Tomin in The Alien World



0Tang Yin walked forward and said to the gathered citizens: "I understand everyone's good intentions, but a battle between two armies is not child's play, it is extremely dangerous, fellow villagers, please return to your homes!"    


He was currently dressed in armor, so the commoners did not know who he was. Furthermore, Tang Yin did not call himself this king.    


Young man, don't think that you can just casually teach someone a lesson after becoming a general for a few days. Many of us are retired veterans, and we have fought more battles than you have, not less than you.    


Oh? Tang Yin never thought that these middle-aged men with white sideburns would actually be retired soldiers.    


Without waiting for him to speak, Yuanwu and Yuanbiao who were on the left and right of Tang Yin stared and bellowed: "How dare you! "How dare he ?"    


Before the two of them could finish, Tang Yin smiled and waved his hand, cutting them off, and said indifferently: "Since you are retired soldiers, my brothers have already gone to war for half a year, and should be staying at home to recuperate, why must you go to war?"    


The middle-aged man clenched his fists and said, "We would rather spill our blood on the battlefield than be wretched commoners!"    


These words made Tang Yin's heart tremble, he looked at the others and they all nodded, agreeing with the middle-aged man's words. Tang Yin secretly sighed, and said: "Since that's the case, all of the older soldiers, all of the youths that have not been to the battlefield, will return home." With that, Tang Yin cupped his hands and bowed to everyone. Without further ado, he split up and walked back into the camp.    


Qiu Zhen and the rest anxiously followed. When Nan Ye walked past them, the middle aged man came back to reality and grabbed onto Nan Ye's arm: "General, who is the young lad that just spoke? He wants us to stay, but will his words work? "    


Nan Ye looked around, and seeing that everyone was looking at him, he grinned and nodded: "It works! In our Windy World, there is no one who can be more useful than him, because he is the King! "    


After he finished speaking, everyone was stunned, regardless if it was the middle-aged veteran or the young and strong youth, they all stared at each other, and only after a long while did they react. The middle-aged man stammered, "Yes ? The King? That... The King paid her respects to me just now? "    


Nan Ye said in a serious tone, "The King loves her soldiers. After speaking, Nan Ye also bowed to everyone.    


Late at night. Tang Yin couldn't sleep, so he wore casual clothes as he paced back and forth in the tent. Facing so many enemies, Tang Yin felt more pressure than anyone else. Furthermore, to him, this was also a battle that he could not afford to lose.    


Just as he was thinking about how he should fight in the upcoming war, the voice of a guard came from the outside, "Great King, General Le requests an audience!"    


Tang Yin said without lifting his head, "Enter!"    


Just as he finished speaking, Le Tian walked in hastily from outside, until he was in front of Tang Yin. He bowed and greeted respectfully, and anxiously said: "Great King, we have just received news that the Huan Country has four hundred thousand strong army have entered the Mo Country, and are heading straight for us!"    


Ah? These words made Tang Yin suck in a cold breath. Back then, Ann Country and Huan Country had each sent out two hundred thousand, and as the vanguard of the Wind Bestowal Alliance, they took the lead in sending out the Feng Country. As a result, when they neared the borders of Feng Mo, the Ann Country army was defeated by the Pingyuan Army, and the Huan Country army was defeated by the Sanshui Army. originally thought that his side was already afraid of the two nations, but he did not expect the Huan Country to send out troops once again, and this time, it was even up to four hundred thousand.    


Tang Yin frowned, and asked subconsciously: "The information is true!"    


"Absolutely true! is the information sent back by my Sky Eye and my brothers in the Earth Web at the same time. "    


"Then... And the Ann Country? Is there an army sent out from the Ann Country? "    


Le Tian shook his head and said, "I haven't received any information on Ann Country sending troops."    


This was considered one of the luckiest misfortunes in the world! Right now, Feng Country was already extremely busy in order to deal with Allied Army of Chuan Country And Zhen Country. At this time, the enemy had another four hundred thousand Huan Army s, which was undoubtedly adding oil to the snow. If Ann Country was also used, then Feng Country would be completely hopeless. Tang Yin's eyes darted around, and after pondering for a moment, he said: "We must not let Huan Army enter my Feng Country, and reunite with it, otherwise our country will not have much of a chance."    


Le Tian nodded his head repeatedly, but how could he stop Huan Army?    


Tang Yin fell into deep thought once more. Just then, Qiu Zhen, Jiang Fan, Nan Ye and the rest all heard the news and rushed over, and entered the tent. Seeing Tang Yin standing up, with his hands behind his back, head lowered in deep thought, no one dared to disturb him, and each of them stood at their respective sides, with a serious expression.    


After an unknown period of time, Tang Yin raised his head and said urgently: "Immediately send orders to Sanshui Army and its entire strength to stop the Huan Army. No matter what, you must keep the Huan Army outside of our country!"    


Le Tian was stunned at first, then nodded his head and replied: "Yes! "Great King!" After he finished speaking, he looked towards Qiu Zhen, and asked if it was possible for Qiu Zhen to do so.    


Tang Yin's thoughts were the same as Qiu Zhen's. The latter did not speak, and her silent attitude also tacitly agreed to Tang Yin's decision. Seeing that the resourceful Qiu Zhen did not object, Le Tian did not delay any longer, and turned to leave.    


