qiu Zhen turned his head to look at Tang Yin, but the latter was only drinking his tea quietly, as if she was not interested in the contents of their conversation.    


Le Tian, who was silent, opened his mouth and said: "With the expansion of Liang Family, we will definitely crowd out the other three families in the future. Will this affect us as well?"    


Qiu Zhen nodded his head, and said: "However, Your Majesty still values Wu Family quite a lot, and Wu Family, too, will not be let go so easily."    


Just as they were talking, a shout came from outside the door, following that, the leader of the guards in military uniform ran in quickly and arrived in front of Tang Yin, bowed deeply, and said: "General Tang, Chiliarch Deng requests an audience!"    


Deng Mingyang? What was he doing? Tang Yin raised his head and said: "Let him come over."    


"Yes sir!" The guard leader replied and quickly ran out.    


Not long later, Deng Mingyang ran in from the outside.    


Today, he was dressed in casual clothes, but when they saw his appearance, Tang Yin, Qiu Zhen,, and Le Tian nearly burst out laughing.    


Deng Mingyang's hair was in disarray, his eyes were dark, his cheeks were swollen, his clothes were torn with several holes, all of them were covered with dust, he looked very miserable, as if he was a beggar fleeing in the wilderness.    


Tang Yin sized him up a few times, then laughed: "I say, Captain, what kind of show are you acting in?"    


When these words came out, Qiu Zhen, Gu Yue, and Le Tian could no longer hold themselves back and burst out laughing.    


"Tang..." General Tang! " Deng Mingyang dropped to his knees and said anxiously: "We are fighting with the Eighth and Ninth Legion. Ai Jia was taken away by them!"    


He did not speak a word, and Tang Yin was baffled by what he heard.    


He said in a deep voice, "Get up. Explain to me exactly what happened!"    


"It's like this ?" Deng Mingyang swallowed his saliva and did his best to speak slowly: "Today, at noon, we few Captains went to drink together, but in the tavern, we met the two Regiments of the Eighth and Ninth Infantry Regiment, as well as several other Captains. At first we were safe and sound, but afterwards ? After that, the words of the other party were really unbearable. Thus, we started arguing with them. In the end, we got into a disagreement and both sides started attacking each other. I ? Being beaten up to such a state, the other brothers weren't much better off. Also, Ai Jia was also caught by them, she is a woman, if she falls into the hands of those guys, I'm afraid ? "    


Without waiting for him to finish speaking, Tang Yin had already stood up. He turned to look at Qiu Zhen and asked: "Who are the captains of the Eighth and Ninth Infantry Regiment?"    


"If I recall correctly, it should be Liang Yuan and Wu Lixiong." After he finished speaking, he added in a small voice: "These two divisions are directly under the royal family's army. Also, that Liang Yuan is not a simple person, he belongs to Liang Family."    


There was actually someone with Liang Family?! Tang Yin subconsciously frowned.    


Deng Mingyang was afraid that Tang Yin would be timid and did not dare to come forward to save his. He immediately said, "The words that they said at that time were too unpleasant to listen to. They say that the General Tang is a guest of the General Wu. To be able to become the commander of a regiment, one doesn't have to rely on strength, but on appearance. They simply don't have the qualifications to be on the same level as them ? "    


The more he spoke, the softer he became, because Tang Yin's expression was getting uglier and uglier, and the fiercer his eyes became.    


Even though he knew that Yue Yang wasn't angry at him, Deng Mingyang was still scared by the beast like cold eyes that were staring him down, and his legs started to tremble uncontrollably. Tang Yin did not release the Spirit Pressure, but he truly felt the pressure, not on his body, but on his heart.    


"Where are they now?" Very quickly, the anger on Tang Yin's face disappeared and was replaced with a smile, but that smile did not have any warmth, but was instead filled with Evil Qi.    


"Should... It should still be in the tavern! "    


"Bring me there!" Tang Yin laughed and grabbed his shoulder, pulling him away with large strides.    


He did not think highly of Ai Jia, but no matter what, she was now his subordinate, if Ai Jia had matters, he had no choice but to save her. Furthermore, it sounded like the matter was caused by him, so how could he possibly ignore them?    


and Le Tian hastily followed. Qiu Zhen ran forward and stopped the two of them and said: "The two of you should go and report to General Wu immediately. I'm worried that with Big Brother Tang's temper, he might cause a huge ruckus!"    


