Tomin in The Alien World



0Tang Yin looked at Chang Feng as if he was looking at a monster. He wanted to attack the city, that was something he had decided after discussing with the other generals in the Central Army Tent.    


Seemingly sensing Tang Yin's confusion, the corners of Chang Feng's lips raised slightly as he revealed a smile. He explained: "Just now, his highness had gone to the Central Army Tent, although he was blocked outside, I had also heard some conversation inside."    


"So that's how it is, Mr Chang's hearing is really amazing!" Tang Yin was impressed. There weren't many people that could convince him.    


Chang Feng said as he gave a wry smile, "To a blind person, the only person who can feel proud about it will only be his ears."    


Through his words, Tang Yin could hear his self-mockery. Tang Yin's expression turned serious and said: "I don't think that Mr Chang is worse than anyone else. If Mr Chang himself thinks that way, then he's really worse than everyone else."    


Chang Feng took a deep breath, raised his head and laughed: "Let's go! Let's go drink! "    


"Is Your Highness not afraid of delaying tomorrow's battle?"    


Tang Yin laughed, and said indifferently: "A mere Guankou City is nothing compared to the Mr Chang, it's nothing."    


If it really could be exchanged, he would rather use ten Guankou City to exchange for one Chang Feng.    


His words made Chang Feng enjoy and feel touched. Ever since he had lost his sight, it was the first time in so many years that he had experienced the feeling of being valued by someone. The one who gave him this feeling was precisely the Tang Yin who had fought against him twice.    


Actually, for a Spirit Cultivator like Tang Yin, even if he did not sleep all day and drank some wine, he would probably be affected a little on the second day.    


That night, Tang Yin, Ren Xiao and Chang Feng were drinking and chatting in the camp, while Yin Lan and Ah Si accompanied them at the side.    


Drinking is one of the best ways to improve mutual feelings and understanding. Before he had come into contact with Tang Yin, Chang Feng's impression of him was not too good either. He was born in the Divine Pool, and after that, he went to the Chuan Country.    


Now that he had come into contact with Tang Yin, he realized that Tang Yin was not as cunning and cruel as the rumors claimed. It could be said that he was very similar to Ren Xiao, was the kind of person who would not place himself in a high position just because of his identity. Chang Feng was respectful to Ren Xiao, not because of how powerful his spirit weapon was, nor was it because of his identity and position, but he now had another person he respected, and that was Tang Yin.    


Furthermore, he felt that Tang Yin was even more approachable than Ren Xiao, with not the slightest bit of arrogance he had on him. This was simply too difficult to do, and had also changed Chang Feng's opinion of him by a lot.    


That night, the several of them drank until the ugly part of the second day before it came to an end. Until he returned to his own tent and lied down on the bed, Chang Feng was still unable to calm down.    


When he was with Tang Yin, he could feel the fanaticism towards the spirit martial from's body, as well as his hot-bloodedness towards anyone. All of these would naturally infect him, causing his blood to boil as well.    


In the early morning of the next day, the Feng Army Camp s moved up and down in unison.    


Xiao Xiang was still sleeping when she was woken up by the noise coming from outside. She opened her hazy eyes and looked outside. It's always here! "    


Not long after, a maid came running in and asked, "Princess, what's the matter?"    


"What's going on outside? Why is it so noisy outside? Are you still letting me sleep?" Xiao Xiang asked snappily.    


"Reporting to Princess, it is said that Feng Army is about to leave the camp and attack the city, so In Camp are very chaotic." The maid named Chang Zai said carefully.    


"Outgoing... "Siege ?" Xiao Xiang muttered, when suddenly, her eyes widened, and the drowsiness instantly disappeared. She quickly got off the bed, without even wearing her shoes, and rushed out of the tent barefooted.    


Outside, she looked up and saw all the armored and robed Soldiers And Generals of Feng Army, all of them shouting for their horses, all of them shouting.    


Xiao Xiang was stunned on the spot, the Trebuchet s of the Feng Army had clearly not been fixed, why were they suddenly attacking the city? What was going on?    


When the nearby Feng Army saw Xiao Xiang running out of the tent barefoot with only her clothes on, and standing there motionlessly, her originally big eyes stared wide open like a copper bell. Everyone was shocked, not knowing why the Princess of Chuan Country had suddenly gone crazy.    


After a long while, Xiao Xiang finally reacted, she turned and ran back into the camp, while quickly putting on her clothes she shouted to the maid: "Quick! Hurry up and wake up all of you gentlemen, and have us rush over here immediately to follow me out of the camp to watch the battle! "    


"Yes ?" Yes! "Princess!" The young maid agreed, turned around, and ran out.    


Xiao Xiang muttered while she was putting on her clothes, "Damn it, Tang Yin, you actually tricked me into attacking the city ten days later! "Damn it all!"    


