Tomin in The Alien World

C2019 Final volume

C2019 Final volume

0In regards to Xiao Xiang's reprimand, Zhang Xin's face was full of indifference. Instead, she smiled and said: "This humble one thinks that the marriage between Your Highness and my King is not a guarantee, but a guarantee.    


Xiao Xiang asked: "Why is Master Zhang so confident?"    


"Of course!" Zhang Xin nodded his head heavily, and said: "Feng Country And Chuan Country, combined with glory for both sides, with losses for both sides. This humble subject thinks, that this marriage will definitely have the support of people from the wind and People of Chuan Country."    


Whether or not the others supported him, Xiao Xiang really did not care too much about it, she only cared about Tang Yin's feelings. She lowered her head and muttered: "I don't think the Royal Brother is that keen on this matter."    


Zhang Xin immediately followed: "But even the King doesn't object!" Pausing for a moment, he then comforted her, "After His Highness marries my King, we will naturally have feelings for each other."    


Xiao Xiang first nodded, then raised her gaze and looked at Zhang Xin, smiling as she asked: "Master Zhang seems to really want to facilitate this marriage!"    


Zhang Xin said seriously: "Regardless of whether it is my king or my king, if you want to win the world, you must join hands with me. There is nothing more important than a marriage alliance."    


Xiao Xiang squinted her eyes, looking at him with interest, and laughed: "Playing with the world?"    


Zhang Xin laughed, raised his finger and pointed upwards, saying in a low voice: "It's just going one step further!"    


He did not make it clear, but the meaning was clear. Tang Yin and Xiao Xiang already had the identity of princes, and if they went one step further, they would become the Son of Heaven. As for who the Son of Heaven would be, that didn't matter, since after the marriage, the two of them would be family.    


In the past, Xiao Xiang was rather afraid that Tang Yin would forcefully seize the throne, because if he was allowed to ascend to the throne, it would be equivalent to stepping into a dead end for his Chuan Country. But now, she wanted to marry Tang Yin.    


She said with a wry smile, "Master Zhang should be able to tell that Royal Brother has no intention of advancing at all."    


More accurately, it should be said that she was burning with jealousy. She said in a deep voice, "Royal Brother has long been obsessed with Princess Rou's beauty, and in order to curry favor with your Feng King's Consort, he didn't even want the throne. This is too disappointing!"    


Zhang Xin sighed inwardly. The King was not someone who coveted beauties, if not she would not only pamper his imperial concubine, but he would also not be able to explain the feelings and secrets between the King and the imperial concubine.    


He thought for a moment, then said with a smile, "Perhaps the King does not have the intention to pursue the Dao, but it is hard to say that she will not have this intention in the future. People change all the time!"    


As he spoke till here, he restrained his smile, lifted the curtains of the horse carriage, and looked outside. Seeing that there were guards on the left and right side of the carriage, he looked at Xiao Xiang, and asked in a low voice: "Your Highness, can you make the people on the left and right yield a little?" Not knowing why Zhang Xin was acting so mysterious, Xiao Xiang did not think much about it. She turned to the bodyguard outside the carriage and said, "Tell the people surrounding the carriage to temporarily retreat."    


"Yes!" "Great King!" "Yes!" The guard replied. Following Xiao Xiang's orders, the guards at the sides of the carriage all retreated six meters away.    


Indeed, there was no one at the sides of the carriage. Only then did Zhang Xin raise his body, move to Xiao Xiang's side, and then did he lean towards her again, his mouth almost touching hers. He said softly, "Even if the King does not covet the throne, she cannot live forever, sooner or later she will ? There will always be a day when Her Highness and the King's sons can successfully ascend to the throne. Then, what difference is there if Your Highness and the King become the Son of Heaven? "    


Hearing this, Xiao Xiang took a deep breath and turned around, staring at Zhang Xin without blinking.    


Zhang Xin hurriedly pulled back his body, sat up straight and reminded her in a low voice: "The King does not have a son now, if His Highness had a child first, then he would be the future Crown Prince, and would be the common heir to the Feng Country And Chuan Country. When the King is not around, the Crown Prince can depose the Son of Heaven and replace him with a free hand."    


Such a profound plan was something that Xiao Xiang had never thought of. After Zhang Xin finished speaking, she too, fell into deep thought.    


It was only after a long while did she come back to her senses and muttered: "Royal Brother and Royal Concubine have only been married for a few years, so it is understandable that they have no children. But according to what I know, Royal Brother has already taken in a few wives years ago, so why don't they have children as well?"    


This was also the question that she had always been puzzled about. Zhang Xin lowered his voice and carefully said, "Your Highness doesn't know, the King always wanted the children born from Princess Fei Fei to be the eldest son or the eldest daughter, so that Yu Li could become Crown Prince. That's why he used contraception on the other wives."    


Xiao Xiang frowned and said worriedly: "If I marry Royal Brother, I can at most become one of the many wives of Royal Brother, and can't replace the wangfei, and thinking about it, Royal Brother will definitely use the methods used on other wives as well, so it is impossible for the children of Royal Brother and I to be the eldest son or the eldest daughter, so how can we obtain the status of Crown Prince?"    


