Tomin in The Alien World



0Of course, in times of peace, Family Army was the biggest threat and hidden danger within the Chuan Country, and once a national war occurred, Family Army would be a terrifying military force that did not come from within the Central Army. If Family Army and Central Army were to stick together, then it would be just as Xiao Xiang had said, the combat power of Chuan Country would become extremely strong, at least not something that the current Feng Army could match up to.    


Tang Yin listened to Xiao Xiang seriously, but he still had a smile on his face. He did not say anything else, with his hands behind his back, he slowly walked out of the tent.    


It could be seen that Xiao Xiang's words were from the bottom of her heart. At the moment, Tang Yin was actually quite interested in Chuan Country, it was just that he didn't have much information at hand, and wasn't really knowledgeable about the situation with regards to Chuan Country.    


Once we return to our country, we must get Sky Eye and the Earth Web to properly investigate. Perhaps, in the future, we can find a chance to use the Chuan Country of our side. He silently calculated in his heart.    


Xiao Xiang arranged a camp for Tang Yin and the rest, the arrangement inside was very comfortable, and took care of them. That night, the assassin did not attack again. The next day, he departed for Lisha.    


The distance from here to Lisha was only a few dozen miles, and there was no need to go through any dangerous areas on the way.    


To make a long story short, on the afternoon of that day, Xiao Xiang's show of etiquette had smoothly arrived at Yue Sha City. The scout in front of him reported back to that Yue Sha's Mayor and the officials of the entire city had already lined up outside the city to welcome him.    


After hearing the news, Tang Yin took the initiative to look for Xiao Xiang, and said his goodbyes to her. Xiao Xiang's face was filled with confusion, and asked: "Why don't you rest for a day or two before leaving after entering the city?"    


Tang Yin laughed: I'm afraid that after resting for a long time, I won't be able to leave.    


Xiao Xiang understood what he meant, and said sternly: "Rest assured, I will not force you to stay ?"    


Tang Yin shook his head: "I have indeed left the Moon Slaughter Devil Nest too long ago. I should have gone back long ago, Princess, you don't need to keep me here anymore."    


Although he was an enemy, Xiao Xiang also felt that it was strange. With him by her side, she actually felt very safe.    


She was silent for a while before she asked faintly, "You ?" Will there still be any more Chuan Country? "    


Tang Yin was amused, and asked while pointing at something else: "Do you really wish for me to come?" When he came back, he wouldn't be bringing just a few people, but the ten thousand horses of the Chiliarch who were supposed to command the Feng Country.    


Xiao Xiang understood the meaning behind his words and the unwillingness to part with him disappeared from her face. She then said arrogantly: "At that time, I will let you have a taste of returning empty-handed."    


"Ha ha!" Tang Yin laughed, and said: "Whether the fish dies or the net breaks, it is still unknown. On that day, we will see." While speaking, he turned his horse and cupped his hands to Xiao Xiang who was riding on the carriage and said: "Goodbye!"    


With that, he did not wait for Xiao Xiang to reply and urged her horse forward. Tang Yin left, followed by Ah San, Yin Lan, Ren Xiao and Chang Feng.    


Looking at the departing figures of the six riders, the ceremonious general arrived beside Xiao Xiang's carriage and asked puzzledly: "Princess, who are they? Why would the princess treat them with such courtesy? "    


Xiao Xiang shot a glance at the General of Chuan Country, and her expression immediately became cold and indifferent, "Ask what you should be asking, and don't talk too much about what you shouldn't know."    


General of Chuan Country's face flushed red from her reprimand, but he could not say a single word.    


After Tang Yin and the rest left Xiao Xiang's attire, they did not delay for even a second, and went straight back to the Feng Country realm. On the same day, a group of people galloped over a hundred miles, as if on horseback, out of the Sheng Ping County, and entered Bianyang County.    


When they arrived at the Bianyang County Realm, it was already midnight. The sky was dark, and the road was difficult to walk on, so everyone decided to rest for the night and wait for the day to arrive before hurrying on their journey.    


When he came, Tang Yin remembered that there was a small village nearby. It was the right time for him to stay for the night. Because of the Night-vision Eye, the darkness of the sky did not affect Tang Yin much. Very quickly, Tang Yin brought Ah San and the others to the village.    


At this time of the night, it was quiet in the village. Occasionally, one could hear the sound of dogs barking. Tang Yin found a house at the side of the village.    


The owner was a white-haired old man who looked to be in his sixties or seventies.    


Initially, the old man had wanted to reject them staying the night, but after seeing that Tang Yin and the others were all wearing military uniforms and looking at Central Army, he agreed in the end. He was extremely passionate as he let Tang Yin and the others into the courtyard, leaving them with two rooms.    


Tang Yin was very grateful towards the old man's warm welcome. He deliberately asked for a silver ingot from Ah San and passed it to the old man, saying: "Old man, we'll leave tomorrow morning.    


The old man shook his head and said, "No, no, no! "How can this be!?" For a normal person with Chuan Country like him, such a large piece of silver would be enough for their family to live for a few years.    


He pushed and supported them as he said, "All of the money that you have accumulated in the military is for you to work hard. It's better that you take it back as soon as possible!"    


