Tomin in The Alien World



0General of Ann Country carried Tang Yin and rushed to the edge of the city wall.    


At this time, Tang Yin suddenly shouted: "Steady!" Following the shout, his feet became like two nails, firmly nailing him to the city wall. No matter how hard the General of Ann Country tried, it was difficult to push him any further.    


The General of Ann Country cried out in dissatisfaction, using all her strength to push his head against Tang Yin's chest, causing the ground to creak. Tang Yin sneered, suddenly raised his arm, and punched downwards right on top of General of Ann Country's head.    


With a crisp smack, General of Ann Country's body fell flat at her feet. Without waiting for General of Ann Country to crawl back up, Tang Yin bent down and used one hand to press down on the back of's head, while raising her other hand high up, the spirit sword aimed at the back of General of Ann Country's neck and fiercely stabbed down.    


"Puchi!" This life threatening sword pierced through General of Ann Country's neck, but the latter did not even make a sound. He died on the spot, his body emitting spirit energy.    


Tang Yin had killed two General of Ann Country s in a single breath, causing the surrounding Ann Army soldiers to be overwhelmed with shock. They all subconsciously retreated, not daring to take another three steps forward with Tang Yin.    


They were terrified, but Tang Yin did not care about that. After killing the two General of Ann Country s, he raised his sword and charged into the crowd of Ann Army cultivators.    


Under Tang Yin's crazy slaughter, the Ann Army here became more and more chaotic the more he fought. Gradually, the Feng Army below the city walls had already climbed to the top of the city walls.    


Just as Tang Yin was cutting down Ann Army from all over the place, he suddenly heard someone shouting from within the City Gate Tower, commanding the Ann Army within the city to reinforce the city. He raised his head to look and saw a high-ranking officer from Ann Army sticking his head out from the City Gate Tower.    


There was no need to ask, this person was definitely the main general of Ann Army. Tang Yin's mouth rose, and immediately rushed towards the City Gate Tower. There was a tight pressure from the Ann Army protecting him outside the City Gate Tower, but when Tang Yin attacked, it was as if he had entered a place devoid of people, forcefully opening up a path of blood, and charged into the City Gate Tower.    


Tang Yin's reaction was extremely fast. He moved his body to the side and managed to dodge all the spirit swords, and then, without waiting for the second round to begin, he waved his sword and rushed forward, striking one of the Spirit Arrow Bowman three times in a row.    


The Spirit Arrow Bowman fought in a panic, barely managing to block Tang Yin's first two strikes. His third strike pierced right through his chest, causing him to scream in pain as he fell onto his back, while the other Spirit Arrow Bowman s all threw away their spirit bows, took out their swords from under his ribs, and clashed with Tang Yin.    


On the other hand, Tang Yin was like a mud fish, swimming freely in the gaps between the crowd. Every time he used his sword, he would force his opponent into a perilous situation.    


The two sides had only fought for five moves, and yet another Spirit Arrow Bowman had fallen to the ground. Seeing how frighteningly powerful Tang Yin was, the Spirit Arrow Bowman s also gave up. They gave up fighting with him and rushed forward, wanting to trap him.    


Some of the Spirit Arrow Bowman s embraced Tang Yin's waist, some grabbed onto Tang Yin's legs, and there were even some who tightly gripped onto his arms.    


Seeing that the Spirit Arrow Bowman had successfully captured the enemy, the surrounding Ann Soldier thought that it was a good opportunity, they all rushed over, and desperately slashed and stabbed the weapons on their hands towards Tang Yin's body.    


For a moment, the sound of metal clanging against each other rang unceasingly, and Tang Yin's body was also splattered with sparks. Fortunately, his cultivation base was deep and his spirit armor was tough enough. Otherwise, even with the protection of the spirit armor, he wouldn't be able to escape unscathed.    


He let out a loud shout, and Fire of Darkness began to ignite all over his body. The Spirit Arrow Bowman who were embracing him initially were immediately affected by the Fire of Darkness, and their spirit armor began to hiss from the fire.    


These Spirit Arrow Bowman were tough, even under such circumstances, none of them let go and continued to hold onto Tang Yin tightly. Unfortunately, they didn't last long. Very quickly, the Fire of Darkness burned their spirit armor, directly burning their bodies.    


Amidst the waves of miserable cries, the Spirit Arrow Bowman's body started to emit spirit energy. The light in their eyes quickly disappeared, and was replaced with dead ashes.    


Tang Yin's body shook, all the corpses hanging on his body fell, he then raised his spirit sword and slashed at the Ann Soldier around him.    


The crisp sound of a spirit weapon breaking through armor rang in the air. With just a few slashes, more than half of the surrounding tens of Ann Soldier s had already fallen. Tang Yin did not care about the others. Instead, he lifted his Spirit Sword and quickly went up the stairs, straight to the top floor of the Cong City Building.    


His target was the general of the defending army. As long as he killed the general of the other party, his North City would soon fall as well.    


At the same time he climbed the stairs, a large number of Ann Soldier and General of Ann Country s continued to pour down from above. Tang Yin was like a demon that killed red-eyed men, the spirit sword in his hand slashed and stabbed continuously, on top of the stairs, the wails of the dying could not be heard.    


