Tomin in The Alien World



0Feng Xi understood that if he were to use his normal abilities to fight against Guang Han, he would have no chance of winning. If he wanted to win, he would have to fight with his opponent to win.    


After he unleashed the Spirit Transformation of Weapon, the spirit sword transformed into countless silver snakes, converging together in the air. Like a surging river, they howled as they attacked.    


At the same time, he quickly squatted down and pressed both hands to the ground. His ten fingers were deeply embedded in the solid ice on the ground, and following his explosive shout, he raised both his arms, lifting up a two to three meter wide block of solid ice on the ground.    


A dull thumping sound rang out in his ears. The Spirit Transformation of the Phoenix Knife had shattered the huge block of ice, and then, without slowing down in the slightest, the Spirit Sword continued its assault on Guang Han.    


However, taking advantage of the moment the ice block the Spirit Weapon, Guang Han had already pulled out his sword and used his hand to spiritualize it.    


Wielding the spirit sword with one hand, he casually waved it, and with a hum, a long Spirit Wave shot out. This huge and long narrow Spirit Wave sent thousands of silver snakes flying in all directions.    


But what Guang Han didn't expect was that the scattered silver snakes didn't land on the ground. Instead, they circled around in the air and continued to shoot at him from all directions.    


Ouch! GuangHan was slightly surprised to hear this. The Spirit Transformation of the Phoenix Cry's soldiers was quite extraordinary! "He smiled, and with one foot lightly pressed against the ground, he leaped back again.    


All the silver snakes that had been shot from the surroundings struck the ground where he had been standing, sending shards of ice flying everywhere and filling the air with mist. Then looking at the ground, hundreds of silver snakes merged together, transforming back into a spirit sword and stabbed deeply into the ice.    


Guang Han backed off quickly, and Feng Xi's speed was not slow either. Just as the spirit sword returned to its original state, he also caught up, and in the time it took for him to walk past, he had already grabbed the spirit sword that was embedded in the ground. With three steps, he caught up to Guang Han in two steps, and the spirit sword slashed downwards.    


He thought, "Good!" Guang Han listened to the sword. Just as Feng Xi's spirit sword was about to touch his sword, following a flash of multicolored light, the spirit sword split apart again, transforming into countless silver snakes. Some of the silver snakes dispersed and shot towards Guang Han's body, while some silver snakes followed up the spirit sword and pierced into the palm of his hand that was holding the sword.    


To be able to use the Spirit Transformation of Weapon this skillfully, there probably weren't many people in the world who could do it freely. Since GuangHan was secretly nodding when he heard this, he couldn't help but praise him in his heart! Feng Xi's spirit weapon could be said to be top quality.    


Facing Feng Xi's Spirit Transformation of Weapon, Guang Han did not dare to be careless. He once again retreated, and at the same time, flicked his wrist, shaking off the silver snakes that were crawling on his Spirit Sword.    


By this time, he had reached the edge of the cave. As he stepped back, he had already pressed his body against the solid ice on the cave wall.    


Feng Xi clenched his teeth, and shouted: "Let's see where else you can run to!!" He controlled the countless silver snakes that formed after the Spirit Transformation of Weapon, and pursued Guang Han with all his might.    


Boom! * Guang Han heard the sound of his retreating body heavily colliding with the ice, but he didn't see how he gathered his strength. He had already unbelievably stuck close to the surface of the ice and quickly ran upwards. Looking at him now, he was like a gecko as he climbed up the surface of the ice.    


As he continued to climb, the silver serpent continued to nail down at his feet, producing a series of crisp 'pa pa' sounds. He climbed five to six meters into the air. The silver serpent had also left a five to six meter long silver line on the surface of the ice.    


Feng Xi, who had rushed to the front of the ice, raised his head and looked up. With a shout, he activated his full strength, and leapt into the air.    


The top of his head almost touched the top of the cave. When he fell down, he held onto his sword with both of his hands and roared as he slashed out a heavy sword.    


The power behind the attack was just so strong that it could swallow a mountain and rivers. The spirit sword released a suffocating sound as it slashed down, although it was still a few metres away from the ground, the Spirit Pressure had already crushed the ice cubes on the ground into pieces.    


There was no way for him to dodge, he could only block with his sword.    


Ka-cha! * The Spirit Sword and the Spirit Sword collided solidly together, and a thunderous sound exploded out of the blue sky, causing the entire cave to tremble.    


Guang Han's body plummeted down like a meteor, crashing into the ground and creating a loud bang. Not only was the ice on the ground shattered by him, even the rocks under the ice were dug into by him into a huge pit over a meter deep.    


This was the power of Feng Xi's full-power strike. It was extremely shocking, and it was almost not a divine power that a human could wield.    


Pow! Feng Xi floated from the sky and landed on the ground. Looking at the deep pit on the ground, he gasped for breath, beads of sweat rolled down his face non-stop. His clothes inside the spirit armor were already soaked in sweat.    


To continuously use Spirit Transformation of Weapon and to continuously attack with all of his strength, he had exhausted too much spirit energy and physical strength. However, his hard work had not been in vain. From the sound of it, GuangHan had already been defeated by him ?    


