Tomin in The Alien World



0When noon arrived, Tang Yin, Ren Xiao and the other two returned to the Mayor Palace. When they returned, they saw a group of commoners gathered in front of the big doors of Mayor Palace, bustling with activity, and talking to the guards at the entrance.    


Tang Yin frowned, he turned and said: "Ah San, go and find out what's going on, what are they doing?" Finished speaking, he shook his head at Ren Xiao, and turned towards the back door of Mayor Palace.    


Ah San entered the Mayor Palace through the back door. Just as he finished changing his clothes, Ah San walked in from the outside, came in front of Tang Yin and said: "The citizens are here to petition for the king to come to the nearby Goose Feather Mountain, to pay his respects to the Mountain God Temple in the mountain. The commoners said that the Fenshui City has not been peaceful recently, with many ghosts appearing and killing people. If the King could come to Mountain God Temple and pay his respects, the Fenshui City would receive the protection of the mountain gods. In the future, everyone can be at ease. "    


"Oh!" Tang Yin nonchalantly nodded his head, and casually asked: "Who among the petitioners is the leader?"    


"It's a merchant called Wu Qian. This subordinate has brought him into the Mayor Palace. Does the King want to meet him?" Ah San asked.    


Tang Yin thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "Alright, let's meet then!" He had wanted to refuse, but then he thought that the people of Wind would not be good at governing a country. If even he did not value the people of a local area, then the officials of a local area would not value it and would have to repeat the same mistake.    


Wu Qian was a big businessman in Fenshui City, his family was rich beyond compare, and his family's mansion could be considered the most luxurious in the entire city. It might as well be said that the last house Tang Yin went to when he was disguised as a ghost was the Wu Residence.    


However, at that time, Tang Yin's body could no longer endure any more spirit energy. After entering the Wu Residence, he only killed a few Domestic Servant s before escaping.    


Wu Qian was in his forties. He had a gentle appearance, a white face and black beard, and was gentle and refined. He wasn't as fat as the other merchants.    


Ah Si led him to Tang Yin's study room. He respectfully kneeled and kowtowed, and said: "I am Wu Qian, greetings to the King!"    


Tang Yin looked at him from head to toe, then smiled and waved his hand, and said: "Mr Wu, please stand."    


"Thank you, King!" Wu Qian stood up and looked up. She couldn't help but be startled.    


Feng King was much younger than he imagined, she looked to be around twenty years old and was extremely handsome. There was even a faint smile on her face, giving off a feeling of gentleness and gentleness.    


"I heard that Sir Wu came here to petition on behalf of the entire city for me to go to Goosefeather Mountain and pay my respects to the Mountain God Temple?" Tang Yin asked gently.    


"Yes, my lord!" Although Tang Yin was young and his attitude was kind, Wu Qian did not dare to underestimate him. The reason his Feng Country was able to achieve such a thing could be said to be entirely due to Tang Yin. He said in a serious tone, "I believe the King has heard of this too. Recently, thousands of lives have been lost because of the rampage of ghosts within the Fenshui City. Although the majority of the deaths are from Ann Army, some of them are still the citizens of the city.    


secretly chuckled in his heart, but he still pretended to be serious. After seriously considering for a moment, he nodded and said: "Alright, for the peace of the Fenshui City, and to allow the citizens of the city to live and work in peace, this king will personally make a trip to the Goose Feather Mountain!"    


Upon hearing that, Wu Qian was overjoyed, and unconsciously revealed an excited expression, quickly kneeling down and kowtowing, he said with a trembling voice: "My King is so kind to the people of Fenshui City, it is truly our fortune! I, on behalf of all the citizens of the city, kowtow to the King for her grace! "    


Tang Yin smiled and bowed, then said: "Mister Wu need not be so polite, quickly get up."    


When he came here, Wu Qian was really afraid that Feng King would scold him and expel him from his residence, but he never thought that Feng King would actually be such a sensible and considerate person. He never thought that Feng King would actually be so considerate towards the common people, and he almost did not waste his breath, before Feng King agreed.    


After Wu Dong left, Ren Xiao, Yin Lan, Cheng Jin and the rest all walked in. Cheng Jin asked: "Does the King really want to pay her respects at Feather Mountain?"    


"Since it's the will of the people, I don't mind making this trip." Tang Yin asked: "Is Feather Mountain very big?"    


"It's not that big, it's just an ordinary mountain range. It's pretty famous in this area of Fenshui City. The Mountain God Temple there is extremely fragrant, and it's said that it's very effective." Cheng Jin introduced.    


"So that's how it is." Tang Yin nodded his head, and laughed: "It's good to go sightseeing." He had never believed in ghosts and gods. Even if he went to pay respects, it was not out of sincerity. He was just putting on an act to accommodate the public's will.    


In the morning of the next day, Tang Yin left his Fenshui City and headed towards the nearby Goose Feather Mountain. There were only about a thousand or so people, and beside him were Ah San, Cheng Jin, Yin Lan, Ren Xiao, Liu Zhang and some others. In front was the cavalry army opening up the way, behind them was the Guard Camp suppression formation.    


