Tomin in The Alien World



0Relying on the fact that Tang Yin had hostages in his hands, Wu Mei shouted at the surrounding soldiers, urging them to come closer, she pointed at Yu Shang's nose and asked: "Who are you?"    


"I... "I ?" Yu Shang was as timid as a mouse, and Tang Yin had already scared him out of his wits. Now that an enemy general who was covered in spirit armor was here, his body trembled even more and he stammered, unable to say a word.    


How could Wu Mei have the heart to listen to him talk? She used the blade of the Spiritual Knife to smack him on the head, and at the same time shouted: "Speak!"    


"I... It was none other than ? Yu Shang! "    


Tang Yin did not know who Yu Shang was, but Wu Mei understood him very well.    


After Yu Shang signed up, her body trembled and his eyes widened. He carefully sized Yu Shang up again and then asked with uncertainty, "Third Prince of Ning Country, Yu Shang?"    


Third Prince? Tang Yin was shocked, he could not help but look down at the pale-faced Yu Shang, whose body was trembling nonstop. He knew that the youth he had captured was not someone simple, but he had never thought that he would actually be a prince of Ning Country.    


"That's right ? It's this prince! " Yu Shang nodded dumbly, then rolled his eyes. He braced himself and pretended to be calm: "Since you know who I am, then I ? "I advise you all to immediately release me, otherwise ?"    


"Haha ?" Without waiting for him to finish speaking, Wu Mei had already laughed out loud.    


She couldn't think of any method or method to capture Yu Shang, but with the large sized protective talisman that was the Third Prince of Ning Country in her hands, it was enough to guarantee the safe return of her party members to the Tong Gate.    


Just then, she calmed down and nodded at Tang Yin, praising him with a smile: "General Tang, I was not wrong about you, you have done a great deed this time!" Without waiting for Tang Yin to reply, she looked at Yuan Kui, raised his voice and asked: "Are you General Yuan?"    


Yuan Kui was startled, for the other party to be able to call his name, he was obviously not an ordinary person. He said in a deep voice, "That's right, it's this general. And who is your excellency?"    


"Wu Mei!" Wu Mei laughed gently.    


Ah!" So she was a flirtatious girl! Yuan Kui was no stranger to choreographing. He had long heard that one of the most illustrious dancers in the Windy Nation was a charmer. She was also one of the most outstanding dancers of the new generation.    


If not for the fact that Her Highness Yu Shang was captured first, none of the enemies in front of him would have been able to escape. If they could capture Wu Mei alive, it would have been a great contribution, but now, he did not seek for any merits, she only wished to save Yu Shang and be able to thank the heavens.    


He took a deep breath and said seriously: "General Wu, as long as you ask your men to release His Highness, I can use my reputation to guarantee that I won't hurt any of you. I will immediately let you leave this place."    


Wu Mei chuckled, and slowly shook her head.    


Yuan Kui's face sank, and asked coldly: "Does General Wu not believe in my, Yuan Kui's, character?"    


Wu Mei shrugged and said calmly, "Right now, I won't trust anyone. General Yuan, I can make it clear, as long as I can bring my subordinates back to the Tong Gate successfully, at that time, Your Country's Prince will definitely return it to you unharmed! "    


Yuan Kui's face was gloomy as he asked: "There is no longer any room for discussion?"    


Wu Mei did not reply, she only turned to look at Tang Yin.    


Tang Yin was so smart that he didn't even need to dance to know what she meant just by looking at his. He pinched Yu Shang's neck and tightened his grip. He did not use much strength, but the latter was already wailing in pain and waving his arms and legs.    


Yuan Kui, who was not afraid of anything, was afraid of Yu Shang. Seeing that, he first instinctively leaned forward, and then, pulled on the reins, taking a few steps back, he raised his hand, and anxiously said: "Good, good, good, as long as you do not harm Your Highness, I will accept your conditions!"    


"Smart!" Wu Mei laughed tenderly: "Since that's the case, let's not linger any longer. General Yuan, we will meet again someday!" With that, she turned to her subordinates and said, "Let's go!"    


He could only watch as Wu Mei and her sister carried Tang Yin and the others through the checkpoint and headed towards the Tong Gate. Several General of Ning Country disciples ran over and asked nervously, "General Yuan, are we really going to let them pass just like that?"    


"What else can I do?" Yuan Kui looked at the people around him, gritted his teeth and said, "His Highness is in his hands, if there was even a slight loss, who could afford it?"    


All the General of Ning Country s looked at each other, unable to say a word.    


Yuan Kui frowned, he lowered his head and thought for a moment, then spoke to one of his trusted aides: "The third prince has fallen into the hands of the enemy, this is a very important matter, and can't be concealed anymore, you must quickly ride on your horse and inform the second prince, let His Highness prepare."    


"Understood!" He did not dare to delay any longer and immediately turned his horse around, waving his whip and galloping towards the Tong Gate.    


After he left, Yuan Kui did not stay idle either, leading thousands of his soldiers and following closely behind Wu Mei and his group.    


