Tomin in The Alien World



0Tang Yin's body trembled slightly, the spirit mist released, following that, his body was covered in a layer of spirit armor, at the same time, the blade in his hand flew out of its sheath as fast as lightning, and following a series of crisp clangs, balls of fire shot out from his surroundings, flying towards the maple leaves that were flying in all directions, some landing on the ground while some entering into the walls.    


"That's all. You can't kill me." Tang Yin turned the Spiritual Knife in his palm around, stepped forward, and said with a sneer.    


The three men in black did not reply, they all donned their spirit armors, took out their long and narrow Steel Sword, shook their hands and spiritualized them, then rushed towards Tang Yin together.    


The three of them were like arrows, they instantly appeared in front of Tang Yin, and at the same time, unleashed their Spirit Pressure, restricting him.    


Tang Yin took it easy, although he did not have the most suitable Scimitar, for him, using other weapons was not too different.    


He brandished his saber with one hand, and with three clangs, three spirit swords were blocked by him. Afterwards, the two sides clashed back and forth.    


Tang Yin was even more so, the four of them were fighting each other, as though they were on horseback, the hall was filled with images of people moving, rolling and jumping, it was extremely hard to see, at the same time, the sounds of weapons clashing were almost continuous.    


Their quick attacks consumed the most of their stamina. In a battle, there was no rest or time to even take a deep breath. All they had to do was attack and block.    


In less than five minutes, both sides had exchanged no less than two hundred moves. At this time, the speed of the three assassins started to slow down and their breathing became heavier. Their bodies were covered in sweat inside the spirit armor.    


On the other hand, Tang Yin was still calm and composed, and his moves were still incomparably swift.    


During the fight, he let out a snort of laughter and said, "What? But is this not enough? "Then you've really disappointed me!" As he spoke, his blade suddenly accelerated, aiming five consecutive blows at an assassin.    


The Assassin anxiously used his sword to parry, he received Tang Yin's five blades, but he also retreated five steps, and his body was pressed against the wall.    


"Take another stab at me!" Tang Yin bellowed, holding onto his blade with both of his hands, he slashed out.    


Weng! * The Spiritual Knife broke through the wind with an ear-piercing howl. When the blade flashed past, the surrounding air rippled. The Assassin clenched his teeth and used all his strength to grip the sword hilt in one hand and blocked Tang Yin's blade with the other.    


There was a deafening clang, followed by a muffled boom. A huge hole appeared in the wall behind the assassin, and he was sent flying through the collapsed wall.    


Before he landed on the ground, Tang Yin had already caught up with him and raised the Spiritual Knife high in the air as he swung it with all his strength. Weng! * The Spirit Blade tore through the air as it shot its Spirit Wave. This narrow and long Spirit Wave was more than two meters tall, when it streaked across the ground, it tore a long hole in the ground.    


The moment the Spirit Wave closed in, another figure jumped out diagonally. It hugged the assassin and quickly jumped out.    


Tang Yin stopped in his tracks, stopped and lifted his head. On the walls of the courtyard outside, whether they were squatting or fighting, there were over ten Spirit Cultivator s covered in spirit armor. Their sizes and sizes were different, spirit armor's shapes and colors were different, and the weapons in their hands were also different.    


"The brothers of Blood Blade have done their best. It's time for us Ghosts to attack." As he spoke, a plump figure jumped down from the wall.    


This person had a short stature, was fat, and was wearing a layer of thick spirit armor. When he walked, he was like a ball rolling on the ground, looking both funny and scary.    


The Ghost Branch of Misty Hall! Tang Yin squinted his eyes. From the looks of it, Misty Hall had sent out all of its three branches of assassins tonight. There was no need to ask, there would definitely be assassins from the Tian Tu branch tonight.    


Not only was Tang Yin not afraid or worried, he could even feel that the blood in his body was flowing even faster, gradually becoming hot and boiling.    


"Interesting, really interesting, haha ~" Tang Yin lifted his Spiritual Knife and started laughing unrestrainedly.    


He was only one person. Facing the countless assassins in the dark and in the open, he could still laugh as if no one else was around. Just his boldness was comparable to that of an ordinary person.    


"That short and fat assassin tilted his head and looked at Tang Yin. At the same time, he put his hands behind his back down, and in his palms, there were two short and thin daggers. Even now, the Feng King is still this happy.    


"Aren't you looking for death after a long journey?" Tang Yin stopped laughing, his eyes flashing with a faint green light, staring straight at his opponent.    


"Feng King's confidence is truly admirable, but she's also so stupid that it makes people want to laugh!" Before he finished speaking, he quickly stepped forward and with both daggers in her hands, she slashed towards Tang Yin's legs.    


His body was too short and Tang Yin was too tall. It would really not be easy for him to use a dagger to stab a part of Tang Yin's chest up and down.    


Seeing his two daggers coming at him in such a strange way, Tang Yin instinctively retreated. Unexpectedly, just as he dodged, the opponent fell to the side and rolled in front of his feet, with the two daggers still aimed at his legs.    


