Tomin in The Alien World



0There were many guards around the carriage, and when they saw an assassin approaching, they all rushed forward and surrounded him. The assassin did not panic at all, and before the guards could make a move, the Spiritual Knife in his hands had already swept out.    


Weng! *    


Spirit Wave pierced through the wind, and shot out.    


Seeing that the situation was not good, the experienced and nimble guards immediately crouched down, barely dodging the incoming Spirit Wave. However, there were a few guards who were unable to dodge in time, and were struck squarely by the Spirit Wave, their earrings made a few cracking sounds, and the guards that were hit by the Spirit Wave were all cut in half, with two halves falling to the ground.    


He did not expect the assassin to be so powerful, the ordinary guards did not dare to go forward, and a few Spirit Cultivator s among the crowd bravely stepped forward, working together to stop the assassin. Their cultivation levels were not high, some of them could only use Spirit Materialization of Weapon, while others could only use half of it, but with their own numbers, they were not afraid of assassins.    


Who knew that they would be faster than him, falling even faster, only to see the Spiritual Knife in the assassin's hand suddenly radiating multicolored light, following that, a strange wind was released. The guards were shocked. Each of them used their Spiritual Martial Skills to defend against the opponent's Lurker Wind.    


Under the assassins' chaotic wind, the skills they released all disappeared, while the Spirit Blade s that filled the sky did not decrease in the slightest, continuing to fly towards them.    


This was the result of the huge disparity between their Spiritual Martial Cultivation. None of the guards were spared, and all of them managed to sweep up the Spirit Calamity Wind. Several people screamed at the same time. Their spirit armor and armor were torn to shreds by the dense Spirit Blade s. It was as if they had just been tortured.    


The other guards turned pale with fright, the assassin ignored everyone else, he strode to the front of the carriage and with a wave of his hand, he cut off a large part of the carriage, he looked at Xuan Wang who was lying inside with a pale face and snorted. At the same time, he raised his blade and said coldly: "Xuan Wang, I will send you on your way!" While speaking, the Spiritual Knife that was raised up high fiercely hacked down with all its might.    


Xuan Wang did not know how to use a spirit weapon, how could he dodge Spiritual Martial Expert's blade? Just as the Spiritual Knife was about to land on his head, one of the bodyguards beside him immediately shouted out, and pounced towards the assassin.    




The assassin was caught off guard and staggered to the side. His powerful and heavy blade did not hit Xuan Wang's head, but instead struck Xuan Wang's arm heavily. With a crisp sound, Xuan Wang's left arm was chopped off by the assassin. The latter screamed and rolled around in the carriage in pain.    


The assassin roared in a low voice as he turned his hand around, chopping the guard who had pounced onto him just now into two. Following that, he was going to kill Xuan Wang who was severely injured. Just then, Xuan Wang's shout had already caught Tang Yin's attention, seeing that the situation on the side of the carriage was not right, he quickly attacked a few times, forcing the two assassins beside him to retreat, then with the Shadow Shift, he flashed to the front of the carriage and looked inside. Tang Yin was also shocked to see that Xuan Wang's entire body was bloodied, one of his severed arms was in the carriage, and under his own eyes, the subordinate officer's arm was actually cut off by the assassin.    


Tang Yin angrily took out his blade, that blade strike after move, it was like a torrential storm, although the assassin's blade was fast, it was not faster than Tang Yin's.    


Under Tang Yin's quick blades, the assassin felt dizzy for the first time in his life. He could not withstand it and retreated continuously, but Tang Yin did not let him off.    


The assassin could do nothing but take a deep breath. As the Spiritual Knife in his hand shone with light, he released Spirit Calamity.    


However, before the Spirit Blade could even get close to Tang Yin, he had already disappeared. When he appeared again, he was already behind the assassin, with the two blades in his hands, one on the left and the other on the right, cutting into both of the assassin's ribs.    


The assassin rushed forward, but his movement was still slower than Tang Yin's blade by half a beat. With two light rustling sounds, two large wounds appeared on the assassin's back that were created by Tang Yin's dual blades. Not only was his spirit armor torn apart, the flesh inside of it wasn't spared either.    


"Ah ?"    


The assassin cried out in pain. He staggered forward and almost fell to the ground.    


How could this Spirit Cultivator of Dark be so powerful? Could it be an expert from the Dark Arrows? The assassin did not see through Tang Yin's identity and only saw him as Xuan Wang's bodyguard. His injuries were not fatal, but they were troublesome. Plus, he believed that with the presence of a hidden archer, it would be difficult to gain any advantage. He made a prompt decision and let out a sharp whistle before he turned around and ran into the forest by the side of the road.    


Tang Yin was unwilling to let him go, he quickly chased after him.    


The strange thing about the Shadow Shift was that it was not restricted by space. Tang Yin's figure suddenly blurred after he ran a few steps, then disappeared. He reappeared right in front of the assassin, and swept the dual blades in his hands forward.    


