Tomin in The Alien World



0Peng Jun pondered for a while, and carefully asked: "Is Miss Zi Yue testing my loyalty to Holy King, or do you want me to test Elder Nie's loyalty to Holy King?"    


Zi Yue laughed silently towards the sky and said, "None of them. I have already said this, this is your master's wish, and this is also Feng King's wish. "    


"Then... "Then you ?"    


"You're right, Ye Ye and I have already pledged our allegiance to Feng Country." Zi Yue enunciated each word slowly.    


Seeing Peng Jun's puzzlement, she said faintly: "You probably have never heard of Night Walker's name before, he is one of the Spirit Cultivator of Dark s that was secretly trained by the Holy King, his name is Ling Ye, but he is already dead, and was killed by the Holy King. When they are of use to the Holy King, the Holy King will favor them greatly. But when their existence threatens the Holy King, the Holy King will mercilessly abandon them and kill them all.    


While speaking, Zi Yue's eyes shot out rays of light, she clenched her delicate fists tightly, if she was a bit closer to, she could clearly feel the air slowly flowing around her.    


Peng Jun didn't know that there was Ling Ye, nor did he know the relationship between Zi Yue and himself, but looking at Zi Yue's current expression, he could roughly guess in her heart.    


He pondered for a moment, and said: "I trust Miss Zi Yue's words, but, I hope that Miss Zi Yue can produce the proof that my master transmitted to you."    


Zi Yue shook her head and said, "I don't have any proof that he is Elder Dongfang. Feng King's letter had already been burnt by me the moment it reached my hands. You should understand that such a letter cannot be left alive for even a moment longer."    


"This ?" Peng Jun frowned, words had no basis, how could he believe Zi Yue's words?    


Seeing him reveal doubt and hesitation, Zi Yue stood up straight and said: "I'm only here to pass a message on behalf of your master. As for whether or not you believe me, that's up to you. With that, she walked out.    


"Wait a minute!" Peng Jun anxiously stopped her. Since this was a serious matter, how could he make a decision so quickly? He asked: "Why am I the one who asked Elder Nie to change sides?"    


"Because you are reliable, because this matter is very dangerous, and because I am in a position far more important than you are, it can only be you."    


Zi Yue stood at the door and looked back with a meaningful smile. "Of course, if you're afraid, I will take your place in the end."    


Peng Jun blushed and said seriously: "Miss Zi Yue has misunderstood, I am not a person who is afraid of death, since this is my master's wish, even if my body is smashed into smithereens, I will still do it!"    


Zi Yue looked at him deeply, then took a deep breath and said: "Although Nie Zhen is an esteemed Great Clan Elder, he is extremely greedy and afraid of death. His bones are extremely soft, and regardless of whether he agrees to turn the tables on you, he will not kill you, he will leave a path of retreat for himself."    


Peng Jun almost laughed out loud when he heard it, Zi Yue's evaluation was not polite at all, but it also went straight to the point, as Nie Zhen was the kind of person who did not have any backbone as she said. He nodded and said: "Thank you for your reminder, Miss Zi Yue."    


Zi Yue did not stay any longer. When she opened the door, she turned his head and said: "I'm waiting for your good news." With that, she quickly left the room.    


Peng Jun looked at his back, and did not recover from his shock for a long time. It was only when Zi Yue left for a good while and when Uncle Peng walked in from outside that he suddenly woke up. Uncle Peng walked up to Peng Jun and asked in a small voice: "Young noble, why has Miss Zi Yue come here?"    


"Nothing." Peng Jun waved his hands, unwilling to discuss further on this matter. It wasn't that he didn't trust Uncle Peng, but he felt that the less he knew, the better.    


Right now, Peng Jun was also considering whether what Zi Yue had said was true or false. After all, she had no basis for words, and thinking further, he felt that the possibility of it being true was higher.    


If the Holy King wanted to deal with him, it would be as simple as crushing an ant to death, so there was no need to go through so much trouble. Furthermore, seeing Zi Yue's expression when speaking, it did not seem like she was lying, as she dared to display ridicule and hatred towards the Holy King, this was something that she did not dare to pretend to be. Furthermore, Master had indeed turned against the Allied Army of Feng Country And Chuan Country, this was absolutely true. For Master, to be able to persuade Nie Zhen to turn against the Allied Army of Feng Country And Chuan Country, the combined efforts of a few Great Elders, was a matter of utmost importance.    


After some consideration, Peng Jun decided to give it a try with Nie Zhen. Of course, success was still for the best. If he didn't succeed, then he was prepared to throw his life away.    


The day after Zi Yue found him, he went to Nie Zhen's residence. Right now, the Nie Mansion was bustling with noise and excitement. There was an unending stream of people entering and exiting the city.    


However, as the master, Nie Zhen could not be happy. In his view, the current walls of the Divine Pool City were filled with loopholes, and there was nothing that could be done about the lack of facilities for the defense of the city, but what was even more terrifying was that the food within the city was still insufficient, making it impossible for it to be maintained for a long period of time.    


Right now, he wished very much that he was not the Great Elder of Divine Pool, and that he no longer needed to care about all these, and those troublesome matters.    


Inside the main hall of the Nie Mansion. At this time, Nie Zhen was there, along with his disciples.    


