Tomin in The Alien World



0Yet another shameless boast! Tang Yin who was in the middle of battle laughed, he anxiously used his sword to push back the surrounding enemies, raising his eyes to look at the source of the sound.    


A few people rushed over from the Ann Army crowd. The one in the lead was dressed in white spirit armor and held a large Spiritual Knife in his hand.    


Before the person even arrived, the Spirit Pressure arrived first. Before the fight even started, Tang Yin had already determined that the other party was Spiritual Martial Expert. His heartbeat sped up, and his face revealed a look of excitement. He straightened his body, turned his Spirit Sword upside down, and stared at his enemy without blinking.    


A few of them came over to Tang Yin, lined up in a row, with the leading man standing right in the middle. He used the Spiritual Knife to point at Tang Yin, gritted his teeth, and said: "Thief Tang, I was just worried that I wouldn't be able to find you.    


"Who are you all?" Tang Yin raised his head and asked.    


"Qingyun Hall!" The leader of the group said harshly.    


"Oh, I was wondering who it was. So it was a remnant of Three Hall Gang!"    


Tang Yin laughed, but immediately stopped laughing, and said solemnly: "All of you must die!" He did not forget the torture he had suffered in the Mo Country, and the one that had injured him at that time was precisely the unique hidden weapon of the Qingyun Hall, the Dragon Scale-flaying Arrow.    


Tang Yin had suffered from Qingyun Hall before, and Qingyun Hall had also been destroyed, so it could be said that there was a deep hatred between the two sides, and now that their enemies had met, their eyes turned red.    


The Qingyun Hall disciples immediately used their life threatening fighting techniques, a total of five of them, all of them activated Spirit Transformation of Weapon, the five Spirit Weapons after transforming released a blinding light, sweeping towards Tang Yin.    


In front of the Spirit Transformation of Weapon, even Tang Yin who had reached Spirit Space Stage would not dare to be careless, and would similarly use the Spirit Transformation of Weapon.    


As the spirit sword in his hand began to shine with a myriad of rays of light, the Spirit Cultivator of Dark's unique spirit martial skill, Ghost Blood Blade, was unleashed.    


In that moment, a gigantic figure appeared above Tang Yin's head. It floated in mid air, with a black cloak covering its body, making it impossible to see its facial features, only a pair of bright eyes. It held onto the Great Sword and flew towards the five people in front of it while roaring.    


"Everyone be careful ?" The leading Qingyun Hall disciple reminded his four companions loudly. Before he finished speaking, that huge figure had already arrived in front of them.    


Before the sword blade even reached, the shockingly powerful Spirit Pressure had already descended and all five Qingyun Hall disciples were affected.    


The five simultaneously shouted out loud. They raised the Spirit Weapons in their hands and used their full strength to parry. Instantly, dust flew everywhere, covering the sky and blotting out the sun. The Ann Army that was close by were directly struck by the strong winds and waves, and even the Ann Army s that were quite a distance away were affected by the impact, causing them to be forced to continuously retreat, and the exposed skin under their armor was covered with countless bloody lines from the blowing sand.    


Just as the leading disciple fell to the ground, the giant elephant in the sky came one after another, raising its Great Sword to descend once again, slashing at the top of his head.    


Under the pressure of the powerful Spirit Pressure, he was unable to dodge, and could only grit his teeth and endure the giant elephant's heavy blow.    


BOOM! Another earth-shaking explosion sound rang out, and the Qingyun Hall disciple spat out a mouthful of blood. His entire body flew backwards like a cannonball, and before he could even land on the ground, he spat out another mouthful of blood. The spirit armor on his body had already shattered from the impact.    


But that was not the end. When he landed and the giant elephant came chasing after him, the Great Sword still fiercely chopped down, not giving him a chance to catch his breath. Right now, he was no longer able to defend himself. Watching the Great Sword fall from the sky, he could only endure.    


BOOM! A single sword strike had smashed onto the ground, creating a huge crater of three to four meters in length. As for the Qingyun Hall disciple, he had been smashed to pieces while still alive. However, the terrifying giant elephant did not disappear just because of his death. Turning around, it pounced towards another Qingyun Hall disciple.    


The man turned pale with fright. He turned around and ran, but how could his two legs outrun the flying giant elephant?    


In the blink of an eye, it had caught up to his back and raised the Great Sword high up before slashing down. The man felt a gigantic Spirit Pressure pouncing towards him from behind, but he did not dare resist, nor did he have the time to dodge, so he could only use all of his strength to continue running forward.    


Boom!" In the end, this disciple was still unable to escape from the giant elephant's killing move. He was shattered into pieces by the giant sword, and not even his bones remained. At this moment, the giant elephant turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared into the air.    


From the appearance of the giant elephant to its disappearance, a total of four sword strikes had been sent out. This was also the Ghost Blood Blade ? Berserk ? Fourth Chain Attack.    


At this time, the remaining three disciples were completely dumbstruck. They had previously seen many people use Spirit Transformation of Weapon, but they had never seen such a terrifying Spirit Transformation of Weapon. It was not something that a human could contend with.    


The three stood up and looked at Tang Yin with their eyes wide open. They panted heavily as beads of perspiration the size of beans dripped down their foreheads.    


