Tomin in The Alien World



0After Zhang Xin arrived at the Ning Country, relying on Tang Yin's authority, he unrestrainedly arrested the local officials, and in just a month's time, captured nearly two hundred officials.    


He was not lost, and none of those arrested were officials. Up to here, Zhang Xin had done a good job, but what happened next was not the case.    


The families of the arrested officials resorted to the old method of giving money to buy it. Money could buy officials, and they believed that money could buy lives as well.    


The families of the officials all came to Liangzhou, openly and privately to visit Zhang Xin, at the same time sending him a large amount of gold and silver. Zhang Xin, on the other hand, did not reject anyone.    


He did accept the money, but he did not let them go. He took out the list of arrested officials and read through them from beginning to end. He crossed out the names of those he liked well. After eliminating 30 names, he did not draw anymore. He gave the order to release the 30 people that had been cut, and the rest of the people would be killed.    


This time, he had killed a total of one hundred and fifty-five people. As for the thirty men he had released, he used the lack of evidence as an excuse.    


If he only accepted money and did not release them, then no one would give him money in the future. If he released them after taking the money, then it would not take long for the news of the King's trust in him to be spread to the Yan City, and all the trust he had built up with great difficulty would instantly disappear. Therefore, after taking all the money, he only released thirty people.    


This was a typical petty act, but his brazen killing of corrupt officials had a huge deterring effect, allowing the official atmosphere of Ning Country to be brought to its fore, and also allowing him to leave a good reputation amongst the citizens of Ning Country. Everyone had even spontaneously sent a joint letter to send it to Yan City, in recognition of Zhang Xin.    


His trip to Ning Country could be said to have been a great harvest. Not only did he earn a lot, he also earned the nickname of 'Zhang Qingtian', which earned him both fame and fortune. Zi Ying and Zhang Xin, one man and one young, were under Ning Country and people scolded him as' Zi Tu '. However, Zhang Xin became the' Qing Tian 'in the eyes of the people.    


Of course, it was impossible for Zhang Xin to only amass wealth and not do anything when he reached Ning Country, so he didn't dare to hesitate in the slightest when it came to the logistical support of Sanshui Army. As soon as the food and materials from each county and county were delivered to Liangzhou, he would immediately make the necessary arrangements and send them to the city that held Sanshui Army, in an unending stream, to ensure the safety of the soldiers in front.    


If Feng Country wanted to find an excuse to send out Tia, it would be too easy. Even if they couldn't find it, they could still create one.    


There were two small villages at the border between Ning Country and Tia, namely White Village and Huang Village. Liang Qi decided to make these two places as an excuse to send his troops. He sent out the Sanshui Army cavalry soldiers and changed into the Dookie Army armors he had prepared beforehand, then launched a surprise attack on the White Yellow Village.    


These two cavalrymen with Dookie Army flags and Dookie Army armors rushed into the small village. They would kill anyone they met, steal anything they saw, kill and plunder as much as they could, bringing the two peaceful mountain villages into a hell on earth.    


The two horsemen deliberately left a small portion of the villagers alive, and then sped away.    


After the cavalry left, the entire White Yellow Village was engulfed in a sea of fire. Corpses littered the ground, and blood stained the ground. The surviving villagers of the two villages all ran to the stronghold to ask for help, insisting that it was because of the Dookie Army. This kind of thing had never happened before, and the wandering Mayor did not know how to resolve it. She could only seek Liang Qi's opinion.    


Liang Qi pretended to send messengers into Tia, to find Dookie Army, and ordered them to investigate the culprit who slaughtered their own country's villagers strictly, and to impart justice to Feng Country. Dookie Army had never done such a thing, how could they find the culprit? However, Feng Country insisted that it was because of Dookie Army, so Dookie Army had no other choice. They could only make excuses again and again, hoping that Feng Country would give them more time.    


Sanshui Army was a large legion of one hundred thousand people. From Tong Gate, they marched all the way to Xing Cheng, with a great influence, they had also heard of the matter in terms of Dookie. Dookie had predicted that the Feng Army had the intention to advance into Tia, but they did not expect that the purpose of entering the Feng Army was to fight against the Dookie Army. Instead, they suspected that the Feng Army was trying to snatch the victory fruit of Dookie, giving it a spoonful.    


They were afraid that the Feng Army would enter Tia and split up their own interests. In this period of time, the Dookie Army had increased its siege of Tia, and on the other hand, the Imperial Court of the Dookie had also dispatched envoys to the Yan City, which meant that the Dookie had the ability and strength to annex Tia, and thus, they did not need the help of the Feng Country.    


Tang Yin received the Dookie Envoys, but did not talk about anything substantial and quickly sent him away. On the third day after the Dookie Envoys left the Yan City, Tang Yin suddenly issued a national declaration, which showed that the Feng Country and the Tiya border's Bai Huang Village were ambushed by Dookie Army s, and several hundred of the innocent Feng Country citizens were cruelly killed by the Dookie Army. In the decree, it was stated that the Dookie must severely punish the culprit within half a month, and if Feng Country was to be protected, retaliation would be taken.    


