Tomin in The Alien World



0Xiao Xuan shook his head and said: "She is not clear about the identity of the spies in Feng King Palace. He is only giving instructions, not an ordinary palace maid, and his status is much higher than that of palace maids."    


It wasn't a palace maid, and her status was much higher than a palace maid as well. In that case, it was impossible to guard her, could it be ? Tang Yin's brows tightly knitted together, he simply did not dare to think any further.    


He believed that Rou Er could not be a spy, and Wu Mei, Fan Min, Yuan Qianyi and even more so, a spy.    


He couldn't figure it out no matter how hard he tried. He didn't even have a suspect.    


He pondered for a while, then said seriously: "Elder Royal Brother Xiao, may I know where those two are currently being held? Can I see them? "    


Xiao Xuan waved his hand and said: "Ai, there is no need for Brother Wang to be so distant from me. You and I are brothers now, so if we need to deal with a common enemy, I naturally hope Brother Wang can eliminate the spies beside you as soon as possible."    


Tang Yin heaved a sigh of relief and laughed: "Thank you, Elder Royal Brother Xiao!" As he spoke, he was about to stand up.    


Xiao Xuan held him back, and laughed: "Royal brother, there is no need to be impatient! It's already late, so it won't be too late to see them tomorrow. "    


With that, he patted his chest and guaranteed, "The two female thieves are currently imprisoned in the Tiger Prison. I can guarantee that the two female thieves will not be able to escape."    


Tang Yin believed this 100%. Catching such an important spy would naturally make Xiao Xuan pay close attention to this. He thought for a moment and nodded, "Alright! This is Elder Royal Brother Xiao's opinion. "    


Xiao Xuan smiled, and asked: "I heard that recently, Junior Brother Wang and Divine Pool have some relationship, and I wonder what's going on?    


With regards to the Divine Pool, Tang Yin had nothing to hide, so he immediately recounted the matter of how Guanghan listened to Guang Xuanling from five hundred years ago, from the beginning to the end.    


When he finished speaking, everyone present was stunned, including Xiao Xuan. All of them were dumbstruck and tongue-tied, as if they were listening to a story.    


After a long while, Xiao Xuan finally regained his senses, and asked in disbelief: "So, Guang Han heard that you are Guang Xuanling's puppet, Guang Xuanling has lived to this day using a skill like the Spirit Soul Devouring?"    


"Yes, if we can't eradicate him, he can live on for hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of years!" Tang Yin laughed bitterly.    


"Unbelievable, this is simply unbelievable!" Even the noble Duke of Chuan Country, Xiao Xuan, could not help but shiver and mutter: "I never thought that there would be such a miraculous method in the world!"    


Hearing his words, it seemed like he was sincerely envious of Guang Xuanling. Tang Yin said: "No matter what, Guang Xuanling needs to be eliminated as soon as possible."    


"That's right!" Xiao Xuan nodded his head, and said sternly: "As long as this man remains, both of us have a chance of being controlled by him!" At this point, he muttered in a low voice: "Gu Gu doesn't want to be devoured by him, to be his substitute!"    


Pausing for a moment, he then asked, "What are Brother Wang's plans?"    


Tang Yin shook his head and said, "I haven't thought it through either. Although Divine Pool is only a small place, but there are many deep mountains within the borders, so it is not suitable for the army to fight. What's even more crucial is that Guang Xuanling still has control over all the disciples of Divine Pool.    


Xiao Xuan replied thoughtfully and agreed: "Brother Wang's words are reasonable, this matter ? You really can't be hasty, but you still have to carefully consider it! "    


Saying that, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he said seriously, "Royal brother, why don't you ask the Emperor to call him down and expose the shameful deeds that GuangHan has heard? As long as he loses his popularity first, we can send troops with twice the results and half the effort."    


Un, to shatter Guang Xuanling's reputation first, this was also one way to do it. Tang Yin nodded his head, and said: "This matter cannot be settled with just a few words, we still have to think it over carefully, once we make a move, there will be no turning back, we will be able to win with one strike, we cannot leave any breathing space for Guang Xuanling."    


"That's right. If GuangHan listens and runs away, or gives him the chance to counterattack, both of us will be in danger."    


With his strength, he could have charged into the palaces of any of the nations with Feng Country And Chuan Country without any resistance. Therefore, if he wanted to fight, he could only win with a single strike, kill him, and eliminate all future troubles.    


Xiao Xuan held Tang Yin's hand and laughed: "Royal brother, you and I have already met in private. When we arrive at the imperial hall tomorrow, we will be able to unite our positions in front of the other officials, and we will be able to stand alone, and will be able to maintain peace and stability between the two countries."    


This was why Xiao Xuan treated Tang Yin to a private banquet first. He had to first figure out Tang Yin's intentions and figure out who the real enemies of both sides were. Only when he reached an agreement on this point could they continue negotiating.    


Tang Yin was also very impressed with Xiao Xuan's meticulous work. He smiled and said: "I understand Elder Royal Brother Xiao's feelings."    


"Wang Di is a smart man, he knows everything at once!" Xiao Xuan laughed, he raised his wine cup and shared a cup with Tang Yin.    


The feast lasted until deep into the night. After it was over, Xiao Xuan settled Tang Yin and the others in the Jin Zhuang Palace in the King Chuan Palace.    