Just as he was thinking about this, he suddenly heard a light crackling sound from inside the pit. Immediately afterwards, a hand covered in spirit armor stretched out from the pit and grabbed the edge of the pit.    


Outside the pit, he first thrust the spirit sword in his hand into the ground, then hung his head down, and continuously patted the ice and stone fragments off of his body. Only until there were no longer any other impurities on the spirit armor did he finally stop his slapping motions, and then, he raised his head, looked at the dumbstruck Feng Xi, and said with a smile: "It's been a very long time since anyone forced this king into such a sorry state." After saying that, he took up the spirit sword that was stabbed into the ground and continued, "You made This King feel a rare fighting spirit. Just by this, This King will give you a quick death!"    


Now, Feng Xi was truly dumbstruck, to the point where he couldn't help but suspect whether the Guang Han in front of him was actually a human or a monster.    


He had already used all of his trump cards, but he could not even injure a hair on Guang Han. How big of a gap was there between him and Guang Han? Just how deep was his cultivation base?    


Seeing him stare straight at him in a daze, GuangHan smiled even more. He said slowly, "It looks like Elder Feng has already used up most of his abilities. Now, it's time for this duke to make a move."    


With that, he raised the Spirit Sword in his hand, and with his other hand, he pinched the tip of the Spirit Sword. It seemed that he only made a light twist, and with a cracking sound, the Spirit Sword broke from the middle, and he threw away the latter half of the Spirit Sword. He only used his index and middle finger to hold onto the front half of the Spirit Sword, and then walked towards Feng Xi.    


Feng Xi had never seen a battle like this. When using a sword, he only used half of it.    


Seeing that Guang Han was getting closer and closer to him, he took a deep breath, used the Spirit Transformation of Weapon again and threw the spirit sword in his hand away.    


As the Spirit Sword flew through the air, it split into thousands of silver snakes, like the Milky Way, they swept towards Guang Han.    


But this time, Guang Han did not retreat. His body drew an arc on the ground, and by the time he had dodged the silver serpent's blade, he was already standing in front of Feng Xi.    


As his movement speed was too fast, it looked like he was using the Shadow Shift of a dark attribute martial artist, and instantly flashed in front of Feng Xi.    


Originally, Guang Han heard that there was still some distance between them and Su Yun, but in the blink of an eye, Guang Han suddenly appeared right in front of him. Feng Xi trembled in fear as he controlled the silver serpent to fly back and launch a sneak attack on Guang Han's back.    


Guang Han heard this from the back of his head as if he had grown a pair of eyes. With a slip of his foot, the silver serpent reflected back no longer attacked Guang Han's ears, but turned into a strike towards Feng Xi himself.    


With a thought, he hastily retracted his sword. The silver serpent, which had flown back, returned to its spirit sword the instant it was about to hit him. Before Feng Xi could even catch his breath, Guang Han, who was behind him, had already dealt him a fatal blow.    


The half of the spirit sword between his fingers silently pierced towards the center of Feng Xi's back. It wasn't fast, but the two of them were too close, and when Feng Xi realized it was not right, the tip of the spirit sword had already touched the spirit armor on his back.    


Aiya! Feng Xi was shocked. Out of instinct, he dodged to the side with all his might. Rustle! The spirit sword left a gaping hole about half a foot long in his spirit armor. It was only a hair away from slicing his body open.    


The expression on Feng Xi's face changed as he instinctively retreated. Guang Han laughed when he heard this. Suddenly, the spirit sword in his hand flashed and suddenly turned into a mercury-like liquid that quickly merged with the spirit armor on his palm.    


The Spirit Armor that had merged with the Spirit Sword shone brilliantly. Without any warning, the Spirit Armor at the tip of his finger suddenly shot out, with a length of a few metres, it pierced through Feng Xi's vital points.    


Spiritual Formation of Weapon And Armour! Feng Xi anxiously waved his sword to block, following a series of crisp dang dang sounds, all of the spirit armor that was thrusting towards him was blocked by the spirit swords.    


Guang Han didn't take the opportunity to attack again. His hands hung at his sides, and the Spirit Armor on his fingertips stuck to the ground.    


He looked at Feng Xi, and said with a stern expression: "Elder Feng, this king will give you one last chance. Follow this king's lead, die against this king, don't tell me you won't reconsider anymore?"    


"Guang Han, listen! I will never let you go!" Feng Xi roared, he was about to activate the Spirit Transformation of Weapon again, but suddenly, two sharp thorns shot out from beneath his feet. With two pu pu sounds, the two sharp thorns pierced through the Spirit Armor beneath his feet, and even pierced through the surface of his feet.    


Feng Xi couldn't help but scream in pain. He couldn't stand up any longer and sat down on the ground.    


Rustle! The two spikes shrank back into the ground. At this moment, GuangHan heard Fang Xing raise his sagging palm and at the same time, flicked away the bloodstains on the spirit armor on his fingertips. He said faintly, "This King has already given you a chance. As he spoke, Guang Han heard two thumping sounds from behind him, and huge wings sprouted out from his back, the wings flapped and his body soared into the sky, floating in the air. Following his arm's downward motion, the spirit armor on his fingertips shot out again, this time aiming for Feng Xi's throat.    


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