Tomin in The Alien World



0Tang Yin raised his blade and rushed up the city walls. Seeing that the northern side was in chaos, many of the Ning soldiers had already rushed up to the city walls and were fighting with the Feng Soldier together.    


As soon as he arrived at the front of the battlefield, a sword came slashing towards him. His body tilted to the side to avoid the blade, and then the blade in his hand slashed forward. With a hiss, the throat of the Ning soldier who had wielded that sword was cut open.    




With a roar, two Ning soldiers, their bodies covered in blood, charged at him. They both brandished their long blades and slashed at his head and chest.    


Tang Yin lowered his head, and dodged the blade above his head. At the same time, he swung the blade in his hand, blocking the blade aimed at his chest.    


Without waiting for him to retract his blade, he stepped forward, opened his palm, and grabbed one of the soldiers' face. A black light flashed in his palm, and the weapon turned into smoke, his armor and weapon fell to the ground.    


The other soldier who had never seen a Fire of Darkness before cried out in fear and subconsciously retreated.    


However, his speed was far inferior to Tang Yin's. He did not see how Tang Yin gathered his strength, and only took two steps to catch up to the Ning soldier. The hand that was ignited with the Fire of Darkness swept across the opponent's neck, and the Ning soldier also disappeared into thin air.    


After getting rid of the three of them, it was merely a drop in the ocean as even more soldiers rushed towards Tang Yin.    


His movements were light and strange, erratic and fluid. Sometimes he used a blade, sometimes he used a Fire of Darkness, and not too long after, more than twenty corpses were lying all around him.    


The spirit energy that was continuously being absorbed by his body made every cell in Tang Yin's body excited. The wound under his ribs miraculously grew new flesh and started to heal.    


At this moment, his body had already reached its peak condition, but his consciousness was becoming increasingly blurry. All that was left was a pure massacre, and he was so excited that his body wanted to absorb even more spirit energy.    


Not only did his Fire of Darkness cause Ning Bing to tremble in fear, even the Feng Country soldiers were frightened as they subconsciously retreated far and wide, afraid that they would be implicated. In this way, he could create even more space for Tang Yin to execute his nimble movements to the fullest, allowing him to attack, dodge, and swim back as fast as possible.    


However, there were simply too many soldiers. If a large number of soldiers were to die, even more would be killed. There seemed to be no end in sight.    


During the battle, Tang Yin's blade broke. He casually changed a sword, the sword broke, and then changed a spear. Very quickly, the spear broke as well, and he picked up another steel blade.    


It did not last long, but he did not know how many weapons he had used or how many soldiers he had 'eaten' the enemy. He just felt that the spiritual qi in his body was getting more and more abundant, but his physical strength had been depleted, his nose and temples were covered in sweat, and his clothes were sticky. He could not tell if he was drenched in sweat or the enemy's blood.    


Tang Yin was fighting intensely, and Wu Mei who was following closely behind was also fighting intensely, but she did not reunite with Tang Yin, instead, she had just climbed up the city wall, and was immediately entangled by the Ning Armament who had just made a breakthrough, waiting for a fight to break out, it would be even harder to escape then, Ning Bing recognized that Wu Mei was wearing the general's armor, and knew that her identity was not ordinary, and crazily surrounded and attacked her.    


On the other side, Qiu Zhen did not directly participate in the battle. He was very smart, and did not interact with Ning Bing at all. But he was not just hiding on the battlefield, his eyes were constantly looking around, observing his surroundings, looking for his side's Spiritual Martial Expert s.    


He could not help Tang Yin on the battlefield, but he could find someone to help him.    


In the end, he found two people. Although their positions in the army were not high, but their spirit energy cultivation was not bad. One of them was called Gu Yue, who was an expert in using blades, and the other was called Le Tian, who was an expert in using arrows.    


The two of them were extremely eye-catching on the battlefield. One continuously released arrows, and the other stood by his side as a guard. Their coordination was just right, and they injured countless enemies.    


After Qiu Zhen found the two of them, he did not waste much time, he only pointed towards Tang Yin's direction and said that there were a lot of enemies there, the two of them did not even try to push him aside and immediately followed Qiu Zhen to kill them.    


As for Tang Yin, he was still in the midst of a fierce battle. The number of soldiers in the surroundings became fewer and fewer, while the number of soldiers in the army became increasingly larger. In the end, all the soldiers that could be seen were all shining brightly with silver light.    


Despite knowing that Tang Yin's blade techniques were exquisite and tricky, and that the Fire of Darkness were extremely vicious, the surrounding soldiers kept on attacking him as if they wanted to kill him. One after another, another group of them rushed forward, all of them warped in fear and anger, their sinister faces simply looked like demons.    


Tang Yin could not find any time to rest, nor did he even have the time to catch his breath. Right now, his energy was already used up, and the only reason he could continue fighting was because of his tenacious and spirit energy.    


"Go to hell!"    


Seeing that Tang Yin's movements were gradually slowing down, the two Ning soldiers behind him thought that they could take advantage of this opportunity and suddenly stabbed him with their spears, piercing his waist and the center of his back.    


He heard the evil wind behind his back not friendly and knew that someone was attacking, but he could not dodge nor had he the chance to. This was because the blades that were coming at him from in front of him were already too many for him to defend against.    


