Tomin in The Alien World



0Without saying anything on the way back, Tang Yin and Shauna's group smoothly returned to the Yan City of Feng Country.    


The citizens of the Yan City welcomed Tang Yin and Princess Bei Sa back to the capital. The marriage between the two nations indicated that the relationship between the two nations would be even closer in the future, and also signified the complete elimination of the threat that had lasted for more than a hundred years in the north of the Feng Country. The citizens were naturally overjoyed, as if every family was celebrating the new year.    


The Son of Heaven Yin Zhun didn't feel happy about the marriage between Feng Country and Bessa. Instead, he felt that Tang Yin's strength had advanced a step and his position in the Feng Country was more stable. Similarly, he felt that he had stepped on Tang Yin even more firmly. He did not intend to go out to welcome them, but the Minister of Feng Country led by Finance Minister Zhang Xin took the initiative to go to the main hall of the imperial palace and 'invite' the Son of Heaven to come out of the city to receive him.    


Inside the main hall, Zhang Xin and the rest were standing in the middle. They did not even look at the ministers standing left and right, all of them with their heads held high and chest puffed up, as if there was no one around.    


He did not have the qualifications to directly meet the Son of Heaven, but here was Feng Country, the Imperial Palace was weak, the Imperial Palace was strong, let alone the officials of the Imperial Palace like Zhang Xin who did not put him in their eyes, even the Son of Heaven was looked down upon from the bottom of their hearts, as they felt that the Son of Heaven was just a puppet raised by their Feng Country.    


After listening to the reason behind Zhang Xin and the rest's visit, Yin Zhun's face turned ugly. The reason for rising to the throne, was because he was waiting for Tang Yin to bring Princess Shauna to pay his respects to him. He was the great son of heaven, the emperor of a nation, and Shauna was just a small princess of a country. What kind of logic was this? Where was the dignity of the Son of Heaven?    


Yin Zhun said with a dark face: "Feng King returned after marrying the princess of a foreign country, and did not return after a successful expedition. How could we have the reason to go out of the city to welcome them?"    


"Humph!" Zhang Xin chuckled, he cupped his hands and said: "Your majesty wants to marry Princess Bei Sa, but I guarantee that war will not occur again in the near north for the next few decades. Although we are not going out to war, but the meaning is even greater than that of a triumphant return, the people of the world are all cheering with joy, your majesty, as the son of heaven, shouldn't you give us an example?"    


As he spoke, Zhang Xin did not clasp his hands towards Yin Zhun, but towards the side, obviously greeting him.    


Seeing his actions and hearing his words, the ministers present subconsciously clenched their fists and gritted their teeth.    


The Minister of the Left, Meng Luo, said angrily: "Master Zhang, when your Majesty deals with matters, you make decisions. How can you force that? Just based on what you said just now, I can punish you for this great disrespect ? "    


Before he finished speaking, Zhang Xin turned around and looked at Meng Luo, coldly saying: "I am currently discussing an important matter with His Majesty, what qualifications does a mere martial arts man like you have to interrupt me? If it were not for the fact that you, the deceitful deceiver, had slandered his majesty, would not even need to raise troops to rebel. "    


The Imperial Court's Left Minister had been scolded by Zhang Xin to be a mere martial man, which showed how arrogant the latter was.    


When he said that, everyone's face changed, including Yin Zhun's. On the surface, Zhang Xin called him a deceitful official, but in reality, he was secretly ridiculing Yin Zhun for not knowing who he was.    


Without waiting for Meng Luo to continue speaking, Zhang Xin said to Yin Zhun: "Your majesty listens to the slanderous words of the deceitful officials, and has already committed treason to the common people. If you listen to the slanderous words again, I'm afraid you'll end up as the ruler of the nation!"    


This sentence was too harsh, and it also caused the entire hall to be filled with gasps. Yin Zhun was so angry that he trembled, and pointed at Zhang Xin who was below, unable to say a single word for a long while.    


Watching as the Son of Heaven and his father were humiliated in front of Zhang Xin, Defence Minister, who was standing among the generals, stepped forward and shouted: "Zhang Xin, you're so brave, to actually dare to speak rudely in front of His Majesty, how can I tolerate you today?" As he said this, he shouted towards the outside of the hall, "Men!"    


As he spoke, a group of golden warriors with halberds rushed into the hall.    


Meng Tian pointed at Zhang Xin and bellowed: Capture this heaven defying and immoral thief immediately!    


Without waiting for the imperial guards to come forward, Zhang Xin also shouted: "I am a mighty Finance Minister of Windstorm, who dares to be disrespectful to me?"    


No one would have thought that one sentence from Zhang Xin was even more useful than the one from Defence Minister, who was in charge of the palace's security.    


All of the guards looked at each other, lowered their heads, and retreated. Not to mention daring to not approach Zhang Xin, they didn't even dare to enter the great hall anymore. The palace was inside the Feng Country, and the palace guards were all people from the wind, so to them, Feng Ting was their real master. As the Finance Minister of the Feng Country, Zhang Xin was a high official of the second stage.    


Seeing that, Meng Tian was anxious and angry, his eyes red from anger, he was the boss of the palace guards, but at the crucial moment, no one obeyed his orders, and they were all scared off by Zhang Xin. This scene caused Son of Heaven Yin Zhun to break out in a cold sweat. Only now did he understand that he was surrounded by Feng Ting's men, and it turned out that his life and death as the son of heaven had always been in the hands of Feng Ting's Feng Country.    


Yin Zhun sat on the throne, his body was drenched in sweat and trembling.    