As for Tang Yin and the others, after successfully exiting the Ning Country barrier, they all heaved sighs of relief.    


Wu Mei removed the spirit armor on her body, revealing her original appearance. Her charming eyes curved as she looked at Tang Yin, and said: "General Tang, the reason I was able to escape this time was all thanks to you!"    


Tang Yin didn't feel anything from Wu Mei's alluring look, but Yu Shang, who was on top of the horse, stared straight at him. His mouth slowly opened wide, almost falling out of his mouth, as he forgot about the dangerous situation of being captured.    


"This is the result of General Wu's meticulous leadership, foresight, and ingenuity. However, I hope that the next time General Wu does not put such a difficult mission on my shoulders." No one would be so foolish as to willingly become cannon fodder. Naturally, he was no exception.    


As he spoke, he took off the Ning soldier's armor, tore off a strip of his undergarment, and tied it around his waist.    


It was only now that Wu Mei finally saw that Tang Yin's ribs were bleeding, and even his pants were dyed a large amount of red.    


Without waiting for her to ask, Qiu Zhen galloped over quickly. He stretched his neck and asked anxiously: "Big Brother Tang, you're injured?!"    


Originally, he did not have a horse, but when Tang Yin and he gathered with Wu Mei, he had brought over ten, so he was lucky to get one.    


"It's nothing, just a minor injury." The corner of Tang Yin's mouth raised as he replied indifferently.    


It was not like he had never experienced much injuries before, especially since he was currently in the Spirit Cultivator of Darkness. The energy in his body could speed up the recovery of his wounds, but these two wounds were very deep, and using spirit energy to heal would result in a huge consumption. His current situation was not safe, so he did not dare to consume too much spirit energy.    


Wu Mei gave Tang Yin a deep glance before she turned around and brought back his hand. She took out a small bottle, waved his hand at Tang Yin and said: "Take it."    


Tang Yin's reaction was extremely fast, he subconsciously extended his hand to catch it, lowered his head to look, and asked: "What is this?"    




"Oh, thanks!" Tang Yin took off the cap on the bottle, and was about to pour it into his mouth when Wu Mei reached out and grabbed his wrist.    


Tang Yin looked at her, puzzled.    


Wu Mei was amused, she shifted her gaze down and looked at the wound on Tang Yin's ribs, and said with a smile: "This pill is not for eating, it's for smearing on the wound."    


Tang Yin blinked his eyes, his old face immediately blushed red. He flung away Wu Mei's hands and muttered unhappily: "Why didn't you say so earlier!"    


He poured the medicine onto his palm, smeared it over the wound on his ribs, and then wrapped the wound again with a piece of cloth.    


Wu Mei walked beside him, and could clearly see the wounds on his body. The two wounds were caused by spears and similar weapons, the wounds were not big, but they were extremely deep, if a normal person suffered such heavy injuries, forget about riding a horse, they would probably not be able to get up. However, Tang Yin did not seem to feel anything, and even when applying the medicine, her eyebrows did not frown, nor did she make a sound.    


If he didn't feel pain, then it was because his willpower was too strong! Wu Mei had seen through people countless times and could see through people's hearts, but she could not see through Tang Yin. She did not know what kind of person he was, but the more she saw him, the more curious she felt about him.    


"How did you catch Yu Shang?" Wu Ying who was on the other side of Wu Mei suddenly asked.    



This was the first time she had spoken to Tang Yin.    


Tang Yin was stunned for a moment before realizing that she was asking him a question. He thought for a moment, then said: "Maybe, it's my luck that is better!"    


"Luck?" Of course, to capture the enemy's general within the army, it would require luck, but Wu Ying felt that Tang Yin was not just relying on luck.    


"He ? He knows witchcraft! " Yu Shang finally found the opportunity to interrupt and said loudly.    


Wu Mei and Wu Ying were both exceptionally beautiful, but their auras were completely opposite. One was hot while the other was cold, with their own beauties.    


"Magic?" Wu Mei and Wu Ying looked towards Tang Yin at the same time.    


Yu Shang swallowed his saliva and said: "At that time, he was clearly in front of me. I don't know what kind of spell he used to get behind me in an instant, if not, he wouldn't have ?"    




Following a crisp sound, Yu Shang's words were forcefully interrupted.    


Tang Yin slapped him on the head and said expressionlessly: "You don't need to say anything, you don't need to explain yourself here."    


Yu Shang glanced at Tang Yin, coincidentally meeting his cold and emotionless eyes, he could not help but shiver, his mouth immediately shut tightly, he did not dare say another word.    


Wu Mei and Wu Ying's curiosity was raised. They were just about to ask Tang Yin, when the latter asked him first, "What should we do with him? Kill or release? "    


Wu Mei started laughing. Her laughter was extremely flirtatious and was extremely beautiful, but the words that came out almost scared Yu Shang to death.    


"Of course not! When we successfully return to the Tong Gate, we'll take his head back to the Yan City to see the Sovereign! Although I, Feng Feng, have suffered great losses in this battle, I have still earned a Ning Country from the battle.    


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