He took a deep breath and let out a roar. He didn't even dodge as he quickly backed up. At the same time, he swung his blade backward.    


Weng! *    


This slash was unleashed by Tang Yin with all his might, the blade edge slashed across the air and suddenly produced a fluctuation, the fluctuation was like a water ripple that quickly spread out. After clashing with the two spears, the bodies of the spears shattered, but the fluctuation did not decrease, as the spears continued to move forward.    


Behind him, a few Ning soldiers were hit by the waves, as if they were steel knives slicing vegetables, and a few Ning soldiers along with their armor were cut in half at the waist, blood splattering all over the ground, their broken upper bodies falling to the ground, while their lower bodies were still standing on the ground, the cuts were as smooth as a mirror, their appearance extremely bloody and terrifying.    


This was the Spirit Wave. The release of their own Qi as a method of attack, producing a huge destructive force. Of course, using the Spirit Wave also consumed a large amount of spiritual energy.    


Tang Yin did not lack spirit energy right now, what he lacked was stamina and a chance to catch his breath.    


He turned his hand and swept out a Spirit Wave, he did not stop there, with only one hand holding his blade, he swept out with all his strength towards the front.    


Weng! * The Spirit Wave appeared again, but this time, the Spirit Wave was more convenient to use, heavier, and sharper than the previous one.    


Amidst the screams, the bodies of the 10 Ning soldiers in front of Tang Yin were dismembered, and a dozen headless corpses stood on the ground, like dozens of fountains. Blood spurted into the air, forming a rain of blood.    


Hua ? If the Tang Yin just now was already terrifying enough, the Tang Yin now was even more frightening.    


The surrounding Ning Bing General of Ning Country s retreated in fright, and in that moment, they created a five metre long open space.    


Taking this chance, Tang Yin stabbed his blade into the ground, gasping for breath.    


His blade was still better off if it was not touching the ground, but because of the force, it had turned into an iron foam.    


He did not use the Spirit Materialization of Weapon when he was using it, normal weapons could not withstand the pressure and the steel blade was destroyed.    


Tang Yin staggered, and luckily he reacted fast enough, and only after retracting his body did he fall to the ground.    


However, his slight opening caused the bugle horn to ring again. Hundreds of Ning soldiers charged towards him once again.    


Tang Yin sighed secretly, but after the short moment of rest, he had already felt that his current spiritual energy had reached the "Spirit Destruction" realm, and he would no longer have any problems completing either the Spirit Armored Materialization or the Spirit Armored Materialization.    


On the battlefield, whether it was using spirit armor or spirit weapons, it was a difficult choice. If he wanted to attack, he would have to sacrifice his defense, and if he wanted to defend, he would have to sacrifice his offense.    


Given Tang Yin's crazy personality, how could he possibly want to defend and not attack?    


He hooked a leg on the ground and quickly picked up a steel knife. His palm released spirit energy and a black fog covered the steel knife. In an instant, the steel knife turned from silver to black, and the blade started to bend as it extended.    


His Spirit Materialization of Weapon had just been completed, and the Ning Bing had already arrived in front of him. Tang Yin smiled, and slashed the Spiritual Knife in his hand.    


Ka-cha! *    


With a crisp sound, the weapon in the first row of the first soldiers' hands was cut off. They came up fast and retreated even faster, each one of them had a face full of sweat as they staggered back, colliding with the rest of the soldiers who were rushing forward. The crowd was in a complete mess.    



"All of you, step back. Let me do it!"    


Suddenly, someone from the crowd of Ning soldiers shouted out loudly. Then, the crowd parted to the left and right, and a warrior clad in white spirit armor walked out from within.    


This person was tall and sturdy with a height of one hundred and nine meters. He had a big chest and a round waist. There was a long spear in his hand. It was clearly a Spirit Weapon.    


Ah!" Upon seeing this, Tang Yin was secretly taken aback. This person could simultaneously complete both a spiritual armor and a spiritual weapon. His spiritual energy cultivation must have at least reached the Spiritual Transformation Realm, which was one level higher than his own.    


The general's face was covered by the spirit armor, and only two round eyes were left outside.    


After watching for a while, the tall and sturdy warlord sneered, and said: "Spirit Cultivator of the Dark World! Your esteemed self must be the Tang Yin who injured the third prince, right? Today, I would have taken your head! " While speaking, he stepped forward, raised the spirit spear in his hand, and aimed it at Tang Yin's head, then smashed down fiercely towards Hua Shan.    


The spirit spear broke through the wind, emitting an ear-piercing whistling sound.    


He didn't even need to catch it; just the sound of the wind was enough to tell how powerful the impact was.    


Tang Yin did not dare to take it head-on, and dodged to the side.    




The spear did not hit Tang Yin, it struck the arrow bridge behind him, the arrow bridge made of hard rock was crushed to pieces by the spear, the small stones flying everywhere cut open a few holes on Tang Yin's clothes, and along with it, his skin started to ooze blood.    


What a tyrannical spear strike, what a powerful Spirit Warrior! Tang Yin was secretly speechless, but he was not afraid in his heart. He sneered and slid to the side, dodging the tall and sturdy warlord's side, and picked out the Spiritual Knife in his hands from the bottom up.    


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