Tomin in The Alien World



0"That's right!" The waiter nodded.    


Tang Yin laughed, then waved his hand and said: "I understand, you can go now!" After the waiter had left, he said to Yin Lan and the others: "Looks like Xiao Xiang intends to return to the River Profound Realm."    


Yin Lan laughed coldly, and said: "She secretly snuck in to scheme of Guankou City, now that her plan has failed, she can only go back dejectedly." She did not have a good impression of Xiao Xiang at all.    


Tang Yin shrugged his shoulders noncommittally. Returning to the capital might be a good thing for their side.    


While he was speaking, the figure of a princess had already appeared on the street outside the teahouse. At the very front were the thugs and the tablet officers. Looking back, they saw the same set of Cavalry, and behind them were the Imperial Court guards.    


The Imperial Court guards were all wearing gold helmets and armor, holding golden spears in their hands and golden swords at their ribs. Everyone had a tall and sturdy stature, their spirits were many times stronger, and they looked like golden armored gods of war.    


After the Imperial Court guards, was the princess' crown. A large, half-open carriage pulled by eight fine horses.    


The carriage was protected by the golden guardians in all directions. On the carriage, there was a person sitting on it. However, due to the veil covering her face, one could only see that she was a woman. As for her appearance, it was impossible to see.    


Tang Yin and the rest were seated at a good spot, right beside the window on the second floor of the teahouse. Tang Yin looked around, and laughed, it was unknown if it was because Xiao Xiang was putting on airs or was pretending to be mysterious, she was even wearing a veil.    


Just as he was finding it funny, Chang Feng suddenly spoke up: "Something's wrong."    


"Why?" Tang Yin, Ren Xiao and Ah San looked at him in puzzlement. Yin Lan curiously whispered: "What does Mr Chang feel that is wrong?"    


"Princess's ceremony does not include Xing Yuan and Qian Nan, I do not feel their Spirit Pressure!" Chang Feng said faintly.    


Xing Yuan, Qian Nan, and Zhan Tu were Xiao Xiang's personal bodyguards, and Zhan Tu had already died under Chang Feng's sword due to that, so Xing Yuan should still have Xing Yuan and Qian Nan by his side.    


Hearing his words, Tang Yin's heart was moved. She looked around the carriage carefully, and sure enough, she could not find Xing Yuan and Qian Nan. He narrowed his eyes and once again examined the woman on the carriage. After carefully observing her, he quickly noticed that something was off.    


The cold eyes were the same as Xiao Xiang's, but if one looked closely, it was possible to see that there was a slight difference between her exposed eyes and Xiao Xiang's. Furthermore, the expression in her eyes was completely different from Xiao Xiang's arrogant, conceited, arrogant, and lovable.    


The princess is a fake! Tang Yin secretly thought in his heart. Now he was completely confused, what was Xiao Xiang up to this time? Why was she making a ruckus again? Who was she trying to trick?    


Chang Feng continued to speak: "Amongst those children, Fifth Princess is the most beloved one of them all, and now that I have left the princess and am about to die while displaying the map, only Xing Yuan and Qian Nan are left of the princess' guards, the King Chuan would definitely send more Spiritual Martial Expert to protect the princess, but in the princess's manner, there is no Spiritual Martial Expert at all."    


Tang Yin secretly nodded his head, and couldn't help but give a thumbs up in his heart. Although Chang Feng's eyes were blind, he could see things more keenly than other people. He nodded his head and replied: "Mr Chang is right, the princess in her ceremonies is fake!"    


"Fake?" Everyone was shocked, and Yin Lan asked subconsciously, "Then ? Where did Xiao Xiang really run off to? "    


"God knows!" Tang Yin shook his head and laughed bitterly: "This woman is very weird. Other than her, perhaps only she knows what is on her mind."    


Yin Lan's eyes turned, her body suddenly trembled, and she anxiously asked: "Is Xiao Xiang purposely deceiving our country? "She pretended to return to the capital, giving us the false impression that her Chuan Country did not intend to dispatch troops soon, but in reality, she was secretly dispatching troops and generals, hoping to catch us off guard ?"    


She had not even finished speaking when she heard the sound of wind coming from outside. Even Tang Yin could only see two fleeting flashes of lightning, then looked at the 'princess' on the carriage. She had already been shot twice in the chest, with two Spirit Arrow s seeking her life.    


The two arrows were so powerful that they penetrated the princess' body. Even the crown on her back was pierced with two big holes. She didn't even have time to cry out before she was killed on the spot. Her corpse couldn't sit still on the carriage as it tumbled down.    


This sudden change of events stunned everyone present, including Tang Yin. Who would have thought that within the Provincial Capital, under broad daylight, surrounded by numerous armies, there would actually be someone who dared to openly assault the princess!    


For a second or two there was total silence, but then the street exploded, screams rose, cries rose, the people scattered, soldiers and guards, red-eyed and in groups, rushed in the direction of the arrows.    


At this time, Tang Yin and the rest who were in the teahouse were all stunned. They all had the same question in their hearts, who exactly was the one who wanted to kill Xiao Xiang?    


