Tomin in The Alien World



0Giant rocks rolled down from the top of the mountain. For Chuan Army who was climbing up the mountain, this was an extremely miserable sight. Countless amounts of Chuan Soldier could not even find a complete corpse, and they all turned into puddles of flesh and blood.    


Yang Zhao personally commanded the eighty thousand Chuan Army to begin a strong attack on the left peak of the Tiger-mouth Ravine, but after more than two hours of fighting, no one was able to reach the summit of the mountain. Looking around, the entire hillside was filled with the corpses of Generals And Soldiers of Chuan Army, blood flowed like a river, almost dying the entire mountain ridge red.    


Xiao Xuan who was watching the battle also realized that Yang Zhao's side's attack was unfavorable. He quickly dispatched troops to attack the right wing of the Tiger-mouth Ravine. From his point of view, since Tiger-mouth Ravine's left peak was resisting so fiercely, then the main force of Divine Pool must be here. The mountain on the right was empty, and it was the best opportunity for them to take advantage of it.    


But in reality, it was not like that at all. When Chuan Army attacked the right peak of Tiger-mouth Ravine, they were still met with an incomparably fierce counterattack by the Divine Pool personnel that occupied the peak. The soldiers rushed up one wave and fell another, and the casualties were even faster than the ones on Zuo Feng's side.    


With just a few thousand Divine Pool, he was unable to do anything to his own army of several hundred thousand. How could it be so difficult to fight them, could it be that all of the Divine Pool's people were gods that had descended from the heavens?    


Just as he was thinking about how to defeat the enemy, the Chuan Army camp's left wing suddenly went into chaos. Xiao Xuan did not know what happened, and frowned and looked towards the left wing for a moment, then said to the guard beside him: Go take a look, what happened over there?    


"Yes sir!" The guard replied and urged his horse forward.    


Not long after, the guard returned, and at the same time, he brought back a Chuan Soldier guard with a crooked armor. When the guard came close to Xiao Xuan, he anxiously dismounted and interfered while kneeling on the ground: "Reporting to the King, this is bad, our left wing has suffered a sneak attack!"    


"What?" Xiao Xuan's eyes were wide opened. Enemy? Where did the enemy army come from? Aren't the enemies on top of the Tiger-mouth Ravine? Why did they suddenly run to our left wing? He stared at the Chuan Soldier for a moment, and asked solemnly: "How many enemy troops are there?"    


"Yes ?" There were hundreds of people, and yet ? It seems like there are thousands of people! " When Xiao Xuan heard this, his nose almost went crooked as he shouted harshly, "Are there really hundreds or thousands of them?"    


"Little person, little person doesn't know ?"    


"Down!" Xiao Xuan ordered the soldiers who reported the news to retreat, then looked at the generals from left and right, and asked: "Generals, please tell me, where exactly did the enemy who ambushed our left flank come from?"    


"Great King, since the General of the Left sent someone to report to the King, the enemies of the ambush should be very difficult to deal with. The King should dispatch troops to assist the King!" Chief General Lv You cupped her hands and said.    


Xiao Xuan nodded his head, and said to Lv You: "Lv You, pick twenty thousand cavalrymen from the middle to rush to the left wing to reinforce them, if you encounter any enemies, kill them all, don't leave a single one alive!"    


"This lowly general obeys your command!" Lv You accepted the order and spurred his horse forward. He was fast enough to lead his troops to the left wing, but he was still a step too late. In that short period of time, the general of the left side had been killed by the man who had ambushed him.    


Actually, the number of people from the Divine Pool that sneaked an attack on him was not much, only two to three hundred people, all of them holding Spiritual Knife.    


They were all disciples of the Divine Pool and Sword Vein, so their position could be considered average. However, their spirit warriors were not weak, and their cultivation was basically above the Spirit Origin Stage, so only two to three hundred people dared to charge into the camp of the hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and they were actually successful in ambushing them. With one move, they beheaded the commanders on the left wing of the Chuan Army, making them the enemy generals within the crowd.    


Lv You who had rushed over and heard about the situation with the army on the left was furious, leading twenty thousand cavalrymen to attack. He came face to face with the Divine Pool rankers who had ambushed him, and a fierce battle broke out between the two.    


The Disciple of Divine Pool s of these two to three hundred people were very powerful, but they were unable to directly fight against the ten thousand cavalrymen. Furthermore, the surrounding Chuan Army s were increasing and the leader of the group shouted loudly, "Retreat!"    


As he gave the order, the Divine Pool s who had sneakily attacked him immediately changed to the front lines and began to break out of the encirclement. It was very easy when they rushed in, because they were caught unprepared by the Chuan Army, and now that they had to retreat, it was not that simple anymore. The densely packed Chuan Army surrounded them in all three layers, with no water flowing through them at all, and even if these Divine Pool members were to fight to the death, only a few would be able to escape from the Chuan Army camp, as most of them had died in the chaos of battle.    


Lv You led the group to clear out the Divine Pool members who had launched the sneak attack, but on the other hand, the Chuan Army had paid the price of the Left Wing General's death, and the moment the news spread to Xiao Xuan, the latter could not help but raise his hand and lightly pat his forehead in pain.    


Firstly, the great general Xu Zheng had suffered a loss. Secondly, he did not know how many more soldiers were waiting for the Generals And Soldiers of Self Army s on the Divine Pool side. Secondly, he did not know if there were even a second, third or even more s who were prepared for another fatal blow at any time.    


