Tomin in The Alien World



0The fact that Li Meier was able to return from the Wind Battalion was a surprise to many of the Ann Country Ministers.    


If it was said that she was a spy for Feng Country, at this time, there was no longer any need to return to the Imperial Town, and there was no meaning to it either. If she wasn't a spy, Feng Ren actually let her go, and even let her return ?    


Regardless of what people were thinking, Li Meier had still returned in the end. At this time, Yue Ze, who was extremely saddened at the palace, could not believe his ears when he heard the news. He was sprinting all the way out of the palace.    


When he saw that Li Meier was safe and sound, Yue Ze could no longer control his emotions and rushed forward to embrace her. He called her name and tears couldn't help but fall down.    


Although she could not get Tang Yin's understanding and concessions, her heart had already completely calmed down. In front of Yue Ze, she could also put in all of her heart and soul into it, and there was no need to think about anything else.    


She nestled into Yue Ze's embrace and said with a low voice, "Meier has made your Majesty worried ? This time when I went to the Wind Camp, although I met the Feng King, but ? Meier was unable to convince Feng King ? "    


Without waiting for her to finish speaking, Yue Ze hugged her even more tightly, and said while choking on his sobs, "It's good that Aiki can come back safely.    


In Yue Ze's arms, even if she was about to be suffocated by his embrace, Li Meier did not feel any sense of disgust at all. Instead, she felt very at ease.    


Li Meier was an orphan. Since she was young, she was adopted by the Cai Residence and trained by them, hence she had already read and read about how hot and cold the world was. She was deeply moved by Yue Ze's kindness towards her, but she also cherished him greatly.    


It was a pity that she could not change Tang Yin's decision nor could she change the fate of both countries.    


On the second day after Li Meier returned to the Imperial Town, the Feng Army finally sounded the horn for an all-out attack.    


All sorts of siege equipment had already been set up, and once the siege started, all of the attacks from the Feng Army would begin like a torrential storm.    


Rock bullets and crossbow arrows of all sizes smashed over from all directions from Imperial Town. There was no side point, so it could be said that the eastern, southern, western, and northern four cities of Imperial Town were all targets of the main Feng Army attack.    


The strikes from the Trebuchet and the City-breaking Crossbow continued from morning until noon, as though it was never ending.    


Under such a fierce and continuous attack, the walls of the Imperial Town were already riddled with holes. Fortunately, the Imperial Town was the capital city and the width of the walls was close to ten meters, otherwise, they would have collapsed long ago.    


Until the afternoon, when the long ranged attacks by the Feng Army finally came to an end, and then, the forced advancement of the infantry began.    


Pingyuan Army, Heavenly Eagle Army, Directly Subordinate Army, and new troops were pushed forward from four different directions, while the Ninth Army spread out to act as meat shields to cover the advance of the different armies. As the Feng Army entered the range of the Imperial Town, the defending troops began their counterattack.    


Stone bullets and arrows continuously reflected out of the city, and as they fell into the Feng Army Camp s, miserable screams rang out from all directions. Imperial Town's defending army of two hundred thousand was after all, and since it was a battle to the death, their retaliation was also abnormally vicious and fierce.    


Even with such a blow, it was still unable to deter and stop the advancement of Feng Army. Even after paying a large number of casualties, Feng Army was still pushed to the side of the city walls.    


The already prepared wooden planks and ladders were laid out on the moat, and a large number of soldiers crossed the moat, charging directly towards the city walls. Immediately afterwards, they set up the ladders and swarmed forward, charging towards the city walls.    


Feng Army crawled very quickly and fell very quickly as well. At the top of the city wall, the rolling wood and stepping stones were falling like snowflakes and the boiling hot Pyretic Oil s were also being poured with water from time to time. In addition to this, there were also continuous shooting arrows. The attack from Feng Army was very fierce, but after attacking one wave, the next wave was sent down. With hundreds of thousands of Generals And Soldiers of Feng Army gathered at the bottom of the city, they were unable to attack.    


The battle still continued, and after attacking for nearly two hours, the Thunderbolt Car s of Feng Army were finally pushed past the moat and were transported to the city gate. Following the arrival of the Thunderbolt Car, the morale of the Feng Army was greatly boosted. Everyone pulled the hammers on the Thunderbolt Car and hammered the city gates.    


Following the loud rumbling sounds, the city walls around the city gate began to shake violently. However, very quickly, the defenders on top of the city walls began to respond by either throwing rocks or pouring Pyretic Oil s. At the same time, the rockets were also continuously shooting down.    


Under the fierce attack of the defending army, one Thunderbolt Car from the Feng Army was practically damaged after being pushed up another one. The Thunderbolt Car that was abandoned due to the damage were all quickly blocked by the nearby moat, which showed how intense the battle was.    


The more they fought, the more difficult it became, it was not as smooth as they imagined, which made Tang Yin, who was previously full of confidence, unable to watch anymore.    


He secretly clenched his teeth, and suddenly shouted to the people on his left and right, "You guys come out with me!" As he spoke, he urged his warhorse forward and charged forward.    


Jiang Fan, Qi Heng, Cheng Jin and the rest who were around were all shocked, they did not dare to be negligent and followed Tang Yin out of the array.    


