Tomin in The Alien World



0Hearing Li Meier's words, Yue Ze's heart throbbed. With such a beauty, what more could he ask for?    


He waved to the side, and a trembling palace maid walked over with a tray. On the tray, there was a jug of wine and a wine cup. Yue Ze received the jug and cup, poured a cup of wine, and drank down the surrounding palace maids.    


The wine in the wine jug was a precious wine, but it was also mixed with a strong poison, a single drop of it was enough to cause a person's death.    


Yue Ze's hand that was holding onto the cup trembled. Drinking this cup of venomous wine was very easy, and after that, all of his worries would have nothing to do with him. However, he also had to forever separate himself from his most beloved woman.    


Looking at Li Meier's beautiful face, he felt a wave of unwillingness to part, and said intermittently: "I really want to ? I really want to be by her side again ? Even if ? "Another ? Another day is good ?"    


As he said till here, Yue Ze slowly closed his eyes and let out a long sigh. Then, he steeled his heart, abruptly raised the wine cup, and put it to his lips.    


"Your Majesty ?" Li Meier's heart trembled, she snatched the wine cup and said softly: "Your Majesty, please allow chenqie to go first!"    


Just then, a loud bang came from inside the palace. Soon after, the hall door was kicked open from the outside and several Feng Soldier s rushed in.    


Yue Ze and Li Meier were both shocked, the latter could not hold onto her wine cup properly and fell to the ground.    


The Feng Soldier that rushed in quickly scouted the place and discovered that there was no one else other than Yue Ze and Li Meier in the hall. Only then, they all started to move aside.    


As they separated, another person walked in from outside. This person was dressed in Official Robe s of the Feng Country and official, of average stature. He was young, not yet thirty years old, had a white face and no beard, and had a delicate and refined appearance.    


This person was none other than the chief adviser of the Feng Country, Cai Gui.    


After Cai Gui walked into the hall, he first looked at Yue Ze, and then looked at Li Meier with a complicated gaze. After pondering for a moment, he cupped his hands and bowed, and said: "This humble one, Cai Gui, greets Your Highness An Wang ? Lady Yanning! "    


Of course, Yue Ze recognized Cai Gui. When he visited the Zhenjiang, he had also met with him a few times. To think that Cai Gui would appear in his own palace, Yue Ze was first stunned, then smiled. He bitterly laughed and lamented, "The ruler of a nation of death, why must Master Cai be so courteous?"    


Cai Gui laughed dryly, cleared his throat and said: "This one ? There are a few words that I would like to discuss with Lady Yanning in private. I wonder if Prince An can help? "    


His words immediately aroused Yue Ze's vigilance, he subconsciously grabbed onto Li Meier's hand, angrily staring at Cai Gui, he asked: "What are you planning to do?"    


Cai Gui waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, Your Highness. I have no ill intentions towards Lady Yanning ?"    


Before his voice fell, Li Meier lightly patted the back of Yue Ze's hand and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, let your concubine pass. Your concubine believes in Master Cai's character."    


Her words were even to Yue Ze, or to Cai Gui. The latter could not help but reveal a wry smile.    


Yue Ze stared blankly at Li Meier. After a long while, he slowly let go of her hands. Li Meier walked out of the inner room, and arrived in front of Cai Gui. He first bowed lightly, and then said in a low voice: "Thank you."    


Her thanks was because Cai Gui did not reveal her identity, nor did he call her by name.    


Cai Gui understood what she meant, and pursed his lips together, then asked: "You ? Do you really plan to die together with Yue Ze? "    


"Yes sir!" Li Meier nodded firmly.    


"Do you really think he's worth it?"    


"Yes sir!"    


"If I regret it now, I still have a chance." While speaking, Cai Gui approached her and whispered in her ear: "The King has already said that if Meier is willing, she can stay by the King's side and be the Queen's wife!"    


"Please go back and thank your king on behalf of Meier. Meier ? I can only accept it in my heart. " Li Meier looked at Cai Gui, her eyes revealing a resolute look.    


Sigh! Cai Gui sighed on the inside, he stared straight at Li Meier for a long time, but in the end, he still nodded helplessly. He waved to one of the Feng Soldier at his side, and that Feng Soldier immediately went up and took down the backpack from her shoulders, and gave it to Li Meier.    


"Milord, this is ?" Li Meier looked at the package in confusion, then looked at Cai Gui.    


"Inside, there are two sets of Feng Army military uniforms. Take advantage of the chaos in the palace, you and Yue Ze ? "Hurry up and run far away, to a place where no one can find you." Cai Gui took the package and stuffed it into Li Meier's arms without explanation.    


Never would he have thought that Cai Gui, who was wholeheartedly thinking about his career and career, would actually dare to take the risk of losing his head and secretly enlarge both King and himself as they escaped. Li Meier looked at him in disbelief, her tears streaming down her face.    


"Stop talking, let's go!" Cai Gui took out a dozen or so silver bills from his clothes and stuffed them into his bag without even looking. Then he took a deep breath and said, "There's only that much I can do.    


