Tomin in The Alien World



0A Spirit Cultivator like Qian Nan, if he was on the battlefield where two armies fought each other, it was unknown how much damage someone like him would cause to the enemy, but now, he had actually died at the hands of an assassin.    


The assassins rushed into the forest, chasing after Xiao Xiang and Xing Yuan who had escaped earlier.    


Xing Yuan's Soul Wu was almost the same as Qian Nan's, even with Xiao Xiang, they could run extremely fast, but even so, the two of them were still caught up to by the dozen or so Assassins.    


This group of assassins consisted of fifteen to sixteen people, with each Spirit Cultivator of Light and the other half of the Spirit Cultivator of Dark. When they discovered Xiao Xiang and her figure, the Spirit Cultivator of Dark flashed with Shadow Shift and appeared right in front of them, blocking their path, while the Spirit Cultivator of Light followed behind them and sealed their retreat path. In an instant, the assassins surrounded the two of them.    


As before, no one spoke. The assassins stared at Xiao Xiang, their eyes shining brightly. They all raised their blades at the same time, aiming at her.    


It would be a lie to say that Xiao Xiang was not afraid, but her dignity as the princess of a nation did not allow her to beg for mercy, nor did she allow her to reveal the slightest bit of fear.    


Surrounded by the enemies, Xiao Xiang forced herself to remain calm. She took a deep breath and asked in a trembling voice: "Which of the brothers and sisters did this palace send? If you want to kill me, you have to make me understand! "    


No one replied to her question, one of the Spirit Cultivator of Dark Assassins roared, and took the lead to attack. The Spiritual Knife stabbed forward, taking Xiao Xiang's neck.    


She turned pale white and instinctively retreated a step. At the critical moment, it was Xing Yuan who used all his strength to pull out the sword, forcing the Spiritual Knife who was thrusting towards Xiao Xiang to move away. Immediately after, he turned his hand and stabbed back with his sword, turning the assassin's head.    


The assassin used his sword to parry, and with a clang, a dazzling spark appeared in the middle of the dark forest. The assassin pressed both his feet to the ground, and slid back two meters before stabilizing himself.    


Looking at the ground, there were two long scratches, and the spirit armor on the assassin's palm was directly shattered. Fresh blood oozed out from the split open mouth of the tiger, dripping onto the ground from his fingertips.    


The surrounding assassins all squinted their eyes, the Spirit Pressure at the scene also started to multiply, and very quickly, the assassins slowly retreated, and at the same time, the Spiritual Knife s that were lifted up were all putting them down, one by one, on their backs.    


Before Xing Yuan could figure out what the other party was doing, all of a sudden, the assassins threw the Spiritual Knife behind them into the air. The Spiritual Knife spun in the air and with a whistling sound, it flew towards Xiao Xiang and Xing Yuan from all directions.    


If Xing Yuan was alone now, it would be easy for him to protect himself, but the key was that he still had to protect Xiao Xiang. Seeing the Spiritual Knife flying towards him, Xing Yuan bellowed, and used all his strength to unleash his Spirit Martial Technique.    


The sounds of clanging could be heard incessantly from the arena. The ten or so Spiritual Knife s that were flying over were all blocked by the four consecutive attacks he had unleashed, causing the Spiritual Knife s to be hit and bounced onto the ground in midair. Before Xing Yuan could catch his breath, the surrounding assassins had already rushed up to pick up their respective Spiritual Knife s and attacked Xiao Xiang and Xing Yuan at the same time.    


Even for a Spirit Cultivator of Xing Yuan's level, it would be hard to bear if he could release four of the chaotic winds in one go. Right now, he was already at the end of his rope, so it was difficult even for him to protect himself, much less go out and save Xiao Xiang.    


Seeing that the assassin's Spiritual Knife was getting closer and closer to Xiao Xiang, and that Xing Yuan himself was firmly trapped by several assassins, he desperately roared out, but unfortunately, he could not do anything about it.    


Just as Xiao Xiang was in a desperate situation, with her life at stake, the figure of a Chuan Soldier suddenly appeared beside her. Everyone present, including Xiao Xiang herself, did not see clearly how he appeared.    


The man moved as fast as lightning, enveloping Xiao Xiang's waist, and in the moment when the Spiritual Knife s were near, he leaped into the air. With this jump, he leapt a distance of two to three meters high, and with him still in the air, he seized the opportunity to grab onto a tree branch.    


His series of actions were completed in one go, swift and fierce like a spirit ape.    


Halfway through, Cheng Ya Jin suddenly appeared. The assassins were stunned, Xing Yuan was also stunned. After pausing for a moment, he thought that the princess was being held hostage by the assassin, that both her eyes and hair were bloodshot, and with a loud roar, he rushed towards that Chuan Soldier practitioner.    


However, the moment Xing Yuan rushed out, he was immediately stopped by the surrounding assassins. At the same time, seven people from the group of assassins walked towards the Chuan Soldier with Spiritual Knife in hand.    


There was no weapon in his hands and he looked just like an ordinary soldier. However, the assassins could feel that the Spirit Pressure on his body was too strong, to the point that it made people feel fear before they could even fight.    