This was a huge courtyard, it had a main hall and two rooms. There were around twenty different sized rooms, which were enough for Tang Yin and his subordinates to stay in.    


In the middle of the courtyard, Xiao Xuan and Tang Yin talked for a long time before finally rising and taking their leave. After sending Xiao Xuan off and returning to the hall, Tang Yin slowly sat down and heaved a sigh of relief.    


From the looks of it, the negotiation was going much more smoothly than he had expected, and the next step would be to look at the situation tomorrow at the Chuan Country Court. He could foresee that among the ministers and officials of the Chuan Country, many of them would strongly oppose the reconciliation of the Feng Country and Chuan Country.    


As he was pondering in his heart, Ah San walked in from outside and said in a low voice: "Great King, Red Sleeve Princess is here ?"    


Before he finished speaking, Xiao Xiang had already walked in. Entering the main hall, she clasped her hands behind her back and looked around in an aged manner. As she looked around, she nodded and said, "Not bad, this place is quite clean."    


Tang Yin smiled at her and asked: "Was it a mess in the past?"    


"Not really. This was originally Ronica's sleeping quarters."    


"Rong Ji?" Tang Yin raised his eyebrows in confusion.    


Ah!" Now she's locked up in the tiger's den. " With a smile, Xiao Xiang turned around and looked at Tang Yin.    


"Is this the place where the Divine Pool scout lived?"    


"That's right!" Don't tell me you dislike this place? "Rong Ji is very beautiful. When we reach the Tiger Prison tomorrow, you will be able to see her again." Xiao Xiang walked over to Tang Yin and sat on the collapsed seat opposite of him.    


"Sounds like you're going to put me in the tiger's den, too." Tang Yin said happily.    


Xiao Xiang moved closer to him, laughed, and asked: "What? You're afraid too? "    


Tang Yin laughed out loud and said: "If I had to be afraid, I wouldn't have come to Zhaoyang either."    


"You're right!" Xiao Xiang stared straight at Tang Yin and remained silent for a long time.    


He felt both angry and amused. Raising his eyebrows, he smiled and asked, "Princess, you've come late into the night, yet you're looking at me with such affection. Are you trying to seduce this king?"    


"Cough ?" "Cough ?" Xiao Xiang choked on her saliva, her large eyes opened wide, she pointed at her nose and asked loudly, "I want to seduce you? You still have feelings for him? "    




"Humph!" I just want to see why you're so daring. Last time, you were just trying to sneak into our country.    


With that, she leaned her elbows on the table, leaned her body forward and leaned towards Tang Yin, and asked: "Are you really not afraid that my King Father will take the opportunity to kill you?"    


"Is it too late for you to warn me now?" Tang Yin was still happy as he picked up the teacup from the table and drank his tea slowly.    



"It's a good thing you came at such a coincidental time. A few days ago, King Father found out about the spies in the palace and this caused her fear of Divine Pool to deepen. Otherwise, hmph, hmph!" Xiao Xiang smiled coldly.    


Tang Yin put down the teacup and seriously asked: "What kind of person is Rong Ji?"    


"Well... I don't have much contact with her either. " Xiao Xiang held her cheeks and muttered to herself for a moment, then said: "I feel like a very boring person, and do not like to talk, and do not pay attention to people, a person that does not reveal himself, that is very low-key."    


"But Elder Royal Brother Xiao said that she is very understanding." Tang Yin said, puzzled.    


"The one King Father is talking about is Madam Zhirong, she is not the same person as Rongrong." Xiao Xiang rolled her eyes.    


"Madam Zhirong?" Tang Yin asked: "What kind of person is she then?"    


"Madam Zhirong is very knowledgeable, is proficient in all kinds of calligraphy and calligraphy, and is also easygoing. She is good to other wives, concubines, and palace maids, and is also extremely beautiful. I never thought that she would actually be a spy from Divine Pool."    


Xiao Xiang spoke a lot in one breath, she felt her throat becoming dry, she glanced at Ah San who was standing at the side and scolded unhappily: "Why are you still not serving me some tea?"    


Ah San stood there and ignored her. Tang Yin smiled, and nodded at Ah San, who then turned and left, and before long, he brought Xiao Xiang a cup of tea.    


Xiao Xiang received it unhappily, and drank two mouthfuls, then said, "I heard that Madam Zhi Rong suffered a lot in the Tiger Prison, but didn't say anything from beginning to end. If it was me, I probably wouldn't be able to endure the torture in the Tiger Prison."    


At this point, she seemed to recall the terrifying scene in the tiger prison and shivered.    


Seeing that Tang Yin was deep in thought and did not say a word, Xiao Xiang rolled his eyes and laughed wickedly: "What? Do you know how to be afraid now? There are so many of your women, and who knows how many spies with Divine Pool are hiding among them! "    


Tang Yin regained his senses, looking at Xiao Xiang who was sizing him up, he laughed: "How do you know that I have a lot of women?"    


"Isn't every ruler a group of concubines? I can't even count ten fingers ?"    


Tang Yin no longer had the mood to listen to her nonsense. There were some things that he needed to calm down and think about. Xiao Xiang's description of Madam Zhi Rong made him suddenly think of a person ?    


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