Tomin in The Alien World



0The decisiveness of Bi Han's words also made it hard for Bai Fan and Fei Lian to say anything.    


Tang Yin glanced at the three women behind Bi Han, and faintly said: "You're not afraid of death, but have you ever asked them if they're as fearless as you?"    


Bi Han didn't even turn her head around, and decisively said: "As a member of the Divine Pool and a member of the Holy King's side, of course I have long prepared to sacrifice my life for the Holy King!"    


Tang Yin had nothing to say, and he had nothing to say to such a loyal person like Bi Han. He turned and looked at Xiao Xuan, asking him about his intentions.    


Knowing that Holy King was an impostor, Xiao Xuan heaved a sigh of relief inwardly, but his expression was extremely unsightly.    


Using a maid to deceive me is simply the greatest of humiliation to myself. He gritted his teeth and said fiercely, "Since you all want to die, this king will grant your wish! "Someone, come!"    


"I'm here!" The surrounding Chuan Country guards all stepped forward, interfering and saluting.    


"Capture them, I won't stop even if it costs me my life!" Xiao Xuan said in a serious tone.    


"Yes sir!" The Chuan Country guards shouted together, and then, all of them swarmed forward, and surrounded the four women, Bi Han, Bai Fan, Fei Lian, Zi Yue, and Zi Yue.    


The moment the fighting started inside the tent, the Feng Country And Chuan Country warriors outside immediately surrounded the two hundred palace guards that Bi Han had brought with him.    


Just as the Chuan Country guards were about to attack the four women, Tang Yin suddenly raised his hand and shouted: "Wait!"    


The Chuan Country guards were stunned, and then, all of them simultaneously took two steps back, and looked at Tang Yin with faces full of confusion. Tang Yin turned around and walked to Xiao Xuan's side expressionlessly, and said in a low voice: "Elder Royal Brother Xiao, you can't kill them."    


Xiao Xuan frowned: "Guang Xuanling is teasing and humiliating you and me, are you going to let them go?"    


"We have to release them, we can't lose out on such a small thing!" Bi Han, Bai Fan, and Fei Lian were insignificant in Tang Yin's eyes, but Zi Yue was different. If he were to kill the three women and only let Zi Yue go back alone, it would be strange if Guang Xuanling did not suspect him.    


In order to protect Zi Yue, in order to keep her by her side, he could only grit her teeth and endure this anger.    


Xiao Xuan also knew about Zi Yue's matter. With Tang Yin's reminder, he regained his senses and nodded to himself, that's right, if he were to kill the three girls, then Zi Yue would not be able to return to the Divine Pool. He only wanted to understand the situation temporarily, but losing such an important spy was not worth it.    


He thought for a moment, nodded, and said in a low voice: "We'll do as Brother Wang says!"    


Tang Yin and Xiao Xuan had finished discussing, so he returned and stood in front of the four women, Bi Han, Bai Fan, Fei Lian and Zi Yue. This king will not let you all die. This king will let you all witness with your own eyes how Guang Xuanling has died without a burial ground. " As he spoke, he waved his hand and said, "Let them go!"    


The Chuan Country guards frowned, looked at each other, and finally looked at King Chuan Xiao Xuan together. The latter nodded her head, indicating that everyone could follow the orders given by the Feng King.    


Seeing that the King had already tacitly agreed with the words of the Feng King, all of the guards did not dare to delay any further, and immediately stepped aside, opening up a path.    


Tang Yin said slowly: "Now, you can go."    


The three girls, Bi Han, Fei Lian and the others, almost couldn't believe their own ears. Feng King and the King Chuan had so easily let them go? Could it be a trap?    


Only Zi Yue was clear as to why Tang Yin and Xiao Xuan had done this. She pulled on Bi Han's sleeves and said softly, "If we don't leave now, how long are we going to wait?"    


Bi Han did not seem to hear her words and stood still on her spot. She stared straight at Tang Yin and said solemnly: "Feng King, if you want to kill me, then kill me.    


Tang Yin smiled lightly and said, "Jun Wu Yi is not lying. Since this king has said that I will let you go, I will definitely not kill you!"    


After hearing his words, seeing that Bi Han still had no intention to leave, even Bai Fan and Fei Lian became anxious. They pulled on the back of her sleeves and muttered: "What are you waiting for? "Hurry up and go!"    


Bi Han finally moved. Even though her gaze was still on Tang Yin's face, her feet were already slowly stepping forward as she walked out.    


Sure enough, as they walked out, no one attacked them, and no one went forward to stop them. The Feng Country And Chuan Country guards stood at the sides, and stared at them with fierce gazes.    


He then watched as Bi Han and the other two walked to the side of the carriage outside, gathered with the palace guards, and changed their direction. They went down the mountain, where Huangfu Xiutai and Jin Xuan had walked to Tang Yin's side and said softly, "Your Highness should not have let them go, they are all his personal maids, and are his hands as well. If we do not eliminate them now, they will become a disaster in the future as well!"    


Tang Yin slightly shook his head, and faintly sighed: "It's easy to kill them, but it's also impossible to make Zi Yue return to Guang Xuanling's side."    


Yes, that was true! Huangfu Xiutai and Jin Xuan nodded.    