Nie Zhen only had 10 disciples in name, but there were hundreds of disciples that were not in name. The disciples in name were all gathered in the hall, while the disciples that were not in name were all gathered in the courtyard, forming groups of three to five, discussing the disciples.    


Just as Nie Zhen was discussing with the disciples about how to strengthen the defense of the city and how to solve the problem of the food supply, a Domestic Servant ran in hastily and stood in front of Nie Zhen.    


Nie Zhen waved his hand absentmindedly without even thinking, and said: "I've never heard of it, I won't see it."    


Just as he was about to walk out, Nie Zhen's eldest disciple Wei Biao raised her hand to stop him. He then said to Nie Zhen in a low voice: "Master, Peng Jun is Dongfang Yeyue's last disciple!"    


"Oh?" Nie Zhen blinked, and then, thinking that there was indeed a person like Peng Jun in the Dongfang family's Dongfang Ye's sect, he slammed the table and stood up, and asked loudly: "Does Dongfang Ye Huai still have disciples left in the city?"    


"This disciple does not know either. I had originally thought that Dongfang Wenyi's disciples had betrayed him and fled with him, but who would have thought that there would still be a Peng Jun left in the city."    


Nie Zhen still gave a low laugh, then laughed out loud with his head facing upwards: "If he didn't come, this reputed one wouldn't have known that there was such a person in the city. But now, he has come to deliver himself up to my doorstep."    


While speaking, he waved at Domestic Servant, and said solemnly: "Bring Peng Jun in!"    


"Yes!" "Old master!"    


Nie Zhen glanced at the disciples on his left and right. Everyone understood, and two disciples immediately walked out together with Domestic Servant. Since Peng Jun had delivered himself to his doorstep, Nie Zhen had no intention to let him go so easily.    


After a while, Peng Jun was escorted by two disciples into the hall. Seeing Nie Zhen sitting in the middle, he anxiously walked forward and bowed, then said: "Nephew Peng Jun greets Clan Elder Nie!"    


It was true that he claimed to be a nephew. Even though he was young, his seniority was not low at all. After Nie Zhen heard this, he almost burst into laughter on the spot. Without waiting for him to speak, a disciple at the side berated him: "Whose nephew are you? The disciple of a deceitful official, and the face to call himself nephew in front of his teacher? "    


After all, Nie Zhen was the Great Clan Elder, and had a more magnanimous demeanor than the disciples below. He waved his hand at the disciple who spoke, signalling for him to be quiet, and then looked at Peng Jun and asked: "Peng Jun, have you come to find me today to beg for forgiveness?"    


In his mind, Peng Jun must have been afraid that he would be implicated by Dong Fang Ye Huai, which was why he took the initiative to come and see him. Peng Jun nodded his head, then shook it and said: "Clan Elder Nie, my nephew is here today because I have something to discuss with Clan Elder Nie."    


Eh? Nie Zhen frowned. At the same time, his heart moved as he asked: "What is it?"    


"Ugh ?" Peng Jun did not speak immediately. Instead, he looked left and right with a troubled expression.    


Seeing this, the surrounding disciples became angry, and they all shouted: "If you have something to say, quickly say it, if you have to fart, if you continue stuttering, don't blame us for not being polite!"    


Peng Jun did not bother with the others. He looked at Nie Zhen with a troubled face and said, "Elder Nie, it's very important that your nephew discuss something with Elder Nie alone."    


"Master, you don't need to listen to his nonsense. From my point of view, he's here to cause trouble ?"    


Nie Zhen didn't think so. Unless Peng Jun ate the bear heart leopard's gall bladder, he wouldn't want to live anymore. He thought for a moment, then said to the disciples on his left and right, "All of you go out first, Wei Biao will stay!"    


"Master ?"    


"Get out!"    


Seeing Nie Zhen's old face darken, the disciples did not dare to say more, and stared fiercely at Peng Jun, and then slowly walked out.    


After they had all left, Nie Zhen indicated for Wei Biao to close the door, and then asked Peng Jun: "What do you have to say, you can say it now, right?"    



"Elder Nie!" Peng Jun rushed forward a few steps, scaring Wei Biao, who was at the side. He was just about to intervene when Peng Jun kneeled on the ground and cupped his hands: "My nephew was entrusted to me by my master, here to meet Elder Nie."    


Hearing this, Nie Zhen and Wei Biao both took a deep breath.    


It seemed that Peng Jun was not here to beg for forgiveness, but to persuade his to surrender. Wei Biao clenched his fists, his eyes shooting out a fierce light. Nie Zhen was rather calm on the other hand, or it could be said that he had more or less guessed Peng Jun's intentions just now.    


"What did your master ask you to talk about with me?"    


Peng Jun asked seriously: "Elder Nie, do you think that the current Divine Pool City can withstand an army of close to a million Feng Country And Chuan Country?"    


Nie Zhen slightly narrowed his eyes, and said: "The Divine Pool City's terrain is extremely steep, making it hard to attack and defend against. Forget about a million enemies, even if it was two or three million enemies, they wouldn't be able to break through the defenses of my Divine Pool."    


"Once we start fighting, there's no other way. Even if Elder Nie can block this wave of attacks from the Allied Army of Feng Country And Chuan Country, what happens next? Feng Country And Chuan Country would definitely continue to mobilize people from within the nation, and unleash a second wave, a third wave, and even more attacks. Even if Divine Pool City was impregnable, how long would it last? By then, I'll probably be trapped to death. "    


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