Tomin in The Alien World



0Nie Ze's eyes lit up, and asked anxiously: Mr. Guo Song, tell me, what plan do you have?    


Guo Song laughed leisurely, and said slowly: "Didn't Ren Fang want to negotiate with Tang Yin? The general can send out his elites to ambush the people around the teahouse. Once Ren Fang and Tang Yin have reached an agreement, they would suddenly attack and kill Tang Yin on the spot, which is for the best, even if we cannot kill him, hehe, the peace agreement between the two of them will end in failure. "    


"Yes!" Nie Ze nodded his head repeatedly, praising Guo Song's good idea. He turned to look at the generals and asked: "What do you guys think, generals?"    


Without waiting for the others to speak, Han Ba took a step forward and cupped his hands towards Nie Ze: "General, this general is willing to lead two hundred strong brothers to ambush around the teahouse to kill Tang Yin and take his dog head!"    


Nie Ze smiled and nodded slightly. Although he did not like Han Ba's personality, he had a good understanding of his martial arts. He then looked at the other loyal generals, following closely behind Han Ba, were several more Zhen Country generals, indicating that they were also willing to fight and kill Tang Yin.    


Seeing that no one objected to Guo Song's idea, and that everyone was fighting to assassinate Tang Yin, Nie Ze was relieved, and decided to do as Guo Song said. He took a deep breath, pulled himself together, and shouted: "Han Ba!"    


"This lowly general is here!"    


"Pan He!"    


"This lowly general is here!"    


"Wu Jin!"    


"This lowly general is here!"    


Following Nie Ze's words, the three generals Han Ba, Pan He and Wu Jin all interfered and saluted.    


Nie Ze said in a serious tone: "General Han Ba is the leader, and General Pan He and General Wu Jin are in support. With five hundred elites leading the ambush in the vicinity of the Scented Fragrance Teahouse.    


"This lowly general obeys your command!"    


The three generals received the order with clasped hands.    


Nie Ze continued: "These five hundred elites, the three of you can choose from within the army. No matter who you choose, as long as you report it to me, I will approve all of them!"    


"Thank you, General!"    


Ren Fang wanted to negotiate with Tang Yin, but the Zhen Jun was secretly plotting to assassinate Tang Yin. Originally, it was the allied army, but their actions were the complete opposite.    


Although Guo Song was the one who thought of the idea to assassinate Tang Yin, when Liang Qi sneaked an attack on the Pingxiang, he only killed Zhen Jun and did not kill. It was also from that time onwards that Zhen Jun planted the seed of doubt in his heart regarding the Chuan Army, and now, the seed had begun to sprout and grow.    




, Ah San, Ah Si, Nan Ye and the others all wanted to follow Tang Yin, but were rejected by him. He had only selected two people, one Jiang Fan and the other Cheng Jin.    


It was simple, Tang Yin was not sure if the opponent would ambush them, although Wu Guang, Nan Ye and the others were powerful, but they were all Spirit Cultivator of Light, and if the opponent was too strong, it would be difficult to break out, but the Spirit Cultivator of Dark was different, if they could not defeat the enemy, they could still escape, unless the opponent's Spirit Cultivator was strong enough to trap them all with the Spirit Pressure, but with Tang Yin, and Cheng Jin's cultivation, there were not many people in the world who could use the Spirit Pressure to trap them.    


Seeing that Tang Yin was only bringing Jiang Fan and Cheng Jin, how could the General of Feng Country be at ease? Even Qiu Zhen stood forward to advise Tang Yin against it, telling him to bring a few more powerful generals, one more person, and one more safe.    


Hearing the persuasion of the crowd, Tang Yin could not help but laugh, and said: "This trip, I'm going to negotiate with Ren Fang, and not to fight with him, I brought a lot of people with me, but rather, it seems like I'm afraid of him." With that, he turned to Cheng Jin and said: "Cheng Jin, dispatch the Dark Arrow Brothers to sneak out of the city and investigate if there are any enemies ambushing the teahouse."    


"Yes!" "Great King!" Cheng Jin agreed straightforwardly.    


It was obvious that Tang Yin had made up his mind, and that no one could persuade him otherwise. They could only pray silently in their hearts that the negotiation would go smoothly.    


That night, Cheng Jin sent out his Hidden Arrow Crew and stealthily left the city, to scout the vicinity of the Fragrant Sky tea house. Interestingly, his Chuan Country also sent out spies to check the surroundings, although the two sides did not come face to face, they still discovered each other.    


Seeing that the other party was here to investigate, the two sides came to a tacit understanding without saying a word. Seeing the other party come here to investigate, the two sides came to a tacit understanding without saying a word.    


The next day, in the morning, Tang Yin left the city according to the time agreed upon by the two parties, and went to the Scented Tea House.    


There were very few attendants by Tang Yin's side. Other than Jiang Fan and Cheng Jin, there were only four ordinary attendants. On the other side, there were a lot of people who had accompanied Ren Fang. Even if there were great generals from Chuan Country, there were also great generals from Zhen Country.    


Amongst the Zhen Country generals that Ren Fang had brought along, this included Han Ba. Han Ba was the main general responsible for the assassination attempt on Tang Yin this time, so he naturally had to understand the situation on scene.    