Without even looking at the furious Meng Luo and Meng Tian father and son, he raised his head and said: "If Your Majesty wishes to become the next ruler, you must listen to the wishes of the people. Please leave the city and welcome Feng King and Princess back to the capital!"    


The moment his words fell, the Minister of Feng Country that had accompanied him spoke out in unison: "Please welcome your Majesty out of the city to welcome the King and Princess back to the capital!"    


Immediately after, a large group of officials led by Right Prime Minister Guo Tong kneeled down and kowtowed, but their words were the same as Zhang Xin and the others, allowing Yin Zhun to personally lead all the officials out of the city to welcome Tang Yin and Shauna.    


Looking at the crowd below, Yin Zhun felt that he was being surrounded by enemies and had no one to rely on, being bullied and bullied by others. Even he himself had started to suspect that if he did not go to welcome Tang Yin back, it would be a mistake, and he could only leave the city to welcome Tang Yin.    


Under the forceful attitude of Zhang Xin and the rest of the Minister of Feng Country, Guo Tong and the other ministers of the imperial government could only choose to compromise. He could only choose to compromise and, according to the wishes of the crowd, personally leave the city to welcome Tang Yin.    


Seeing that the Son of Heaven was actually bullied to this extent by a second stage Feng Country official, Meng Luo and Meng Tian became indignant, while Imperial Minister's Wang Yi became teary and kneeled in the great hall.    


In order to curry favor with Tang Yin, Zhang Xin acted on his own and forced himself to castrate himself. This allowed Yin Zhun to understand more clearly the situation he was in right now, and also allowed the conflict between the Feng Country court and the Son of Heaven Yin Zhun to intensify. Now, Yin Zhun no longer had the same grateful heart he had before towards Tang Yin, what he had was only an unforgettable humiliation and hatred.    


Of course, he was happy that he was able to walk out of the carriage and quickly walked in front of Yin Zhun. He cupped his hands and said: "This humble one is truly capable, to actually trouble Your Majesty to personally welcome me."    


"Ha ha!" Yin Zhun laughed, but the sound of the laughter was extremely weird and ear-piercing. He staggered two steps forward, stopped in front of Tang Yin, extended his hand out to support his arm, and said: "My beloved deputy Tang is able to get married with Chiang Bo, form an alliance, and return with a beauty. This is truly a cause for celebration!"    


Tang Yin frowned, he sniffed, and the smell of alcohol entered his nostrils. Looking at Yin Zhun's expression, it seemed like he had drank quite a bit just now, and his face was flushed red unnaturally. He smiled slightly and said, "Your Majesty, you have spoken too seriously. It is all thanks to Your Majesty's good fortune that I was able to successfully marry Princess Beisa."    


Yin Zhun waved his hand and patted Tang Yin's shoulder, saying: "When did My beloved deputy Tang become so modest in front of us?" Without waiting for Tang Yin to reply, he looked behind Tang Yin and asked: "Why haven't I seen Princess Beisa? "Why didn't she come to me when I came to pick her up?"    


Tang Yin stared at Yin Zhun for a moment, then said indifferently: "Your Majesty, please do not misunderstand. This subject was met with Equestrian Bandit's sneak attack on our way here, causing the princess to be injured, and is unable to get down now."    


"Oh? Someone actually dared to sneak attack the My beloved deputy Tang. Where is Princess Bessar? Bring me to see how her injuries are! " Saying that, Yin Zhun wobbled past Tang Yin.    


Shauna was injured, and her clothes were untidy. Even if the Son of Heaven were to visit him, it would be very impolite. Tang Yin did not know what kind of medicine Yin Zhun ate wrong today, and his frown deepened.    


Just as he was about to turn around and stop them, Zhang Xin and the rest of the ministers had already walked over quickly to stop him, and said coldly: "Please have some self-respect, Your Majesty!"    


"Self-respect?" As if hearing the funniest joke in the world, Yin Zhun laughed out loud, raised his hand and pointed towards Zhang Xin and the others, saying: "You guys are the ones who want us to come and receive you, and the ones who are stopping us now, what do you guys want us to do?" Relying on his drunkenness, Yin Zhun went all out, his attitude was much more forceful than when he was in the palace.    


Tang Yin didn't know what was going on, but from Yin Zhun's words and the way he spoke, he guessed that Zhang Xin and the others were the ones who had asked him to leave the city to meet them, and they might have even used forced methods to do so. Tang Yin pretended to be confused, he turned around and said to Yin Zhun: "The princess' injuries are serious, it is impossible to see her now. Once the princess has fully recovered, I will bring the princess to pay respects to the king."    


Yin Zhun was drunk, but not drunk. Hearing Tang Yin's words, he immediately stopped, nodded his head, and said: "Since that's the case, then I will not make things difficult for My beloved deputy Tang." As he spoke, he raised his hand. A maid stepped forward and brought over a tray with a wine jug and two wine cups.    


After the maid finished filling the wine cup, Yin Zhun picked up one of the wine cups and passed the other cup to Tang Yin: "My beloved deputy Tang, let us toast to you.    


Before Tang Yin could receive the wine, Zhang Xin had already received the wine cup and said: "Your Majesty, Feng King travelled a long distance to Baisha, and has worked hard the entire way, so it's not good to drink wine. This wine, I'll drink on behalf of the Feng King!" As he spoke, she raised his cup and finished all the wine in it, regardless of whether Yin Zhun and Tang Yin agreed or not.    


The Son of Heaven toasting to the Duke, while Zhang Xin, as his official, snatched the wine away and finished it in one gulp. Whether it was to Yin Zhun or to him, it was a very disrespectful act, to be honest, it was something that could immediately behead him.    


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