Tomin in The Alien World



0Ye Tang sent a message to Qi Heng immediately after going through the Great Black Valley. There were no ambushes in the Great Black Valley, the frontline army had successfully passed.    


Upon receiving the message from Ye Tang, Qi Heng couldn't help but burst out laughing. That being said, with the small amount of troops such as the Ann Army, it was too late for them to even hide, so how could they take the initiative to attack?    


After the front line led by Ye Tang passed through the Great Black Valley, the mountain road gradually widened. The opposite side of the road also became much smoother, and in front of them, there was a mountain on the left and a forest on the right side of the road.    


As he was walking forward, he suddenly heard a sharp scream coming from the sky. Ye Tang subconsciously raised his head to look, only to see two falcons circling around the forest by the side of the road.    


He frowned, feeling strange. At this time, an Earth Web scout rushed over and said to him anxiously, "General Ye, the falcons are warning us. There must be an enemy in the forest!"    


Ah? Ye Tang was secretly shocked, and subconsciously looked towards the forest beside the road. Could it be that the Ann Army had really set up an ambush at the Chigou? But strangely, without using an ambush site like the Great Black Valley, how did Ann Army ambush in a forest with a lower terrain?    


He could not understand what was going on, so he turned his head and shouted: "Where is Zhang Shun and Wang Zuo?"    


"This lowly general is here!" Just as the voices came out, the two deputy Generals rode their horses over to Ye Tang, interfering and saluting him: "General Ye, what orders do you have?"    


"Falcon warned, there must be an enemy in the forest, both of you bring an elite team to the forest, if there is an enemy, if you can fight, then fight, you can't immediately retreat!"    


"This lowly general obeys your command!" Zhang Shun and Wang Zuo cupped their hands in acknowledgement, then, each of them brought two thousand cavalrymen with them as they charged into the forest by the side of the road.    


Hunting Hawk's warning wasn't a false alarm, it was true that the forest was filled with a large number of Ann Soldier. Not long after Zhang Shun and Wang Zuo entered the forest, the sounds of fighting came from inside.    


Hearing that the battle inside was intense, Ye Tang made a prompt decision, and shouted loudly: "First Regiment, everyone come out to battle!"    


As soon as his voice fell, the cavalrymen behind him shouted in unison, turned their horses around, and galloped down the path into the woods. As the First Regiment took part in the battle, the sounds of battle grew louder in the forest.    


Just as he was planning to send out his Second Regiment to participate in the battle, the sounds of battle from the forest started to become fainter and fainter, and not long after, a Ninth Army soldier who was covered in blood rushed out from the forest, quickly arrived in front of Ye Tang and cupped his hands and said: "Reporting! Reporting to General Ye, there are a lot of enemies in the forest. They have been defeated by our troops and are currently fleeing deeper into the forest.    


Hearing that the enemies had been defeated, Ye Tang's heart that was stuck in his throat finally dropped. He exhaled, and seriously said: "We cannot chase after the enemies.    


The cavalry was not suitable for fighting in the forest, especially with the clumsy Heavy Cavalry, it was fine as long as they could beat back the enemy, but if they were to chase them deeper into the forest, once they encountered any counterattacks from the enemy, it would not be good.    


Hearing that, the cavalry soldier immediately responded with a bow, turned his horse and ran back into the forest to pass down Ye Tang's orders.    


Looking at the forest beneath the mountain, Ye Tang shook his head and laughed, he raised his horsewhip and pointed towards the forest while saying to the generals: "Everyone says that the An people will not fight, it is true, if the An people set up an ambush on the two sides of the mountain peaks of the Great Black Valley, even without any big weapons, it will not be easy for our army to force their way through, but the Ann Army will give up on the dangerous place, and choose to set up an ambush in such a low-lying forest, it is extremely laughable!"    


The surrounding General of Feng Country were all amused as they said one after the other, "That's right, I really don't know what General Ann Army is thinking."    


"A general like this, if he's in our army, then he'd have to be pulled out and beheaded, haha ?"    


"I think that Ann Army's idea of setting up an ambush in the forest is not bad. Since they can't beat our army, setting up an ambush in the forest would be beneficial for their defeat and escape!"    


"Haha ?"    


The General of Feng Country roared with laughter. Just as they were doing their best to ridicule Yue Yang, someone from the crowd of soldiers suddenly shouted: "Not good, there are soldiers ambushing the mountain too ? ?"    


This shout gave everyone a fright. Ye Tang subconsciously turned his horse around and looked up.    


On the hill to the left of the road, countless large grass balls rolled down. Each of these grass balls was as tall as a person and a half. They didn't make much noise when they tumbled down, but they were surprisingly fast, and there were many of them, thousands of them.    


Seeing that, Ye Tang's face changed, and shouted: "Set up the array! The entire army, get into formation! "    


The soldiers of the Ninth Army wanted to set up a formation as well, but how could they form a formation on the mountain roads? For a moment, the crowd's shouts rose and fell in succession. The scene was extremely chaotic.    


