Tomin in The Alien World



0The assassin silently rushed into the Chuan Army camp and went straight for Xiao Xiang's tent. There were a total of five tents here, but it was as if they had already known which one Xiao Xiang was in.    


When they were near Xiao Xiang's tent, they immediately spread out, tightly surrounding the tent, and then separated into two people, carrying Spiritual Knife, and carefully walked towards the entrance of the tent.    


The two of them arrived at the entrance of the tent. One of them used the Spiritual Knife s to open the tent curtain, and the other flashed into the tent from the side. The moment he entered, he heard a shout coming from his side, followed by a strong gust of wind blowing towards his head.    


This assassin's reaction was fast, without even thinking, he immediately raised the Spiritual Knife in his hands.    


With a crisp clank, a spirit sword fiercely slashed onto his Spiritual Knife. The assassin's cultivation was not weak, but the person who used the sword had an even higher cultivation. This powerful and heavy sword directly caused the assassin to kneel on the ground.    


Before he could stand up to fight back, the tent was suddenly lit up by lights. The assassin raised his head to look, the tent was already filled with people, all of them were Xiao Xiang's guards, and the person who had released the sword just now was one of her guards.    


It turned out that the other party had already sensed it! The Assassin used all his strength to swing the Spiritual Knife in his hands outwards, pushing away the Spirit Sword that was pressing down on the blade edge. Then, with a loud roar, he rushed towards Xiao Xiang who was in the middle of the crowd, ignoring everything else.    


Before he even arrived, Spirit Wave shot out first, with a long and narrow Spirit Wave horizontally across the sky, sweeping towards Xiao Xiang. Without waiting for the Spirit Wave to reach in front of Xiao Xiang, one of the guards had already taken the lead to brandish his sword.    


Boom! * The two Spirit Wave collided and smashed into pieces, causing energy to fly everywhere in the tent. For a moment, the tent was like a balloon filled with air, looking at it from the outside, it was bulging and bulging.    


After his attack failed, the assassin's speed did not slow down, and continued to rush towards Xiao Xiang.    


All of the bodyguards took out their swords, pouncing, pouncing, pouncing, and the sound of the sword tip piercing through flesh resounded. Looking back at the assassin, he had at least ten sword strikes coming from all over his body, the swords coming from in front of him and coming out from his back.    


The assassin screamed. Even until death, he still used the last of his strength to fiercely throw the Spiritual Knife out and took Xiao Xiang who was in the middle of the group.    


Clang! When the Spiritual Knife passed through the crowd and appeared in front of Xiao Xiang, Xing Yuan, who was standing beside her, used his sword to parry. Following a crisp sound, the Spiritual Knife was bounced back, spinning and flying upwards.    


Looking at the assassin who miserably died in front of him, and those round eyes that had died a full death, even Xiao Xiang could not help but be moved. What kind of Death Soldier was this? For the sake of killing him, he even gave up his life!    


Just as she was pondering in her heart, suddenly, a rustling sound came from all around the camp as the tent was torn apart by people outside. Soon after, countless assassins rushed in, and at the same time, Spirit Wave, Spirit Blade and Spirit Thorn swept towards Xiao Xiang.    


The guards by Xiao Xiang's side were not given in vain, all of them were carefully selected Imperial Court guards by Xiao Xuan, each of them had an exquisite set of Spirit Force. Everyone began to shout out loud as they released their Spiritual Martial Skills to fight against the incoming assassins.    


Now, the assassins no longer tried to assassinate him in secret.    


Xiao Xiang's tent had already been torn into shreds in the midst of the chaotic battle. Looking around, there were battles everywhere around her, and Spirit Cultivator s were killing each other everywhere.    


However, most of the Spirit Cultivator s had already been sent outside the camp to stand guard, and were being killed one by one by the assassins. The ones left inside the camp are basically just ordinary soldiers, they rushed up quickly, fell even faster, the assassins outside killed them all off, and like a tiger that had descended from the mountain, they rushed into the crowd of Chuan Army. With their hands on Spirit Blade, they flew up and down, directly chopping down the surrounding Chuan Soldier one after another.    


As for Xiao Xiang who was in the center of the group, she was the first target of the assassins. There were a lot of assassins, and a strong spirit martial artists, to the point where they could only use their Death Soldier s to kill Xiao Xiang, they did not care about their own lives, and kept rushing forward to kill him. The guards around Xiao Xiang had already started to lose, some of them screaming miserably and falling to the ground from time to time.    


Xing Yuan and Qian Nan protected Xiao Xiang with all their might, and tried to break out of the encirclement, but trying to break out of the assassin's encirclement was easier said than done. The two covered Xiao Xiang and charged out three times in a row, but were pushed back by the assassin.    


Seeing that the guards were getting fewer and fewer, with more and more assassins, and the soldiers outside unable to rush in, Xing Yuan and Qian Nan could only go all out. The two called the guards over to cover Xiao Xiang and break out of the encirclement.    


They charged outwards with all their might, while the assassins fought with all their might to resist. As they moved, the assassin's encirclement also began to move quickly. The two sides fought from the center of the Chuan Camp all the way to the edge of the Chuan Camp.    


Seeing the pitch-black forest not far ahead, Xing Yuan's spirit was roused. He shouted loudly at Qian Nan and a few guards, "Quick, cover the princess and enter the forest!"    


