Tomin in The Alien World



0Xiao Xiang who had just become strong immediately softened her aura after being struck by Tang Yin's sword. She looked terrified at Tang Yin and was unable to say a word for a long while.    


Tang Yin had cut off the golden hairpin on her head, and similarly, he had chopped off her head. At this moment, his life was in his hands, how could she not be afraid?    


Xing Yuan and his two companions looked at each other, and then quietly moved closer to Chang Feng, and asked in a low voice: "Mr Chang, we must save the princess, do you have confidence in being able to restrain the Feng King first?"    


Amongst the four of them, in the entire Chuan Army Camp, the strongest spirit weapon and the person with the deepest cultivation was Chang Feng.    


Chang Feng couldn't see with his eyes, but he could hear everything that was happening. He did not speak, but slowly shook his head.    


Tang Yin's sword was too fast, even though he had used all of his strength, rushing to Tang Yin's front to launch her deathblow, but in terms of Tang Yin's quick sword, it was more than enough to kill Xiao Xiang two times in this period of time.    


Seeing that Chang Feng was shaking his head, the three of them secretly grinned, and muttered: "Could it be that just because we have so many people, we won't be able to save the princess?"    


"If I can't do it, I can only use this!" Another middle-aged man slowly reached out his hand. In his palm was a long, narrow metal cylinder.    


Xing Yuan lowered his head to take a look, and subconsciously exclaimed: "Dragon Scale-flaying Arrow?"    


The middle-aged man nodded, and said: "Dragon Scale-flaying Arrow, Feng Yu Gui, and Shattered Soul Needle are the top secret weapons in Three Hall Gang, but Spirit Breaking Armor, even Tang Yin cannot defend against it!"    


Xing Yuan was startled for a moment, and then shivered and said: "Mr. Zhan, if we use Dragon Scale-flaying Arrow s, I am afraid... They will take Feng King's life! "    


"In order to save your highness, we don't care that much anymore." The man surnamed Zhan was called Zhan, he was originally a human, and after his Ning Country was absorbed by the Feng Country, he moved to the Chuan Country, then was used by the Imperial Court of Chuan Country, and became Xiao Xiang's personal bodyguard.    


Xing Yuan looked at the Dragon Scale-flaying Arrow in his palm, and didn't say anything for a long time. The stakes were high, and this was not something he could decide.    


If they managed to capture Tang Yin alive, then everything would be fine. But if they managed to kill Tang Yin, then Feng Country will bring forth their entire nation's army for revenge.    


Seeing that he had been silent for a long time, Xing Shengnan anxiously urged him, "Mr. Xing, please make the decision. If your highness has any good intentions, then we won't be able to survive either!"    


"Wait, wait a minute, we'll talk about it later!" Xing Yuan was also in a mess at this time. He did not know what he should do now, but he was certain of one thing: he could not kill Tang Yin.    


As for Jin Zhuo, who was on the other side, his hand that was already holding onto the sword hilt slowly loosened. After that, he repeatedly waved his hand towards the surrounding generals, signalling everyone to calm down, and not to act rashly.    


He did not laugh nor squeeze out in laughter as he cupped his hands towards Tang Yin and said: "Feng King, the princess was just joking earlier. "Don't mind it too much."    


"What a joke!" Tang Yin laughed out loud, raising his hand to point at the Chuan Soldier General of Chuan Country s around the Central Army Tent, he laughed and asked: "Could it be, this is also a joke?"    


While speaking, he turned his head and looked at Xiao Xiang who was beside him with a smile, and said happily: "One of the princess' jokes has attracted many brothers in Chuan Army, isn't this joke a little too big?"    


Xiao Xiang's face turned ugly, she did not reply, but turned and looked angrily at Xing Yuan and the others, asking them why did they not make a move? Xing Yuan had followed Xiao Xiang for a long time, so naturally, he understood her thoughts the best.    


He slightly shook his head, indicating that his side did not have the confidence to succeed in a single strike.    


Seeing that, Xiao Xiang clenched her teeth, and looked at Xing Yuan, immediately taking action. But, how could Xing Yuan dare to disregard her safety and forcefully attack Tang Yin? He looked troubled as he slowly lowered his head.    


Xiao Xiang was furious in her heart, and stared at him for a good while, before retracting her gaze, and said to Tang Yin fiercely: "Even if Feng King can kill me now, you will be torn to shreds by my soldiers!"    


"Oh?" Tang Yin was not afraid of Xiao Xiang's threats at all, and laughed heartily: "There are millions of people in this world who want to kill me, but today, I'm still alive, and it's those who dare to kill me that are all dead."    


"Don't be too proud too early!" While she was speaking, Xiao Xiang suddenly grabbed the teapot in front of him and flung it towards Tang Yin. However, just as she raised the teapot in her hand, before she could smash it into the ground, the cup in Tang Yin's hand flew out and smashed into the teapot in her hand. With a crisp sound, the teacup and the teapot shattered into pieces, and the tea water within spilled all over the table, some even splashed onto Xiao Xiang's skirt.    


"I'd advise you not to act rashly. Otherwise, even if you're in the Chuan Army Battalion, no one can save you!" Tang Yin still sat there motionlessly, not even looking at Xiao Xiang.    


