Tomin in The Alien World



0No matter how many Chuan Army s were lying in ambush outside the tent, Tang Yin was not too worried.    


One, he had the courage of a skilled expert, and two, he had some skills he could rely on. He knew that Sky Eye and the Earth Web were hidden nearby, and the news of him entering the Chuan Camp would quickly spread to their own campsite. He believed that their army would rush over after a long time.    


Xiao Xiang was currently laughing happily, in her eyes, Tang Yin was already like a turtle in her jar, the fish on the chopping block, she could only slaughter them however she wanted.    


She picked up the teacup on the table and indicated to Tang Yin with it. Then, she smiled: "Feng King, this time, many thanks to you sending me back to my homeland."    


"Princess, there's no need to be polite. Please treat us courteously!" Tang Yin also picked up a teacup. He first lowered his head and took a sniff, then praised the good tea before he finished it in one gulp.    


Xiao Xiang slowly stuck some tea onto her cup, then placed the teacup down. She changed the topic and said: "The army under Your Highness's command have already put down their Guankou City, shouldn't you reconsider whether or not you are selling your Guankou City to us?"    


Tang Yin waved his hand and said straightforwardly, "The warriors under this king have all agreed to oppose selling the city, it's hard to go against the will of the people. Don't ever mention about the Guankou City again."    


Hearing his straightforward rejection, Xiao Xiang retracted the smile on her face and said seriously: "Your Highness is the great king, how can you expect yourself to be restricted by the soldiers under your command? If Your Highness feels that the price that our country offers is not enough, I can still discuss it with the King Father. "    


Tang Yin laughed, and said: "This is not a question of how much it will cost. Guankou City is now a territory of my Feng Country, so this king will definitely not sell it in another country. "    


Xiao Xiang's expression became gloomy, her gaze sweeping across Jin Zhuo and the other General of Chuan Country s. She then unhurriedly broke the teacup again, blowing on the tea foam as she gently asked: "Then what if my country really needs to obtain Guankou City?"    


Tang Yin laughed: "If that is the case, then there is no other choice, you and I can only fight as soldiers, using force to meet force is the only way."    


"That might not be the case," Xiao Xiang took a sip of tea and continued: "If we were to use the Feng King s as an exchange point, forget about exchanging them for Guankou City, even changing half of the walls of the Feng Country would be possible ?"    


Before she could finish speaking, a General of Chuan Country came in from the outside and walked over to Jin Zhuo's side and whispered a few words into his ear. Jin Zhuo listened and nodded. After General of Chuan Country finished speaking, he waved her hand, signalling him to wait outside.    


Xiao Xiang looked at Jin Zhuo in puzzlement and asked: "What's wrong? What happened? "    


"Reporting to the princess, it's Chang Feng, Xing Yuan and the other gentlemen who have returned." Jin Zhuo replied respectfully.    


Xiao Xiang's eyes lit up when he heard it, this was great, she was originally worried that Tang Yin's spirit weapon was too powerful, it would not be easy to capture him alive, but now that Chang Feng, Xing Yuan and the rest had rushed back, capturing Tang Yin became a guarantee, it could even be said that it would be a guarantee.    


Her face lit up, and she raised her head and said, "Quick! Send someone to get the gentlemen here! "    


"Yes!" "Princess!" Jin Zhuo replied, then nodded towards the General of Chuan Country guarding the door.    


Not long after, Chang Feng, Xing Yuan and the rest walked in. Seeing that Xiao Xiang was safe and sound while sitting in the Central Army Tent, Xing Yuan and the other two middle-aged men let out a sigh of relief. They were all the Princess's personal bodyguards, if anything were to happen to Xiao Xiang, the three of them wouldn't even be able to keep their heads. The three of them turned and looked at Tang Yin, who was sitting beside Xiao Xiang. Xing Yuan and the rest all gasped, their hearts were filled with shock and fear, why would the Feng King be in their own camp? What was going on?    


Seeing their shocked and confused faces, Xiao Xiang faintly smiled, and said in a casual manner: "After Feng King and I entered the tunnel, there was an explosion inside. It was thanks to Feng King's help that I was able to escape, and this worried you."    


"Princess's words are too serious." The three middle-aged men immediately cupped their hands in respect, and then cupped them towards Tang Yin: "Greetings, Feng King."    


Tang Yin waved at the three of them, he did not look at them anymore, he turned and looked at Xiao Xiang: "Princess did not finish her words just now, please continue."    


Now that Chang Feng, Xing Yuan and the rest were here, Xiao Xiang was even more confident and did not place Tang Yin in her eyes at all.    


She said with a smile: "My meaning is actually very simple. Since Feng King has come to my Chuan Country, then there is no need to go back. Follow me back to the capital.    


Tang Yin thought for a while, then slowly shook his head and said, "This king appreciates the princess' good intentions. It has not been long since we have merged into our country, and things are complicated. This King will not have so much time to travel to Chuan City. "    


"It seems like Feng King has misunderstood my intentions!"    




