Tomin in The Alien World



0Under the burning of the Fire of Darkness, the assassin did not have any chance to retaliate. A large amount of mist escaped from his body and he fell to the ground.    


At the same time Tang Yin absorbed the other party's spirit energy, he used his other hand to reach behind his back and forcibly pulled out the three maple leaves.    


Swish! The maple leaves that he shot back didn't have any skill, it just went straight to the point. It was just that the speed was too fast. The three maple leaves seemed to transform into three streaks of lightning as they flashed towards an assassin standing on the roof.    


The assassin reacted quickly as well, continuously waving the spirit sword in his hand to block the three maple leaves. However, he was also forced to retreat three steps, and the tiles beneath his feet creaked.    


"Kill!" An assassin jumped down from the roof, using the spirit sword as a blade, he slashed towards Tang Yin's head. Tang Yin's body bent down, and was smashed into the ground by the opponent's sword, with a force of more than a foot.    


The Assassin refused to budge, with both hands on his sword, he tried to push Tang Yin down forcefully, trying to push him down to the ground.    


Tang Yin took a deep breath, he unexpectedly pulled back his blade, and at the same time as his opponent's spirit sword descended, he extended his hand and grabbed the sword, following that, he turned his hand back and cut his opponent's waist.    


"Humph!" The assassin snorted, and jumped backwards, at the same time using all his strength to pull out the spirit sword Tang Yin was grabbing onto.    


With a 'sha' sound, he forcefully pulled out the spirit sword, and at the same time, jumped three meters back. Then, he looked at the Spirit Armor on Tang Yin's palm, which had two long holes cut by the light of the Spirit Sword.    


What a powerful Spirit Cultivator! Tang Yin secretly praised him in his heart, but the Spiritual Knife in his hands did not stop as it slashed down from above. The Spirit Wave shot out, streaked across the ground, straight towards the opponent.    


The Assassin did not dodge. He brandished his Spirit Sword and also shot out his Spirit Wave, clashing head on with Tang Yin.    


Boom! * The two powerful Spirit Wave clashed into each other, making a loud sound as the skin exploded. The surrounding Spirit Pressure vibrated, and the Qi scattered in all directions.    


The Assassin never thought that Tang Yin's Spirit Wave was just a feint. His goal was not to injure him, but to cut a hole in the ground in front of Tang Yin.    


When the assassin was about to throw the Spirit Wave down, Tang Yin, who had been trapped in the ground, had already rushed along the crack caused by the Spirit Wave and arrived in front of the assassin. The top part of the blade was shaking, disturbing the assassin's line of sight, and the bottom half of the blade was grabbing onto the assassin's ankle, causing the Fire of Darkness to burn all over the assassin's body.    


The assassin's cultivation was not weak, he was a top tier expert of Misty Hall and Blood Blade, although his cultivation was not as good as Tang Yin's, the disparity was not that great, Tang Yin's Fire of Darkness would still need some time to burn his spirit armor.    


But before waiting for the other party to react, Tang Yin suddenly roared out explosively, he swung his arm, grabbed the assassin's ankle and ruthlessly threw him towards the ground. BOOM! The force of this fall created a large crater in the ground.    


Tang Yin's eyes shone with a green light, as if he was an incarnation of a demon. He grabbed onto the opponent's ankle tightly, his arms spinning once again. The assassin's body crashed into the ground on the other side, creating a huge crater.    


Tang Yin roared as he continued to exert his strength, as if he was throwing a broken rag doll. The only sound that could be heard was the unceasing rumbling and rumbling of the arena as countless craters appeared in the ground around him.    


No matter how deep the assassin's cultivation was, he could not withstand such consecutive collisions. The spirit armor on his body had already begun to crack and the Fire of Darkness was burning his spirit armor until it sizzled.    


When the surrounding assassins saw this, they were overwhelmed with shock. Two of them quickly rushed forward with the intention of saving their comrades.    


Tang Yin dragged the assassin who was beaten black and blue with a single hand, and directly welcomed the two incoming assassins. Using the assassin as a weapon, he swept his arm fiercely towards them.    


The two assassins turned pale with fright. One of them reacted extremely quickly and leaped up, making way for his companion who had swept over. The other assassin's reaction was slower, and he was hit in the face by his companion.    


With a * Kacha * sound, their bodies collided, causing the person who was struck to fly out, smashing into the walls of the hall, and directly falling into the hall. On the other hand, the person in Tang Yin's hands, who was wearing the spirit armor, was finally unable to take it anymore, and shattered into pieces.    


Although he had sucked all the essence out of the other party's body, Tang Yin still did not let go. He carried the dried up corpse and rushed back into the hall through the big hole in the wall.    


At this time, the person who had just fallen in stood up, before his head could recover, Tang Yin had already smashed the corpse in his hands down.    


Pow! The Assassin fell to the ground once again. The pitiful corpse was smashed into pieces, and in Tang Yin's hands, only half of it was left.    