Tang Yin frowned, he retreated once again, but the opponent continued to roll forward, both daggers not leaving his legs.    


What a strange strategy. No wonder he's called a ghost! Once again, he dodged his opponent's attack. Then, he raised his Spiritual Knife and aimed at the short and fat assassin below, slashing out with his heavy sword.    


The power of his slash was strong and heavy, and when he slashed through the air, a loud sound could be heard. However, the short and fat assassin had no intention of dodging.    


With a muffled boom, a huge crater formed on the ground under Tang Yin's feet. Then, looking at the short and fat Spirit Cultivator, he used a light dagger to catch Tang Yin's blade, and at the same time, used another dagger to cut at Tang Yin's leg tendons.    


Ouch! Tang Yin was rather surprised. Looking at the weapons the other party was using, it should be a light and agile set. He did not expect that he was actually a strength type Spirit Cultivator.    


He jumped up and flew out of the pit. Just as his feet stuck to the ground, the short and fat assassin followed him out of the pit and stabbed his feet with both daggers.    


Tang Yin scoffed, and thought: It's about time I let you experience what a true Earth Dagger looks like! As he thought about this, his body first shrank back, then like a spring, he bounced back. But instead of rolling on the ground, he pressed one hand on the ground to support his body.    


His sudden burst of strength did not allow the short and fat assassin to adapt, and the rhythm of his attack was also completely disrupted. His round body involuntarily retreated backwards, and at the same time, he waved both his daggers, blocking Tang Yin's attack.    


On the stage, the two of them pressed their bodies against the ground, one advancing while the other retreating.    


Before the surrounding assassins could see what was happening, the two of them who were fighting had already changed. The short and fat assassin cried out in shock, and then, a dagger flew into the air, spinning in the air but before the dagger could land on the ground, another dagger was knocked out. Everyone cursed inwardly, but it was too late to save him now, the Spiritual Knife in Tang Yin's hand had already pierced deep into the short and fat assassin's chest, it was so powerful, causing the Fire of Darkness to burn all over his body.    


Whoosh! As the Fire of Darkness burned, the short and fat Spirit Cultivator's pupils gradually expanded and turned gray. He powerlessly fell to the ground and a large amount of spirit mist was emitted from his body, which was eventually absorbed by Tang Yin's body.    


Rustle! Pulling out the Spiritual Knife, without even looking at the corpses beneath his feet, Tang Yin pointed at the assassins around and asked with a sinister smile: "Who's next?"    


At the same time, the more than ten people on the wall all jumped down, fanned out, and slowly surrounded Tang Yin in a circle.    


Before they could take action, another dozen assassins appeared from the shadows. With Tang Yin as the center, they slowly walked over.    


There were more and more assassins gathered in the courtyard. Not long after, the number of assassins had increased to over fifty, and none of them were weak.    


These people either surrounded Tang Yin or stood on the walls or the roof of the house. Indistinctly, they had already set up several layers of encirclement around Tang Yin.    


The Spirit Pressure at the scene had also become unusually heavy, the grass on the ground had already been pressed tightly against the ground, the leaves and branches of the surrounding trees had all fallen off. Even if it was an ordinary person, they could still see the irregular fluctuations in the air.    


"Kill ?"    


It was unknown who shouted first, but following that, three figures rushed up from Tang Yin's front and left side, with one spirit sword and one spear splitting his throat and left and right side.    


He thought, "Good!" Tang Yin parried with his blade. Dang, dang, dang! He didn't move from his original spot, but used his incomparably fast blade to block all three of his opponent's ace attacks.    


Just as he blocked the attacks of the three people, another three people came rushing out. The three Spiritual Knife s all attacked his way out.    


The three of them were too fast, and their attacking angles were tricky, making it difficult for Tang Yin to defend himself against them. He leaped up, jumping over two meters high, and dodged their sharp blades.    



While he was still in midair, more than twenty blood-red maple leaves shot down from the eaves of the house, splitting apart the vital parts of his body.    


Such skillful coordination! Tang Yin clenched his teeth, and continued to swing his blade. Although he was using all of his strength, his body was still hit by three maple leaves, which nailed him on his back, causing him to fall down from the air.    


Seeing that he could take advantage of the situation, one of the assassins screamed and pounced forward. Using the long blade in his hands as a spear, he fiercely thrusted towards Tang Yin's back.    


Tang Yin tilted his body slightly, and dodged the enemy's blade light first. The moment the man retracted his blade, he moved like lightning, grabbing onto the blade of the blade and then retracting his body, he shouted: "Come over here!"    


The Assassin was affected by the pulling force and could not stand steadily. He pounced towards Tang Yin, who welcomed him with a heavy punch to the head.    


Pow! This fist struck the assassin's head, causing the spirit armor on his head to shatter. Crimson blood flowed from the top of his head, staining a large portion of his face red.    


His body swayed a few times, and then fell back as the sky spun and the earth spun. Tang Yin immediately stood up and grabbed his face, causing Fire of Darkness s to grow out from his palms and burn his face.    


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