After he finished speaking, he forcefully pushed Li Meier, and then flung his head to the left and right of Feng Soldier.    


Several Feng Soldier s each took out a jar that was filled with oil, opened its lid, and quickly sprinkled the Pyretic Oil s on the floor and walls of the palace.    


Li Meier's eyes were brimming with hot tears as she held the bundle and slowly retreated while looking at Cai Gui.    


Previously, she thought she was only a tool in Cai Gui's heart, a tool to destroy the Ann Country and allow him to rise to greatness. Turns out it wasn't like this, in his heart, there was a place for her.    


She did not say anything and only knocked her head three times towards Cai Gui. Then, without further ado, she stood up, turned around and walked back into the inner room, and changed her Feng Army uniform with Yue Ze.    


The two sets of military uniforms that Cai Gui gave her seemed to fit the two of them perfectly. Soon, another Feng Soldier came forward, took off his helmet and armor, and gave it to the two of them.    


Yue Ze was completely confused now, his mind was a blank, his face at a loss as he put on Feng Army's military uniform and armor.    


He could not understand why Cai Gui would do this, or why he would help him like this. Back then, when he was at Zhenjiang, although he had met Cai Gui a few times, they did not have a deep friendship, but they were not close friends!    


When Yue Ze and Li Meier had donned all their military uniforms and armor, Cai Gui ordered two Feng Soldier s to escort the two of them out of the palace, while he himself brought the remaining few Feng Army s to exit the palace, ignited a torch, and threw them into the palace.    


In the blink of an eye, the huge palace had turned into a sea of fire. The fire spread from the inside to the outside, and very quickly, the roof of the palace was opened, and the flames soared into the air.    


Cai Gui stood outside the palace, watched the flames burn even hotter, and let out a long sigh of relief accordingly.    


None of the people present noticed the person squatting on the wall nearby. This person was none other than Tang Yin. Right now, the wounds on his eyes had already healed, but there were still traces of red on the corners of his eyes. However, it no longer affected his vision.    


"So, there came a time when Your Highness could be merciful and lenient." Following the chuckle, Ren Xiao also jumped up onto the wall and sat down beside Tang Yin.    


Tang Yin turned his head and looked at him, intentionally feigning ignorance, as he asked: "Why do you say that?"    


"Master Cai doesn't have the guts to let go of both King Yue and Miss Meier without permission. Presumably, this was obtained from His Highness beforehand." Ren Xiao chuckled as he looked at him.    


Tang Yin shrugged his shoulders, he did not comment, but it could be considered as a tacit agreement.    


Just like what Ren Xiao had said, even if Cai Gui had the guts, he would not dare to let Yue Ze go privately. This was not a small matter, if it were to spread to the imperial government, not only him, the whole clan would also be annihilated.    


"Prince An once did some immoral deeds to his imperial concubine, and His Highness is actually willing to let him go. This really doesn't fit with His Highness' usual style!" "Could it be ?" At this point, he deliberately did not finish his words and only looked at him with a smile.    


After waiting for a while, but Tang Yin did not reply, he thought to himself that it was boring, and could only continue: "Could it be that Your Highness has fallen for Miss Meier, and cannot bear to see Miss Meier die with An Wang?"    



The silent Tang Yin suddenly spoke: "I have something to ask you."    


Seeing his serious face, Ren Xiao stopped joking around and asked: What does Your Highness want to know?    


"Will the cultivation level of the Spiritual Martial Force really affect one's mental state?" Tang Yin frowned, he was staring at him.    


"Logically speaking, it should be like this." Pausing for a moment, Ren Xiao then continued: "However, I feel that His Highness' heart has broadened, and this is actually a good thing."    


Tang Yin rolled her eyes at him, changed the topic, and said indifferently: "Miss Meier has done meritorious service to the Feng Country, let her go with Yue Ze, consider it my reward to her, that's all, there is no other meaning."    


With that, he leaned back and floated from the wall to the outside of the courtyard.    


"Ugh ?" Your Highness is really cold! " Ren Xiao shook his head and laughed, then jumped down the courtyard wall.    


Yue Ze's chambers had been set on fire by the Feng Army, and the proclamations that came out of the Feng Army were that Yue Ze and Li Meier were both burnt to death, let alone people who didn't understand the internal affairs of the palace, even people from the Wind people who knew about the internal affairs could be counted on one's fingers.    


To completely sever the desire to return to peace and security, Tang Yin had to create the illusion that Yue Ze was dead.    


However, even Cai Gui did not know that Yue Ze and Li Meier had not truly escaped from his control.    


After quietly escaping from the palace, the two of them were immediately controlled by the hidden archers outside. Tang Yin ordered Dark Arrow to set them up in an isolated forest deep in the mountains. Tang Yin sent people to help them build their residences. There were guards around their residence. It could be said that Yue Ze and Li Mei Er were under Tang Yin's eternal house arrest. Of course, this was already the limit of what Tang Yin could do.    


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