Tomin in The Alien World



0On the other side, the food at the back was also being transported towards the Sanshui Army campsite. As the Wahl Town was still under the control of the third troop, the Sanshui Army's logistics team purposely avoided the Wahl Town and wanted to take a detour through it. It was a pity that they did not escape the eyes of the Dookie Army scouts.    


When the logistics team reached near the Wahl Town, Ed Azabal, who had received the news, led the troops out of the town. Before the two sides came into contact with each other, they had already seen that the other side was charging towards them with the same kind of cavalry, so the Feng Army that was escorting the food had already started panicking in fright, and did not even put up any form of resistance.    


Knowing that Feng Army was cunning, and was afraid that they would be ambushed, Edger Azabal did not give the order to kill them. In just a few days, Edger Azabal led his troops and consecutively captured three waves of Feng Army, which brought him a total of more than two hundred thousand stones.    


In his excitement, Ed Azabal did not forget to pass a good news to his brother Remi Azabal, telling him in detail about the situation on his side. As long as the Feng Army was not replenished, it would only be a matter of time before Feng Army was defeated.    


He reckoned that in the next few days, there would definitely be a wave of large-scale Feng Army attacks, and this was also the last battle of Feng Army. If they could break through their own camp, then they would have won, and if they couldn't, then Feng Army would be forced to retreat, and at that time, it would also be the perfect opportunity for them to take the initiative and attack.    


Remy Azabal ordered the entire army to guard the camp strictly, and no one was allowed to leave the camp to fight. In addition, he transferred one hundred thousand Dookie Army to the east camp, leaving the west camp with only twenty thousand soldiers.    


His guess was not wrong. Sanshui Army was as he had expected, and on the fifth day after arriving at Tia City, he began to launch a second round of all-out attack towards the Dookie Army Army Camp.    


This time, Sanshui Army was clearly more cautious than the previous time, and did not rashly push the entire army forward. Instead, they first took out the large siege weapons and wildly blasted at the Dookie Army's eastern camp.    


There were only two types of weapons. One was the City-breaking Crossbow and the other was the Trebuchet, only that the Feng Army had prepared too many crossbow swords and stone bullets. Once they were fired, they would not stop and would continuously attack the defenses of the Dookie Army Battalion.    


As it was made on a temporary basis, the City-breaking Crossbow's crossbow arrows were not even covered with iron, but it was enough to deal with the wooden wall. The crossbow arrows were shot out, colliding with the wall and stripping it, causing a loud ear-piercing sound, and wood shavings flying everywhere. Usually, they were able to directly pierce through the wall, with one half of the crossbow arrows nailing into the wall and the other half remaining half remaining outside the wall.    


Many of the Dookie soldiers who were supporting the walls were not prepared at all, they were pierced by the crossbow bolts, and their bodies were supported by arrows, screaming and struggling.    


The Trebuchet's stone balls were even more powerful. One after another, huge rocks fell from the sky and crashed into the crowd of people, wailing in all directions, causing the crowd to fall down, smashing into the walls of the village. The earth trembled, and a large section of the wooden stake shattered.    


Under the fierce attacks of large Sanshui Army weapons, the walls of the eastern camp of the Dookie Army became riddled with holes. The corpses piled up on the ground were so numerous that it was hard to tell them apart. At the same time, the Dookie Army also began to retaliate violently, but they did not have City-breaking Crossbow s, they just used Trebuchet s to smash against the Sanshui Army camp.    


Both sides clashed back and forth, with the head of the boulder shuttling back and forth in the air.    


The large scale weapons of the Sanshui Army were continuously launched for more than four hours. finally gave the order to attack after using up all the crossbow arrows and stone bullets that he had previously stored up and hastily made during the past few days. Sanshui Army was not a fake attack, but a real attack. If he could attack the Dookie camp in one go, Liang Qi would not need to retreat anymore and join forces with the Heavenly Eagle Army.    


The Sanshui Army's square formation pushed forward uniformly, and everyone's steps were almost identical. With every step, a deafening rumbling sound would be emitted, and the ground would also tremble.    


"Wind!" Wind! "Wind!" As the Feng Army array was being pushed forward, the officers and soldiers were shouting in unison, and using their weapons to strike their shields, one, boost their morale, and two, greatly intimidate their opponents.    


Each of them tightly gripped their weapons as they stared unblinkingly at the Feng Army Camp outside of the camp.    


Remy Azabal personally went to battle and led the battle. As he recalled most of his troops back to the inner wall, he also ordered for a small portion of his Dookie Army to continue guarding the wall.    


In truth, the inner wall of the Dookie Army Battalion was only an adobe that was as tall as a person's height. The war horse could jump over it with a single leap, but compared to that, the wall of the Battalion was even more sturdy and was not afraid of the attacks of the Trebuchet.    


The inner wall was much shorter than the outer wall. When defending, as long as the outer wall was not broken through, the inner wall would be useless, but now that the outer wall was severely damaged, many places had been destroyed and destroyed. At this time, the function of the inner wall was revealed, people could stand on the inner wall and shoot arrows through the openings of the outer wall.    