After Xiao Xiang put on her clothes, shoes and socks, Chang Feng, Xing Yuan and the others also rushed over. Xiao Xiang did not say anything and followed the crowd out of the tent with big strides.    


She did not immediately leave the camp, but first went to look for Tang Yin. Just as she reached the door of Tang Yin's room, Tang Yin coincidentally walked out.    


Tang Yin was not surprised at all. He first looked at Chang Feng, then his gaze landed on Xiao Xiang's face. He laughed: "Princess, you woke up so early!"    


"Your Highness, it's not too late!" Xiao Xiang said tit for tat, then changed the topic and pretended to be curious: "Your Highness, what is Your Army doing out in such a big commotion?"    


Tang Yin shrugged and said: "Of course to attack the city."    


Xiao Xiang suppressed her anger and asked: "Didn't Your Highness say that you will attack the city in ten days?"    


Tang Yin blinked his eyes with a smile and asked a question in reply, "Has this king ever said that? This King only remembers giving you an answer as to whether or not the city will be sold in ten days, but it's never said that the city will be raided in ten days! "    


His words actually made Xiao Xiang choke back her words.    


That's right, Tang Yin did not say that he would attack the city ten days later, it was only Xiao Xiang's own deduction, she believed her deduction was not wrong, he just did not understand why Tang Yin would suddenly change his mind.    


Looking at the smiling Tang Yin, Xiao Xiang felt that she had been fooled by him. She took a deep breath and said rudely: "I will follow Your Highness out to watch the battle, I don't know what Your Highness thinks?"    


It was a question, but when she spoke, her tone was not one of inquiry, and when she spoke, she was already on a horse.    


Seeing her angry look, Tang Yin was secretly pleased, suddenly feeling that it was enjoyable to be able to defeat this little girl.    


He didn't mind Xiao Xiang's vile attitude at all as she chuckled and said, "Of course I can. With a beauty like the princess accompanying me, this king would be more than happy to let it be."    


Why don't you go die! Xiao Xiang cursed silently in her heart, yet her face was bashful as she said in a low voice: "Your Highness is flattering me."    


Ouch! [I don't know how to scold this girl in my heart!] Tang Yin gritted his teeth and smiled at her, then without further ado, he jumped onto his horse, waved to the people around, and shouted: "Get out of the camp!"    


The Feng Army that had been silent for a long time suddenly launched an attack again this morning, causing the defending troops within the Guankou City to be somewhat surprised. However, the reaction speed of the city's Ann Army was still very fast. The moment the Feng Army was placed in front of the array formation, the city walls were already filled with General of Ann Country s.    


On the side of the Feng Army, personally gave the order for the entire army to begin their battle. The three legions of Pingyuan Army, Heavenly Eagle Army, and New Army all advanced at the same time, and the overwhelming Feng Army surged towards the Guankou City like a surging tide.    


Very quickly, the guards also realized that the Feng Army was different. When the Feng Army was pushed forward, there were actually many Trebuchet s mixed in.    


Many of the Ann Soldier were startled, they did not know what the purpose of the Feng Army bringing up such a long ranged weapon like the Trebuchet was.    


The first to react were the Generals s with Ann Army. All of the generals shouted to the soldiers below the city: "Quickly carry the pots up to the city walls. The Feng Army is going to use the Trebuchet to attack the Mayor Palace!"    


Hearing the order from the general, the Ann Soldier s below the city walls hurriedly moved the tiled jars filled with Pyretic Oil onto the city walls. In a short moment, the behind the arrow battlements of the city walls were filled with jars and jars, big and small, like a grocery store.    


However, what the Ann Army generals did not expect was that the Trebuchet s did not advance all the way to the front of the city as County Head had said. Instead, they stopped when they were about a hundred steps away from the city walls.    



At such a long distance, even if the city guards were all strong warriors, they would not be able to throw the jar to where the Trebuchet was.    


All of the General of Ann Country s present were at a loss for words. Why were the actions of Feng Army different from what the County Head had said? County Head had always had accurate information. If there was never a mistake, what was going on this time?    


Just as they were lost in their thoughts, continuous shouts could be heard from the Feng Army Camp: "Throw the bullets! "Bomb drop!"    


Amidst a series of orders, the Feng Army's Trebuchet activated at the same time and threw out stone bullets of different sizes and shapes, drawing an arc in the air as they smashed towards the walls of the Guankou City with strong wind.    


The soldiers on the city wall saw everything clearly, and all of the officers shouted out loud: "The Feng Army Stones have arrived, dodge behind the arrow stack, all of you hide behind the arrow stack!"    


After fighting for so many days, Ann Soldier had accumulated quite a bit of experience. Even if they did not listen to the generals' commands, they still knew where to hide.    


Xiao Xiang, who was watching the battle with Tang Yin, revealed a disdainful smile on his face, and coldly reminded Tang Yin: "Your Highness, the walls of the Guankou City are six steps thick, the stone bullets of the Trebuchet cannot shatter such a thick wall."    


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