Who was this person? Why would a princess hide such a powerful expert? Why was there no mention of their side's information? The assassins were filled with confusion, but they didn't stop walking. The seven of them fanned out, slowly approaching.    


Not to mention they could not figure out the identity of this Chuan Soldier, even Xiao Xiang, who was saved by him, was confused and confused. She raised her head and looked at the 'Soldier' who was hugging her waist and could not help but ask: "Who are you?"    


He did not answer, but looked at the assassins walking towards him and said slowly, "You are not my opponent, so do not force me. At the very least, you can save your lives."    


What a familiar voice! Xiao Xiang was shocked and after being stunned for a while, she suddenly opened her eyes wide and shouted in disbelief, with her tongue hanging out: "You are ?"    


Just as she spoke out, the arm which the Chuan Soldier had wrapped around her waist suddenly tightened. He then lowered his head slightly, and whispered into Xiao Xiang's ears: "It's good that you know it yourself, but do not reveal it out loud."    


Initially, she was still a little unsure, because she was familiar with his voice after all, but his accent was completely different, it was a standard People of Chuan Country accent. However, after hearing him say this, she was certain that the person dressed in Chuan Soldier was indeed Feng King Tang Yin!    


Why was he in the Chuan Country? Why did he run over to his side? Xiao Xiang's heart was full of questions, but they were all quickly replaced by annoyance.    


Tang Yin's guts were just too big, not only did he reach the Chuan Country, he even ran to his side, is he not afraid of being exposed?    


She wasn't even sure if she was angry at Tang Yin for not putting Chuan Country in his eyes, or was angry at him for taking his own life as child's play.    


At this moment, Xiao Xiang had completely forgotten about the assassins around him, and her mind was entirely focused on the 'Chuan Soldier' in front of him.    


But the assassin obviously didn't want to give her a chance to get to the bottom of the matter. Everyone shouted loudly, and repeated the same trick, throwing out the Spiritual Knife in their hands once more, shooting it at and Chuan Soldier.    


"Hmph." He let out a light snort of laughter, but before he could do anything, the spirit sword had already magically appeared in his palm.    


Squinting his eyes, he looked at the Spiritual Knife flying towards him, his Spirit Sword thrusting out consecutively. A series of tinkling sounds could be heard as the seven Spiritual Knife all fell to the ground.    


His sword stroke was too fast, to the point where he had released seven consecutive sword strikes. But to the onlookers watching, it seemed like he had only thrusted out one sword strike, and this one strike had actually caused all seven Spiritual Knife s to fall to the ground.    


Seeing this, the assassins' expressions changed, and they couldn't help but stop moving forward.    


They had fought quite a number of Spiritual Martial Expert, but they had never met anyone as powerful or as terrifying as the person in front of them.    


Unexpectedly, the assassins felt a chill in their hearts, and all of them stood on the spot, coldly staring at the Chuan Soldier, but didn't take the next step.    


Time passed minute after minute, and the Spiritual Knife that had fallen to the ground started to make faint sounds, continuously emitting white mist from its blade. Due to the lack of spirit energy for a long time, the Spiritual Knife's form had already started to become a normal steel blade.    


At this time, one of the assassins couldn't wait any longer. He silently rushed forward, and with large strides, he arrived in front of a steel knife lying on the ground and grabbed it with his arm.    


However, the moment he held the blade, the Chuan Soldier holding Xiao Xiang appeared in front of him. The ice cold spirit sword stabbed into his chest mercilessly, coming from his front and back.    


Silence. The scene was terrifyingly quiet.    


Plop! The assassin's corpse fell straight to the ground. His four limbs twitched a few times before he stopped moving. The blood that gushed out from his body instantly dyed the ground red. Almost at the same time, the assassins behind him gasped in unison.    


The other party was a Spirit Cultivator of Dark, and they could sense that. However, the other party was still carrying Xiao Xiang, so it was impossible for him to use Shadow Shift, which meant that he had completely relied on her own movement techniques to charge to the front of his comrades and stab them to death.    


An inconceivable sword speed, an even more inconceivable movement technique, and speed that was fast to the extent of being comparable to Shadow Shift.    


There was no need to do any more fighting. The assassins had already lost their will to fight. Their opponent's strength had already completely exceeded their ability range, and was not someone who could be killed by just relying on a group attack without fear of death. Even though this group of assassins were from the Death Soldier, no one was willing to make a fearless sacrifice.    


Everyone looked at each other and retreated at the same time. No one knew who issued the sharp whistle, but immediately after, all the assassins dispersed and went in different directions into the forest.    


"We can't let them run away like this, hurry up and catch them ?" Xiao Xiang finally regained her senses, and used all her strength to push the Chuan Soldier breastplate, as she anxiously shouted out.    


Chuan Soldier did not have the intention to follow her orders. He leisurely said: "Then that's your problem. But you must remember one thing, this time, you owe me your life."    



As he spoke, this person released Xiao Xiang and turned to leave.    


Seeing that, Xiao Xiang was not willing to let him go, she extended her hand and grabbed the cape on his back, and also, Xing Yuan was one step ahead, blocking his path, and looking at him from head to toe, he asked: "Who exactly are you?"    


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