Who knew how many soldiers he had killed in the Ann Army. Tang Yin stepped on the corpses and forcibly rushed to the top floor of the City Gate Tower.    


After arriving here, the space in front of him suddenly became clear. He took a closer look and saw that there were still more than ten General of Ann Country s and guards in the attic.    


The leader of the General of Ann Country shouted out: "I am Cheng Huaisong from Ann Country, and I am here to report your name!"    


Tang Yin scoffed, and coldly snorted: "A nameless newbie wants to be like a mantis trying to stop a chariot!" As he spoke, he strode forward and stabbed his sword towards Cheng Huaisong's throat.    


Cheng Huaisong's spirit force was not weak. Seeing Tang Yin's sword coming at him aggressively, he used all his strength to defend.    


Clang! Tang Yin's spirit sword was bounced back. Just as he was about to attack again, the General of Ann Country and guards around Cheng Huaisong had already surrounded him and attacked together.    


These General of Ann Country s and guards could all be considered as the top disciples of the Spirit Cultivator, so randomly, they would pick out one that had a set of extraordinary spirit skills. It was just that, they were currently facing Tang Yin, who had already reached the Spirit Space Stage realm!    


Facing the combined attacks of everyone, he was not in a hurry and calmly responded. His body flashed out at an inconceivable angle, straight towards one of the Ann Army's deputy Generals. The man's vision blurred, and the man was standing right in front of him.    


At the same time that the deputy general was shocked, he instinctively released the soul martial skill ? Soul-chasing Thorn.    


At such a close distance, Tang Yin seemed to have no way to dodge at all. He could only watch helplessly as the Spirit Thorn he released pierced through the enemy's body.    


However, just as he was overjoyed, he was quickly replaced by fear. This was because the figure which was pierced through by his Soul-chasing Thorn was slowly disappearing, it turned out that it was only an afterimage. The enemy's real body had already flashed behind him, and was striking him with a fatal blow.    


Ka-cha! * By the time the deputy general realized this, it was already too late for him to dodge. His shoulder was struck by Tang Yin's Spirit Sword and half of his body was sliced off. With a plop, he fell to the ground.    


The rest of the people could see everything clearly, their expressions could not help but change, the fear in their hearts overshadowing their cowardice, they shouted out like madmen and continued to rush towards Tang Yin.    


However, the difference in strength between the two sides was too great. The disparity was something that could not be made up for with just using one's life on the line.    


In the following rounds, the spirit sword in Tang Yin's hand seemed to have turned into a spirit serpent, moving up and down, attacking left, attacking right. In that moment, three more people died miserable deaths under his sword.    


The remaining deputy Generals became increasingly disheartened. After fighting to the end, they all retreated back to Cheng Huaisong's side, not taking even half a step forward.    


Tang Yin then pointed his Spirit Sword at the group and said proudly, "If you surrender now, there might be a way for you to survive. If you resist until the end with your life," As he said that, he pointed to the corpses scattered all over the ground, "This is what you have learned!"    


Cheng Huaisong was not scared by his words. Instead, he laughed out loud and said: "Thief Feng, even if we die, we will die together with you and the rest of the Thief Feng!"    


Tang Yin shook his head, and snorted: "Even in the face of death, you still dare to talk big!"    


"You'll know whether it's boasting or not if you try it!"    


While speaking, Cheng Huaisong suddenly raised his sword and hacked down ruthlessly, but his target was not Tang Yin, instead, it was the Ann Army Flag that was hanging outside the pavilion. With a crisp sound, the An flag snapped, and dropped from the sky.    


Tang Yin frowned, he did not understand why the other party would suddenly become so crazy, or how they could so easily cut off their own army flags.    


Just when he felt that something was off, Cheng Huaisong once again slashed out with his sword, releasing a long stream of Spirit Wave. The target of the Spirit Wave was not him, but the torch on the wall.    


Ka, ka! The two torches were cut apart by the Spirit Wave and dropped onto the ground. The moment the torches landed, there was a whoosh sound, and flames appeared. Soon after, the entire top floor was covered in a sea of fire.    


However, the smell of blood on the battlefield had concealed the smell of the Pyretic Oil, and no one would have thought that someone would think of such a method to kill the Pyretic Oil, even Tang Yin did not notice the Pyretic Oil on the ground.    


At the same time as the oil was ignited, the men, led by Cheng Huaisong, rushed at Tang Yin and grabbed him.    


Now, looking at the outside of City Gate Tower, following the break of the Ann Country's banner, the Generals And Soldiers of Ann Army s below the city walls all nocked their bows and nocked their arrows. The arrowheads were filled with flames and they aimed at the top of the city walls in unison and shot their arrows out.    



The rockets all landed on the city wall, and in an instant, the North City wall of Imperial Town became a long wall of fire. The raging flames burned from the top of the city wall all the way to the bottom of the city wall, and the pitiful Ann Army and the attacking Feng Army, all over the city wall, burned into flames, as they let out heart-wrenching screams. Many people fell from above the city wall as they waved their arms and legs, and when they landed, they accompanied by the crisp sounds of bones breaking, and some soldiers who had not died yet were still crawling, shouting, struggling, and finally being engulfed by the flames.    


This was Cheng Huaisong's final move. If he could not defend against the enemy, he would perish together with them.    


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