Even though he knew that the other party was Spirit Cultivator of Dark, the assassin was still startled by Tang Yin's strange movement. At this moment, he was rushing forward with all his might, but he suddenly saw two blades coming at him, and he reacted almost instinctively as he leaned backwards, his body falling horizontally onto the ground. Under's control, his body slid forward on the grass for a long distance before stopping.    


Tang Yin turned around and was about to give chase again, but at this time, the two assassins who were trapping him rushed over. The two of them dual wielded their blades, separating Tang Yin's neck and waist. Tang Yin's target was not the two of them, he did not want to get entangled any further, so he retreated and continued to chase after the injured assassin.    


He was furious and thought, "You two are courting death!" Once again, he avoided the two Spiritual Knife s, and quickly followed. Tang Yin was extremely fast, in the dark night, he was like a streak of black lightning, passing through the gap between the two of them.    


The two assassins were shocked, they immediately turned around to look for Tang Yin, but the two of them felt a chill at their ribs, they looked down, and saw that their weak points had been cut, it was the blade Tang Yin had used the instant he passed between the two of them.    


What a fast blade! The two assassins were extremely fast, and when they saw Tang Yin, who was even faster, they could not help but feel cold. The two of them looked at each other, without any intention to continue the fight, they abandoned Tang Yin and quickly ran deeper into the forest.    


Tang Yin roared, following closely behind. The assassin's movement skill was considered fast, but he was still not as fast as Tang Yin. The latter took three steps in three steps, and in the blink of an eye, he had caught up to an assassin from behind.    


He rushed to the side, barely dodging Tang Yin's punch. Unexpectedly, Tang Yin's attack did not hit, and there was even a follow-up attack, his fist hitting thin air, his arm taking advantage of the opportunity to bend, and using his elbow to strike the back of the opponent's head.    


This time, the assassin could not dodge, and was hit by Tang Yin's elbow. With a 'kacha' sound, the spirit armor at the back of the assassin's head shattered. His entire body was like a rubber ball, falling forward and rolling towards the bone for several meters before stopping.    


He struggled to stand up, but just as he sat up, he felt the world spinning around him, and then his vision went dark, and he no longer knew what was happening. This time, the assassin was knocked out by Tang Yin's elbow. The other assassin had already escaped far, so Tang Yin directly used his Shadow Shift to dodge the attack.    


He instinctively turned his head to look, and saw that Tang Yin had already appeared behind him like a ghost already. The assassin was so frightened that he cried out in a low voice, and without even thinking, he subconsciously raised his hand, and slashed towards Tang Yin's neck.    


Tang Yin bent his body to avoid the attack, but at the same time, he did not stay idle. Using the momentum from his charge, he lifted his leg and kicked the assassin's knee.    


With the sound of bones breaking, the assassin's leg bent and broke. He fell on his back and hugged his thigh. He was in so much pain that he rolled on the ground, but he didn't make a sound.    


This person was quite tough! Tang Yin secretly nodded his head, he walked forward and without saying a word, he kicked the assassin's head, the assassin rolled his eyes, and fainted on the spot.    


After getting rid of these two assassins, Tang Yin then went to find the wounded assassin who ran off first.    


However, Tang Yin had caught two of them alive, he was not afraid that they would be able to escape to the sky, and would uncover them sooner or later. He withdrew his twin blades and strode out of the forest with an assassin in one hand.    


At this time, the battle outside had already ended. Of the eight assassins that were fighting with Brother Shangguan and Ah Si, two were dead and one was heavily injured. Including the two that Tang Yin had captured, he had caught three survivors.    


Tang Yin handed the assassin in his hand to Brother Shangguan and then quickly walked in front of the carriage to check on Xuan Wang's injuries. Right now, the guards had already simply bandaged Xuan Wang's wound, the latter had already fainted. Tang Yin checked Xuan Wang's breathing, and felt that he was extremely weak, if he continued to delay, he would not be able to do anything.    


He shouted anxiously, "Let's go! Go back to the city and find a doctor to treat Master Xuan! "    


The guards replied in unison as they drove the carriage straight towards Yan City.    


This time, Tang Yin did not sit in the carriage, but rode on the warhorse with Brother Shangguan and the others.    


On the way, Shangguan Yuanbiao gritted his teeth and said ruthlessly, "Assassins are rampant, to actually dare to assassinate the King near the capital, injuring the Minister of Imperial Court heavily, lawless, detestable to the extreme!"    


On the other hand, Tang Yin and Shangguan Yuanbiao's feelings were different. He felt that although the assassin had planned this beforehand, it did not seem to be aimed at him, but rather at Xuan Wang. Of course, before interrogating the assassin, Tang Yin himself could not be certain.    


He sat on the horse, frowning slightly, silent.    


Ah San reminded him: "My King, although there are not many assassins, but they all have outstanding cultivation, and their identities are definitely extraordinary!"    


Tang Yin nodded his head, and said: "After returning to the city, hand over the captured assassins to the hidden arrows, and interrogate them. We must clearly investigate their identities, and know who they are!"    


"Yes!" "Great King!" Brother Shangguan and Ah San replied as they clasped their hands.    


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