"This... "Understood!" Gu Yue and Le Tian responded with a word. Then, they loudly asked Deng Mingyang's back: "What's the name of that tavern?"    


"Reception Hall!"    


Tang Yin walked outside while having the servants prepare the horses. Once they were outside, they jumped onto their horses, Qiu Zhen and Deng Mingyang mounted their horses, and the three of them rushed towards the direction of the tavern.    


Along the way, Qiu Zhen would remind Tang Yin from time to time that the big issue had been reduced to a small one and a small one.    


Tang Yin smiled as he nodded his head and replied, but there was an aura of rain and mountains coming from him.    


The welcoming pavilion was a two story large tavern, and possessed a bit of a reputation within the Yan City.    


When Tang Yin and the other two arrived, before they could even dismount from their horses, more than ten people rushed out from the alleyway beside the tavern and surrounded them.    


These people's hair was messy and their clothes were messy. A few of them even had colors on their faces. Tang Yin lowered his head, closed his eyes and took a closer look, this group of youths who were in a sorry state were the few Captains he had under him, Li Wei, Liu Zhongsheng, Chen Fang and Zhang Jiu were among them, and there were a few other youths he did not recognize.    


"General Tang, you're finally here!"    


"Those fellows are in the tavern!"    


"Ai Jia is still in their hands. General Tang, you must save her!"    


Amongst them, other than the few Captains, the rest of them were the captains of Second Regiment.    


Tang Yin dismounted, his gaze sweeping across everyone one by one, and then said coldly: "Since you have no ability, then don't go cause trouble, truly disgraceful!"    


"If we could use the Spiritual Martial Force, we might not lose ?" Zhang Jiu said indignantly, but halfway through his words, he was interrupted by Tang Yin's sharp gaze.    


There were no rules prohibiting private fights within the Feng Army, but if one used the spirit weapon in a private fight, that was a huge crime, and it would result in severe punishment.    


If there were any disagreements, they could start a fight. Private fights in the army often happened, but no one would dare to use a spirit weapon during a private fight. This had already become a taboo in Feng Army.    


Although Deng Mingyang and the rest were at a disadvantage when they clashed with the enemy, they were only superficial wounds, and were not really injured. What they lost was not only their face, but the entire army's face as well.    



Tang Yin retracted his gaze, and without saying another word, he walked into the tavern.    


Due to the battle that just happened, the tavern was in chaos, there were many wine jugs, cups and bowls strewn across the floor, and all the customers eating and drinking had fled, leaving only three tables full of people shouting and drinking loudly, Ai Jia was among them.    


Behind her stood two burly big men, with big palms pressing down on her shoulders, making her unable to move, and on her left and right sat a man who seemed to be in his thirties, talking and laughing with her, from time to time he would move his hands and feet towards her. It could be seen that although Ai Jia's expression was calm, he was only pretending to be calm, but he was actually holding back his emotions.    


"Everyone, drink up. If you want to find a woman to accompany you, then you should go to a brothel and not target my people." Tang Yin laughed as he walked towards them.    


The large men sitting at the three tables and the twenty odd people all turned their heads when they heard this. They saw a young man who looked to be in his twenties and had a fair complexion, and behind him, there were even a thousand captains and captains with Second Regiment. Without question, they had already guessed his identity.    


The man on Ai Jia's left laughed and intentionally asked: "Who are you?"    


"Tang Yin!" Tang Yin said with a smile.    


"Oh!" So you are Tang Yin! " The man pretended to be enlightened and laughed strangely. "I know you, aren't you the pretty boy who had a relationship with Wu Mei?"    


"Haha ?"    


The moment those words came out, all the people present burst out in laughter.    


However, the expressions of Deng Mingyang and the rest were extremely ugly. Being mocked in public by their superior was even more humiliating than beating them up.    


Tang Yin's face did not change, the smile on his face did not decrease by one bit, but instead became even stronger.    


He walked over to the big man with a smile on his face. As he continued to approach, the other two tables of men stood up and glared at him.    


"I'm fine!" The big guy waved his hand nonchalantly and laughed, "It's just a pretty boy, what are you all so nervous about?"    


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