This imperial edict naturally did not go directly to the Dookie, but because of the spread of the news to the Dookie, it was only at this time that this matter truly attracted the attention of the Dookie.    


Actually, no one could be certain whether or not Dookie Army had ambushed a village or not, and the imperial government of Dookie was uncertain as well. Right now, Dookie Army was in a mess in Tia, and after two years of fighting, it had greatly eroded the military discipline and morale of the people there, and the massacring of civilians and plundering of property happened every now and then. No one could be sure whether or not Dookie Army would privately advocate, cross the border or sneak attack a village of Feng Country, but to an ally, even if something similar happened, it was not a big deal.    


Dookie actually wanted to investigate the culprit, but there was no place for it to do so. After that, the Dookie court could only send more envoys there to negotiate with the Feng Country government on how to settle this matter.    


In the negotiations between the two countries, one side was sincere while the other side was deliberately causing trouble, so how could the agreement be successful? After two days of discussion, the two sides could not reach an agreement. At this time, the agreement for half a month had long passed, and Tang Yin had personally ordered his people to cut off the ears and nose of the Dookie envoy before expelling him from the Feng Country.    


On the day that the Dookie Envoys were chased away, Tang Yin issued another 'Declaration of the World', berating the Dookie for condoning the army, invading the Feng Country, and massacring the people of the world. The Feng Country had no intention of repenting at all, and it officially declared war on the Dookie.    


On the second day after Tang Yin announced his declaration of war, the Sanshui Army that was stationed at the stronghold advanced further into Tia.    


The day after the declaration of war, troops were dispatched the next day. A discerning eye could tell that this was a war that had been planned long ago.    


As a result, the alliance between Feng Country and itself officially broke down, and the two countries turned from allies into enemies.    


On both sides of the war, the righteous side will win in the end. This is nonsense. Only the final victor would have the right to speak. Only having the right to speak would allow one to become the righteous party. This was the principle that all wars between China and the world would never change.    


Feng Army participating in the battle all of a sudden, and it was even a battle with Dookie Army, this was far beyond the expectations of the imperial government, and far beyond the expectations of the imperial government. The ten days before Sanshui Army entered into Tia, with unstoppable momentum, he consecutively seized six Tia City s that had already fallen into the hands of the Dookie, and killed and injured over twenty thousand people of the Dookie Army.    


Very quickly, the Sanshui Army had already approached the capital of Tia.    


The Dookie Army Commander at Tia was called Lei Mi Azabal. At this moment, he was personally leading an army to surround Tia City.    


In order to annex Tia, over two hundred thousand troops had already been invested with Dookie. Just besieging Tia City alone was already a total of one hundred and twenty thousand soldiers, but so many troops had fought for almost two years without being able to break through Tia City. Dookie Army had also been changed several times, and Remi Azabal was the third General.    


Azabal's family was a famous family with a Dookie. Remi Azabal was only in his thirties, yet he already had a noble title. He was smart enough, brave enough to fight, and could be considered one of the top generals in Dookie. Firstly, because of the trust the king of Dookie, Alden, had in him, and secondly, because of the contribution he had made. After all, his Tia City had been besieged for almost two years, and the stored rations in the city were almost used up. Remi Azabal thought that this would be an easy task, but who would have thought that he would run into the Sanshui Army of an elite army on the battlefield.    


There were only a hundred thousand Sanshui Army s and there were more than a hundred and twenty thousand surrounding Tia City s. Adding to the hundred and fifty thousand wandering forces that had previously been defeated and returning, their Dookie Army s had already reached one hundred and fifty thousand and they had the advantage in numbers. However, they were currently surrounding and attacking Tia City s, with their forces spread out, once the Sanshui Army s attack came at them, they simply had no strength to resist.    


However, at this time, he told Remi Azabal to withdraw his troops and give up on sieging the city. After discussing it with his generals, he decided to allocate thirty thousand of his elites to guard the Wahl Town in the east. As long as they could hold on for a month, they would have the confidence to take down the Tia City.    


Remi Azabal had sent his brother, Ed Azabal, to command the thirty thousand elite soldiers to stand guard at Wahl Town. He also prepared sufficient food and supplies.    


The little town was not very big, and had a population of less than twenty thousand. The city walls were not tall and sturdy, it was just that its position was very important, as it was located right on the road that Feng Country had to take to get to the Tia City. If Sanshui Army wanted to solve the problem of being trapped inside, then he would have to pull out the nail on Wahl Town first.    


Of course, the Sanshui Army could directly circle around the city, but with the existence of Wahl Town, the logistics of the Sanshui Army could not be guaranteed. If one could not destroy the Dookie Army in one go, then the Sanshui Army would run the risk of losing food and materials to the entire army.    


In the Wahl Town area, he had to win this battle and seize this important town. Similarly, if Dookie Army wanted to buy enough time to take over Tia City which was full of oil, he had to guard the Wahl Town and keep it out of the town.    


Both sides were determined to win this battle. Success was not an option.    


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