The order Nie Ze gave him was to ambush five hundred elites in the vicinity of the teahouse, but after careful consideration, the more he thought about it, the more it felt that doing it was inappropriate. After all, the other party was the ruler of an empire, it was impossible for them not to investigate beforehand.    


Due to such considerations, Han Ba was so smart that he did not set up an ambush beforehand. Instead, he arranged all five hundred of the carefully chosen Zhen Country Spirit Cultivator s to be at a place further away from the teahouse.    


Han Ba's methods had not only deceived Hidden Arrow Crew, even the scout of Chuan Army had been deceived by him as well.    


Fragrance Teahouse.    


At this moment, there was only an empty shelf in the teahouse. There were no tables, chairs, and even the windows had been removed. There was nothing left in the teahouse.    


In the end, Chuan Army which arrived first laid a mat in the teahouse, preventing the people from both sides from sitting on the ground when peace was reached.    


Ren Fang, who had arrived first, did not immediately enter the teahouse. Instead, he stood at the entrance, waiting for Tang Yin's arrival. Regardless of whether or not the two sides were enemies or not, he was still a subject of a nation after all.    


Ren Fang was still quite curious about Tang Yin. From an ordinary Feng Soldier, to be able to become a sovereign of Feng Country in a short span of two to three years, even though Feng Country's current situation and luck was undoubtedly one aspect of his achievements, Tang Yin himself definitely had to be extraordinary as well.    


Not long after Ren Fang arrived, Tang Yin also arrived.    


From afar, they saw a group of people walking toward the inner city of the Jinyang. All seven of them were riding horses, and some of them were holding up the banner of the Feng Country.    


As there were too few enemies coming from the other side, Ren Fang and the rest of the Chuan Country And Zhen Country s all thought that it was a sign of honor, while Tang Yin and his guards were at the back.    


As they watched Tang Yin and the rest walk closer and closer, none of the Chuan Country And Zhen Country Generals s went forward to welcome them. Everyone's gaze was fixated behind Tang Yin and the rest of the seven.    


Seeing that, Tang Yin knew that the other party had misunderstood, he smiled, urged his horse to take a few steps forward, and asked loudly: "Is Ren Fang here? "Come out and talk."    


Ren Fang frowned, the other party had such a big tone, to actually dare to directly say his name.    


He slowly walked out from the crowd and sized Tang Yin up from head to toe. Because Tang Yin was wearing a light helmet and armor, and also didn't have a special exquisite armor, Ren Fang really didn't recognize him. The person who spoke was handsome, had a tall and straight figure. Although he was young, the person on the horse had quite the manner and gave off a domineering aura.    


He smiled and said: "I am Ren Fang, and who are you?"    


Oh, finally, I see you again. The commander of the Allied Army of Chuan Country And Zhen Country, has caused his own mother's head to fall off, Ren Fang! Tang Yin squinted his eyes, staring deeply at the opponent. Ren Fang was not yet forty years old. His facial features were soft, his face was as white as jade, he was refined and gentle, just like a scholar. If they did not know him, no one would believe that this gentle person was actually a Chief General who was commanding the Chiliarch on the battlefield.    


Tang Yin fixed his eyes on Ren Fang for a moment, straightened his back even further, and asked with a smile: "Ren Fang, don't you have to greet this king?"    


Hearing that he called himself this duke, not to mention Ren Fang, even the Chuan Country And Zhen Country and Generals's expression changed, their gazes all gathered on Tang Yin.    


After being stunned for a moment, Ren Fang asked with uncertainty: "You are ? Feng King? "    



Tang Yin nodded and said: "That's right."    


As the ruler of a country, he had negotiated with his enemies with only six followers. This was simply too unbelievable, even if he, as the commander of a troop, brought along several hundred guards and dozens of generals to negotiate with Tang Yin.    


However, the king of a country could not casually be faked, let alone no one who had the guts, even Tang Yin himself could not afford to lose such a person.    


Ren Fang took a deep breath, suppressed his unstable emotions, forced himself to remain calm, took two steps forward, cupped his hands and greeted Tang Yin, and said: Ren Fang greets Feng King, if there were any offenses just now, I hope Feng King would not take offense.    


Tang Yin shrugged his shoulders and said: "I often hear that the Your Country values etiquette the most, and seeing you today, it doesn't matter."    


Ren Fang frowned, he looked calm and slightly smiled, then asked: "What does Feng King say?"    


Tang Yin replied with a question: "Do all the subjects of the Your Country worship the Sovereign King?"    


Hearing that, Ren Fang's face became serious, and he said: "How can a subject of a higher realm bow down to the king?"    


These words were not Ren Fang's final words out of anger, but his true thoughts. In his eyes, out of all the nations, only Chuan Country had the power to be called a superior nation. As for the other nations, they had all submitted to Chuan Country, and Feng Country was no exception. Only, his words were too humiliating. Tang Yin did not do anything, Jiang Fan and Cheng Jin who were beside him clenched their fists tightly, staring at Ren Fang, their eyes almost spitting fire.    


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