Tomin in The Alien World



0Cheng Lian looked at Jin Xuan blankly, not understanding what she meant. She stammered, "Master is... "It means ?"    


"I taught you my Spiritual Martial Force. Now that you have abandoned me and left, I will take back what you have learned!"    


As she spoke, Jin Xuan took out a small porcelain bottle from her wide sleeves and threw it in front of Cheng Lian.    


Cheng Lian's body trembled. Both of her hands trembled as she held up the small porcelain bottle, opened the lid and fell down, then took out a black Pill. She didn't even need to put it to her nose to smell.    


After she finished reading, she raised her head in disbelief and exclaimed, "Spirit Shattering Pill?"    


This was a type of Pill that Jin Xuan had created herself, and had the same effects as the Spirit-dispersed Pill. After consuming it, the Spirit Qi in Spirit Cultivator's body would immediately dissipate, but the only difference was, the Spirit-dispersed Pill would only temporarily disperse the Spirit Qi inside the Spirit Cultivator, and then use the Spirit-gathering Pill to condense the Spirit Qi again. On the other hand, the Spirit Shattering Pill would permanently disperse the Spirit Qi inside the Spirit Cultivator, directly destroying the Spirit Cultivator's channels.    


It could be said that the Spirit Shattering Pill was an incomparably vicious poison, a nightmare for all Spirit Cultivator. Once consumed, it would become a complete cripple.    


Hearing Cheng Lian call out the name of the Spirit Shattering Pill, Ren Xiao and Chang Feng's bodies trembled. Wasn't Jin Xuan sincerely trying to destroy Cheng Lian?    


Ren Xiao took two steps forward, and said anxiously: "Elder Jin, although Master Cheng Lian is with you, and there is something wrong with her transferring Feng Country today, but Elder Jin had her consume a Spirit Shattering Pill, is it... "It's too serious?"    


Tang Yin had never heard of a Pill like the Spirit Shattering Pill. He turned and asked Ah San: "What is a Spirit Shattering Pill? Do you two know? "    


"Great King, it is said that this is Elder Jin's unique Pill, it can disperse the Spirit Cultivator's spirit energy, and it will never be able to recover." Ah San whispered.    


"There's actually such a vicious Pill in this world!" After listening to Ah San's story, Tang Yin was also shocked. No wonder Ren Xiao said that Jin Xuan was hard to deal with and that Chang Feng hated her. This woman, looked extremely beautiful, but was actually so ruthless and wanted to make her disciple eat this kind of thing.    


Seeing that Ren Xiao had come out to persuade him, Jin Xuan smiled lightly, and said gently: "Seventh Young Noble, I have my own rules, and I also have my own rules for the sect. Now that a traitor has appeared, I should be cleaning up the sect, isn't that right?"    


Ren Xiao was completely dumbstruck by her question. That's right, the grudge between Jin Xuan and her disciple still belonged to someone else's family, not some national affairs. Even if he was the young master of the Divine Pool, he couldn't care less about that person's family.    


He pondered for a moment and said seriously, "I'm not trying to get involved with Elder Jin's family affairs. I just hope that Elder Jin can reconsider ?"    


Without waiting for him to finish speaking, Tang Yin jumped off the carriage and interrupted: "I initially do not care about Elder Jin's family matters, but now it is different. Miss Cheng is already a general of my Feng Country, not only does her life belong to me, her Spirit Force is also mine.    


Jin Xuan turned her head to look at Tang Yin, and asked seriously: "Then Feng King, do you agree or not?"    


Tang Yin replied bluntly: "I don't agree."    


Jin Xuan smiled and asked: "What if I insist on crippling her spiritual force?"    


Tang Yin was amused, and said: "That's simple, as long as you can pass through this duke's trial."    


Jin Xuan chuckled: "It sounds like Feng King still wants to compete with me?"    


Tang Yin shrugged and said: "That's exactly what I meant!"    


Jin Xuan's smile became even wider, and she said: "Since that's the case, then I'll grant your wish!" As she spoke, the clothes on her body fluttered without any wind, and the surrounding Spirit Pressure began to surge.    


Seeing that, Ren Xiao, Chang Feng and the rest were shocked, who the hell was Jin Xuan, he was an elder of Divine Pool, if she could become an elder of Divine Pool, how could she be an average person? Everyone gathered around Tang Yin at the same time.    


Jin Xuan looked at the people around Tang Yin, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, she did not seem to mind at all, and continued to release Spirit Pressure as he looked back at Cheng Lian, and said indifferently: "Feng King was kind enough to take you in, could it be that you can bear to see blood flow like a river and corpses strewn all over the ground because of you?"    


Her words were like a giant hammer smashing through Cheng Lian's last bit of will. Suddenly, she shouted at Tang Yin: "This little girl is unable to repay the king's kindness towards this little girl. If there is a next life, this little girl is willing to be a horse at your side ?" As she spoke, she threw away the Spirit Shattering Pill in her hands. Without hesitation, she took out her sword and ruthlessly slashed at her own neck.    


"No!" Being restricted by Jin Xuan's Spirit Pressure, Tang Yin was unable to unleash his Shadow Shift, but he still moved like lightning.    