Who would have thought that the old man would refuse? While the old man was preparing the food for them, Tang Yin took the opportunity to chat with him for a while. From their conversation, he found out that the old man had four sons, two of which died in battle, one from Zhen Country, and one from Huan Country. The other two sons were still in the army, and there were only him and a few daughter-in-law in the family.    


After hearing the old man's words, Tang Yin couldn't help but ask: "Since this old man already has two sons who have sacrificed their lives for the country, then why did he allow the other two sons to remain in the army? Could it be that the Imperial Court is forcing a military service here? "    


The old man laughed, shook his head and said, "It has nothing to do with the imperial government. "Although we already lost two sons, the imperial government exempted our family from taxes and gave us a lot of silver and land. The King is the Wise King, if we ordinary citizens can live a rich life, we would be willing to work for him."    


Tang Yin was speechless, he had been deeply loved and respected by the people ever since he came into power, this point he had heard of before, he did not feel anything, and now that he was in a situation, he could feel how terrifying it was.    


If the people of Sichuan were all like the old man, then Sichuan would be impregnable, no matter who commanded the troops to attack it, it would be difficult to subdue them. Furthermore, on the contrary, there would come a day when Feng Country would be devoured by their own Chuan Country.    


After hearing the old man's words, Tang Yin's heart suddenly became heavier, and did not have the mood to continue chatting. After exchanging a few more words, he returned to his room.    


Seeing that his face was pale, Yin Lan and the rest did not know what happened, and all stood up and asked: "Young Noble, what's wrong?"    


"Nothing." Tang Yin sat down and lightly tapped his forehead, and said softly: "It's just that I suddenly feel that it's impossible for our country to take over Chuan Country in a short amount of time."    


Everyone looked at each other, having the same thought. Wasn't the King talking nonsense!?    


How could Chuan Country be compared with Chuan Country? Forget about annexing the Chuan Country, even with the current strength of the Feng Country, once a war broke out with the Chuan Country, there was no guarantee as to who would win in the end! It was too unrealistic to think of destroying Chuan Country like he did.    


After hastily eating the food prepared by the old man, Tang Yin and the others turned off the lights and went to sleep. There was nothing to say in the evening, so they waited until the morning of the next day. Tang Yin and the others said their goodbyes to the old man, and continued to travel.    


When they were less than two miles from the village, Yin Lan suddenly thought of something and quickly reined her horse in.    


Tang Yin and the rest also stopped and looked at her in confusion. Yin Lan started feeling around his body, as if he was looking for something. Tang Yin frowned, and asked: "What's wrong?"    


"Great King, it seems like this subordinate's purse has landed in that family's home."    


When everyone heard this, they rolled their eyes. Tang Yin also shook his head and laughed, "It's just a small purse, it's fine if you don't have it, but how much silver did you throw away? I'll give it to you when we get back."    


"However, all of the silver in the money pouch has the imprint of my Feng Country." Yin Lan lowered her head and carefully said: "If this old man picks up the official, I'm afraid... The rest of the trip will be very troublesome. "    


Tang Yin muttered to himself for a moment, then said: "Why were you so careless, go back to get it immediately!"    


"Yes!" "Great King!" Yin Lan hurriedly promised, and turned her horse, returning back the way she came. Tang Yin was afraid that she wouldn't be able to handle it all by herself so she said to Ah San, Ren Xiao and Chang Feng: "You guys wait here for a while, I'll go over to take a look."    


"Great King, your subordinate will go with you!" Ah San wanted to follow along, but he waved his hand at the two of them, saying: "No need, it's just taking back the money bag, I'll be back soon!" While speaking, he urged his warhorse to chase after Yin Lan.    


Yin Lan, who was walking in front heard the sound of horse hooves coming from behind, turned her head, and seeing Tang Yin catching up, she slowed down her horse, waiting for him to get close, and asked: "King, your subordinate will take care of it himself!"    


Tang Yin said: "Let's not talk about whether or not I found your money bag, the moment you open your mouth, I will know that you are a man of the wind."    


Yin Lan stared blankly for a while, then smiled embarrassedly at Tang Yin. She had really forgotten about this matter.    



The two of them returned quickly. They had traveled two miles in the blink of an eye. When they were almost to the courtyard house at the edge of the village, Tang Yin suddenly reined his warhorse, his gaze like lightning, and continuously sized up his surroundings.    


"Your Majesty?" Yin Lan leaned in close to him and asked in a low voice.    


"Something is not right here!" Tang Yin frowned and said.    


"Huh?" Yin Lan was at a loss. They had just left from this place and it was only the time it took to make a cup of tea. In that moment, what could possibly be amiss?    


"Killing intent!" While speaking, Tang Yin jumped down from his horse, and then pointed at the fields beside the road, meaning to hide his horse first.    


Xiao Xiang understood and quickly dismounted her horse. Holding onto the reins, he quickly walked into the fields. After she tied up the warhorse, she looked at Tang Yin and asked him what should she do now.    


Tang Yin rolled his eyes, took out a small porcelain bottle from his armor, and poured two Spirit-dispersed Pill s into it. He took one and gave the other to Yin Lan, then said in a low voice: "Scatter the spirit energy first, go over there and see what's going on!"    


Yin Lan nodded. According to Tang Yin's intentions, she would first swallow the Spirit-dispersed Pill, then follow him quietly out of the fields, slowly sneaking towards the old man's house.    


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