Tomin in The Alien World



0Killing Xiao Xiang had to do with Feng Country, and the timing was perfect, so it was reasonable. This was rather interesting!    


The corner of Tang Yin's mouth raised, but his eyes shone brightly, and he said faintly: "We have to find out who these assassins are, I want to see who they are, and what exactly their goal is!"    


Just as they were talking, shouts and messy footsteps came from outside. Tang Yin, who was squatting on the roof of the pavilion, looked down and saw the packed Chuan Army rushing into the alley. It was obvious that it had tracked them down.    


He lowered his head to look at the steel bow in his hand, and said with a deep voice, "This bow cannot fall into the hands of Chuan Army." His eyes rolled as he spoke. After a moment of thought, he hurriedly said, "Follow me!"    


While speaking, he grabbed the two steel bows and jumped down from the attic. He rushed to the corner of the yard, covered his hands with the spirit armor, and quickly dug a large hole in the ground.    


Yin Lan and Chang Feng who followed along saw through Tang Yin's intentions clearly, and thought of a clever plan. Just as he finished burying her bow, the door that had been knocked so loudly that it shook the sky was kicked open by the Chuan Army from outside. Immediately after, a dozen or so Chuan Soldier disciples rushed in from outside.    


When they saw Tang Yin in the courtyard, they could not help but be stunned. The leader of the group blurted out: "Why are you guys here!" He felt that his speed was already fast enough. He didn't expect that there was someone who was one step ahead of him.    


Tang Yin was very calm, there was not a single trace of panic on his face. He frowned, his expression was calm, and he said coldly: "We have traced the assassin to here."    


As he spoke, his gaze intentionally landed on the badge on the other party's chest. Seeing that the badge was that of a local army, he arrogantly said, "You guys are too slow. It would be strange if you could catch an assassin!"    


The expressions of the crowd of Chuan Soldier s turned ugly because of his reprimand. Although his military rank was not higher than theirs, it was still a Central Army after all. If they were reprimanded by him, the local army could only endure it.    


The captain of the Chuan Soldier coldly stared at him for a moment, then turned his head to the soldiers behind him and roared: "Search! Don't miss a corner! "Search quickly!"    


"Yes sir!" The Chuan Soldier cultivators flocked to the main rooms and side rooms and began to search for the assassin's corpse. Tang Yin, Yin Lan and Chang Feng took the chance and retreated to a corner of the courtyard. Tang Yin asked softly: "Can Brother Chang determine which direction the assassin fled in?"    


Chang Feng lowered his head and thought for a long time before he slowly shook his head. Because of his two eyes that could not be seen, his perception was extremely sharp. In addition to his unfathomable cultivation, his perception was even broader. He could be sure that there were no Spirit Cultivator s with exquisite cultivation, there were only two possibilities, the assassin had either consumed the Spirit-dispersed Pill, and then disguised himself as an ordinary civilian, or had already escaped. He was no longer here, and if he were to judge the assassin's location now, there was nothing he could do about it.    


Seeing that, Tang Yin muttered: "Let's go to the pavilion and see if there are any clues left behind." He brought Yin Lan and her back to the pavilion, called out all the Chuan Army inside, and then entered.    


What was disappointing was that the attic was simply too clean. There was not a speck of dust to be found, and there were no clues to be found. From this, it could be seen that these assassins were all veterans. Tang Yin carefully searched through the pavilion twice but was unable to find anything, so he could only leave in the end.    


According to their agreement, Tang Yin, Yin Lan and Chang Feng would return to the teahouse where they had eaten breakfast earlier. When they returned, Ren Xiao and Ah Si was already sitting inside. Tang Yin asked the three of them with his eyes, while Ren Xiao and Ah San both shook their heads.    


Secretly thinking to himself, what a cunning assassin, Tang Yin slowly sat down beside Ren Xiao. Yin Lan followed closely behind, and after he sat down he asked softly: "Young Noble, what do we do now?"    


Tang Yin shrugged his shoulders and laughed, "I can't do anything!" This was, after all, Chuan Country. If it wasn't Feng Country, then they wouldn't have any helpers and their movements would be restricted. It was basically impossible to find assassins in this kind of situation.    


Yin Lan said in a low voice: "Assassins are hateful, to actually harm my country, if we find them, we cannot let them go easily."    


Tang Yin burst into laughter and said, "What I am interested in right now is where the real Xiao Xiang is. Could she have already predicted that someone might assassinate her, which is why he used this move to replace the tree with the flower?"    


Ren Xiao continued: "If that's really the case, then this woman is too scary."    


That's right! It was indeed terrifying to be so smart as to be able to predict the future. Tang Yin squinted his eyes. Yin Lan asked: "Young Master thinks that ? Who was it that wanted to kill Xiao Xiang? "    


Tang Yin laughed bitterly, "It could be anyone, or even People of Chuan Country themselves." With that, he shook his head towards the crowd and said, "We shouldn't stay here for too long. Let's go!"    


"Young Master, shall we return to the inn?"    