Suddenly, he thought of something, and Jin Xuan spoke anxiously: "Your Highness needs to think of a way to save Elder Gao, right now Guang Xuanling is in the city, if Elder Gao tries to barge through Serene Hall, then it will be a dead end!"    


Tang Yin raised his head, and muttered: "I'm afraid, it's already too late."    


Actually, he did not care about Gao Ge's life or death at all. If Gao Ge was still alive, then it would certainly be useful to him.    


Once it was discovered, everything that he had experienced in the Divine Pool would become nothing. With Guang Xuanling's personality, he would definitely be on guard against everything, and Tang Yin guessed that all the Spirit Cultivator of Dark, including Ling Ye, would find it difficult to escape from Guang Xuanling's hands, which was why they would be able to eliminate him. This was also the thing that the current Guang Xuanling had the highest possibility of doing.    


Within the Divine Pool City.    


Tang Yin's guess was right, it was already too late to save Gao Ge. He had personally witnessed the Holy King's carriage leaving the Divine Pool. With Gao Ge and Dong Fang Ye Huai leading the group of elders, they immediately rushed to the Gao Residence to secretly discuss what to do next.    


An elder was the first to speak: "Now that Holy King has already left the city, we should immediately head to the Serene Hall to investigate what is going on."    


"No, wait a little longer!" Gao Ge shook his head and said.    


"How long will Elder Gao wait?"    


"One hour!" Gao Ge calculated the time and said, "In another half an hour, Holy King will arrive at Zhongyi Mountain. At that time, if we go to Serene Hall again, even if someone goes to report to Holy King, it would take quite a bit of time. Holy King won't be able to make it back in time, so there's no way to stop us."    


All the elders nodded and replied, "Elder Gao is right."    


Gao Ge changed the subject and sternly said: "Once we enter the Serene Hall, once we come across the Spirit Cultivator of Dark, all the elders must leave no one alive, under no circumstances should we kill them all!"    


All the clan elders nodded: "Don't worry, Elder Gao, if we really meet Spirit Cultivator of Dark, how can we let him die without a witness!"    


Gao Ge said: "These Spirit Cultivator of Dark s are all Death Soldier s, and they carry a deadly poison with them. Once consumed, they will immediately die, so all Elders should be careful not to commit suicide."    


"We'll remember."    


The crowd patiently stayed at the manor for more than two hours. Seeing that it was about time, Gao Ge took the lead and stood up first. The rest of the elders saw this and hurriedly stood up as well.    


Gao Ge looked around at the crowd and said word by word, "Elders, you have to consider this carefully. This matter is extremely dangerous, and one's life could be in danger at any time. It's still too late to retreat!"    


One of the elders smiled and said, "Elder Gao, you worry too much. Since we are already here, we can disregard life and death. Elder Gao, please rest assured!"    


"That's right!" All the elders answered.    


Hearing them say that, Gao Ge started to hesitate. Only the rest of them who knew the inside information could charge into the Serene Hall forbidden grounds together, and what if something bad happened? At that time, there wouldn't even be anyone in the Divine Pool who would know the whole story, and the citizens of the Divine Pool would still be deceived by Guang Xuanling, and in the end, all of them would become his martyrs.    



Thinking of this, Gao Ge looked towards Dongfang Yeyi and said, "Elder Dongfang, you don't need to go."    


All of the Elders present were stunned. At this critical moment, when the arrows were about to shoot, Gao Ge suddenly wanted to exclude Dongfang Yeyu. Wasn't this the same as cutting off one's own arm?    


"Elder Gao ?"    


All the elders stepped forward to persuade him, and Gao Ge waved his hand, looking around at the crowd, he said with a wry smile: "Everyone misunderstands, the reason I want to keep Elder Dongfang, is because I'm afraid that things will change! No one has ever entered the Serene Hall Forbidden Area before. I don't know what's going on inside, nor do I know how many traps and concealed Spiritual Martial Expert s are inside. What if ? If we never return, and don't even have anyone who knows about the inside information in our Divine Pool, and only think of us as missing, wouldn't we have to follow in Elder Feng's footsteps and scold us on our backs for no reason? "    


At his words, everyone drew a sharp breath. This was something they had never expected. After carefully thinking about it, Gao Ge's words were not unreasonable. Up till now, no one was clear on Feng Xi's exact whereabouts. Rumors had it that he was a despicable, incompetent scoundrel who had abandoned the Deity's Lake in a difficult situation. To the Elders of the Deity's Lake, one could throw away their lives, but reputation could never be kept. Reputation was something that was a hundred times, a thousand times more important than one's life.    


Everyone nodded in agreement, "Elder Gao is right. We should keep one person. Elder Dongfang is the Great Elder. His words have the most authority, so we should stay."    


Dong Fang Ye Huai was still smiling happily as he slowly said, "Elder Gao is also the Great Elder. Then why did you leave this old man and not Elder Gao?"    


"Hey, Brother Dongfang, what are we fighting for right now? Is there any point in arguing over who should stay and who should not?" Gao Ge shook his head and smiled bitterly.    


"Of course it has meaning. For such a huge matter, if you want me to stay out of it, it would be equivalent to saying that I am inferior to you. I am not convinced!" Dongfang Wenyi said with a smile.    


Gao Ge and Dong Fang Ye Huai had known each other for a long time, so they knew him the best. Don't look at how this old man had a blissful look, he was always smiling like a living god. In fact, his temper was very stubborn.    


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