Tomin in The Alien World



0Hong Ying told him everything that he knew, and Tang Yin was very satisfied with his cooperation. When he finished talking, Tang Yin rolled his eyes, and asked half-tentatively: "Who is the gang master of Autumn Leaf?"    


"It's Pei Yue." Hong Ying did not even think about it, and blurted out.    


Tang Yin secretly nodded his head. He had already understood that Pei Yue was the Clan Master of the Autumn Leaf through the memories of the people there. The reason why he asked was to probe if Hong Ying was telling the truth. He then asked, "Pei Yue, you should know who the leader of Countercurrent Flow is, right?"    


Hong Ying shook his head and said: "I'm afraid that he might not know more than me."    


"Is there any way to approach the head of the Countercurrent Flow?"    


"There's no other way."    


"Then who would know his true identity?"    


"This... The envoys from the left and right of the main group are people close to the leader. I think they should know the identity of the leader. " Hong Ying was also very curious about the head of the Countercurrent Flow, he had once asked Zi Xu about it, but in the end, he only received a warning from Zi Xu: If you want to live a little longer, then don't be too curious about things that you shouldn't know about.    


After being warned about it, Hong Ying did not dare to ask about it anymore.    


Tang Yin pondered for a moment, then said: "Didn't you just say that the person who gave you the order was Left Custodian Xu?"    




"How can I find him?"    


Hong Ying shook his head again, and said: "Every time the leader gives the order, Zixu would come to find us. We have no way to find him."    


Tang Yin frowned. He was too cautious with his Countercurrent Flow and was too cautious with his own gang. He untied the rope on Hong Ying and said: "This king will let you go and let you return to the Autumn Leaf. However, if there is any movement in the Autumn Leaf, you have to notify this king immediately. In addition, this king will send someone to contact you."    


"This ?" Hong Ying's face changed, he lowered his head and remained silent.    


Tang Yin said with a smile, "Sect Lord Hong, no matter how strong you are in the gang, no matter how great your achievements are in the adventurer world, in the end, you are still a travelling adventurer. You still have to stay on the edge of the blade all day, and if you join this king, you will become different.    


Hong Ying sucked in a sharp breath, looked at Tang Yin, and was unable to say anything for a long time. However, from the look in his eyes, he could feel that Tang Yin's words had moved his heart.    


"As long as Sect Lord Hong is willing to sincerely rely on this king, this king can promise you that the day of the Countercurrent Flow's demise will be the day where your Sect Lord Hong will be able to soar into greatness!" Tang Yin proudly patted his chest.    


Hong Ying who had already let go of the rope was silent for a few seconds, then he kneeled on the ground with a thump and kowtowed to Tang Yin: "This lowly one is willing to serve you for the king!"    


"Good!" With Sect Lord Hong's words, this king is relieved. " Saying that, Tang Yin reached out and helped Hong Ying up.    


Hong Ying clenched his fists and said: "If I want to do something, it will be of help to the King. The King still needs to help the King."    


"Oh? How can This King help you? "    


"Get rid of Pei Yue, I shall be the Sect Master of Autumn Leaf!"    


Tang Yin was startled, then stared straight at Hong Ying.    


Although Hong Ying was a lot older than him, he still appeared to be at a loss under Tang Yin's sharp gaze. He subconsciously lowered his head, avoiding Tang Yin's gaze.    


Tang Yin did not look at Hong Ying for long, he suddenly laughed out loud and promised: "I will send people to help you clear the barrier, but, you better make me feel that everything you have done is worth it, if not, not only will there be a next time, you will not be able to protect yourself too!"    


Hong Ying heaved a long sigh of relief and simultaneously raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead. He repeatedly nodded and replied: "Yes, yes, yes! Your Majesty, please be at ease. As long as I become the sect master of the Autumn Leaf, I will definitely think of a way to investigate the Countercurrent Flow thoroughly and report back to your Majesty! "    


"Hehe, that's for the best!" Tang Yin smiled as he clasped his hands behind his back and turned to walk out of the tent. As he walked, he said, "Late tonight, I will send someone to save you from the camp, and you can also bring him back to the Autumn Leaf. Even if I have some help for you, it will be convenient for you to pass on your message."    


"Thank you, your majesty!" Hong Ying was not stupid, he naturally knew that there was another reason why Tang Yin placed a person by his side, and that was to monitor his every move.    


After exiting the tent, when they were outside, Jiang Fan caught up to Tang Yin and asked: "Does the King really want to let him go?"    


Tang Yin smiled and said: "I can see that Hong Ying is extremely ambitious, and such a person is also the easiest to control."    


"What if he's deceiving the King ?"    


"Then he is courting death." Tang Yin shrugged and laughed.    


It would not be difficult to find a strong and spirit warrior like Spirit Cultivator, and Tang Yin had such a person by his side, the Hidden Arrow Crew.    


The in the Dark Arrow did not only belong to Feng Ren, they also had a very small share of members, and they came from all over the world, all over the world, and all over the world, so the people in these Spirit Cultivator of Dark s were loyal to only Tang Yin, not to any particular country. The reason was simple, Tang Yin valued them highly, gave them great power and status, and helped them out greatly, which was something that the Spirit Cultivator of Dark s would never be able to obtain in the other kingdoms.    


