Tomin in The Alien World



0Tang Yin used all of his strength and rushed out of the forest in one go. When they reached outside the forest, they would see a field of wheat that stretched as far as the eye could see, but he could not even see the houses nearby.    


Without a moment's pause, he charged into the wheat field. Just as he ran out, the assassins behind him also chased him like a pack of wolves.    


It was as if Tang Yin had grown eyes on the back of his head. Without even turning his head around, he used one hand to pick out several swords, flinging away all the Spiritual Knife s in front of him.    


Tang Yin raised his head and looked again. In the middle of the wheat field was a solitary thatched cottage. Without thinking, he ran straight to it.    


In addition, the clothes binding Xiao Xiang had already loosened a bit, he needed to find a place to rest for a while, and also needed to stabilize Xiao Xiang at the same time.    


Tang Yin took three steps in quick succession, scuttled to the front of the thatched cottage, and rushed into the room as fast as he could. The thatched cottage was not big, and should have been built by farmers looking at crops. However, there was no one inside, and the thatched cottage was empty without anything growing inside.    


Just as he rushed into the thatched hut, an assassin came in from behind. Tang Yin turned his hand and sliced off the assassin's head, while the latter brandished his blade in a parry. Following a crisp clang, Tang Yin's sword was parried, but he was unable to defend against Tang Yin's kick.    


Along with a crisp smack, the assassin was sent flying by his kick. The spirit armor in front of his chest shattered, and he spat out a mouthful of blood in midair.    


Tang Yin used his hands to push at the four walls of the thatched hut. Feeling that it was sturdy, he loosened the clothes tied around his waist and put Xiao Xiang down. At the same time, he stood at the door, squinting his eyes and looking outside.    


The assassins that caught up immediately surrounded the thatched cottage, but they did not attack immediately. Everyone was lying down in the wheat field, and could not see the assassin, but Tang Yin could feel their Spirit Pressure.    


"Are you hurt?" Tang Yin kept blocking the door like a door god, and asked without turning his head back.    


At this moment, Xiao Xiang sat paralyzed on the ground, her face was pale white, and her body was uncontrollably shivering. She only had the strength to breathe heavily and didn't say anything for a long time.    


After panting for a while, she swallowed her saliva, lowered her head and looked at her body. She shook her head and said, "No ? "He doesn't seem to be injured at all ?"    


Tang Yin tilted his head and glanced at her. Xiao Xiang was currently in a sorry state, his hair in disarray, and because of the sweat stains, many of his hair had already stuck onto her face, and even her outer clothes were gone. Only her two sleeves were hanging on her arms.    


"How far is this from Spring Sun Town?" Tang Yin looked at the wheat fields outside cautiously and asked softly at the same time.    


Xiao Xiang was completely dumbstruck. How could she possibly know where she was and how far away she was from Spring Sun Town? She stammered, "It should be... It shouldn't be too far away! "    


Tang Yin turned his head to look at her again. Seeing that her eyes were filled with panic, he did not ask anymore.    


If Spring Sun Town was located within the two to three kilometers northeast of Zhaoyang, then they would be at most five kilometers away from Spring Sun Town. With such a close distance, he felt that he should be able to endure if he brought Xiao Xiang along.    


Thinking about it, he took a deep breath, and was about to carry Xiao Xiang again, when at this moment, a few white figures appeared in the middle of the wheat field.    


's heart shook. He looked carefully, and the new white shadow that appeared was the three mysterious Spirit Cultivator that had attacked him previously, but what surprised Tang Yin was that there were three more companions beside him, which meant that there were currently six of them.    


These six people stood in the middle of the wheat field without moving, as if they were six white ghosts that gave off a deathly sense of oppression.    


Tang Yin's eyes slowly squinted. These Spirit Cultivator did not fight with the surrounding Spirit Cultivator of Dark. There was only one explanation for this, they were in the same group. so these Spirit Cultivator must also have come from the Divine Pool.    


No wonder their cultivation was so high, and they even fought with the first batch of assassins.    


Right now, he could pretty much judge that there were two groups of assassins. One of them came from the inside of the Chuan Country, and because they wanted to kill Xiao Xiang due to a conflict of interests, the other came from Divine Pool, so they took Ling Ye's place to complete the mission that he had not completed.    


With so many assassins outside, Tang Yin immediately gave up on the idea of rushing out.    


Just seeing Spirit Cultivator of Dark was enough to give him a headache, and with so many Light s present, it would be difficult for him to face the enemy by himself, not to mention that he still had to protect Xiao Xiang.    


Right now, he could only wait, wait for Xiao Xiang's guards to find this place, wait for the reinforcements for the Zhaoyang to arrive in time.    


As the assassin did not attack for a long time, it was exceptionally quiet outside. Without making a sound, Xiao Xiang slowly stood up and walked towards the door as she asked curiously, "Did the assassin not catch up?"    


Tang Yin took a step back and pushed Xiao Xiang away, then said in a deep voice, "The assassin is outside, stay away from the door and the window!"    


Xiao Xiang's face changed as he anxiously retreated to the corner of the wall. Tang Yin looked outside again, and then, he took a deep breath and retreated back to his room, sat cross-legged and closed his eyes to meditate. Since the assassin did not make a move, he took the opportunity to recover his physical strength.    


