Tomin in The Alien World



0"How can that be!" Bi Han said: "I'm really worried about you going alone, Lian'er must be with you!"    


Bi Han was usually easy-going, but Zi Yue knew that she had a stubborn temper. Especially at a time like this, where it was useless for him to say anything. She nodded and said: "Alright, Sister Bi Han, I will go with Sister Fei Lian!"    


Zi Yue and Fei Lian led the two hundred over palace guards to the rear palace to block the Feng Army. Just as they arrived at the gates to the harem, they bumped directly into the Feng Army that had flooded the harem.    


The leader of the Feng Army was General Wei Hong, he looked at Zi Yue, Fei Lian and the two hundred man palace guards, then turned his head back and looked at the vast crowd of soldiers behind him, he could not help but laugh out loud, raised the Spiritual Knife in his hands and pointed it at the people across from him and said, "This general originally had the intention of cherishing the fairer sex, you should stop fighting and just obediently surrender, I might be so happy, but not only will I exempt you from the death penalty, I can even take you in as my wife!"    


Hearing his words, all the surrounding Generals And Soldiers of Feng Army began to laugh loudly. Fei Lian was so angry that her body started trembling. She took a few steps forward and shouted at Wei Hong: "Do you dare to come out and fight me?"    


"This general is not afraid of you?!" Just as Wei Hong was about to bring his blade up, one of the captains beside him said: "General, there's no need to use a cow-like knife to kill a chicken, I can just go over and capture her."    


He was very clear that there were hidden tigers and dragons in the Divine Pool, and experts were as common as the clouds, especially in the palace. It was possible that there was even a powerful Spiritual Martial Expert s, since the other party dared to stand out to challenge him, she definitely had the skills, and he wanted to find someone to test her strength first.    


He nodded his head and reminded the Captain in a low voice, "Don't underestimate this woman. She is definitely not an ordinary woman. You have to be careful and not underestimate her."    


"I understand!" While speaking, the Captain rushed towards Fei Lian with his blade in hand.    


When he got close enough, without a word, he raised his blade and chopped down. Fei Lian sneered, and blocked with his sword. Clang! The thousand-man commander's heavy and powerful long blade was forcibly repelled by the slender and light spirit sword in her hand.    


Ouch! This woman had a lot of strength! Just as the Captain was stunned, Fei Lian took the opportunity to fiercely stab forward. The Captain dodged to the side, and at the same time, he raised his blade from the bottom to the top, straight towards Fei Lian's lower abdomen.    


Fei Lian's body was as light as a swallow, she slid horizontally, easily dodging the blade's edge, following that, she let out a sound, and released the Soul-chasing Thorn. Startled, the Captain did not dare to delay any longer. He hastily brandished his long blade, releasing a gust of wind.    


The Spirit Thorn and the Spirit Blade collided in the air, and crackling sounds echoed in all directions.    


The Captain had just received Fei Lian's Soul Martial Skill, and did not have the time to retaliate, when Fei Lian suddenly appeared behind him like a ghost. She raised her sword and with a cracking sound, the Captain's head fell onto the ground.    


"Pu!" Blood spurted from his severed neck, and the headless body swayed a few times before falling to the ground.    


Seeing Fei Lian slashing and killing one of their captains, the expressions of all the Generals And Soldiers of Feng Army behind her changed greatly.    


The technique Fei Lian used was very skillful, the Soul-chasing Thorn that she had released was just a camouflage technique, its purpose was to attract the opponent's attention, while she took the chance to go around to the other party's back and suddenly strike.    


Of course, the reason why she dared to do that was because she had the ability to. If the Soul-chasing Thorn she released was inferior to the Spirit Chaos Wind her opponent released, then she would also be affected by the Spirit Chaos Wind's Spirit Blade when she tried to take a detour.    


In just two or three moves, he had already killed one of his captains. Wei Hong drew in a cold breath, thinking to himself, Awesome! He had underestimated this woman.    


Fei Lian did not care what he thought, she stood there, raised the sword and pointed it at Wei Hong: "Now it's your turn, didn't you say something earlier? How did she become a coward now? Come and fight with me as soon as possible! "    


As soon as the expert made a move, he immediately knew if it was true or not. Looking at the scene of Fei Lian battling with the Captain, Wei Hong knew clearly in his heart that he was not her match either. However, this person had already openly challenged him. If he did not go up on stage, how could he get off the stage?    


Helpless, Wei Hong braced himself and slowly walked towards Fei Lian. At this time, Zi Yue quickly walked to Fei Lian's side and said: "Sister Fei Lian, leave this thief to me!"    


Fei Lian frowned, thinking that Zi Yue was afraid that she had stolen her contribution. She indifferently smiled and said, "Alright, I'll let him be. This bastard has a vicious mouth. I can't let him die too quickly!"    


Zi Yue was overjoyed, "Sister Fei Lian, don't worry, Yue'er will naturally know what to do."    


"That's good." Fei Lian put down the spirit sword in her hand, and turned to walk towards her own side of the group.    


Just as she and Zi Yue brushed past each other, an unexpected scene occurred. The Spirit Sword in Zi Yue's hand seemed to have turned into a ray of lightning, quickly thrusting forward.    


It was just that she was not piercing General of Feng Country Wei Hong, but Fei Lian who was walking back.    