Zhang Xin laughed and said: "How can we prepare for a rainy day and hide from the heavens and the sea, it all depends on what Your Highness is going to do. "From your perspective, Your Highness' brilliance and brilliance is not inferior to the King's, much less when compared to the Royal Consort and the other wives. As long as Your Highness wants to do it, I'm afraid there is nothing that His Highness cannot do."    


Hearing that, Xiao Xiang's eyes turned, and she started to ponder again. In terms of scheming, in terms of shrewdness, she believed that she wouldn't lose to anyone.    


Thinking up to here, she gradually calmed down, looked straight at Zhang Xin, and laughed. She asked slowly: "Why is Master Zhang saying all these to me? You are a member of the Minister of Feng Country, why would you suddenly want to help this King Chuan? "    


Zhang Xin said seriously: "After Your Highness and the King get married, there will be no distinction between Your Highness and the Princess and the other wives. They will all be mistresses of this humble subject, and good birds can choose their own trees to live on.    


"Ha ha!" Xiao Xiang laughed while facing up, and couldn't help but exclaim: "The Feng Country is truly filled with talents, it is definitely no coincidence that Royal Brother is able to increase his Feng Country to the extent of dominating the entire world."    


After a moment, she changed the subject and sternly said: "Master Zhang, as long as Royal Brother and my child can be considered as Crown Prince, at that time, your Master Zhang will be the Crown Prince's Grand Preceptor. I am not a person who does not know how to repay kindness. Master Zhang is willing to think for me and plan for me, I will definitely not treat Master Zhang unfairly! "    


"This humble subject thanks Your Highness!" Zhang Xin wanted these exact words from Xiao Xiang, so he hurriedly retreated and kowtowed.    


In his view, the marriage between the King and King Chuan was already a foregone conclusion, there shouldn't be any unforeseen circumstances. Then, in the future, King Chuan would be the king of Chuan Country and the wife of Feng Country. Aside from the king, she would be the person with the greatest authority.    


He reminded Xiao Xiang to prepare for a rainy day. Actually, he was the one preparing for a rainy day.    


Zhang Xin's advice had woken Xiao Xiang up, and made him understand that his marriage with Tang Yin was not only to resolve the urgent matter at hand, but also to reject the marriage bestowed by the Son of Heaven.    


Under Zhang Xin's planning, Tang Yin and Xiao Xiang secretly made an engagement. Regarding this matter, Tang Yin did not immediately bring it up in front of Minister of Feng Country. Instead, he first told Yin Rou about it, and asked for her opinion.    


When she heard that Tang Yin wanted to take in the Madam, and that the other party was even King Chuan herself, Yin Rou felt that it was rather unexpected. She had already heard about the matter of Royal Brother bestowing the marriage.    


Tang Yin did not hide anything from Yin Rou, and told him everything. His marriage with Xiao Xiang could be said to be an extremely important political marriage, and also a good thing that could turn the Feng Country And Chuan Country into friendship.    


After that, Feng Country And Chuan Country would completely fuse together, and there would no longer be a life and death battle between them.    


Yin Rou did not understand any of this, and was not too concerned about it. She just felt that Xiao Xiang would rather marry Tang Yin than her own Royal Brother, it would be too disgraceful to her face as the son of the Royal Brother.    


However, Yin Rou was still brooding over the matters regarding Ya Tong these past few days, and was secretly angering Yin Zhun. Although Xiao Xiang wanting to marry Tang Yin made her very uncomfortable, she did not object.    


Receiving Yin Rou's acknowledgement, Tang Yin's mood became a lot more relaxed. After that, she announced this matter to the ministers of the Feng Country. When they heard the news that the King was going to marry King Chuan, all of the ministers' faces were filled with shock, with the exception of Zhang Xin.    


But now, the Great King had suddenly announced that she wanted to marry King Chuan, and in the future, Feng and General of Chuan Country would no longer be two nations, but one. Originally, the greatest threat to their side had suddenly turned into their own people, and this made the ministers of the imperial court a little unable to obey.    


Shangguan Yuan let the first person step forward and asked, "Then King, does it mean that there will be no more wars in the future?"    


Tang Yin laughed and said: "I just won't fight with Chuan Country anymore, but the wars outside will not end." After fusing with the Chuan Country, it could only be said that the interior of the Haotian Empire had reached an agreement. As for the external world, there was Bessa in the north, and there were various states in the west. These were all placed on the surface or as a potential threat, and what Tang Yin wanted, had always been a vast expanse of land.    


Hearing that there would be more fights in the future, Shangguan Yuan didn't ask any further. He cupped his hands and smiled: "Congratulations King, we are getting married again!"    


What do you mean 'again'? It would be rude to speak to the King like that. All the Minister of Civil And Military Affairs s around secretly shook their heads, and one by one, gave Shangguan Yuan a supercilious look.    


Tang Yin was not angry, instead he raised his head and laughed, then looked at the rest and asked: "What do you guys think?"    


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