Tomin in The Alien World



0Tang Yin and Ling Ye simultaneously released the top-grade skill of the Dark Type, Spirit Blood Blade. It was berserk and the scene was extremely spectacular.    


He saw two huge illusions appearing in the air. One held a long sword, the other held a long spear. Then, they roared as they charged towards each other.    


A deafening explosion erupted when the sword and spear collided. In that instant, even the ground trembled, and the force that spread out in all directions caused the scene to be like a hurricane.    


Even Xiao Xuan, who was quite a distance away from the battlefield, felt a stifling sensation in his chest due to the loud noise. His heartbeat sped up as he revealed a look of shock, and couldn't help but cover his ears and retreat.    


This was just the beginning of the berserk battle between Tang Yin and Ling Ye's Spirit Blood Blade. Following which, there was a second time, a third time ? With each collision, the loud sounds became louder and louder, as if there was no end to it.    


By the time their ghost blood blades had reached the eleventh round of combat, many of the Imperial Court guardians present were unable to endure it any longer. They began to find it hard to breathe, their chests felt stuffy, and they felt as if they couldn't breathe at all.    


After the eleventh round of battles, the illusions released by Ling Ye gradually faded into nothingness, and before long they disappeared into the air, while the illusion released by Tang Yin was still there, holding onto his sword high up in the air, he continued to fly forward, and only when he was close to Ling Ye did he ruthlessly cut down the longsword that was held high up in the sky.    


Ghost Blood Blade ? Berserk ? 12 Combo! Ling Ye sighed silently in his heart, in the end, he was still inferior to Tang Yin! Thinking of this, his lips curled up into a bitter smile. He closed his eyes, giving up on resisting, and was prepared to take the attack from the illusion.    


It wasn't that he didn't want to dodge, but he was too familiar with the Ghost Blood Blade skill, Berserk. If the Phantom Sword did not strike the target, it would never disappear. It would pursue the target like a ghost, and with his current state, even if he used all his strength, he would not be able to block the sword strike of the illusion. Rather than struggling fearlessly, he might as well die happily.    


Seeing that he had given up resisting, Tang Yin's eyes suddenly narrowed. With a thought, the sword that was falling down from the illusion shifted to the side. A loud cracking sound could be heard, as the illusionary sword almost brushed past Ling Ye's shoulders, fiercely slashing the ground beside him, forcefully slicing a 3m long gulf on the ground. Then, the illusion gradually dimmed in midair, and in the blink of an eye, disappeared.    


Ling Ye originally thought that he was dead for sure, but he did not expect that after the loud noise, he was still alive.    


He slowly opened his eyes, first glancing at the gulf around his feet, then looking at Tang Yin with an unfathomable gaze, muttered to himself, "Why did you show mercy ? Not kill me? "    


Whoosh! The Spirit Armored Materialization on Tang Yin's body turned into a ball of black mist, gradually dissipated, and revealed his original appearance. He said with a smile, "The Inner Sect of Dark in this world is too rare.    


Ling Ye took a deep breath. In the past, he had always thought that Tang Yin was very against Spirit Cultivator, since one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, and who would not want to be the one and only person. What was unexpected was that he actually showed mercy when he was completely capable of killing himself.    


He had a complicated expression on his face as he looked at Tang Yin for a long time. Then, he suddenly threw the spear in his hands to the ground, and after that, he removed the spirit armor on his body.    


Seeing that, all the surrounding guards rushed forward, no one dared to get too close to Ling Ye, they only surrounded him, and then carefully, warily, they approached him, the encirclement becoming smaller and smaller.    


Tang Yin kept his sword and turned towards Xiao Xuan. At this time, Xiao Xuan was also greeting him with a smile on his face. At the same time, he raised his thumb, and praised: "Brother Wang's Soul Martial Arts has truly broadened Gu Da's horizon, this battle can be said to be unprecedented!"    


"Elder Royal Brother Xiao is too kind." Tang Yin casually replied, and sternly said: "Elder Royal Brother Xiao, can you speak further."    


Xiao Xuan was startled for a moment, then nodded his head. He turned towards Qing and Guan Ning and said: "Immediately lock that assassin and thief girl up, this time you should guard them well.    


"Yes!" "Great King!" Yu Qing and Guan Ning anxiously cupped their hands and replied.    


After he finished explaining, Xiao Xuan then said to Tang Yin with a smile: "Younger Brother Wang, you and I are talking in the study."    


"Elder Royal Brother Xiao, please." Tang Yin and Xiao Xuan walked toward the study room side by side.    


They entered the study and sat down. After the palace maid finished brewing the tea, Xiao Xuan drank some tea and asked: "What exactly is Brother Wang doing?"    


Tang Yin said with a stern expression, "We can't kill the assassin for now."    


"What?" Xiao Xuan frowned and said solemnly: "This thief assassinated the culprit of the imperial court in the capital, and then brazenly infiltrated the palace to assassinate Gu, he is guilty of extremely heinous crimes, don't you think he deserves to die?"    


"Of course he deserves to die, but if we keep him here, it might be even more useful to us." Tang Yin said slowly.    