Who would have thought that Zi Yue would actually try to kill her sister who was inseparable from him? The palace guards who were just inches away from him all revealed looks of shock, as they looked on in disbelief at what was happening before their eyes.    


Fei Lian also did not expect that Zi Yue would poison her in the slightest. She was not prepared for it at all, and when she realized that something was wrong, it would already be too late for her to react.    


With a pfft sound, Zi Yue's spirit sword struck her right in the back. The power of this sword was too strong, it directly pierced Fei Lian's heart, and the sword tip appeared in front of her chest.    


"You ? You are... "Why..." Fei Lian turned her head around and asked with her eyes wide open.    


At this time, Zi Yue's face was already gloomy and sinister. She grinded her teeth and said, "Guanghan has heard of the death of the people closest to me in this world, I can't wait to skin them, pull out their tendons, drink their blood, and devour their flesh. Anyone who is loyal to GuangHan's ears deserves to die, all of them deserve to die!"    


The more Zi Yue spoke, the angrier she got. When she finished, she roared at the top of her lungs. Her eyes were bloodshot and her face was distorted. Until the moment of Fei Lian's death, she still could not figure out who the person who was closest to Zi Yue yet was killed by the Holy King.    


She still wanted to say something, but it seemed as if all the strength in her body had been sucked out, causing Fei Lian's vision to turn black.    


Zi Yue fiercely pulled the spirit sword out of her body, then looked at Wei Hong and shouted: "I am Feng King's successor, quickly bring the warriors to follow me to the rear palace!"    


Wei Hong finally woke up from the shock. He was stunned for a moment, and then he exclaimed in surprise and joy: "You ? You are Miss Zi Yue? "    


"That's right!"    


Aiya, the heavens are really helping me! Wei Hong thought that he would die miserably under Fei Lian's sword like the Captain that he had met just now. He never thought that he would meet someone on his side at this critical moment.    


He quickly stepped forward, cupped his hands, and said: "I am Wei Hong, greetings Miss Zi Yue!"    


"Cut the crap, let's kill them all first!" Zi Yue pointed to the palace guards with the blood dripping from his spirit sword, and then rushed forward and raised his sword to stab. She was the one who killed them, the guards of the palace were not able to react to the sudden turn of events, Zi Yue rushed forward and slashed and stabbed them, in the blink of an eye, he had killed dozens of people. Wei Hong did not dare to be negligent, and ordered his men of the Generals And Soldiers of Feng Army to surround and attack the palace guards.    


There were more than two hundred palace guards. In the end, none of them managed to escape. All of them died in the midst of a bloody battle.    


After taking the lead and killing all the palace guards, Zi Yue heaved a sigh of relief. She found Wei Hong on the battlefield and anxiously said: "General Wei, quickly follow me.    


Wei Hong had already followed Zi Yue's lead. He nodded his head big and waved to the surrounding Generals And Soldiers of Feng Army s: "Brothers, let this general take charge. Anyone who captures Guang Han as an imperial concubine will be heavily rewarded!"    


"Kill!" Hearing that there was a reward, the morale of the soldiers below rose even higher. One by one, they let out a loud shout and swarmed towards the imperial harem like a swarm of bees.    


Guang Han was a cautious man, and his heart was heavy with doubts. Most of his concubines did not know the Spiritual Force, so when faced with the Feng Army that was like a tide, how could they even resist? They were basically all captured by the Feng Army.    


When Wei Hong finished counting all the captured concubines, he was also shocked. Guang Han had actually heard of over thirty of them, and this was even recorded in the records by name. Who knew how many of those females had been taken advantage of by Wei Hong just like that?    


Wei Hong sneered in his heart, the Holy King was dignified outside, high and mighty, but in reality, she was just a pervert! He commanded the Generals And Soldiers of Feng Army and escorted the concubines to the location of the battle at Anterior Palace.    


While heading to the Anterior Palace, Wei Hong came to Zi Yue's side, and said with a smile: "Miss Zi Yue, you have helped me a lot this time. If the King knew that you were safe and sound, she would definitely be very happy, if Miss Zi Yue was tired, she could leave the palace and head to our camp to rest now."    


Before she finished speaking, Zi Yue had already cut her off with a wave of her hand. She said while clenching her teeth: "As long as I haven't seen Guang Han's body and ears with my own eyes, I won't go anywhere."    


Wei Hong laughed dryly, nodded his head, and did not try to advise further.    


They brought the imperial concubine of the harem to the battlefield of the Anterior Palace.    



At this time, Bi Han and Bai Fan had already led more than a thousand guards to guard the palace hall, but the surrounding of the hall was filled with Feng Army, looking at the black armor and red helmet, they had already dyed the ground red and black.    


Seeing that his brothers had successfully recaptured the concubine that Guang Han had listened to, the Vice Commander of Sanshui Army, Bai Yong, who was in charge of commanding the battle, became exceptionally excited, and said to Wei Hong: "General Wei, let your brothers push these concubines to the front of the formation. Use them as a shield and push them up.    


"This lowly general obeys your command!" Wei Hong first acknowledged his with his hands, then suddenly thought of something, he anxiously turned and said to Bai Yong: "General Bai, when I was heading to the imperial harem, I met Miss Zi Yue!" As he spoke, he showed Zi Yue who was behind him.    


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