Tomin in The Alien World



0Chen Miao didn't really understand why Nie Zhen asked that. The Holy Maiden wasn't kidnapped, could it be that she was the one who left on her own accord? He blankly nodded and said, "Yeah, the Holy Maiden was forcefully taken away by that thief. Why did Elder Nie ask that?"    


"Nothing." Nie Zhen was not willing to say more, he waved his hand, and once he was out of Holy Temple, he mounted his horse and whipped it, then rushed down the mountain.    


As for Tang Yin, he activated his Spiritual Transformation of Armor, and smoothly flew down from the cliffs of the Qiankun Mountain to the bottom of the mountain.    


Even with Tang Yin's current cultivation, he would not be able to use Spiritual Transformation of Armor to fly in the air for a long time, furthermore, he was carrying Xia Yao, which made him feel that it was an invisible burden.    


After landing, he let go of Xia Yao gently. Seeing that her face was pale, he asked: "Are you alright?"    


Xia Yao was not injured, but she was shocked. When Tang Yin fell off the cliff, she thought that she was dead meat. She didn't expect that at the moment of life and death, Tang Yin had grown a pair of huge wings on his back.    


Now that her feet could finally touch the ground, she could not help but exhale deeply, looking at Tang Yin, she forced a smile: "Your Highness's Spirit Force is so great, if not for Your Highness, I'm afraid that I would have ?"    


Tang Yin shook his head and said softly: "If it were not for Ling Ye and the others' Sacrifice, I would not be able to have such a profound cultivation."    


Instead, it had allowed him to break through the Spirit Space Stage which was the hardest to break through, allowing his own cultivation to reach a brand-new and unfamiliar realm.    


What was even more lucky was that he did not manage to save Ling Ye and the rest. Instead, he brought out the woman that Ren Xiao liked, Divine Pool's Saintess, Xia Yao.    


Xia Yao did not understand what Tang Yin meant by "Sacrifice", but she could roughly guess, and said to Tang Yin: "Since they helped Your Highness with such a huge matter, even if Your Highness could not take away their corpses, he should not have thrown them away in the Holy Temple!"    


Tang Yin sighed lightly and said: "Those are just skin bags, they are insignificant. Moreover, they are not dead, they are all living here!" As he spoke, he turned around and tapped his chest.    


Xia Yao looked at him in puzzlement. Just as she was about to continue talking, Tang Yin waved her hands and said, "Let's find a place to rest for the night and wait until tomorrow."    


"Why is that?" Now that the people from the Divine Pool had not chased him yet, why did he not take this opportunity to escape and instead wanted to stop to rest for the night?    


Tang Yin said: "The news that I have brought you out of the Holy Temple has definitely spread, along the way, it will definitely be sealed up by people from the Divine Pool. We can't escape even if we wanted to, and rather than wasting our time and energy doing useless work, we might as well find a place to hide and rest properly, replenish our energy, and then tomorrow, we'll think of a way to escape."    


Feeling that what he said was reasonable, Xia Yao nodded her head. Tang Yin looked around, and then, he walked in front of Xia Yao. The latter didn't even have time to react to what was going on, when Tang Yin had already grabbed her by the waist, and leaped into the dense forest not far away.    


Tang Yin was good at tracking and, at the same time, was good at reverse tracking as well.    


He brought Xia Yao along, and practically didn't stick to the ground as he jumped on top of the trees to move forward. After walking for a long time through the forest, he finally jumped down from the treetops and hid himself in a small cave with Xia Yao in tow.    


He let Xia Yao sit inside, while he himself sat cross-legged at the entrance of the cave, and said in a low voice: "I've tormented you for the greater part of the night, so you must be tired too. Rest here for the night first!"    


Xia Yao looked at Tang Yin, nodded, and responded softly before slowly lying down. As the cave was not too deep, it was dry and free from any odors. The soil was slightly dirty, but it was not unbearable either.    


She laid on the ground, staring at Tang Yin's side face in a daze.    


Logically speaking, she should be very scared when she saw the boy alone in the small cave for the first time. However, she was very calm right now, as if there was something about Tang Yin that made her feel at ease.    


It was unknown how much time had passed before she finally came back to her senses. She gently asked, "Has His Highness fallen asleep yet?"    


Tang Yin still sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, and said: "Not yet. I... Just thinking about something. "    


"What is it?" Xia Yao asked curiously.    


"Why are there two people in this world who look exactly the same?!" He seemed to be asking Xia Yao, but also seemed to be muttering to herself.    


In the past, his understanding of Serene Hall was only limited to the first and second levels. However, after blending together with Ling Ye's soul, he had obtained Ling Ye's memories, and also knew that there was still a third level of Serene Hall, an extremely cold and inconceivable place. There was nothing else there other than ice or ice, but within the ice, there was sealed the most beautiful woman in the world, a woman that he was most familiar with, who looked exactly the same as Yin Rou ? ? Crystal.    


This was too shocking to him, he never would have thought that even after more than five hundred years had passed, the crystal still existed, and there was even an ice cave sealed with Divine Pool. He didn't know why this was happening, but he was sure that it had something to do with Guang Xuanling.    