Yin Lan also wanted to follow Tang Yin into the battle, but Ren Xiao stopped her. The latter shook her head and said, "Miss Yin Lan should just watch from the back."    


"I have to protect the King!" Yin Lan said anxiously without thinking.    


Ren Xiao laughed: With Your Highness's spiritual force, you do not need Miss Yin Lan's protection, but Miss Yin Lan is very likely to distract Your Highness.    


Yin Lan blushed and wanted to retort, but she swallowed the words that were just about to leave her mouth. Although Ren Xiao's words were not good, but it was the truth, as her spirit weapon could not be compared to Tang Yin's.    


As for Tang Yin, he immediately took the lead and rushed towards the North City s. Just as he arrived near the moat, the arrow formations above the city walls shot towards him.    


Tang Yin pulled out his sword to block, his sword was fast enough, but he was only able to block 10 more arrows before he was shot off the horse, and rolled far away, but with the protection of his spirit armor, the arrows were not able to harm him, and when he got off the horse, he was shot like a hedgehog.    


With a cold snort, he raised his spirit sword and rushed to the moat. Just as he was about to rush down the wooden board, the arrow shot out from the top of the moat once again.    


"My King, be careful!" There was a Feng Soldier at the side of the moat. She raised her shield and stood in front of Tang Yin to protect him.    


As the arrow shot over, it hit the shield and made a jingling sound. However, the arrow formation was too dense, and even with the shield to block, arrows still passed through the gaps of the shield and struck Feng Soldier who was behind the formation.    


In the midst of a series of miserable screams, five of the Feng Soldier arrows fell to the ground, dying miserably at Tang Yin's feet. The latter focused gaze, and immediately pushed away the Feng Soldier in front of him, releasing a layer of Black Fog s around him. Soon after, his figure disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already at the opposite side of the moat, following which, his figure released another Black Fog s, and he also disappeared again. When he reappeared, he was already at the top of the city wall of Imperial Town.    


The Shadow Shift s that were continuously coming at him from two long distances allowed Tang Yin, who was standing outside the moat, to directly step on the city walls.    


Seeing that an enemy with a Black Spirit Armor cover was about to climb the wall, the surrounding Generals And Soldiers of Ann Army s were all shocked. They all shouted out and rushed towards Tang Yin to surround him.    


Swish, swish, swish! All sorts of short spear blades struck towards Tang Yin, the latter brandished his spirit sword, causing sounds of cracking to ring out. The blades that were attacking Tang Yin all broke.    


Without waiting for the surrounding enemies to retreat, Tang Yin swung his spirit sword once again. Several Ann Soldier s did not even have a chance to see what happened, and their bodies were already decapitated.    


The sword that Tang Yin was using now was the Dragon Roar sword that Huangfu Yucheng had left behind, it was extremely sharp, especially after entering the Spirit Transformation realm, it was unstoppable, how could ordinary blades defend against it?    


Sweeping his sword across and knocking down several Ann Soldier, Tang Yin bellowed and released his Fire of Darkness, covering his sword with it. Wielding his spirit sword, he rushed into the crowd of Ann Army practitioners, charging left and right, slashing and killing them.    


Tang Yin was alone, but the Ann Army on this section of the city wall had been thrown into chaos. Not long after, he burned the Ann Army he had with his Fire of Darkness, burning away more than a hundred people.    


Just as he was about to kill them, a shout came from the Ann Army crowd, and immediately after, two General of Ann Country s rushed out, both of them wearing white spirit armor, with one of them holding onto a spirit spear and the other holding onto a Spiritual Knife, they pounced at Tang Yin from the left and right.    


The spirit warriors of the two General of Ann Country were not weak, but in front of Tang Yin, they were insignificant. Seeing that the two Spirit Weapons were approaching him, Tang Yin casually swung the Spirit Sword in his hand outwards, hitting the Spirit Spear that was thrusting at him.    


Ka-cha! * When the long and narrow spirit spear touched the tip of the Dragoncry Sword, it broke like tofu. Then, he turned his body slightly to give way to the Spiritual Knife.    


The General of Ann Country was shocked. She used all her strength to try and pull the Spiritual Knife out of Tang Yin's hand, but no matter how hard he tried, the Spiritual Knife remained motionless.    


On the other hand, General of Ann Country saw that the spirit spear in his hand was broken, and her companion's weapon was caught by, he was startled and angry, roared, and used the half of the spirit spear in his hand as a rod, aimed at Tang Yin's head, and smashed down with all his strength.    


"Humph!" Tang Yin sneered, he held his spirit sword horizontally, and blocked half of the opponent's spirit spear.    


Tang Yin did not feel anything and stood at his original position. His body did not even sway, but the General of Ann Country's arm had become numb from the impact and could not stand still.    



Without waiting for him to stand still, Tang Yin suddenly took a step forward, and at the same time, thrusted out his spirit sword, striking the opponent's chest.    


"Pu!" The Spirit Sword penetrated his body, directly causing General of Ann Country's heart to turn cold, the Fire of Darkness also burned his body in that moment. The General of Ann Country screamed and fell to the ground.    


Seeing that, the other General of Ann Country's eyes turned red. She abandoned the Spiritual Knife that Tang Yin had pinched, and pounced towards him without hesitation, grabbing onto Tang Yin's waist, and rushed to the side of the city wall with brute force, wanting to throw him down the city wall.    


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