"I am not inviting Your Highness, but rather making a request. It doesn't matter whether Your Highness is willing or not, you have to return to the capital with me today. Of course, Your Highness can also treat this as an order from my palace! "    


As she spoke, Xiao Xiang naturally raised her head, the corners of her mouth bent downwards, looking at Tang Yin out of the corner of her eyes.    


He was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing. He was smiling because Xiao Xiang was a woman who was too interesting. Changing her face was like flipping a book, of course, it could also be said that she was able to bend and yield.    


When she was at a disadvantage, she could be subservient and obedient. When she took the initiative, she would immediately show a haughty and arrogant attitude.    


It would be good to say that she lacked shrewdness, or to say that she revealed it out loud. In short, this kind of Xiao Xiang made Tang Yin feel that it was very new.    


Tang Yin's laughter made Xiao Xiang feel even more uncomfortable, and the more she saw, the more dazzling she felt his calmness. Didn't he understand her current situation? This was the Chuan Army camp, where all two hundred thousand armored warriors of the Chuan Country were stationed!    


"What is Your Highness laughing about? And what makes His Highness so happy? " Xiao Xiang asked with a cold face.    


Tang Yin pointed at her and said: "It's you!"    


Without waiting for Xiao Xiang to speak, he continued, "It's possible that you don't know that I have a habit; the more others force me to do something, the more reluctant I become to do it, and the more things that I don't want to do, there is no one who can force me to do."    


Xiao Xiang laughed out loud, and said: "That is because in the past, no one could force Your Highness to do so, and now, it is not up to Your Highness to decide." As she spoke, she raised the teacup in her hand high and threw it towards the ground.    


Pah!" The teacup shattered with a crisp sound. Almost at the same time, a series of rustling sounds could be heard from all around the camp, and all four sides of the canvas were ripped off. Soon, only a few wooden pillars were left to support the roof of the pavilion.    


Tang Yin sat on the mat, he first looked to his left and right, then turned to his back and looked, finally his gaze landed on Xiao Xiang's face and laughed: "Heh! What a big battle formation! Chuan Country's way of treating guests is indeed different from the others! "    


Hearing his sarcasm, Xiao Xiang replied with a sneer. Jin Zhuo, who was sitting down, blushed red and lowered his head in shame. However, Tang Yin was simply too important to the people of the world, so no matter how great of a threat she posed to the people of Chuan Country, as long as they could capture him, regardless of how heavy or heavy the price the Chuan Country had to pay, it was all worth it.    


"Did Your Highness see it?" Xiao Xiang spread out her arms, looked around him, and then slowly said to Tang Yin: "So, today, regardless of whether or not Your Highness agrees, you have to come with me. If His Highness is able to take the initiative, then everyone's face will be good, and if His Highness still insists on his opinion, then there's no way to say it, no way to say it, the 200,000 soldiers here will 'escort' His Highness back to our capital! "    


Tang Yin asked with a smile, "Do you think you can invite me out of the two hundred thousand soldiers you brought?"    


Xiao Xiang's eyes flashed, and coldly snorted: "I see that you're refusing a toast and refusing a forfeit!" As she spoke, she made as if to stand up. But before she could even stand up, Tang Yin had already spoken first: "Don't move."    


Seeing that she was confused, Tang Yin smiled and said: "You and I are not even two steps apart. So close, I only need to wave my hand, you will probably be decapitated, if you do not believe me, I can give it a try!"    


The moment these words were spoken, the expressions of everyone present changed. The generals subconsciously stood up one by one, all of them holding onto the swords at their waists, leaning forward, as if they planned to attack together and save Xiao Xiang first.    


One of the General of Chuan Country s took the initiative to shout out loud, holding onto his sword, she pulled it out, and with a swishing sound, his sword just reached out of the sheath, and a cold light suddenly appeared beside Tang Yin.    


Crack! Following a proverbial sound, the golden hairpin on Xiao Xiang's head snapped. The half of the hairpin fell from her head and fell to the ground. Then he looked at Tang Yin, who was still sitting there. Then he looked at his sword, which was still in its sheath.    


It was too fast! It was too precise! The amount of time left before him had not even added up to a second, causing everyone to widen their eyes. However, no one was able to clearly see how Tang Yin had pulled out the sword, how he had cut off the golden hairpin on top of Xiao Xiang's head, and finally how he put it away.    


Looking at the half of the hairpin in front of her knees, Xiao Xiang broke out in a cold sweat.    


Even if they were in their own camp, even if there were ten thousand horses from the Chiliarch, Tang Yin alone caused every single one of them to tremble in their hearts. At the same time, they all felt an invisible yet heavy pressure.    


It could be said that Tang Yin's one sword attack was enough to intimidate everyone present.    



Of course, this attack that looked like it was made by Tang Yin who had experienced thousands, or even hundreds, or even millions of rounds of continuous training.    


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