Without even looking, Tang Yin immediately threw it away and jumped forward. He grabbed the back of the assassin's head and smashed into it consecutively.    


Pa, pa, pa ? With a continuous sound, the marble floor of the great hall was first smashed into pieces, and then turned into dust. Finally, even the floor was smashed into a large pit, and the assassin's face was covered with blood, and his facial features were a mess of blood and flesh. The last attack Tang Yin had given him was to directly decapitate him. Carrying his bloodied head, he walked out of the hall step by step.    


The assassins present were all aghast. How was this a human, this was simply a humanoid monster!    


"Use your skills!" It was unknown who shouted, but following that, the assassins around released their skills one by one. In an instant, the courtyard was filled with light, with Spirit Blade s and Spirit Thorn s everywhere. There was only one target, Tang Yin.    


Because of the existence of the Spirit Pressure, it greatly restricted the speed of Spirit Blade and Spirit Thorn. This also gave Tang Yin sufficient time to analyze which direction the attack was stronger and which direction the attack was weaker.    


He caught hold of a body at his feet, picked it up, bounced it off the ground, and then kicked it forward, sending the dried body flying.    


He was using his corpse to give himself a lead. He first blocked a portion of the Spirit Blade s, then rushed over himself.    


Pfft, kacha! A series of crisp sounds rang continuously at the scene. The pitiful corpse, under the attacks of so many Spirit Blade s, broke apart into small pieces, while Tang Yin took this opportunity to slip past the gaps between the remaining Spirit Blade s and appear in front of an assassin like a ghost. That person's heart trembled, and without thinking, he unleashed three shots in a row, all of his spears rushing towards Tang Yin's face. The Spiritual Knife swept out with a backhand, and with a 'kacha' sound, the blade cut into the man's waist. This was the true 'one cut, two halves', and the upper half of the assassin fell to the ground, but the lower half of his body was still standing at his original position, and the Spirit Fog kept coming out from the two halves of his corpse.    


Dozens of assassins, all of them with first-rate Misty Hall assassins, only injured Tang Yin in battle. However, on their side, they had already lost close to ten people.    


Although Tang Yin looked to be going berserk on the surface, he was actually very calm. After this exchange, he had experienced it himself, the strongest line in the Misty Hall were blood blades, weapons were all swords and concealed weapons were Maple Leaf, it was just that there were very few of them.    


The ones with the most numbers were the earth demons, but their individual strengths were not strong, and Sky Slaughter was a relatively average number of people, neither strong nor weak. The advantage was that their coordination with the earth demons and Blood Blade was very good.    


Tang Yin was also shocked, he never thought that there were actually so many Spiritual Martial Expert s in the Misty Hall. If they had used these experts to assassinate him, he might not have been able to resist at that time.    


It was just that the current Tang Yin was no longer the same as before. Even though there was only a difference of one level between Spirit Space Stage and another, the difference in strength between the two was like the difference between heaven and earth;    


The fierce battle continued. The number of assassins did not increase, but the remaining assassins were all elites of Misty Hall. It would be hard to deal with even one of them, let alone thirty plus people.    


Following the intensification of the battle, another ten assassins fell one after another. Tang Yin, on the other hand, had his spirit armour broken.    


The more he fought, the more abundant his spiritual energy became, but the worst thing was the loss of his physical strength. Until now, he didn't even have the strength to straighten his body.    


The assassins surrounding him weren't much better off. All of them were sweating, panting and hissing sounds could be heard one after another.    


With the battle having reached this stage, it was not only the Spiritual Martial Force that was being competed. It was also a competition of wills. It was a competition to see who would be the first to relax.    


"Kill!" Under the shouts of the assassin, another round of besieging began. One of the assassins attacked from the front from Tang Yin's side, while the other two assassins sneaked an attack from behind. The two Blood Blade Assassins on the roof also threw out their maple leaves, attacking Tang Yin's vital points.    


Tang Yin took a deep breath, cheered himself up and shouted, "Come at me!"    


Then, his body leaned forward without any warning, and his feet stomped on the ground hard, shooting backward. The two assassins who sneaked an attack on him from behind were shocked, they raised their Spiritual Knife s and pierced towards Tang Yin who was retreating.    


In the instant that the blade neared, Tang Yin's body leaned to the side, the dual blades swept past his chest and back, he slipped between the two blades, and took the opportunity to shoulder the two people under the ribs.    


The two assassins were caught unprepared by his strange move and were not prepared. They were hit by Tang Yin's shoulder, causing them to scream and fly out.    


Tang Yin still had not gotten up from the ground, and the maple leaves that were flying down had fallen forward. In that moment of danger, he did not care about whether the wolf was alright with his situation, as he rolled his body horizontally.    


However, as he rolled away, the maple leaf, like a butterfly, swirled in the air for a moment before continuing to fly towards him.    



What a loathsome concealed weapon! Tang Yin secretly clenched his teeth. If he could not get rid of the two Blood Blade Assassins on the roof, he would have to suffer under the threat of their hidden weapons.    


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