Looking at Tang Yin, Xiao Xiang muttered: "Why haven't the assassins retreated yet?"    


"Because they haven't finished their mission." Tang Yin said with his eyes closed.    


"Could it be ?" Aren't they afraid of the army coming over to annihilate them? "    


"Of course they would be afraid, but before the army arrives, they still have time to go all out." Tang Yin said faintly.    


"Where did the Royal Brother find so many powerful assassins ?" Xiao Xiang sighed softly.    


Tang Yin laughed bitterly, if these people were truly the subordinates of one of the young masters of Chuan Country, then Xiao Xiang would have died long ago. He was too lazy to explain, or rather, he was not willing to point it out.    


The peace before the storm did not last long. Just as Tang Yin had said, the assassins were also afraid that Xiao Xiang's guards and Chuan Country would rush over to provide reinforcements. What they needed to do now was to give it their all and make a last ditch effort.    


Tang Yin who was originally sitting in the thatched cottage suddenly grabbed the sword, and turned it into his spirit, but before Xiao Xiang could react, Tang Yin's arm shook, and the spirit sword flew out of his hand straight towards her head.    


Xiao Xiang was scared out of her wits, she instinctively threw herself to the ground, only to hear a pu sound, the Spirit Sword did not pierce her, but instead pierced into the wall behind her. The earth wall was easily pierced by the spirit sword, and at almost the exact same time, a miserable scream sounded out from outside the wall.    


Tang Yin stood up straight and walked over to Xiao Xiang, then pulled her up along with him. Then, he grabbed the spirit sword nailed to the wall and slowly pulled it back.    


Even before he finished speaking, there was a crisp sound as three Throwing Knife shattered the window and shot into the house at the same time from the outside. The Throwing Knife was spinning and dancing in the house, creating gusts of wind.    


Tang Yin first pulled Xiao Xiang behind him, then consecutively threw out three sword strikes. With three crisp sounds, the chains connecting the two Spiritual Knife s were cut apart, and the flying Spiritual Knife s fell to the ground one by one, creating a dull bang sound.    


Just as he finished off the three Spiritual Knife s, more than ten balls of black light flew in from outside the window and the door. Tang Yin's heart trembled, he exclaimed in his heart, It's the Shadow Spell! Without much time to think, he directly pressed Xiao Xiang down under her body.    


Pa, pa, pa!    


The black balls of light exploded one by one, sending black substances flying in all directions. They fell on the walls and floor, causing hissing sounds of corrosion and white smoke. Tang Yin, who was inside, was naturally not spared, the spirit armor on his back was spattered all over, but luckily his cultivation was deep, and the spirit armor could still resist the corrosion of the Shadow Spell.    


Of course, this was only the prelude to the assassins' all-out attack. Very quickly, a black shadow came in from the window and the door respectively, with a Spiritual Knife in his hand. He quickly arrived in front of Tang Yin and swung his blade.    


The two of them were fast, but Tang Yin's sword was even faster, although he was lying on Xiao Xiang's body, and had made his move later, his spirit sword had already touched the two people's feet.    


"Pu, pu!" The spirit sword pierced through the spirit armor and pierced through the two people's feet.    


The two assassins cried out in pain, and the Spiritual Knife that was flying in the air also stumbled out of the thatched cottage. The two of them had just retreated outside, when two more people immediately rushed in, and used Spiritual Knife s to take Tang Yin's head and waist.    


Tang Yin quickly stood up, and at the same time as he dodged the enemy's attack, he stabbed back with his sword twice, splitting the two people's chests. The two assassins did not dodge, but used their Spiritual Knife s to block Tang Yin's sword strike. Following that, one of them started to attack Tang Yin, while the other pounced at Xiao Xiang.    


Tang Yin's reaction was extremely fast, his body was like a willow in the wind, dodging all of Xiao Xiang's attacks, at the same time he swung his hand, releasing the spirit sword, pinning the assassin to the wall.    



Seeing that his comrade had died miserably under his sword, another assassin screamed and attacked Tang Yin even faster. His blade was fast enough, but unfortunately he was still not fast enough for Tang Yin's movement techniques.    


He no longer had a weapon in his hand. His body was like a spinning top, sliding from the assassin's front to his back, followed by his two hands that reached out to grab the assassin's waist.    


The assassin was shocked, but before he could struggle free from Tang Yin's palm, the latter's palm had already ignited with a Fire of Darkness, and with a hu sound, the Fire of Darkness had already burned all over the assassin's body.    


His spirit armor was burnt to nothingness by the Fire of Darkness. The assassin let out a heart-wrenching howl and his body softly fell to the ground.    


Although it sounded slow, it was actually extremely fast. From start to finish, Tang Yin had only injured two people and killed them in about ten seconds. This time, the assassin's attack came to an end.    


At the same time, within the Zhaoyang City, in the Ten Thousand Flowers House.    


A middle-aged man hurried into the restaurant's backyard and went up to a private room on the second floor. He pushed open the door and strode to the bed in the inner room. He cupped his hands and greeted the curtain as he said in a low voice, "Young Master!"    


A lazy voice came from behind the curtain. "How is it?"    


"Return... Reporting to the young master, it was a failure! "    


"Hehe, if you failed again, then why did you come back?" A grim laugh came from the curtain.    


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