They had not directly sparred with Tang Yin, but right now, the three of them were as though they had just fought a battle to the death.    


Seeing that the spirit weapons in their hands had returned to normal, Tang Yin kept his Spirit Transformation of Weapon, holding his spirit sword backwards, he slowly walked towards the three with a smile on his face: "Your brothers are already here, you shouldn't let the two of them wait on the road either, let's go together!"    


"Tang..." Thief Tang, you ? Do you want to kill them all? " A Qingyun Hall disciple trembled as he raised his spirit sword, pointing it at Tang Yin.    


"Can I interpret your insults as your pleas for mercy?" Tang Yin stopped three steps away from him.    


"You ?" The Qingyun Hall disciple's face reddened, and he subconsciously took half a step back.    


Without waiting for him to finish speaking, Tang Yin continued, "You're not allowed! I do not accept your begging. " As he spoke, he suddenly took a step forward, and the spirit sword in his hand was passed to his face.    


"I'll kill you!" The Qingyun Hall disciple's eyes were red, cried out and pounced towards Tang Yin. His body first lowered to the ground to avoid Tang Yin's Spirit Sword, and then used his head to fiercely smash into Tang Yin's chest.    


What kind of strange move was this? It was no different from a shitty fight! Tang Yin snickered in his heart, stood up on his original spot, and didn't move at all as he forced his opponent to ram against his body.    


Clang! Following the sound of the collision between the spirit armor and the spirit armor, the Qingyun Hall disciple's head solidly smashed into Tang Yin's chest. The latter's body was like a nail nailed into the ground, without moving an inch.    


On the other hand, the Qingyun Hall disciple who bumped into him felt pain on his head, and golden stars appeared in front of his eyes. He endured the pain and dizziness and took the opportunity to strike at Tang Yin's chest, then raised his sword and quickly thrust it towards Tang Yin's lower abdomen.    


Tang Yin's line of sight was blocked by his head, so Tang Yin was unable to see the sword thrusting towards him from the bottom.    


Seeing that the sword tip was about to come into contact with the Spirit Armor on Tang Yin's abdomen, the corner of his mouth rose uncontrollably. And at this moment, he suddenly felt an incomparably strong pressure fall on his back.    


With a loud crack, Tang Yin's fist directly smashed into his spine, causing the Qingyun Hall disciple to groan as he fell onto the ground head first. The spirit armor on his back had shattered, and the spine at the back of his waist had caved in a huge hole.    


"Hmph, you actually dare to show your strength?!" Tang Yin sneered as he bent down and grabbed his head, lifting him up from the ground. As his five fingers retracted, kacha, the spirit armor on his face was crushed, and the Fire of Darkness s in Tang Yin's palm burned his face.    


The other two Qingyun Hall disciples recovered from their shock, and when the two rushed forward to save them, they could only catch their companion's corpse, which had lost its essence.    


The two of them were both furious and screamed at the same time as they attacked Tang Yin.    


The other roared, and pounced onto Tang Yin's back without any regards. Both of their legs wrapped around Tang Yin's waist, and raised their fists, and continuously struck Tang Yin's head.    


Dang, dang, dang! As the spirit armor and spirit armor collided, a golden sound constantly rang out, and sparks flew in every direction.    


Tang Yin laughed coldly as he raised his hand, grabbing the person on his back and pulling him down to the ground. Without waiting for the person to get up, he lifted his leg and stomped heavily on his face.    


Pow! It was only a single kick, but the spirit armor on that person's head had already shattered, revealing his original appearance. Looking at him again, his nose was sunken and his mouth was covered in blood.    


Tang Yin did not let him go, he raised his leg again, and kicked again, with a sound of bones cracking. The man's head was crushed, blood spraying everywhere.    


All five of the Qingyun Hall s had lost their lives at Tang Yin's hands, and even adding up the entire time, it had not even taken ten minutes. Seeing that, all the surrounding Ann Soldier felt anger and coldness, the people were still surrounding Tang Yin, but no one dared to take another step forward.    


"Tell your Captain to come out and fight me!" Since you dared to set up an ambush here, you should have the courage to not be a turtle that hides in its shell! " While Tang Yin was speaking, he kicked the headless body into the Ann Army crowd.    


"A warrior can be killed but not humiliated! Thief Tang, if you want to be arrogant, I'll fight you! " Following the voice, another Spirit Cultivator rushed out from the crowd. Her body was still covered by the white spirit armor and she held a long Spiritual Knife in her hand.    



"You're their Captain?" Tang Yin looked at him from head to toe and asked.    


"That's right!" I am called Wang Yi! " The man waved his blade and glared at Tang Yin.    


"Alright, alright, alright. I'm looking for you!" Tang Yin's tiger eyes flashed, he raised his sword and rushed forward, before he even arrived, his sword had already pierced through his opponent's three paths.    


Wang Yi shouted loudly, he did not have the intention to fight with Tang Yin, instead he immediately released a cross blade attack, causing a large amount of Spirit Blade s to attack Tang Yin from all directions.    


Tang Yin was not anxious, he kept his sword and took the chance to slip past the Spirit Blade's outer circle and arrived at Wang Yi's side. He stabbed out with the spirit sword once again to take the opponent's ribs.    


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