As long as they could enter the forest, they would have a place to hide. No matter how many assassins there were, it would be impossible to search the entire forest.    


The assassin naturally knew that if Xiao Xiang successfully escaped into the forest, it would be extremely difficult to find her.    


Three assassins caught up from behind. Two of them were Spirit Cultivator of Dark and they were the first to attack. They flashed with their Shadow Shift and arrived in front of Xiao Xiang.    


Xiao Xiang retreated in fright, but how could her speed be faster than the assassin's blade? Just as the Spiritual Knife was about to get close, Xing Yuan and Qian Nan suddenly rushed forward at the most critical moment, and their swords blocked the attack.    


Qian Nan waved his spirit sword and without looking back, he shouted, "Mister Xing, you protect the princess and leave first. I'll take care of the rear!"    


Xing Yuan was moved and furrowed his brows. In the end, he clenched his teeth and grabbed onto Xiao Xiang's arm with one hand as he said anxiously: "Let's go!" While he was speaking, he pulled Xiao Xiang and rushed forward.    


Seeing that the cooked duck was about to fly away from the pot, the assassins followed relentlessly. One of them was the fastest as he ran ahead, wanting to pass Qian Nan, but Qian Nan's speed was not enough, as the latter swept his leg horizontally and struck the man's foot, causing a cracking sound. The man's body shot out like a rubber ball, and when landed, he looked at his foot, which was shattered by the spirit armor.    


Seeing that, the assassins could only focus their sights on Qian Nan, while one of the Spirit Cultivator of Dark flashed behind him, directly aiming for his back.    


It was as if Qian Nan had eyes at the back of his head. His body first moved to the side to avoid the other party's attack, and then he reached back and grabbed the Spirit Cultivator of Dark's neck.    


He let out a loud roar, channeled all his strength into his arm, and rotated it with one hand. With a hong sound, this Spirit Cultivator of Dark was heavily smashed into the ground by Qian Nan. Before he could stand up, Qian Nan stomped on his chest.    


Along with a cracking sound, the spirit armor on that person's chest shattered, and a huge hole appeared in his chest. Blood spurted out of his seven orifices, and he died on the spot.    


Just as he killed the Assassin, two more people came forward from both sides of Qian Nan. Before the two of them even arrived, they had already released their skills. Qian Nan did not dodge, he roared and unleashed his Spirit Transformation of Weapon, using his Spirit Weapon after transforming to receive the opponent's technique.    


In the midst of the lightning that filled the sky, the two assassins fell from the sky. Looking at their bodies, they were like rag dolls. They were riddled with holes and could no longer be considered human.    


The current Qian Nan had already used all of his trump cards. He did not seek to kill off the assassin, he only hoped to buy Xiao Xiang more time to escape.    


Under Qian Nan's Spirit Transformation of Weapon, the assassins lost five men in a row. After that, no one dared to move forward anymore.    


Everyone looked at each other, and then retreated as if they had mutual understanding. After they retreated out of Qian Nan's attack range, the assassins all raised the Spiritual Knife in their hands up high, and no one gave the order, they all threw the Spiritual Knife in their hands out.    


Qian Nan was shocked, he raised his head and saw Spiritual Knife spinning in the air, blotting out the sky and rushing towards him, so concentrated that no one could find a way to dodge them. He let out a loud shout and struggled to wield the spirit sword in his hand, calling the assassin to throw him a spirit weapon.    


Clank, clank! The sound of metal clashing continuously came from beside Qian Nan, but he was just a single person. No matter how powerful he was, how could he withstand so many spirit weapons?    


After he blocked six or seven Spirit Weapons consecutively, he did not even see the first thing he did before he had a Spiritual Knife nail him on the shoulder.    


The Spiritual Knife's strength was too great, and it directly pierced through the two layers of spirit armor in front of him, the tip of the blade sticking out from his back. Qian Nan cried out in pain and retreated a step, but just as he was retreating, three more Spiritual Knife s pierced into his body.    


Qian Nan was forced to take three more steps back. Now, when he looked back at him, he saw that there were four Spiritual Knife s stuck in his shoulder, chest and lower abdomen. The fresh blood on his body dyed the white spirit armor scarlet.    


He swayed on the spot, unable to hold on any longer. He knelt on one knee with the spirit sword.    


Seeing that, the assassins did not delay any longer. They swarmed forward and picked up their respective Spiritual Knife s from beside Qian Nan, then flew past him, and flashed into the forest to chase after Xiao Xiang who had escaped.    


If a normal person were to receive such a heavy injury from Qian Nan, they would die on the spot. But he was a Spirit Cultivator with a high cultivation level, the spirit energy in his body could protect his heart and veins, allowing him to live.    


His consciousness had already faded, but he was still kneeling on the ground, mumbling, "Protect the princess ?" As he spoke, his eyes became round and wide, looking at the assassins rushing past him, using his spirit sword to support his body while he struggled to stand up.    


At this time, an assassin quickly walked up to him, coldly looked at him, reached out his hand, grabbed a handful of Spiritual Knife that was stabbed into his body, and pulled forcefully. With a pu sound, a stream of blood sprayed out.    


The Assassin did not hesitate at all, with a backhand slash, he sliced right at Qian Nan's neck. The lightning flashed past and the headless body fell to the ground. The assassin didn't even look at him as he stepped on the corpse's blade and rushed forward.    



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