The speed of the Sanshui Army was extremely fast, and in a short period of time, both sides had already entered the enemy's range. The sounds of the bow and arrows connecting together could be heard, and then, like two black clouds, the black mass of Arrow Rain flew up into the sky, crossing paths and landing above the enemy's head.    


"Raise the shield!"    


The high-ranking officers of Feng Army and Feng Army all shouted out at the same time, the soldiers raised their shields, and then, tinkling sounds came out everywhere, the Arrow Rain s poured down onto their shields and released four sparks. Clear sounds rose one after another, and from time to time, there were even heart-tearing and lung-splitting screams mixed within.    


There were too many openings on the outer wall of the Dookie Army and they were now almost completely empty. However, there were still some Dookie soldiers standing on top of it, and some of the walls had even been smashed down until only five to six meters wide, with huge openings on both sides. However, there were still many Dookie archers shooting down nonstop, causing harm to the Feng Army.    


With regards to these severely damaged walls, the Sanshui Army s were lazy to support them with ladders. If the ladders were to be erected on top of them, as one climbed upwards, the walls would be suppressed. When the Sanshui Army reached below the walls of the stronghold, tens or even hundreds of soldiers crowded around them. They all used their strength to push against the remaining wall of the stronghold.    


Under the simultaneous shouts of the Feng Soldier, the badly damaged stronghold walls suddenly collapsed one by one. The Dookie Army soldiers atop them fell from the sky while screaming miserably, some fell onto the ground and lost consciousness on the spot, while some fell so hard that their bones broke and tendons snapped, as they struggled and crawled on the ground.    


With his eyes red, Feng Army didn't even care if you were dead or injured. However, the moment the outer wall fell, the inner wall was immediately revealed. Countless Dookie Army soldiers who were standing on the inner wall all shot at the same time. Amidst the dense crowd of Arrow Rain, the Sanshui Army soldiers who just pushed down the outer wall all fell to the ground.    


Sanshui Army's reaction was not slow either, following that, he started his counterattack. The originally chaotic crowd of soldiers formed a neat and orderly formation again in an extremely short amount of time, the soldiers in front raised their Shield Array, blocking the Arrow Rain that was flying towards them, and the soldiers behind nocked arrows, and started their counterattack.    


The Dookie Archers on the walls within the inner stronghold had no time to dodge as they were shot down by the Feng Army's string of arrows.    


Soon, the Dookie Army archers retreated down the inner wall. They used the inner wall as a cover and continued to shoot arrows to kill Feng Army.    


The soldiers on both sides of the wall were hit by arrows from time to time. The number of dead bodies on the ground increased, and the wounded soldiers on both sides were being pulled back like carriages. The battle had reached its climax.    


This battle, whether it was against Feng Army or against Dookie Army, could be said to be a fierce and arduous battle.    


Although Dookie Army's arrow formation was fierce, the Feng Army's camp was still constantly moving forward. At this time, the Feng Army's vanguard had already entered the Dookie Battalion, and was about to come into contact with the inner stronghold wall.    


Seeing that the Feng Army was getting closer and closer, to the point where it was almost close, the Dookie Army general in command sent out orders, the archers continued to shoot out arrows, and the pike soldiers and pike soldiers went up to the walls of the stronghold to defend the enemy.    


Under the orders of the Generals, countless Dookie soldiers rushed up the walls of the stronghold, and fiercely stabbed at the Feng Army outside the wall from above.    


In terms of physical fitness, they had the advantage of being born. In addition, the environment of the Dookie was difficult, and the vast majority of the territory in the territory was desert, which made the people of the Dookie even more valiant and courageous.    


They stabbed down with their spears from the walls of the stronghold. Even though Feng Army were blocked with shields, they were continuously pushed back by the force of the impact. If he didn't use his shield in time to block, then his fate would be even worse and he would be pierced through with armor on the spot.    


Of course, when the Dookie Army pierced through the Feng Army s outside the walls, he himself was also suffering from the arrows fired from the Feng Army Camp s. Many of the Dookie Army s chest, arms, and thighs had already been struck by several arrows, but he still stood on the wall and continued to fight.    


In such a fierce battle, there was not a single soldier in the army who was afraid of death. Even though they knew that they would be killed by the enemies if they went forward, the people still continued to push forward, charging towards the enemy's last line of defense.    


I am fighting in a row, and before the battle had even lasted for an hour, the corpses outside the wall had already piled up to a height of more than half a wall. Inside, there were corpses of Feng Army, and there were also corpses of Dookie Army.    


The battle was still ongoing, and the number of casualties on both sides was still rising. By the afternoon, the corpses outside the inner wall were already as high as the walls. When Feng Army advanced, there was no longer a need to climb the wall; one could directly climb the corpses by stepping on them.    


Whether it was being pierced by the enemy who counterattacked, or the enemy archers shooting at them, they would be flipped over on the ground. However, Dookie Army who was charging back also could not stand for long, and immediately followed in the footsteps of Feng Army who was in front.    


At the short inner wall, the two sides fought with all their might, competing with all their might, competing with all their might, but their Dookie Army s could not counterattack, and they also could not force their way in. Both sides started the bloodiest and most tragic war of attrition, a pure contest of strength, who can win, who can afford to lose and who can afford to lose.    


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