Deep into the night, Tang Yin sent one of his Hidden Arrow Crew to sneak into Hong Ying's tent to feed him the Spirit-gathering Pill and then bring him to forcefully rush out to kill him.    


The Feng Army in the camp pretended to rush out to obstruct them, and after an intense 'battle' between the two sides, in the end, Hong Ying and the Hidden Arrow Crew forced out a 'blood road', and successfully rushed out of the camp. After that, Feng Army sent out cavalry to pursue and kill him, but in the end, they did not reap any rewards and returned resentfully.    


In order to cover Hong Ying with his tricks, Tang Yin even ordered the soldiers below to kill more than a hundred slaves and put on the armor of the Feng Army, and then bury them near the army camp in full display. Tang Yin knew, that as the Deputy Sect Master of the Autumn Leaf, Hong Ying had been captured by him, so the other party had no way of not setting up spies in the vicinity of their own campsite. What he was doing was telling the other party, that Hong Ying's attempt to break out of their encirclement was real, and that there were indeed many people who died in battle in Generals And Soldiers of Feng Army to stop him.    


After a day, on the second day, Sect Lord s from the Carefree Sect came looking for him.    


Hearing that the Sect Lord s with Carefree Sect had arrived, Tang Yin got someone to invite him into the Central Army Tent.    


Zhang Dong came because of the Autumn Leaf, before he came, he did not know Tang Yin's identity, so even if Ji Lianyan had met him before, she did not know who he was.    


Upon entering the Central Army Tent, he saw Tang Yin sitting in the center. Ji Lianyan first walked forward and said: "I didn't have the time to thank Sir for saving my life last time ?"    


Before she could finish her words, the guards on her left and right had already stepped forward and shouted loudly: "How dare you! If you see the King, why don't you hurry up and greet him? "    


King? In just one sentence, not to mention that Ji Lianyan was stunned, even Zhang Dong was stunned. He looked in disbelief at Tang Yin who was sitting cross-legged with a smile plastered all over his face. He is the King? Why didn't Ji Lianyan tell him? As he thought about it, he turned his head to look at Ji Lianyan and discovered that the latter had a face full of astonishment. He reckoned that she was the same as him, had only just found out the true identity of the other party.    


Zhang Dong was after all, a Sect Lord from a large clan, he had passed through many storms and seas, so his reaction was extremely fast. As soon as the guards finished shouting, he immediately knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to them: "I am from Carefree Sect, I pay my respects to the King!"    


Seeing that Ji Lianyan was still in a daze, standing there, staring blankly at Tang Yin, Zhang Dong secretly grinned, and anxiously pulled at the corner of her clothes, and said softly: Quickly greet the King.    


Under Zhang Dong's reminder, Ji Lianyan finally regained her senses, slowly knelt down, and said: "My daughter Ji Lianyan greets the King." While she was speaking, her gaze was still on Tang Yin. She could tell, that even now, she still could not believe that the young man who saved her in the dilapidated temple the night before yesterday was actually the dignified monarch.    


Tang Yin laughed as he sized up the two people kneeling down. He had seen Ji Lianyan before, but at the time she was in a rather sorry state, so Tang Yin did not see her appearance clearly. Right now, she was dressed in a plain dress, simple yet elegant, with a portion of her hair tied up, adding to the charm of a girl. Looking at her age, she looked to be just over twenty years old.    


Zhang Dong was in his early forties, and had maintained himself well. His face was radiant, but because of his profound cultivation, he was older than his outer appearance. Just like Ji Lianyan, he was dressed in plain clothes, with a white face and black beard, and had very proper features.    


Tang Yin had a good first impression of Zhang Dong. He waved his hand and said, "Sect Lord Zhang, Hall Lord Ji, both of you, please rise."    


"Thank you, your majesty!"    



Zhang Dong thanked him and slowly stood up. He cupped his hands and said: "I thank the King for saving my life on behalf of Lianyan."    


Tang Yin laughed and said: "Sect Lord Zhang, no need to be so polite, please take a seat!"    


"Yes sir!"    


Just then, Ji Lianyan, who was still kneeling on the ground, suddenly asked: "I wonder where is the person from Autumn Leaf that was captured by the King?"    


Tang Yin sighed with feigned helplessness and said, "He ran away."    


"She ran away?" Ji Lianyan opened her eyes wide.    


"Last night, the thieves escaped from the camp when the guards were caught unawares. However, This King has already sent out an order to investigate. I believe it won't be long before we capture them again." Tang Yin said casually.    


Ji Lianyan was impetuous, upon hearing Tang Yin's words, she shook her head and said: "Wily people, once they escape, how can they be captured again? I fear that my Carefree Sect will never return to normal again. " In her words, there was a faint hint of complaint she had towards Tang Yin.    


Tang Yin pretended not to hear it and smiled.    


Zhang Dong was much calmer than Ji Lianyan, and he didn't really believe Tang Yin's words either. The King's camp was definitely heavily guarded, how could they allow a captive to escape? But since Tang Yin had said so, he didn't dare to pursue the matter. Most likely, the King didn't want to hand over the person from Autumn Leaf to him.    


He bowed towards Tang Yin and said: "I am here for the people from Autumn Leaf, since the thief have fled, I need to immediately send people to investigate. Great King, please forgive me for taking my leave."    


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