The moment Le Tian left, Qiu Zhen suddenly thought of something, and anxiously said to Tang Yin: "Great King, with the Sanshui Army's condition, I'm afraid that we won't be able to handle four hundred thousand Huan Army. Great King should request Mo Country's reinforcements."    


Tang Yin laughed bitterly, if his Mo Country was willing to help, they would have already sent out their troops, why wait until now? He shook his head and said, "Asking for help from the Mo Country now, I'm afraid that's just asking to be humiliated!"    


Qiu Zhen said in a serious tone: "If we had fought evenly with Allied Army of Chuan Country And Zhen Country, Mo Country would indeed not have taken such a huge risk to reinforce us. But the situation is different now, if Huan Army were to participate in the battle once again, our country's situation would become precarious.    


It was a principle, but Tang Yin did not have much confidence in Mo Country. Qiu Zhen looked at Tang Yin, then turned and walked out of the tent. He whispered a few words to the guard at the door, and then walked back. Not long after, the guard ran into the tent and handed over a Brocade Box and a pair of chopsticks to Qiu Zhen.    


Qiu Zhen received it, put down the Brocade Box, and then used all his strength to break a pair of chopsticks. He placed the broken chopsticks, along with the intact chopstick, into the Brocade Box, and held it in front of Tang Yin: "The King has sent someone to give this thing to King Mo, King Mo will naturally understand what the King is trying to do!"    


Tang Yin looked at the two chopsticks inside the Brocade Box. One chopstick was in good condition, and the other was broken. His intention was to tell Shao Fang that only when the two chopsticks were in good condition would they be able to be of use. Tang Yin took the Brocade Box, thought for a while, and then closed the lid with force. He passed it to Shangguan Yuanwu, and said: "Yuanwu, go to Mo Country yourself. Now! "    


"This lowly general obeys your command!" Shangguan Yuanwu accepted the orders, accepted the Brocade Box, and without delay, he rushed out.    


Logically speaking, in other countries, they would need to send civil servants, but with the current situation of the Feng Country, it was difficult for the civil officials to protect themselves, so only the general could make Tang Yin feel at ease. Furthermore, it was an urgent matter, if the civil officials were to rush there, by the time they saw Shao Fang, the cucumber vegetables might have gotten cold.    


The current Feng Country was like a lone boat amidst a storm. The capital city was under the threat of the elite Zhen Country army and the Main Force of Feng Army that Tang Yin commanded was engaged in a life and death struggle with them. And at this time, the Huan Country army came again, causing Tang Yin to feel powerless.    


One man could fight, one man could fight. Even if he had the courage to fight against tens of thousands of people, he might be able to change the course of one or two battles, but he could not control the entire battle. Now, Tang Yin understood this logic more and more.    


No matter how difficult the situation the Feng Country was in, the attack of the Allied Army of Chuan Country And Zhen Country would not stop just because of the crisis of the Feng Country.    


The next day.    


The Allied Army of Chuan Country And Zhen Country continued to attack the city. Just like the day before, the Allied Army of Chuan Country And Zhen Country was still unreservedly dispatched all the troops, and the city siege was still divided into several batches. The first batch of troops had two hundred thousand soldiers as soon as they came out.    


At this time, there were less than 70,000 people remaining from Jinyang. Looking at the enemy army being pushed forward, everyone felt their scalps go numb, they could not even see the end of the battle. The enemy's forces were too numerous, and tens of thousands of casualties on their side were enough to cause great damage to their forces. Even though the enemy's forces had suffered over a hundred thousand casualties, their strength did not seem to be reduced by much.    


When the enemy forces entered their range of attack, the Generals And Soldiers of Feng Army could only bite the bullet into the ground and fly back to the side of Allied Army of Chuan Country And Zhen Country.    


The battle between the two sides thus began once again.    


This time, the Allied Army of Chuan Country And Zhen Country invested two hundred thousand troops, the attack was very fierce, the Feng Army used all the weapons they could, Trebuchet, City-breaking Crossbow, etc, anything that could injure or injure the enemy, it continuously shot towards the enemy.    


Under such crazy attacks from the Feng Army, the casualties were disastrous. The people stepped on the bloody path and charged towards the city walls, beginning their assault. This time, he used his old version of Allied Army of Chuan Country And Zhen Country, the cloud carriage, the tower, the Thunderbolt Car, and even the car that crashed into the city walls.    


From the very beginning, the battle between the two sides had reached its climax.    


The Chuan Army on top of the tower was almost equal to the one on top of the city walls. This posed a great threat to the Feng Army, but Feng Army's reaction was also very fast, and they immediately thought of using rockets to deal with it. In the blink of an eye, arrows were being shot from all over the tower that had been hit by the concentrated fire arrows. The Chuan Army on the tower didn't even know which side to pounce on even if they wanted to.    


The Chuan Army that was pushing the pagoda from the bottom simply pushed the burning pagoda directly to the city wall, causing the Chuan Army on the pagoda to jump onto the city wall and engage in close combat with the Feng Army. Seeing the enemy's tower charging towards them, Feng Army's halberd hand immediately charged forward, thrusting the halberd at the enemy in the tower.    


They stabbed the enemy soldiers on the tower to death one by one, but they were also shot by the enemy soldiers. Many of the soldiers could not even strike their second halberd after thrusting out their halberds, and their bodies were covered with Eagle Feather Arrow s.    


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