In their own camp, there were tens of thousands of their own soldiers and soldiers, but they were completely helpless against Tang Yin, and they could only allow him to abduct them unscrupulously. At this moment, it was obvious how Xiao Xiang felt in her heart.    


Just as she was about to pounce and fight with her life on the line with Tang Yin, suddenly, a captain of the Chuan Soldier galloped over quickly and drank away the crowd of people from the Chuan Army. He impulsively rolled down from the back of the horse and screamed: "Reporting to the princess and general, something bad has happened!    


Ah? Hearing this Chuan Soldier Captain's report, everyone present was shocked. Feng Country and Ninth Army had come, they were moving at such a fast speed! Tang Yin was not surprised about this, or it could be said that this was within his expectations.    


He leisurely took out his handkerchief and wiped the corner of his mouth. Then, he slowly stood up and smiled, "Many thanks for the princess' hospitality. My soldiers have come to take me back to the country, so I won't beg for your forgiveness. Goodbye!" With that, he made as if to walk out.    


Seeing Xiao Xiang sitting there without moving, his two big eyes were staring at him without blinking. The look in his eyes was extremely passionate, as if there was a fire burning within them. Tang Yin laughed and asked: "What? "Princess, don't you want to send me out of the camp?"    


The meaning behind his words was that he still wanted to use Xiao Xiang as a shield to cover her escape from the Chuan Camp. Xiao Xiang understood what he meant, and all the General of Chuan Country present also understood. Everyone clenched their fists, with complicated expressions on their faces.    


Right now, it was an excellent opportunity to capture Tang Yin. If he let him go just like that, it would be even harder than ascending to the heavens to find another opportunity like this in the future. However, the princess had been forced into a corner by him, so no one dared to guarantee that their strike would be able to force Tang Yin to retreat.    


The Chuan Army s all looked at each other, and for a moment, they did not know what to do.    


Tang Yin who was sitting on the mat did not move. The surrounding crowd of Chuan Soldier General of Chuan Country s did not give way either, and the two sides remained in a stalemate.    


Seeing that the Feng Country army was close by and did not make a move, he would definitely let Tang Yin escape. At this time, he did not care about Xing Yuan blocking him anymore. He suddenly raised his hand, pointed the Dragon Scale-flaying Arrow at Tang Yin, and was about to pull the trigger.    


Tang Yin didn't pay attention to him. If he really shot out the Dragon Scale-flaying Arrow, Tang Yin's fate wouldn't be good.    


But at that critical moment, a blinding cold light suddenly appeared next to the map. Before the crowd even knew what was happening, they heard a cracking sound. Immediately after, blood shot out and miserable cries rang out.    


Everyone hurriedly turned their heads to check. After seeing what was happening, their faces changed greatly as well.    


The hand on the map was broken at the wrist, and the broken hand fell to the ground. In the bloody palm was a shiny silver metal cylinder. Looking at Zhan Tu, his face was pale white, with his hand on his severed wrist, he retreated continuously, and at the same time, looked at Chang Feng in disbelief.    


Chang Feng was still wearing his black mask, he could not see his expression nor his eyes, but in his hand he held a shining sword, with a thin and long sword in his hand, he looked like a needle.    


No one would have thought that Chang Feng would suddenly injure the exhibition. In the General of Chuan Country, they were all the princess's personal guards, so how could they start killing each other?    


Xing Yuan and the other middle-aged man were also completely shocked and puzzled. The former held onto the injured map while looking at Chang Feng and asked with a trembling voice, "Mr Chang, you ? What are you doing? "    


"To harm a person in secret, I will not hold you in contempt!" Chang Feng slowly spoke as he walked to the front of the severed arm on the ground. Raising his leg, he took a step forward and with a cracking sound, both the severed arm and the Dragon Scale-flaying Arrow were crushed under his foot.    


Zhan Tu finally regained his senses, his eyes were bloodshot and he screamed out loud. He pushed Xing Yuan away and pounced towards Chang Feng as though he was crazy.    


Unfortunately, he was facing Chang Feng's ice-cold longsword. Following a muffled puchi sound, Chang Feng's sword entered his chest and came out from his back.    


And what was even more terrifying was that Tang Yin's eyes could still see things. But Chang Feng was a blind person, the speed and precision of his sword strike was naturally much rarer than Tang Yin's.    


Plop! The map's corpse pasted itself onto Chang Feng's body, and then softly slid down to the ground. With that, the Central Army Tent became chaotic, and at the moment, one of the guards of the princess suddenly killed another guard, causing the people to be completely stunned.    


Xiao Xiang was also a monk about two meters tall now. She asked in shock, "Mr Chang, you ?"    


"I thank the princess for her care over the years!" Chang Feng shook the blood off his sword, then clasped his hands together and bowed deeply towards Xiao Xiang.    



"Mr Chang ?"    


"Princess, my relationship with Feng King was good at first sight, it was fate. Therefore, I made the decision to switch to Feng King, but I never had the chance to explain it to her, and now, I have to make use of this opportunity to make a decision with her."    


As he spoke, Chang Feng retracted his hand and took out a Chuan Country medallion. He then bent down and slowly placed it on the ground.    


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