The biggest suspect who wanted Xiao Xiang to die was naturally Feng Country, since Chuan Country was the only enemy she had right now, and it caused Feng Country to lose many soldiers, so Feng Country had sufficient reasons to destroy her.    


However, as was the one who knew this best, he had never given the order to assassinate Xiao Xiang. He was also certain that the people below did not want to do this kind of thing behind his back, if it wasn't for him, then who would want to kill Xiao Xiang?    


Chang Feng, who reacted first, said: "The arrows are coming from the northwest. If we are fast enough, we might be able to catch up to the assassins!"    


Just as he finished speaking, Tang Yin had already stood up. He threw a handful of copper coins on the table and walked downstairs with big strides. The moment he moved, Yin Lan, Ah San, Ren Xiao and Chang Feng all stood up and followed Tang Yin as they quickly left.    


When they walked out of the teahouse and looked outside, the street was a mess. There were terrified civilians everywhere, running and fleeing figures everywhere, and soldiers everywhere as if they were facing a great enemy.    


The horse beside Tang Yin said to Ren Xiao: "Brother Ren, we will split up and chase after the assassin. You will be in the same group as Ah Si, while I will be in the same group as Yin Lan and Brother Chang."    


Ren Xiao did not object, and nodded his head. Ah San, on the other hand, was a little worried, and the two of them reminded him in a low voice: "Young master, be careful."    


Tang Yin nodded his head, and said: "You guys too, remember, this matter is unrelated to us, if we can chase after the assassin, we must not allow ourselves to get caught up in it."    


Once their identities were exposed, Chuan Country would know that they were present at the scene, then the debt of assassinating the princess would definitely be kept under Feng Country no matter what.    


They split into two groups: Tang Yin, Yin Lan, Yin Lan, and Ren Xiao.    


The Chuan Army armors Tang Yin and the rest were wearing once again gave them convenience, even if they were to gallop on their horses through the streets, it would not arouse anyone's suspicions, and would only make the Chuan Soldier General of Chuan Country s think that they were their own brothers that were chasing after the assassins.    


As for Tang Yin and the other two, they went straight towards the northwest direction. When they went into a small alley, Chang Feng suddenly reined in his horse, turned around and said to Tang Yin: "Young Noble, the assassin should have shot right inside!"    


Tang Yin first looked left and right. This was a dead end, extremely quiet. The alley was completely empty, without even a single pedestrian to be seen. It seemed that Chuan Army had yet to determine the exact direction of the arrows and could not find them either.    


He then looked in the direction Chang Feng pointed. It was a very ordinary courtyard, and the families inside seemed to be very rich, as they had even built a second floor of the pavilion. In here, only the roof of the pavilion could shoot arrows at the streets hundreds of meters away.    


He jumped off his horse, and without even knocking on the door jumped over the wall and into the yard. Yin Lan and Chang Feng also jumped down from their horses and entered the carriage.    


There was no one in the yard. It was cleaned to the point that there was not a single person in sight. Tang Yin quickly looked around, then ran towards the loft.    


He did not rush straight in. When he reached the attic, he jumped up and grabbed the eaves with both hands. He pushed his waist up a bit more, and when he had climbed over the eaves, he took two steps forward and then jumped again. He grabbed the eaves of the second floor and jumped up.    


His actions were smooth, nimble, and swift. After reaching the roof of the pavilion, there was no sign of the assassin!    


But at the corner of the roof, Tang Yin acutely discovered that the bricks were showing signs of loosening up. He quickly walked forward and crouched down, then moved the bricks one by one.    


Chang Feng's judgement was not wrong, the assassin was indeed shot from here! Tang Yin picked up one of the steel bows, feeling the weight of the bows in his hands, he pulled on the bowstring again, and determined that the bow would need at least seven stones, which was not something a normal person could pull, if he were to complete Spirit Transformation, his bow would need to be above nine stones, which could only be used by Spirit Arrow Bowman with their profound cultivation.    


When Tang Yin was inspecting the steel bow, Yin Lan and Chang Feng also went up to the roof. The two of them walked over, Yin Lan squatted down and picked up another bow, she only then looked at it and exclaimed: "This is my Feng Country's bow!"    


"What?" Tang Yin glared at him.    


"Young master, please take a look." Yin Lan handed the bow over to Tang Yin and pointed to the inside of the steel bow. On the place where she pointed, three small words were imprinted ? ? Military Weapons Division.    


Amongst the many nations, only the Feng Country's weapon research institution was called Military Weapons Division. Since the bow had the word Military Weapons Division on it, this meant that the bow definitely came from Feng Country.    


Tang Yin lowered his head and looked at the steel bow for a while, then asked: "Have any steel bows like this been developed in our country?"    



Yin Lan slightly shook her head, and said with a low voice: "Reporting to Sir, this subordinate ? "I don't remember."    


"If this is not our country, then someone is deliberately framing us!"    


As he spoke, he looked around him. The assassin's assassination arrangement was so perfect, yet he still had to leave a mark on the hidden bow. This was clearly left for the Chuan Army to see, which also meant that he was telling them that this was done by Feng Zhenren.    


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