The blade in his hand slapped onto the back of Cheng Lian's hand, the force of the strike was not small, causing Cheng Lian's palm to lose all feeling, the sword in his hand fell to the ground, and then looking at the back of her hand, he could see that a big patch of red and swollen had appeared.    


After the flying sword stopped Cheng Lian, Tang Yin's eyes shone with a terrifying light. She stared coldly at Jin Xuan and slowly walked towards her. At the same time, she released her Shadow-illusion Prison.    


When Jin Xuan fell into Tang Yin's Shadow-illusion Prison, she could not help but be startled for a moment, followed by a cold snort, and laughed: "Small technique!" However, Jin Xuan's figure could quickly fly backwards and back away.    


Behind Jin Xuan, there were still many Guard of Feng Country s standing guard. Seeing that she was about to leave, the guards all picked up their pikes. At this time, Tang Yin and Ren Xiao shouted out at the same time, but the words the two of them said were completely opposite.    


Tang Yin shouted, "Quick, stop him!"    


Ren Xiao shouted, "Get out of the way!"    


Before the guards could react, Jin Xuan had already retreated to their side. A crisp sound came out, and then looked at the group of guards, only to see a large group of people falling down from the middle. Some people had broken bones, while others had broken bones, and were not even in human form.    


That was what Jin Xuan had done! She cut a bloody path through the guards and took the chance to leave the area of Tang Yin's Shadow-illusion Prison.    


With so many bodyguards injured on Jin Xuan's hands, Tang Yin's eyes shone with a vicious light. He roared out, grabbed a spear from the bodyguards beside him, and chased after them.    


Jin Xuan's speed was fast, but Tang Yin's speed was even faster. In just a few steps, he had already passed through the crowd of people on his side and chased behind Jin Xuan. The long spear in his hands had turned into a spirit weapon, raised high into the air, aimed at her back, and smashed down with all his strength.    


It was as if she had eyes on the back of her head. The moment the spirit spear was about to hit her, she suddenly changed direction and made a sharp turn, dodging the powerful and heavy spear.    


With a boom, Tang Yin's spirit spear struck the ground, creating a long dent. Let's see where you can run to! " Tang Yin roared in anger, he swung his spear horizontally, and smashed towards Jin Xuan's waist again.    


Jin Xuan scoffed, he did not see how she gathered her energy, she had already leapt four or five meters into the air.    


Tang Yin looked up, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously raised up as he thought to himself: You are courting death! While his mind was running, he continuously waved the spirit spear in his hand, and shot out five Spirit Wave s in one breath.    


Since the opponent was in the air, she had nowhere to borrow energy to move and could no longer change the direction she was moving in. She could only block his Spirit Wave, and even if she could block his Spirit Wave, he could still stab her while she was falling.    


However, things were not as simple as he had imagined. Jin Xuan dared to jump into the air brazenly, so she naturally had something to rely on.    


As she floated in the air, her body suddenly emitted white spirit energy. In the blink of an eye, her entire body was covered by a layer of red spirit armor.    


This was nothing much, but what happened next stunned everyone present.    


Without any warning, the spirit armor on Jin Xuan's body suddenly ignited with flames, and started to emit a blinding light, as if she was a sun floating in the sky. What was even more unbelievable was that the spirit armor on her back started to change as well, and suddenly, two muffled thumps sounded out as Spirit Armored Materialization wings appeared on her back. Those pair of wings were the same as her spirit armor, they were all covered by flames, and each of them was more than three meters long, at the same time shining brightly.    


At this time, looking at Jin Xuan again, she was like a descended angel who was burning in flames. As her wings flapped, waves of heat waves swept up from the ground.    


She floated a few meters in the air, easily avoiding Tang Yin's Spirit Wave, and then stopped in midair, looking down at it from above, and said with a trembling voice: "Feng King, regarding today's matter, I will not let this go. Cheng Lian will temporarily stay in your country, but sooner or later, I will personally bring her back to Divine Pool!"    


While speaking, Jin Xuan's figure flashed, and instantly flew out of Tang Yin's team. When the last word came out, she was already a hundred meters away in the air.    


Everyone present, including Tang Yin himself, were dumbfounded and tongue-tied. How was he even human? He could even be compared to a god.    


Unknowingly, Ren Xiao had walked over to Tang Yin's side. He looked in the direction that Jin Xuan had disappeared in and spoke faintly: "The Spiritual Transformation of Armor, although not an absolute art, but to be able to use it to this extent, there are not many people in this world."    



The wings formed by the spirit armor on Jin Xuan's back was the advanced skill of the Spirit Armored Materialization ? ? Spiritual Transformation of Armor.    


Just as Ren Xiao had said, the Spiritual Transformation of Armor was not any kind of amazing skill. Tang Yin had been able to use it since long ago, and for example, when he extended the spirit armor on his fingertips, it turned into a long needle. That was one of the Spiritual Transformation of Armor.    


However, for people like Jin Xuan who had completely changed the form of the spirit armor, making it turn into wings, and able to fly with the caster, that was simply too difficult. At the very least, with Tang Yin's current cultivation level, it would not be possible for him to do so.    


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