Ye Tang quickly realized that he could not arrange a formation on his side, and immediately changed his order. He shouted loudly: "Brothers, advance at full speed, follow me and charge forward!" As he spoke, he whipped his horse's rear end and ran forward at full speed.    


However, he hadn't run far when he heard a loud rumble from the top of the mountain in front of him. Soon after, thick smoke billowed from the mountain peak and countless rocks tumbled down, blocking off all paths.    


Aiya! Ye Tang cried in his heart, but at this time, the ball of grass that was rolling down the mountain had already arrived.    


Screams could be heard incessantly from the Ninth Army as countless soldiers were ruthlessly knocked off their war horses and tumbled to the ground.    


The grass ball might not be hard, and it would not kill anyone from the hit, but the Heavy Cavalry was too heavy, so once he landed, it would be impossible for him to mount it again by relying on his own strength.    


At this moment, they were looking at the 9th Army's 2nd and 3rd Regiments and 20,000 soldiers. Some of them were on horseback while others were under horseback. This scene could not be described with words.    


Ye Tang secretly shook his head, he couldn't go on like this. He continuously ordered for the First Regiment entering the forest to be withdrawn, and also ordered the second and third legions to advance further.    


Just as he passed down his order, the second round of grass balls rolled down the hill again. However, this time, they were all made of fire. The grass balls were like huge fireballs rolling down the hill.    


This action alone would cause Ye Tang to break out in a cold sweat. He screamed, "Retreat!" The entire army retreat at full speed! "    


Unfortunately, the chaotic Second and Third Regiments were no longer able to react fast enough, and large numbers of soldiers were stuck in the middle of the road, in a dilemma.    


The fireballs that were rolling down the hill did not wait for anyone. In the blink of an eye, they charged into the crowd of the Ninth Army. The fire balls and the first wave of grass balls met each other, and the entire mountain turned into a sea of fire.    


The Ninth Army isn't afraid of the heavens or the earth, but the fire can't take it." The Ninth Army isn't afraid of the heavens or the earth, but the fire can't take it.    


Even Ye Tang was shocked by the scene before his eyes. This was the first time that the Ninth Army had experienced such a thing. The surrounding generals gathered around, while protecting Ye Tang, they were also shouting loudly, "General, what do we do now? "Hurry up and think of an idea!"    


The shouts of the crowd caused Ye Tang to regain his senses, he was currently unable to rush out, and could not retreat either. He pondered for a moment, and anxiously said: "Retreat to the forest beside the road! Hurry up and give the order for the brothers to retreat into the forest! "    


Lin Mu could block the fireball, and as long as Generals And Soldiers of Self Army retreated back into the forest, he would be able to avoid the enemy's fire attack.    


Ye Tang's thoughts were right, but he forgot, there were even an ambush from the Ann Army s in the forest!    


The Second and Third Regiment soldiers all followed Ye Tang's orders and retreated into the forest, converging with the First Regiment. At this time, the Second and Third Regiment soldiers had already suffered heavy losses, and over a thousand of their soldiers had already died in the sea of fire.    


But before they could even breathe a sigh of relief, the Ann Army that had been fleeing suddenly returned with Ye Tang leading the Ninth Army to engage in battle with him.    


The current Ann Army, when compared to the Ann Army that had just been defeated by the First Regiment, was like a completely different person. People rushed out from the forest like floodwaters and one person was killed, followed by a group of people that immediately rushed up behind.    


The cavalry's greatest strength lay in its momentum. Once it lost its momentum, it would be no different from an infantry soldier. In the dense forest, there were trees and grass everywhere. There was no room for cavalry, so how could they arrange a proper formation?    


The Ninth Army's soldiers were all giant infantry soldiers who moved clumsily and slowly. As a result, their war horses became the main target of Ann Army.    


The Ann Army had obviously come prepared. The knights who did not attack the horses only focused on the legs of the horses and used the set of Heavy Cavalry that Tang Yin had used to deal with Bessa's Heavy Cavalry. Of course, they did not know how to use Tang Yin's Earth Knife, and the technique to cut off the horse leg was not as skillful as the Pingyuan Army from before, so they were not able to handle the Heavy Cavalry in the sky, but against the Heavy Cavalry that could not be moved, they did not need that many skills and skills.    


After the war horses were cut down one after another, the cavaliers on horseback also fell to the ground. Only at this time did the Ann Army rush forward and chop them all to death.    


The ferocious and planned counterattack of the Ann Army caught the Ninth Army by surprise. Three legions lost more than a thousand men in the blink of an eye.    



As Ye Tang rode his horse to kill the Ann Army that was coming at him, he shouted, "Retreat! Retreat along the way! "    


The soldiers below also knew that this battle could not be carried on, but it was easier said than done to retreat in the forest.    


Now that the Heavy Cavalry soldiers weren't as fast as the infantry, and were being chased and beaten, the soldiers continuously fell off their horses. They did not even have the chance to stand up and fight before dying under the Ann Army blades that pounced on them.    


It could be said that during this great battle in the forest, the Ninth Army had been forced into a passive position from the very beginning.    


Out of the thirty thousand cavalrymen, only about ten thousand were left. All of them gathered in a small forest, surrounded by Ann Army.    


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