Tiger-mouth Ravine could no longer be used, otherwise, their losses would only get bigger and bigger. Thinking about that, Xiao Xuan gave the order for the entire army to stop attacking and to withdraw.    


This offensive and defensive battle between Chuan Army personnel had finally come to an end with Chuan Army taking the initiative to retreat. Soon after, the Chuan Army set up camp five kilometers away from the Tiger-mouth Ravine.    


After a day of intense fighting, Xiao Xuan realized that his Tiger-mouth Ravine was not as easy as he had imagined. He ordered his soldiers, without his permission, no one is allowed to rashly fight.    


If the Chuan Army was not out, then it would be even more impossible for the Divine Pool to take the initiative to go down the mountain and fight it out head on. The two sides stood guard on one side of the mountain, while the other stationed themselves at the foot of the mountain, eyeing each other covetously.    


When Tang Yin and Xia Yao rushed over from the Universe Mountain, they had reached the Tiger-mouth Ravine area.    


To enter the center of the Divine Pool from the Southern Domain, one must first enter the Tiger-mouth Ravine. Similarly, to travel from the center of the Divine Pool to the southern territory, one must also go through the Tiger-mouth Ravine.    


Right now, Tang Yin was completely unaware of what was going on at the Tiger-mouth Ravine region. He also did not know that two days after he had left the Wind Camp, the two Feng Country and Chuan Country armies had already invaded the borders of the Divine Pool region.    


This morning, Tang Yin and Xia Yao arrived at the Tiger-mouth Ravine. He raised his eyes and looked around, looking at the Tiger-mouth Ravine s in the distance, and muttered to himself faintly, "What a dangerous place! "Whoever occupies the mountain peaks on both sides of this valley, if the enemy wants to pass through, it will be as difficult as ascending to the heavens."    


Xia Yao shook her head and laughed helplessly. She felt that Tang Yin was thinking about war at all times. The two of them quickly walked towards the Tiger-mouth Ravine. The closer they got to the valley, the more Tang Yin frowned, and at the same time, subconsciously raised his hand and grabbed Xia Yao's arm.    


She looked at him with a puzzled expression and doubtfully asked, "Your Highness?"    


After interacting with Tang Yin for the past two days, she had more or less understood him. Tang Yin was not a righteous man, but he was also not a scoundrel who coveted women's sex. If it wasn't for the circumstances forcing him, he would not normally get too close to her, and had intimate physical contact with her.    


"There seems to be something wrong here!" Tang Yin did not look at her, his gaze continuously sweeping across his Tiger-mouth Ravine, both internally and externally.    


Hearing his words, Xia Yao immediately became anxious, she anxiously looked ahead, the Tiger-mouth Ravine was extremely quiet, without a sound or breath, and it was completely empty, without even a shadow of a person, she did not sense anything amiss.    


She asked, "Your Highness, what do you think is wrong?"    


"There's the smell of blood!" There seems to be a war here. " He didn't see any corpses, nor did he see any bloodstains. However, the smell of blood drifted over, indicating that the battlefield was still very far away. This also meant that the scale of the battlefield was very large, and that quite a few people had died.    


But Tang Yin couldn't understand, who would actually fight at a Tiger-mouth Ravine like this? The two Feng Country and Chuan Country armies were stationed at the border of the Divine Pool, they would not come here, could it be an internal conflict between the Divine Pool people? This doesn't make sense. He couldn't figure it out no matter how hard he thought.    


As he got closer and closer to the Tiger-mouth Ravine, Tang Yin's heartbeat unconsciously sped up and the flow of his blood accelerated. Every single cell in every nerve in his body was tightening;    


"There's an ambush here." Tang Yin grabbed Xia Yao's wrist, slowed her pace, and said at the same time in a low voice.    


"Could it be that Elder Nie set up an ambush here?" Xia Yao was shocked.    


Tang Yin shook his head and said faintly: "It doesn't seem to be directed at us." To be able to feel the killing intent, he had to rely on his intuition. To feel that the killing intent wasn't directed at him, that was to rely on his intuition.    


If it was said that there was an ambush inside the Tiger-mouth Ravine, then the person hiding there would have definitely seen him and Xia Yao. If she and Xia Yao did not continue walking forward, it would definitely arouse the other party's suspicions, and even if the other party was not coming for them, he would probably come looking for them.    


Of course, if he and Xia Yao were to continue walking forward, they would also be in danger of falling into their enemy's encirclement. Tang Yin's mind raced. In the time that he thought about it, he and Xia Yao had already reached the entrance of the Tiger-mouth Ravine.    


Xia Yao didn't have an idea. She could only turn around and look at Tang Yin, waiting for his decision. The latter hesitated for a moment, then said softly to Xia Yao: "Let's go."    


He pulled Xia Yao along as he walked forward, and whispered: "Presumably, the number of people who have seen your true appearance at Divine Pool shouldn't be many!"    


She nodded and whispered, "Not much! Only Holy King and Great Clan Elder have seen them. "    


"That's good." Tang Yin nodded as he calmed down a little.    


When the two of them were about to reach the middle part of the Tiger-mouth Ravine, they suddenly heard a shout from above their heads: "Stop!" Following the voice, several people consecutively jumped down from the mountain cliffs on both sides of the Tiger-mouth Ravine.    


These people wore gray robes and gray cloaks that stuck to the mountain wall the entire time. They were almost one with the mountain wall, and even if one looked at them closely, it was difficult to detect their existence.    


"Who is it?" A few gray clothed men blocked Tang Yin and his group's path, their eyes were like lightning, sweeping over their faces.    



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