"A greater use?" Xiao Xuan did not understand what he meant.    


Tang Yin said: "During the banquet, I had asked General Ren Fang about how to get rid of Guang Xuanling. General Ren Fang had only said eight words, and left him personally. Come to think of it, what General Ren Fang said makes a lot of sense! "    


Xiao Xuan blinked his eyes, pondered for a moment, sucked in a breath of air, and said in shock: "Royal Brother's meaning is, we should take this person as our spy, and then put him back into the Divine Pool!"    


"That's right!"    


"This... "No, no, definitely not!" Xiao Xuan shook his head like a rattle drum, he waved his hand and said: "This person is Guang Xuanling's trusted aide, how can he be our spy, and help us deal with Guang Xuanling?"    


"Beloved one?" Not necessarily! " Tang Yin was amused, and said while narrowing his eyes: "Guang Xuanling sent a person to Zhaoyang, first to assassinate the exposed spies, and then to assassinate the Elder Royal Brother Xiao, how is that possible? If he was really Guang Xuanling's confidante, why would Guang Xuanling give him a mission that was impossible to complete, to let him die for nothing? I even suspect that Guang Xuanling was doing this on purpose! "    


After pausing for a moment, he continued, "Guang Xuanling has a knot in his heart towards the Inner Sect of Dark Spirit Cultivator, and it's even a knot that he cannot unravel. It's impossible for him to trust the Inner Sect of Dark Spirit Cultivator."    


Hearing Tang Yin's analysis, Xiao Xuan remained silent for a long time. What he said was not without reason. He did not know what kind of person Guang Xuanling was, and he did not know whether or not he truly had a crush on the s, but through the mission that Guang Xuanling had given him, it could be seen that it was an impossible mission.    


After thinking deeply for a long time, he finally came back to his senses and murmured, "If he is really willing to be our spy, then that would be for the best. I'm afraid ?" He pretended to agree, and the real people used it to get away. "    


"That's easy. Take that woman as a hostage. That way, we won't be afraid of her disobeying our orders." Tang Yin said with a smile: "For that woman, he can even disregard his life, which shows how important she is to him."    


"Yes!" Hearing that, Xiao Xuan nodded his head, and laughed: "This is a good idea, it is feasible to look at it alone."    


"As for this matter, let me discuss it with him. I have fought against him before, and have shown mercy. I believe that he will trust me." Tang Yin took the initiative to submit, and the reason to do so was also reasonable.    


Xiao Xuan did not think much into it, and said: "This is very good, little brother Wang, I will trouble you to take a trip to this matter."    


"Elder Royal Brother Xiao doesn't need to be so courteous. Now, you and I don't need to be separated anymore."    


"Yes, yes, yes!" The words of Wang Di were extremely true! "Haha ?" Xiao Xuan laughed.    


Ling Ye and the lady were imprisoned in the prison of the palace by Yu Qing and Guan Ning. The dungeon of the palace wasn't too big, and it was primarily used to lock up errant palace maids and concubines. Since it was located within the palace, it was relatively safe.    


In the early morning of the next day, Tang Yin, accompanied by Ah Si, Yin Lan, Huangfu Xiutai, Jin Xuan and the others, arrived at the dungeon in the palace.    


Xiao Xuan had already greeted Guan Ning beforehand, so the guards didn't stop him and let them in.    


Ling Ye and the woman were not locked together, but in separate cells. Tang Yin did not go see Ling Ye first, but first went to the woman's cell.    


Last night, Tang Yin did not pay much attention to her, but now he had the chance to size her up.    


Although he was not considered a peerless beauty, he was still one in a million. He looked to be around thirty years old, but Tang Yin knew that the actual age of Disciple of Divine Pool was not something that could be seen just by looking at his.    


He didn't mind the dirt in the cell. He sat down across from the woman and asked with a smile, "May I know your name, Miss?"    


The woman looked at him with both alarm and hostility. Her mouth was tightly shut, and she had no intention of speaking.    


"Zi Yue, you don't have to be so unyielding in front of this Feng King." Jin Xuan stood behind Tang Yin and said slowly.    


This woman was one of Guang Xuanling's closest maids. Jin Xuan, Huangfu Xiutai and Ren Xiao had seen her often in the past.    



"So it's Miss Zi Yue, a good name." Tang Yin said with a smile.    


Huangfu Xiutai asked in a serious tone, "Who is Ling Ye? How did you meet him? He really was ? that GuangHan heard about and nurtured in secret? "    


"Traitor!" The girl called Zi Yue didn't even look at Huangfu Xiutai and snorted coldly.    


was enraged that a mere servant girl would dare to speak to him in such a manner. If not for the presence of Tang Yin, he would have slapped her.    


"If you are going to be like this, even if you cannot save yourself, you cannot save Ling Ye either. What is the point in doing so?" Tang Yin said indifferently.    


Zi Yue's body trembled, she anxiously looked at Tang Yin and asked: "You ? Will you let us go? "    


"That will depend on whether you're willing to cooperate with me." Tang Yin gently said with a smile.    


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