At this moment, he couldn't say what he felt in his heart. It was as if his heart had been turned upside down.    


"In the boundless universe, nothing is too strange. It's very common to say that the two of them look similar, but it's impossible to say that the two of them look exactly the same, without even the slightest difference ?"    


The Xia Yao who did not know what was going on was seriously helping Tang Yin in his analysis.    


"It is indeed the same. Even the mole on its body is the same. Perhaps, there really is a difference between people from my previous life and this world! " A bitter smile appeared on Tang Yin's face.    


It was a good thing that the body sealed within the ice cave had no soul. Otherwise, if the crystal was still alive, he didn't know how to face her, nor would he know how to face Yin Rou.    


Xia Yao looked at him in puzzlement, and the more she heard, the more confused she became, and asked: "Does Your Highness have a point in saying this?"    


Tang Yin shook his head and laughed indifferently, he did not want to continue and said: "Alright, just treat it as me talking nonsense and rest early." After he finished speaking, he lowered his head and did not speak any further.    


When Xia Yao heard the cloud mist, he did not understand what Tang Yin was trying to say. Just as she was about to ask, seeing that he did not have any more intentions to speak, Xia Yao could only give up, and slowly closed her eyes in exhaustion.    


She couldn't remember when she had fallen asleep, and when she woke up, it was because her face was itchy. She slowly raised her eyes, and saw Tang Yin, with his bare upper body, squatting beside her, and his warm big hands covering her mouth.    


Xia Yao turned pale with fright. Just as she was about to cry out in alarm, Tang Yin increased the strength in his hands and covered her mouth tightly, at the same time, she raised her other hand and put her index finger in front of his mouth, signalling for her to keep quiet. Then, he pointed towards the exit of the cave.    


Seeing that, Xia Yao was completely awake, she suddenly woke up and subconsciously looked outside the cave.    


When she came in last night, she didn't remember there were grass vines at the entrance, but now the entrance was covered by dense grass vines, and only a few rays of sunlight shone through the gaps in the grass vines.    


Soon, she heard voices coming from outside. It's unbelievable that the Holy Maiden was kidnapped under the watchful eyes of so many Holy Mountain Guards! "    


"That's right, it's said that Grand Elder was also present at that time. I really suspect that they might have let the thief go on purpose!"    


"Hey, don't talk nonsense! If it gets to Elder Nie's ears, then your brain won't be able to protect itself! "    


"Isn't this what us brothers are doing in private!? Strangely, that thief actually brought the Holy Maiden and disappeared into thin air. It was said that Elder Nie led his disciples and searched the entire night like crazy, but didn't find anything. It looks like the person who kidnapped the Holy Maiden this time is not simple, I think my Divine Pool is going to face a great calamity! "    


"Why are you spouting nonsense again?!"    


"It's always been like that. The Holy Maiden was taken away, how disrespectful was that to the Holy God? It's no wonder the Holy God didn't punish Divine Pool!"    


"Don't say anymore. We'll just do our own thing. As for the others, don't mind them ?"    


The sound of voices from outside was getting closer and closer. Xia Yao could even hear the rustling sound of their footsteps as they walked past the grass, and it seemed like they were even close to the cave entrance.    


However, it was obvious that these people did not notice that behind the grass vines around them, there was a cave. They did not pause for even a moment, and directly walked over.    


After confirming that the other party was already far away, only then did Tang Yin move his hand away from Xia Yao's mouth, and said with an apologetic smile: "Sorry, I was rude just now."    


Xia Yao immediately sat up, took a deep breath in and shook her head: "The situation has forced you, Your Highness does not have to blame yourself."    



"It looks like Nie Zhen will find this place soon too. I don't have any Spirit-dispersed Pill on me, so the Spirit Pressure that I have forcefully restrained would be able to trick these ordinary Divine Pool disciples, but it would absolutely not be able to trick Nie Zhen.    


Tang Yin stood up, and casually pulled Xia Yao up as well.    


After Xia Yao got up, her face was slightly red as she took her hands back in embarrassment.    


As a Holy Maiden, the people she usually interacted with were all girls, and he had never been so close to a man before, including Ren Xiao. Tang Yin, on the other hand, did not care about this at all.    


He turned around and walked to the entrance of the cave. He first listened attentively for a moment, and then he slowly walked out of the cave.    


He looked around and saw that everywhere he looked, the forest was the only part of it. He looked into the distance and saw that the mountain peaks connected to the other mountain peaks, rising and falling without end in a single glance.    


He closed his eyes and searched through the memories of Ling Ye and the people in the darkness for the topography of this area. After pondering for a while, he opened his eyes, waved at Xia Yao who was in the cave, and said: "We need to head south!"    


Xia Yao said in surprise as she walked out: "This place is relatively close to the northern border, and furthermore, isn't the Wind Camp located to the north of Divine Pool?"    


"It's precisely because of this that Nie Zhen will definitely place heavy soldiers at the north to intercept us. Therefore, we have to go against his direction, head south, towards the Chuan Camp!"    


"So that's how it is." Xia Yao nodded and walked over to Tang Yin's side. The latter wrapped their arms around her waist in a very natural manner. Then, their figures moved as fast as lightning through the forest.    


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