"We can't stay in the Dazhang anymore. We have to return to our homeland as soon as possible!" Tang Yin whispered as he walked out.    


Assassinating the princess, even if they were only killing a substitute, it was not a small matter. The entire Dazhang City would be under martial law soon enough, and they would have to go door to door to check, and if they really found out about his people, it would be difficult to handle.    


It was just that at this time, it was already too late for Tang Yin and the rest to leave the Dazhang. When they reached the North City gate, the city gate had already been closed, and the entrance was filled with Generals And Soldiers of Chuan Army, all arrows nocked and drawn, blades drawn, as though they were facing a great enemy. Looking at the city wall, the Chuan Army was also increased by three steps, one guard at a time, five steps, one guard at a time.    


Seeing this, Tang Yin and the rest could only return to the tavern helplessly. The group of people gathered in Tang Yin's room.    


Of the six people, only Tang Yin was able to speak with the standard accent of Chuan Country. Once Chuan Army was investigated, they would definitely be found out, even if they were not assassins, they would still be recognized as assassins by the Chuan Army.    


"No way!" Yin Lan suddenly stood up, walked to the front of Tang Yin and anxiously said: "Great King, we cannot wait inside the inn for Chuan Army to come knocking on his door, we need to think of a way to leave the city!"    


"The city gates have already been sealed. I'm afraid that without the County Head's orders, none of us will be able to escape!" Ren Xiao reminded from the side.    


"Then we will forcibly charge out!" Yin Lan's face flushed red as she said, "With our spiritual force, a few of the soldiers guarding the city will not be able to stop us!"    


Ren Xiao still shook his head and said: "Outside the Dazhang City, it is a flat plain, and even if we can forcibly pass through the city walls, we will definitely be chased by the Chuan Cavalry. How can our legs outrun their four legs? How can the six of us withstand the ten thousand horses of Chiliarch with Chuan Country? "    


Other than Tang Yin, none of them were Spirit Cultivator of Dark. Once they were caught in a tight encirclement, no one could guarantee that they would be able to escape.    


She understood in her heart that Ren Xiao's words were reasonable, but Yin Lan was still unconvinced and continued, "But we can't just wait here without doing anything!"    


Tang Yin, who had been silent all this time, raised his head and looked at Yin Lan. As he spoke, he tapped the badge on his chest and continued, "Don't forget, we are now Chuan Country cavalry!"    


"Your Majesty, you mean ?"    


"You're right, we can't just sit here. At least, we have to be like the other Chuan Army s, go out on the streets and search for assassins and the common people!"    


As he spoke, he stood up and lightly sighed. He then mumbled, "It seems that we are tired today."    


Everyone looked at each other in dismay. What they feared the most was that the interrogators would go around interrogating other people. This was a solution that they could not come up with.    


Following Tang Yin's orders, everyone exited the inn, rode on their horses and pretended to patrol the streets.    


But Tang Yin was not just walking around randomly, he was approaching the direction of the County Head Palace. Sometimes the most dangerous places do become the safest places. When he had no other choice, he could just charge in directly and capture the County Head as their life saving talisman.    


When they were about to reach the main entrance of the County Head Palace, Chang Feng suddenly said in a low voice: "Wait, there's a Spirit Cultivator at the entrance of the County Head Palace!"    


The Spirit Cultivator that Chang Feng mentioned must definitely not be an ordinary person. Tang Yin and the rest immediately reined their horses, and slowly walked out of the corner towards the main entrance of the County Head Residence.    


He saw a line of commoners arguing with the guards at the entrance of County Head Palace. After waiting for a while, a woman's voice suddenly came from the crowd: "I am a princess, if you dare to stop me again, I will take your heads!"    


Ouch! Tang Yin's eyes lit up as he looked closer. Unfortunately, there were too many people in front of the door, so he could not see the figure of the woman who had spoken. However, from her familiar voice and tone, he was certain that she was Xiao Xiang.    


"Princess?" The soldier was amused, he sized Xiao Xiang up and said: "Young lady, if you are a princess, then I am still a noble!"    


"You ?" The lady was obviously furious. After a while, she spoke again: "This is my keepsake. If you bring it to the County Head, he will come out to fetch me."    


"Little girl, I think you should stop messing around. This is not a place for you to joke around. Hurry up and go!" The gatekeeping Chuan Army warned him.    


"You don't believe me when I show you the palace token, and you don't believe me when I show you my token. You ?" "Damn it!" The woman seemed helpless against the soldiers guarding the gate, after waiting for a while, she screamed: "Xing Yuan!"    


"I'm here!"    



"I am entering the County Head Palace right now. If anyone dares to obstruct me, you will kill him!" After she finished speaking, the women in the crowd walked up the stairs with large strides.    


It was also only now that Tang Yin, who was far away, was able to clearly see her figure. He didn't need to approach nor look at her face, and only by looking at her back from afar was Tang Yin able to completely confirm that this woman was indeed Xiao Xiang.    


What a great Xiao Xiang! The entire city had been turned upside down, and her real body was finally willing to reveal itself. Tang Yin felt it was both funny and angry.    


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