The citizens of Fenshui City had long heard that the Feng King was going to pay respects to the Mountain God Temple, so they left their homes early and waited by the side of the road.    


Tang Yin who was inside the carriage looked back, the people behind could be described as extremely crowded.    


With so many people following them, the hidden arrows and Guard Camp would not dare to be careless. They would be on full alert and from time to time, they would even send out spies to mix in with the people, afraid of any accidents.    


All along the way, the wind was calm and the waves were calm. Nothing unexpected happened. Very quickly, they entered the Feathered Goose Mountain. Just as Cheng Jin had said, this mountain was not big, nor was it tall.    


Travelling along the mountain path all the way to the peak, Tang Yin finally saw the Mountain God Temple. This large temple covered an area of two to three acres. For the not-so-large Goose Feathered Mountain, such a large temple was already astonishing enough.    


On the east side of the temple, there was a small village. Normally, the person in charge of managing the Mountain God Temple was a villager from the village.    


When the ceremony stopped at the door of Mountain God Temple, Tang Yin alighted from the carriage. The village chief brought a group of servants to quickly welcome him from inside, everyone cupped their hands and greeted Tang Yin respectfully, "I pay respects to the King. The King has travelled a long way and has worked hard all the way, please come in."    


Yin Lan reminded him in a low voice: "This person is called Uncle Chu, he's the village chief of Goose Feather Village."    


Tang Yin slightly nodded his head. After coming here, he already had a basic understanding of the situation regarding Mountain God Temple. With his hands behind his back, he strode forward and said, "The Village Chief is the great servant here, there is no need to be so courteous." As he spoke, his gaze was attracted to a black-clothed woman.    


This woman was extremely beautiful. Her skin was white, and her hair was jet-black. Strangely, her hair hadn't been tied, so it naturally fell down and fluttered in the wind. She was like a fairy, standing amidst a group of male servants, appearing exceptionally eye-catching.    


The reason why Tang Yin noticed her was not because of her appearance, but because of the exceptionally bright spirit energy in her body. Although the majority of the servants present were Spirit Cultivator, the one with the brightest spirit energy was her.    


The girl in black also seemed to have noticed Tang Yin's gaze on her. She raised her head and met Tang Yin's scrutinized gaze without fear.    


When he was looking at her, there were very few people who dared to look at him in the eyes. This woman had quite the guts! Tang Yin secretly praised her, then asked: "May I know who this lady is?"    


"I am my Witch." She did not need the Village Head to introduce her to him, she had already answered the call. It could be seen that the Village Chief was also extremely respectful toward her. As she spoke, the Village Chief was also slightly bowing to her from the side.    


Witch? Tang Yin did not know what the Witch was doing, and turned to look at Cheng Jin and the others with a puzzled expression. Seeing that, Yin Lan took two steps forward and explained in a low voice: "Rumor has it that Witch is a person who can directly communicate with the Mountain God."    


Oh! Tang Yin laughed, then gently nodded his head towards the black clothed female, and without saying anymore, he strode into the Mountain God Temple.    


As they walked, Tang Yin said to the village chief: "The sacrifices are different everywhere. This is the first time I am here, so I hope that the village chief can give me some pointers on how to pay my respects."    


"Aiya, the King is too polite. Kill this villain!" The village chief was flattered and bowed.    


"We pay our respects to the Lord Mountain God. The ceremony isn't important, the most important thing is sincerity." The girl in black said expressionlessly.    


Eh? Tang Yin raised his eyebrows, looked straight at the girl in black, and asked with a smile: "It sounds like Witch thinks that I'm not sincere enough?"    


"Perhaps only the King herself knows whether one is sincere or not." The Witch said indifferently.    


Hearing that, the faces of Ah San and the rest became gloomy, and they shouted: "How dare you!"    


The village chief trembled, he immediately cupped his hands at Tang Yin and said: "King, Witch is young, inexperienced to the affairs of the world, if you dare commit any offenses, please forgive me."    


Forget about her being a Witch, even if he wasn't, Tang Yin wouldn't bother too much with a girl. He shook his head and did not say much as he walked into the main hall of the Mountain God Temple.    


Just as he entered, Tang Yin was shocked by the gigantic statue inside the hall. This mountain deity statue could really be described as extremely amazing, it was around seven to eight metres tall, and its head was almost reaching the roof of the hall.    


On closer look, the mountain god was holding a huge axe in his hand. His fierce teeth were bared, and even though his appearance was fierce, he was still vivid and lifelike.    


What a magnificent mountain god statue! Regardless of whether Tang Yin was sincere or not, at this moment, he felt a sense of veneration.    



The village chief whispered, "King, please follow me!"    


"Village head, please!"    


He then took three joss sticks from the table and gave them to Tang Yin. After burning the three joss sticks, he took three steps back and knelt down respectfully with both hands holding the incense in front of his forehead and muttering some words. Only then did he stand up, walk to the table and insert the incense in his hands into the incense burner.    


Tang Yin copied the village chief, but he did not kneel down, but held the incense and bowed three times, then placed it in the incense burner.    


Just as he was about to insert the incense into the bowl, before he could release his fingers, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. There was a murderous aura in the hall!    


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